Experimental Investigation for a Human Relationship Formation Support Agent using Information Presentation During Conversation
Comparison of Improved Floor Field Model and Other Models
Internet of Smart Things - A Study on Embedding Agents and Information in a Device
Requirements Planning with Event Calculus for Self-adaptive Multi-agent System
Analysis of Gender-specific Self-adaptors and Their Effects on Agent’s Impressions
Multi-robot Systems, Machine-Machine and Human-Machine Interaction, and Their Modelling
Imitating Gender as a Measure for Artificial Intelligence: - Is It Necessary?
Comparison of Surveillance Strategies to Identify Undesirable Behaviour in Multi-Agent Systems
Improved Model of Social Networks Dynamics
Thinking With Containers: A Multi-Agent Retrieval Approach for the Case-Based Semantic Search of Architectural Designs
Harnessing Supervised Learning Techniques for the Task Planning of Ambulance Rescue Agents
Trusting Different Information Sources in a Weather Scenario: A Platform for Computational Simulation
A Threatmodel for Trust-based Systems Consisting of Open, Heterogeneous and Distributed Agents
A Mutual Influence-based Learning Algorithm
Branch-and-Bound Optimization of a Multiagent System for Flow Production using Model Checking
Post Flash Crash Recovery: An Agent-based Analysis
Detecting Colluding Attackers in Distributed Grid Systems
Social Utilities and Personality Traits for Group Recommendation: A Pilot User Study
Adaptive Two-stage Learning Algorithm for Repeated Games
Distinguishing AI from Male/Female Dialogue
Switching Behavioral Strategies for Effective Team Formation by Autonomous Agent Organization
Enabling Semantic User Context to Enhance Twitter Location Prediction
The Role of Information in Group Formation
SDfR - Service Discovery for Robots
Ontology-based Access Control Management: Two Use Cases
Agent-based MapReduce Processing in IoT
From Arguments and Reviewers to their Simulation - Reproducing a Case-Study
Crowd Behavior in Alternative@ - Conflicts in the Decision-making between an Individual and the Group
A Guidance System for Wide-area Complex Disaster Evacuation based on Ant Colony Optimization
Multi-agent Approach for Return Route Support System Simulation
An Agent-based Framework for Multi-domain Service Networks - Eduroam Case Study
Is It Reasonable to Employ Agents in Automated Theorem Proving?
A Trust-based Decision-making Approach Applied to Agents in Collaborative Environments
Semantic Social Network Analysis Foresees Message Flows
Mobile Robotic JChoc DisSolver - A Distributed Constraints Reasoning Platform for Mobile Multi-robot Problems
Study of the Parallel Techniques for Dimensionality Reduction and Its Impact on Performance of the Text Processing Algorithms
The Interpretation of Elliptical Predicate Constructions in Mandarin: Semantic Underspecification and Pragmatic Enrichment
On the Relationship between a Computational Natural Logic and Natural Language
A Formalization of Generalized Parameters in Situated Information
Capturing Graded Knowledge and Uncertainty in a Modalized Fragment of OWL
Intuitionistic De Morgan Verification and Falsification Logics
Negative Norms Detection Technique in Open Normative Multi-agent Systems
Anomaly Detection using B-spline Control Points as Feature Space in Annotated Trajectory Data from the Maritime Domain
Developing a Formal Model of Argumentation-based Dialogue
Decision Making from Confidence Measurement on the Reward Growth using Supervised Learning - A Study Intended for Large-scale Video Games
A Connexionist Model for Emotions in Digital Agents
Exposing Design Mistakes During Requirements Engineering by Solving Constraint Satisfaction Problems to Obtain Minimum Correction Subsets
Duality in Some Intuitionistic Paraconsistent Logics
Simulating Complex Systems - Complex System Theories, Their Behavioural Characteristics and Their Simulation
A Multi-context Framework for Modeling an Agent-based Recommender System
Modeling Uncertainty in Support Vector Surrogates of Distributed Energy Resources - Enabling Robust Smart Grid Scheduling
Gait-based Recognition for Human Identification using Fuzzy Local Binary Patterns
Simultaneous Scheduling of Machines and a Single Moving Robot in a Job Shop Environment by Metaheuristics based Clustered Holonic Multiagent Model
Learning User Preferences in Matching for Ridesharing
Interaction Patterns in Computer-assisted Semantic Annotation of Text - An Empirical Evaluation
Abstract Dialectical Frameworks for Text Exploration
Improving Cascade Classifier Precision by Instance Selection and Outlier Generation
Risk-aware Planning in BDI Agents
Evolution Strategies and Covariance Matrix Adaptation - Investigating New Shrinkage Techniques
On the Decomposition of Min-based Possibilistic Influence Diagrams
Genetic Algorithm for Weight Optimization in Descriptor based Face Recognition Methods
AMSOM: Adaptive Moving Self-organizing Map for Clustering and Visualization
Towards an Agent-driven Software Architecture Aligned with User Stories
Parallel Implementation of Spatial Pooler in Hierarchical Temporal Memory
Multi-Agent Plan Recognition as Planning (MAPRAP)
Secrecy-Preserving Query Answering in ELH Knowledge Bases
Authorship Attribution using Variable Length Part-of-Speech Patterns
Player Profiling using Hidden Markov Models Supported with the Sliding Window Method
Artificial Student Agents and Course Mastery Tracking
Acyclic Recursion with Polymorphic Types and Underpecification
Automatic Generation of Fuzzy Membership Functions using Adaptive Mean-shift and Robust Statistics
Using Conspiracy Numbers for Improving Move Selection in Minimax Game-Tree Search
Promoting Cooperation and Fairness in Self-interested Multi-Agent Systems
Recursive Reductions of Internal Dependencies in Multiagent Planning
Learning Models of Human Behaviour from Textual Instructions
Comparing Machine Learning Techniques in a Hyperemia Grading Framework
Reconstruction of Everyday Life Behaviour based on Noisy Sensor Data
The AIS Project: Boosting Information Extraction from Legal Documents by using Ontologies
Toward a Guide Agent who Actively Intervene Inter-user Conversation – Timing Definition and Trial of Automatic Detection using Low-level Nonverbal Features
Skyline Computation on Commercial Data
A Comparative Study of Programming Agents in POSH and GOAL
Bees Swarm Optimization Metaheuristic Guided by Decomposition for Solving MAX-SAT
simπ: A Concept Similarity Measure under an Agent’s Preferences in Description Logic ELH
Human Activity Recognition - Using Sensor Data of Smartphones and Smartwatches
Towards a Real-time Game Description Language
Actuation-based Shape Representation Applied to Engineering Document Analysis
A Structural Subsumption based Similarity Measure for the Description Logic ALEH
Collaborative Explanation and Response in Assisted Living Environments Enhanced with Humanoid Robots
Detecting Intelligence - The Turing Test and Other Design Detection Methodologies
Optimising Flexibility for Simple Temporal Networks
Knowledge Base Compilation for Inconsistency Measures
On Evaluation of Natural Language Processing Tasks - Is Gold Standard Evaluation Methodology a Good Solution?
Information Hiding: Ethics and Safeguards for Beneficial Intelligence
The Benefit of Control Knowledge and Heuristics During Search in Planning
Towards Visual Vocabulary and Ontology-based Image Retrieval System
Interest-Point-Based Landmark Computation for Agents’ Spatial Description Coordination
Shifts of Attention During Spatial Language Comprehension - A Computational Investigation
Tracking The Invisible Man - Hidden-object Detection for Complex Visual Scene Understanding
Ensemble UCT Needs High Exploitation