Towards Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning using Quantum Boltzmann Machines
Allocation Considering Agent Importance in Constrained Robust Multi-Team Formation
Multi Robot Surveillance and Planning in Limited Communication Environments
An Interactive Environment to Support Agent-based Graph Programming
Online Inference of Robot Navigation Parameters from a Semantic Map
NC4OMAS: A Norms-based Approach for Open Multi-Agent Systems Controllability
LSTM-based Abstraction of Hetero Observation and Transition in Non-Communicative Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning
Machine-learned Behaviour Models for a Distributed Behaviour Repository
LIMP: Incremental Multi-agent Path Planning with LPA
Reinforcement Learning-based Real-time Fair Online Resource Matching
Narrative Economics of the Racetrack: An Agent-Based Model of Opinion Dynamics in In-play Betting on a Sports Betting Exchange
Coordination Mechanisms with Misinformation
Machine-checked Verification of Cognitive Agents
An Inspection Technique Proposal for the Verification of Requirements Specification Documents for Multi-Agent Systems
A Mechanism for Multi-unit Multi-item Commodity Allocation in Economic Networks
Highways in Warehouse Multi-Agent Path Finding: A Case Study
Supporting the Adaptation of Agents' Behavioral Models in Changing Situations by Presentation of Continuity of the Agent's Behavior Model
Statistical Model Checking for Probabilistic Temporal Epistemic Logics
Model Analysis of Human Group Behavior Strategy using Cooperative Agents
Tackling Train Routing via Multi-agent Pathfinding and Constraint-based Scheduling
Service Selection for Service-Oriented Architecture using Off-line Reinforcement Learning in Dynamic Environments
On Combining Domain Modeling and Organizational Modeling for Developing Adaptive Cyber-Physical Systems
SMT-based BMC for Dense Timed Interpreted Systems and EMTLK Properties
Multi-objective Risk Analysis for Crowd Evacuation Guidance using Multiple Visual Signs
An Agent-based Model Study on Subsidy Fraud in Technological Transition
Task Handover Negotiation Protocol for Planned Suspension based on Estimated Chances of Negotiations in Multi-agent Patrolling
Quantifying Multimodality in World Models
Toward Crowdsourced Knowledge Graph Construction: Interleaving Collection and Verification of Triples
Completion of User Preference based on CP-nets in Automated Negotiation
Incorporating Communicative Patterns into Ebdi Agents
Simulations of a Computational Model for a Virtual Medical Assistant
Hints of Independence in a Pre-scripted World: On Controlled Usage of Open-domain Language Models for Chatbots in Highly Sensitive Domains
Design of an Autonomous Distributed Multi-agent Mission Control System for a Swarm of Satellites
Study on Applying Decentralized Evolutionary Algorithm to Asymmetric Multi-objective DCOPs with Fairness and Worst Case
Multiagent Resource Planning System for Utility Provision
A Machine Learning based Study on Classical Arabic Authorship Identification
Examining n-grams and Multinomial Naïve Bayes Classifier for Identifying the Author of the Text “Epistle to the Hebrews”
Toward a New Hybrid Intelligent Sentiment Analysis using CNN- LSTM and Cultural Algorithms
Automatic Word Sense Mapping from Princeton WordNet to Latvian WordNet
CrossSiam: k-Fold Cross Representation Learning
Coordinated Collision-free Movement of Groups of Agents
Requirements Engineering Challenges and Techniques in Building Chatbots
“Robot Steganography”: Opportunities and Challenges
Operationalizing Behavior Change Techniques in Conversational Agents
How Does AI Play Football? An Analysis of RL and Real-world Football Strategies
Multi-agent Policy Gradient Algorithms for Cyber-physical Systems with Lossy Communication
Risk-oriented Behavior Design for Traffic Simulation
Agent-based Modeling for Dynamic Hitchhiking Simulation and Optimization
Impact of Error-making Peer Agent Behaviours in a Multi-agent Shared Learning Interaction for Self-Regulated Learning
Framework to Predict Energy Prices and Trades in the Wholesale Market of PowerTAC
Speech Perception and Implementation in a Virtual Medical Assistant
Negotiation in Ride-hailing between Cooperating BDI Agents
Uniform Density in Linguistic Information Derived from Dependency Structures
Transformers for Low-resource Neural Machine Translation
DMS: A System for Delivering Dynamic Multitask NLP Tools
Intelligent Human-input-based Blockchain Oracle (IHiBO)
