Sensor Fusion and Decision-making in the Cooperative Search by Mobile Robots
Validation of Evacuation Decision Model: An Attempt to Reproduce Human Evacuation Behaviors during the Great East Japan Earthquake
Ontology-based Open Multi-agent Systems for Adaptive Resource Management
An Evaluation Framework for Future Privacy Protection Systems: A Dynamic Identity Ecosystem Approach
Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning for Bargaining under Risk and Asymmetric Information
Multiagent System for Community Energy Management
DMTF: A Distributed Algorithm for Multi-team Formation
Balancing Selfishness and Efficiency in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks: An Agent-based Simulation
Peer-to-peer Energy Trading for Smart Energy Communities
Multi-agent Modeling Simulation of In-vitro T-cells for Immunologic Alternatives to Cancer Treatment
Multi-model Adaptive Learning for Robots Under Uncertainty
Agents and Multi-agent Systems as Actor-networks
Modeling the Willingness to Interact in Cooperative Multi-robot Systems
Pooling of Heterogeneous Computing Resources: A Novel Approach based on Multi-Edge-Agent Concept
Quorum Sensing Re-evaluation Algorithm for N-Site Selection in Autonomous Swarms
An Agent-based System for Truck Dispatching in Open-pit Mines
An Extended Multi-agent Coalitions Mechanism with Constraints
Real-time Sign Detection and Recognition for Self-driving Mini Rovers based on Template Matching and Hierarchical Decision Structure
An OAuth-based Authentication Mechanism for Open Messaging Interface Standard
Pursuit-evasion with Decentralized Robotic Swarm in Continuous State Space and Action Space via Deep Reinforcement Learning
Fools Rush In: Competitive Effects of Reaction Time in Automated Trading
Taking Inventory Changes into Account While Negotiating in Supply Chain Management
The Effect of Well-informed Minorities and Meritocratic Learning in Social Networks
Nash Equilibria in Multi-Agent Swarms
Agent-Based Model Application for Resource Management Analysis
What Does Multi-agent Path-finding Tell Us About Intelligent Intersections
Management of Intelligent Vehicles: Comparison and Analysis
Effects of Agents’ Embodiment and Robot Anxiety Scale on Social Priming
Affordable Remote Terminal for Sensor Observation Service
Learning Efficient Coordination Strategy for Multi-step Tasks in Multi-agent Systems using Deep Reinforcement Learning
Reaching Agreement in an Interactive Group Recommender System
Perception and Acceptance of an Autonomous Refactoring Bot
Towards a Generic Framework for a Health Behaviour Change Support Agent
Quality Evaluation of the Occupancy Grids without Ground Truth Maps
Reinforcement Learning Considering Worst Case and Equality within Episodes
Q-Credit Card Fraud Detector for Imbalanced Classification using Reinforcement Learning
Towards a Cyber-physical Systems Resilience Approach based on Artificial Emotions and Multi-agent Systems
Machine Learning to Geographically Enrich Understudied Sources: A Conceptual Approach
A Multiagent Framework for Querying Distributed Digital Collections
Page Boundary Extraction of Bound Historical Herbaria
Transfer Learning for Digital Heritage Collections: Comparing Neural Machine Translation at the Subword-level and Character-level
Assessing the Impact of OCR Quality on Downstream NLP Tasks
An Ontology-based Approach for Building and Querying ICH Video Datasets
Content Adaptation, Personalisation and Fine-grained Retrieval: Applying AI to Support Engagement with and Reuse of Archival Content at Scale
Human-agents Interactions in Multi-Agent Systems: A Case Study of Human-UAVs Team for Forest Fire Lookouts
A User Independent Method for Identifying Hand Gestures with sEMG
Development of Agents that Create Melodies based on Estimating Gaussian Functions in the Pitch Space of Consonance
Capture of Multi Intruders by Cooperative Multiple Robots using Mobile Agents
Human-agent Explainability: An Experimental Case Study on the Filtering of Explanations
Mitigating Vocabulary Mismatch on Multi-domain Corpus using Word Embeddings and Thesaurus
Aspect Phrase Extraction in Sentiment Analysis with Deep Learning
Integrating Special Rules Rooted in Natural Language Semantics into the System of Natural Deduction
Learning Domain-specific Grammars from a Small Number of Examples
Disambiguating Confusion Sets in a Language with Rich Morphology
Text Processing Procedures for Analysing a Corpus with Medieval Marian Miracle Tales in Old Swedish
Keyword Extraction in German: Information-theory vs. Deep Learning
Unsupervised Statistical Learning of Context-free Grammar
Learning to Determine the Quality of News Headlines
