SemNaaS: Semantic Web for Network as a Service
DSaaS - A Cloud Service for Persistent Data Structures
Design Time Validation for the Correct Execution of BPMN Collaborations
Evidence Collection in Cloud Provider Chains
Decision Support System for Adoption of Cloud-based Services
Towards Auditing of Cloud Provider Chains using CloudTrust Protocol
Process Mining Monitoring for Map Reduce Applications in the Cloud
A Wavelet-inspired Anomaly Detection Framework for Cloud Platforms
A Task Orientated Requirements Ontology for Cloud Computing Services
A FLOSS License-selection Methodology for Cloud Computing Projects
Microservices: A Systematic Mapping Study
Consolidation of Performance and Workload Models in Evolving Cloud Application Topologies
Deployment over Heterogeneous Clouds with TOSCA and CAMP
A Hadoop based Framework to Process Geo-distributed Big Data
Proactive Learning from SLA Violation in Cloud Service based Application
Design and Evaluation of Automatic Workflow Scaling Algorithms for Multi-tenant SaaS
Towards a Goal-oriented Approach to Adaptable Re-deployment of Cloud-based Applications
An Evolutionary Cultural Algorithm based Risk-aware Virtual Machine Scheduling Optimisation in Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) Cloud
A Repeatable Framework for Best Fit Cloud Solution
Generic Cloud Computing Framework Understanding and Implementation
Disruption-resilient Publish and Subscribe
Survey of the Cloud Computing Standards Landscape 2015
Application Splitting in the Cloud: A Performance Study
How Cloud Will Transform the Retail Banking Industry
Challenges and New Avenues in Existing Replication Techniques
An Optimized Model for Files Storage Service in Cloud Environments
Toward an Understanding of Government Cloud Acceptance - A Quantitative Study of G-Cloud Acceptance by Saudi Government Agencies using Extended UTAUT
Interactions in Service Provisioning Systems for Smart City Mobility Services
Energy-efficient Task Scheduling in Data Centers
Towards Resilience Metrics for Future Cloud Applications
On the Next Generations of Infrastructure-as-a-Services
Methodology to Obtain the Security Controls in Multi-cloud Applications
CLOUDLIGHTNING: A Framework for a Self-organising and Self-managing Heterogeneous Cloud
Empowering Services based Software in the Digital Single Market to Foster an Ecosystem of Trusted, Interoperable and Legally Compliant Cloud-Services
Secure Cloud Reference Architectures for Measuring Instruments under Legal Control
Towards Modelling a Cloud Application's Life Cycle
Big IoT and Social Networking Data for Smart Cities - Algorithmic Improvements on Big Data Analysis in the Context of RADICAL City Applications
PaaS-CEP - A Query Language for Complex Event Processing and Databases
Reducing Data Transfer in Parallel Processing of SQL Window Functions
Design of an RDMA Communication Middleware for Asynchronous Shuffling in Analytical Processing
Design and Implementation of the CloudMdsQL Multistore System
KVFS: An HDFS Library over NoSQL Databases
Towards Quantifiable Eventual Consistency
Towards Performance Prediction in Massive Scale Datastores
Data Collection Framework - A Flexible and Efficient Tool for Heterogeneous Data Acquisition
Direct Debit Frauds: A Novel Detection Approach
3D Vizualization of Large Scale Data Centres
A Pattern for Enabling Multitenancy in Legacy Application
A Big Data Analysis System for Use in Vehicular Outdoor Advertising
Native Cloud Applications - Why Virtual Machines, Images and Containers Miss the Point!
Unified Compliance Modeling and Management using Compliance Descriptors
Privacy-preserving Data Retrieval using Anonymous Query Authentication in Data Cloud Services
Individual Service Clearing as a Business Service: A Capable Reference Solution for B2B Mobility Marketplaces
From Architecture Modeling to Application Provisioning for the Cloud by Combining UML and TOSCA
A Method for Reusing TOSCA-based Applications and Management Plans
A Scalable Architecture for Distributed OSGi in the Cloud
Benchmarking Hadoop Performance in the Cloud - An in Depth Study of Resource Management and Energy Consumption
LADY: Dynamic Resolution of Assemblies for Extensible and Distributed .NET Applications
Evaluating the Effect of Utility-based Decision Making in Collective Adaptive Systems
Context-aware Security Models for PaaS-enabled Access Control
Monitoring Energy Consumption on the Service Level - A Procedure Model for Multitenant ERP Systems
ppbench - A Visualizing Network Benchmark for Microservices
An Off-line Analytical Approach to Identify Suitable Management Policies for Autonomic Cloud Architecture
Enabling GPU Virtualization in Cloud Environments
Providing Security SLA in Next Generation Data Centers with SPECS: The EMC Case Study
Using a Predator-Prey Model to Explain Variations of Cloud Spot Price
Leveraging Use of Software-license-protected Applications in Clouds
Privacy-preserving Data Sharing in Portable Clouds
Performance Analysis of an OpenStack Private Cloud
A Container-centric Methodology for Benchmarking Workflow Management Systems
Testing of Web Services using Behavior-Driven Development
Towards a Proof-based SLA Management Framework - The SPECS Approach
Towards Automatic Service Level Agreements Information Extraction
IoT-A and FIWARE: Bridging the Barriers between the Cloud and IoT Systems Design and Implementation
Embedding Cloud Computing inside Supercomputer Architectures
Revisiting Arguments for a Three Layered Data Warehousing Architecture in the Context of the Hadoop Platform
Availability Considerations for Mission Critical Applications in the Cloud
Sublimated Configuration of Infrastructure as a Service Deployments - MING: A Model- and View-Based Approach for Cloud Datacenters
Toward Cloud-based Classification and Annotation Support
An Enhanced Workflow Scheduling Algorithm in Cloud Computing
Towards a Case-based Reasoning Approach for Cloud Provisioning
Evolution of the Open Cloud Computing Interface
Easing Scientific Computing and Federated Management in the Cloud with OCCI
SLAaaS: an OCCI Compliant Framework for Cloud SLA Provisioning and Violation Detection
Beyond Nagios - Design of a Cloud Monitoring System
Integrated Energy Efficient Data Centre Management for Green Cloud Computing - The FP7 GENiC Project Experience
An Energy-aware Scheduling Algorithm in DVFS-enabled Networked Data Centers
Towards Design-time Simulation Support for Energy-aware Cloud Application Development