Comparison of Online Exploration and Coverage Algorithms in Continuous Space
EEG Motor Imagery Classification using Fusion Convolutional Neural Network
Skin Cancer Classification using Deep Learning Models
Towards a Robust, Distributed and Decentralised Smart Energy Management of Microgrids
Time Series Augmentation based on Beta-VAE to Improve Classification Performance
Leveraging Causal Relations to Provide Counterfactual Explanations and Feasible Recommendations to End Users
Bilinear Multi-Head Attention Graph Neural Network for Traffic Prediction
Deceptive AI Explanations: Creation and Detection
A Mediator Agent based on Multi-Context System and Information Retrieval
Creativity of Deep Learning: Conceptualization and Assessment
Unsupervised Learning of State Representation using Balanced View Spatial Deep InfoMax: Evaluation on Atari Games
Multi-agent Transfer Learning in Reinforcement Learning-based Ride-sharing Systems
Semantically Consistent Image-to-Image Translation for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
Safe Policy Improvement Approaches on Discrete Markov Decision Processes
Clustering Quality of a High-dimensional Service Monitoring Time-series Dataset
Learning Heuristic Estimates for Planning in Grid Domains by Cellular Simultaneous Recurrent Networks
Post-hoc Global Explanation using Hypersphere Sets
An Effective Method to Answer Multi-hop Questions by Single-hop QA System
Enhanced Local Gradient Smoothing: Approaches to Attacked-region Identification and Defense
GAN-based Intrinsic Exploration for Sample Efficient Reinforcement Learning
Aerial Fire Image Synthesis and Detection
Improving Social Emotion Prediction with Reader Comments Integration
Towards Circular and Asymmetric Cooperation in a Multi-player Graph-based Iterated Prisoner’s Dilemma
Detecting Narcissist Dark Triad Psychological Traits from Twitter
Post-hoc Diversity-aware Curation of Rankings
Developing a Successful Bomberman Agent
X-Ray Classification to Detect COVID-19 using Ensemble Model
Univariate Time Series Prediction using Data Stream Mining Algorithms and Temporal Dependence
Optimizing Multi-objective Knapsack Problem using a Hybrid Ant Colony Approach within Multi Directional Framework
Towards a Certification of Deep Image Classifiers against Convolutional Attacks
T-Balance: A Unified Mechanism for Taxi Scheduling in a City-scale Ride-sharing Service
Jason Agents for Knowledge-aware Information Retrieval Filters
Robust Traffic Signal Timing Control using Multiagent Twin Delayed Deep Deterministic Policy Gradients
Adversarial Examples by Perturbing High-level Features in Intermediate Decoder Layers
Cognitive Planning in Motivational Interviewing
Developing and Experimenting on Approaches to Explainability in AI Systems
Uncertainty Guided Pseudo-Labeling: Estimating Uncertainty on Ambiguous Data for Escalating Image Recognition Performance
Graph Convolutional Networks for Turn-Based Strategy Games
Time to Focus: A Comprehensive Benchmark using Time Series Attribution Methods
Grouping of Maintenance Actions with Deep Reinforcement Learning and Graph Convolutional Networks
Parameter Setting in SAT Solver using Machine Learning Techniques
Intelligent Diagnosis of Breast Cancer with Thermograms using Convolutional Neural Networks
Understanding Summaries: Modelling Evaluation in Extractive Summarisation Techniques
Predicting the Intended Action using Internal Simulation of Perception
Towards More Reliable Text Classification on Edge Devices via a Human-in-the-Loop
Improved Predictive Fundamental Period Formula for Reinforced Concrete Structures through the Use of Machine Learning Algorithms
LABNET: A Collaborative Method for DNN Training and Label Aggregation
RVPLAN: Runtime Verification of Assumptions in Automated Planning
Expert-guided Symmetry Detection in Markov Decision Processes
Automated Information Leakage Detection: A New Method Combining Machine Learning and Hypothesis Testing with an Application to Side-channel Detection in Cryptographic Protocols
DLVGen: A Dual Latent Variable Approach to Personalized Dialogue Generation
Method for Improving Quality of Adversarial Examples
Unsupervised Activity Recognition Using Trajectory Heatmaps from Inertial Measurement Unit Data
A Hierarchical Probabilistic Divergent Search Applied to a Binary Classification
Vectorization of Bias in Machine Learning Algorithms
Automatic Arabic Poem Generation with GPT-2