On Satisfisfiability Modulo Theories in Continuous Multi-Agent Path Finding: Compilation-based and Search-based Approaches Compared
Leveraging Clustering and Natural Language Processing to Overcome Variety Issues in Log Management
An AI using Construction Grammar: Automatic Acquisition of Knowledge about Words
Approximate Conditional Independence Test using Residuals
Implementation of a Memetic Algorithm to Optimize the Loading of Kilns for the Sanitary Ware Production
An Extended Description Logic for Inconsistency-tolerant Ontological Reasoning with Sequential Information
Discrete Focus Group Optimization Algorithm for Solving Constraint Satisfaction Problems
Exploring Properties of the Instant Insanity Puzzle with Constraint Satisfaction Approach
Sentiment Analysis of Serious Suicide References in Twitter Social Network
Detecting Bidding Fraud using a Few Labeled Data
Scaling up Probabilistic Inference in Linear and Non-linear Hybrid Domains by Leveraging Knowledge Compilation
Winventor: A Machine-driven Approach for the Development of Winograd Schemas
AI 3D Printing Process Parameters Optimization
Evaluation of Reinforcement Learning Methods for a Self-learning System
Classification, Localization and Captioning of Dangerous Situations using Inception-v3 Network and CAM
Topological Visualization Method for Understanding the Landscape of Value Functions and Structure of the State Space in Reinforcement Learning
Intelligent Roundabout Insertion using Deep Reinforcement Learning
Subjective Markov Process with Fuzzy Aggregations
Inferring Underlying Manifold of Low Density Data using Adaptive Interpolation
Towards Analysing the Sentiments in the Field of Automobile with Specific Focus on Arabic Language Text
VMRFANet: View-specific Multi-Receptive Field Attention Network for Person Re-identification
Search for Robust Policies in Reinforcement Learning
Adaptive Enhancement of Swipe Manipulations on Touch Screens with Content-awareness
Stable Feature Selection for Gene Expression using Enhanced Binary Particle Swarm Optimization
Cohesion as a Tool for Maintaining the Functional Integrity of a Multi-agent System
Bayesian Networks based Policy Making in the Renewable Energy Sector
Transgenic Genetic Algorithm to Minimize the Makespan in the Job Shop Scheduling Problem
Temporal Cognitive Maps
Optimization of a Sequential Decision Making Problem for a Rare Disease Diagnostic Application
Predicting a Song Title from Audio Embeddings on a Pretrained Image-captioning Network
Conversational Scaffolding: An Analogy-based Approach to Response Prioritization in Open-domain Dialogs
MAGNET: Multi-Label Text Classification using Attention-based Graph Neural Network
Hybrid Tiled Convolutional Neural Networks (HTCNN) Text Sentiment Classification
Two-streams Fully Convolutional Networks for Abnormal Event Detection in Videos
Uncertainty-based Out-of-Distribution Classification in Deep Reinforcement Learning
Mitigate Catastrophic Forgetting by Varying Goals
Improving Face Recognition Methods based on POEM Features
Deep Learning of Heuristics for Domain-independent Planning
Exploration and Exploitation of Sensorimotor Contingencies for a Cognitive Embodied Agent
Progressive Training in Recurrent Neural Networks for Chord Progression Modeling
An Automated and Distributed Machine Learning Framework for Telecommunications Risk Management
Improving Semantic Similarity of Words by Retrofitting Word Vectors in Sense Level
Design of Scenario-based Application-optimized Data Replication Strategies through Genetic Programming
High-performance Algorithms using Deep Learning in Turn-based Strategy Games
Measuring Student Emotions in an Online Learning Environment
Sentence Compression on Domains with Restricted Labeled Data Availability
Model Smoothing using Virtual Adversarial Training for Speech Emotion Estimation using Spontaneity
The Bias-Expressivity Trade-off
Recognition of Online Handwritten Gurmukhi Strokes using Convolutional Neural Networks
Hair Shading Style Transfer for Manga with cGAN
Combining Video and Wireless Signals for Enhanced Audience Analysis
GETS: Grammatical Evolution based Optimization of Smoothing Parameters in Univariate Time Series Forecasting
Bee2Fire: A Deep Learning Powered Forest Fire Detection System
Effects of Region Features on the Accuracy of Cross-database Facial Expression Recognition
Information Preserving Discriminant Projections
Combining Evidential Clustering and Ontology Reasoning for Failure Prediction in Predictive Maintenance
A Markerless Joint Detection through a Hand Geometric Representation
Lost and Found: Predicting Airline Baggage At-risk of Being Mishandled
Comparing Business Process Ontologies for Task Monitoring
