Performance of Databases Used in Data Stream Processing Environments
From the Sky to the Ground: Comparing Fog Computing with Related Distributed Paradigms
Secure Scheduling of Scientific Workflows in Cloud
Communication Aware Scheduling of Microservices-based Applications on Kubernetes Clusters
Optimal Placement of Micro-services Chains in a Fog Infrastructure
DISDA: Digital Service Design Architecture for Smart City Ecosystems
Live Migration of Containers in the Edge
Planning for Software System Recovery by Knowing Design Limitations of Cloud-native Patterns
A Research-backed Extended Taxonomy for Cloud Computing Elasticity
Mobile Games at the Edge: A Performance Evaluation to Guide Resource Capacity Planning
Total Cost Modeling for VNF based on Licenses and Resources
Scalable Infrastructure for Workload Characterization of Cluster Traces
Porting Non Cloud-native Applications across Linux Distributions: A Practical Approach
A Novel Weight-assignment Load Balancing Algorithm for Cloud Applications
Multi-cloud Load Distribution for Three-tier Applications
Automated Generation of Application Management Workflows using TOSCA Policies
A Quality-driven Machine Learning Governance Architecture for Self-adaptive Edge Clouds
Evaluation of Language Runtimes in Open-source Serverless Platforms
Cloud Function Lifecycle Considerations for Portability in Function as a Service
Saga Pattern Technologies: A Criteria-based Evaluation
Reconstructing the Holistic Architecture of Microservice Systems using Static Analysis
Semantic Code Clone Detection Method for Distributed Enterprise Systems
Analysis and Rewrite of Quantum Workflows: Improving the Execution of Hybrid Quantum Algorithms
Towards a Performance Model for Byzantine Fault Tolerant Services
Offline Mining of Microservice-based Architectures
Real-time Statistical Log Anomaly Detection with Continuous AIOps Learning
Latency Assessment of Blockchain-based SSI Applications Utilizing Hyperledger Indy
Multivariate Interpolation at the Edge to Infer Faulty IoT Sensor Metrics
Latency-aware Privacy-preserving Service Migration in Federated Edges
Predicting and Avoiding SLA Violations of Containerized Applications using Machine Learning and Elasticity
Orama: A Benchmark Framework for Function-as-a-Service
Comparison of FaaS Platform Performance in Private Clouds