On-the-Fly Knowledge Acquisition for Automated Planning Applications: Challenges and Lessons Learnt
FOREAL: RoBERTa Model for Fake News Detection based on Emotions
Parsimonious Representation of Knowledge Uncertainty using Metadata about Validity and Completeness
Identifying Soft Cores in Propositional Formulæ
The Gopher Grounds: Testing the Link between Structure and Function in Simple Machines
An Assessment of the Impact of OCR Noise on Language Models
eSardine: A General Purpose Platform with Autonomous AI and Explainable Outputs
An Evolutionary-based Neural Network for Distinguishing between Genuine and Posed Anger from Observers’ Pupillary Responses
Metaheuristics-based Exploration Strategies for Multi-Objective Reinforcement Learning
Enabling Markovian Representations under Imperfect Information
AnimaChaotic: AI-based Automatic Conversion of Children’s Stories to Animated 3D Videos
Automatic Recognition of Human Activities Combining Model-based AI and Machine Learning
Solving Large Steiner Tree Problems in Graphs for Cost-efficient Fiber-To-The-Home Network Expansion
ImpressionNet: A Multi-view Approach to Predict Socio-facial Impressions
Translational Robustness of Neural Networks Trained for Transcription Factor Binding Site Classification
Duplicate Detection in a Knowledge Base with PIKA
Negative Selection in Classification using DBLOSUM Matrices as Affinity Function
Reasoning with Inconsistency-tolerant Fuzzy Description Logics
ScaPMI: Scaling Parameter for Metric Importance
SubTST: A Combination of Sub-word Latent Topics and Sentence Transformer for Semantic Similarity Detection
CoAx: Collaborative Action Dataset for Human Motion Forecasting in an Industrial Workspace
An Algorithm for Estimating Answerers’ Performance and Improving Answer Quality Predictions in QA Forums
Traffic Classification of Home Network Devices using Supervised Learning
LCPP: Low Computational Processing Pipeline for Delivery Robots
A Simple and Effective Convolutional Filter Pruning based on Filter Dissimilarity Analysis
Augmenting Reinforcement Learning to Enhance Cooperation in the Iterated Prisoner’s Dilemma
Exploring Contextualized Tag-based Embeddings for Neural Collaborative Filtering
Deep-Learning-based Fuzzy Symbolic Processing with Agents Capable of Knowledge Communication
Object-less Vision-language Model on Visual Question Classification for Blind People
Spike-time Dependent Feature Clustering
A Lexicon-based Collaborative Filtering Approach for Recommendation Systems
Whale Optimization-based Prediction for Medical Diagnostic
Constrained CP-nets Similarity
Discrete Mother Tree Optimization and Swarm Intelligence for Constraint Satisfaction Problems
Falsification-aware Semantics for CTL and Its Inconsistency-tolerant Subsystem: Towards Falsification-aware Model Checking
Evolving Evaluation Functions for Collectible Card Game AI
Analysing the Sentiments in Online Reviews with Special Focus on Automobile Market
Incremental Feature Learning for Fraud Data Stream
Dynamically Generated Question Answering Evidence using Efficient Context-preserving Subdivision
Quantifying Student Attention using Convolutional Neural Networks
Magic Mirror: I and My Avatar - A Versatile Augmented Reality Installation Controlled by Hand Gestures
Empirical Analysis of Limits for Memory Distance in Recurrent Neural Networks
Towards Robust Continual Learning using an Enhanced Tree-CNN
Identifying Problematic Gamblers using Multiclass and Two-stage Binary Neural Network Approaches
EmBoost: Embedding Boosting to Learn Multilevel Abstract Text Representation for Document Retrieval
Classification of Video Viewing Task Types and Recommendation of Videos
Comparing RNN and Transformer Context Representations in the Czech Answer Selection Task
On the Suitability of SHAP Explanations for Refining Classifications
Multi-label Classification of Aircraft Heading Changes using Neural Network to Resolve Conflicts
A Singlish Supported Post Recommendation Approach for Social Media
Rethinking Traffic Management with Congestion Pricing and Vehicular Routing for Sustainable and Clean Transport
Training Machine Learning Models to Detect Group Differences in Neurophysiological Data using Recurrence Quantification Analysis based Features
Water Consumption Demand Pattern Analysis using Uncertain Smart Water Meter Data
Reinforcement Learning Guided by Provable Normative Compliance
Upper Confident Bound Fuzzy Q-learning and Its Application to a Video Game
A Feature Engineering Focused System for Acoustic UAV Payload Detection