Improving RNN-based Answer Selection for Morphologically Rich Languages
Revisiting End-to-end Deep Learning for Obstacle Avoidance: Replication and Open Issues
Clustering of Physical Behaviour Profiles using Knowledge-intensive Similarity Measures
Adaptive Modelling of Fed-batch Processes with Extreme Learning Machine and Recursive Least Square Technique
NARMA-L2-based Antiviral Therapy for Infected CD4+ T Cells in a Nonlinear Model for HIV Dynamics: Protease Inhibitors-based Approach
Generative Locomotion Model of Snake Robot with Hierarchical Networks for Topological Representation
A Flexible Semantic Integration Framework for Fully-integrated EHR based on FHIR Standard
A Fast Algorithm for Unsupervised Feature Value Selection
Integrating golog++ and ROS for Practical and Portable High-level Control
Adapting the Markov Chain based Algorithm M-DBScan to Detect Opponents’ Strategy Changes in the Dynamic Scenario of a StarCraft Player Agent
Secrecy-preserving Reasoning in ELH Knowledge Bases using MapReduce Algorithm
First Steps for Determining Agent Intention in Dynamic Epistemic Logic
Using Convolutional Neural Networks and Raw Data to Model Intraday Trading Market Behaviour
Artificial Neural Networks and Reinforcement Learning for Model-based Design of an Automated Vehicle Guidance System
Reinforcement Learning in the Load Balancing Problem for the iFDAQ of the COMPASS Experiment at CERN
Novel Lie Speech Classification by using Voice Stress
Tactile Tile Detection Integrated with Ground Detection using an RGB-Depth Sensor
From 3-valued Semantics to Supported Model Computation for Logic Programs in Vector Spaces
Production Scheduling based on Deep Reinforcement Learning using Graph Convolutional Neural Network
Ontology based Information Management for Industrial Applications
Comparative Machine Learning Approach in Dementia Patient Classification using Principal Component Analysis
Decomposable Probability-of-Success Metrics in Algorithmic Search
An Efficient Approach based on BERT and Recurrent Neural Network for Multi-turn Spoken Dialogue Understanding
Knowledge-based Analysis of Residential Air Quality
Cognitive Modeling in Computational Rhetoric: Litotes, Containment and the Unexcluded Middle
Object Detection for Autonomous Driving: Motion-aid Feature Calibration Network
Naive Bayesian Network for Automated, Fashion Personal Stylist
Arguments in Parliamentary Negotiation: A Study of Verbatim Records
Investigation of Day-ahead Price Forecasting Models in the Finnish Electricity Market
Self-organized Cognitive Algebraic Neural Network
An Autonomous Resiliency Toolkit for Cyber Defense Platforms
Conflicts Resolution and Situation Awareness in Heterogeneous Multi-agent Missions using Publish-subscribe Technique and Inferential Reasoning
Secure Multi-agent Planning via Sharemind
Supervised Hardware/Software Partitioning Algorithms for FPGA-based Applications
Digital Cryptography Implementation using Neurocomputational Model with Autoencoder Architecture
The k Closest Resemblance Classifier for Amazon Products Recommender System
Handling Uncertainties in Distributed Constraint Optimization Problems using Bayesian Inferential Reasoning
Perceiving the Focal Point of a Painting with AI: Case Studies on Works of Luc Tuymans
On Nonintrusive Monitoring of Electrical Appliance Load Via Restricted Boltzmann Machine with Temporal Reservoir
A Weak-supervision Method for Automating Training Set Creation in Multi-domain Aspect Sentiment Classification
SCHEMATA: 3D Classification and Categorization of Ancient Terracotta Figurines
The Complexity of Social Media Response: Statistical Evidence for One-dimensional Engagement Signal in Twitter
New Anomaly Detection in Semiconductor Manufacturing Process using Oversampling Method
A Design of the ViaBots Model for Industrial Assembly Line Application
Classification of Visual Strategies in Physics Vector Field Problem-solving
Towards an Effective Decision-making System based on Cow Profitability using Deep Learning
Automated Acquisition of Control Knowledge for Classical Planners
Mixed Pattern Recognition Methodology on Wafer Maps with Pre-trained Convolutional Neural Networks
The Labeling Distribution Matrix (LDM): A Tool for Estimating Machine Learning Algorithm Capacity
Adaptive Classifiers: Applied to Radio Waveforms
Generation and Optimization of Inspection Routes for Economic and Food Safety
Credible Interval Prediction of a Nonstationary Poisson Distribution based on Bayes Decision Theory
Algorithmic Eta-reduction in Type-theory of Acyclic Recursion
Model-centered Ensemble for Anomaly Detection in Time Series
CATE: An Embodied Conversational Agent for the Elderly