CycleGAN-based Approach for Masked Face Classification
A Survey on Tie Strength Estimation Methods in Online Social Networks
Map Matching Algorithm for Large-scale Datasets
Micro Junction Agent: A Scalable Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning Method for Traffic Control
Types of Flexible Job Shop Scheduling: A Constraint Programming Experiment
Logical Structure-based Pretrained Models for Legal Text Processing
The Impact of COVID-19 on Crime: A Study from the Spatial-temporal Perspective in the Montgomery County, AL
Multi-task Deep Reinforcement Learning for IoT Service Selection
Climbing the Ladder: How Agents Reach Counterfactual Thinking
Ensemble of Patches for COVID-19 X-Ray Image Classification
Leveraging Event Marketing Performance using AI in Facial Recognition
Bias Assessment in Medical Imaging Analysis: A Case Study on Retinal OCT Image Classification
Barriers to the Practical Adoption of Federated Machine Learning in Cross-company Collaborations
Detection of Emotion Categories’ Change in Speeches
A Framework for Generating Playstyles of Game AI with Clustering of Play Logs
An Activation Function with Probabilistic Beltrami Coefficient for Deep Learning
Soft Adversarial Training Can Retain Natural Accuracy
Classification of Table Tennis Strokes in Wearable Device using Deep Learning
Towards a Knowledge Graph-specific Definition of Digital Transformation: An Account Networking View for Auditing
Fair-Net: A Network Architecture for Reducing Performance Disparity between Identifiable Sub-populations
Look before You Leap! Designing a Human-centered AI System for Change Risk Assessment
Evaluating Two Ways for Mobile Robot Obstacle Avoidance with Stereo Cameras: Stereo View Algorithms and End-to-End Trained Disparity-sensitive Networks
A Logical Characterization of Evaluable Knowledge Bases
Towards a Formal Framework for Social Robots with Theory of Mind
A Formal Framework for Designing Boundedly Rational Agents
Late Bindings in AgentSpeak(L)
Learning Optimal Behavior in Environments with Non-stationary Observations
Predicting Trains Delays using a Two-level Machine Learning Approach
Usage of Stacked Long Short-Term Memory for Recognition of 3D Analytic Geometry Elements
BRL: A Toolkit for Learning How an Agent Performs Belief Revision
Vaccination Planning in Peru using Constraint Programming
Combining YOLO and Deep Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Driving in Public Roadworks Scenarios
Disruption Management of ASAE’s Inspection Routes
YOLOv3: Traffic Signs & Lights Detection and Recognition for Autonomous Driving
Balancing Multiplayer Games across Player Skill Levels using Deep Reinforcement Learning
Molecular Fragments from Incomplete, Real-life NMR Data: Framework for Spectra Analysis with Constraint Solvers
ALP4AI: Agent-based Learning Platform for Introductory Artificial Intelligence
Experimenting Machine-Learning Algorithms for Morphological Disambiguation of Arabic Texts
A Many-valued Semantics for Multi-agent System
Grid Representation in Neural Networks for Automated Planning
The Winograd Schema Challenge: Are You Sure That We Are on the Right Track?
Systematic Model-based Design of a Reinforcement Learning-based Neural Adaptive Cruise Control System
Attributed-based Label Propagation Method for Balanced Modularity and Homogeneity Community Detection
Momentum Iterative Gradient Sign Method Outperforms PGD Attacks
An Atypical Metaheuristic Approach to Recognize an Optimal Architecture of a Neural Network
Text Classification of English News Articles using Graph Mining Techniques
Issue Area Discovery from Legal Opinion Summaries using Neural Text Processing
Old English Universal Dependencies: Categories, Functions and Specific Fields
Development of a New Fundamental Period Formula for Steel Structures Considering the Soil-structure Interaction with the Use of Machine Learning Algorithms
Using Machine Learning and Finite Element Modelling to Develop a Formula to Determine the Deflection of Horizontally Curved Steel I-beams
Evolving Gaussian Mixture Models for Classification
Application of Sequential Neural Networks to Predict the Approximation Degree of Decision-making Systems
Snakes in Trees: An Explainable Artificial Intelligence Approach for Automatic Object Detection and Recognition
ContourVerifier: A Novel System for the Robustness Evaluation of Deep Contour Classifiers
A Hybrid Model based on Convolutional Neural Networks and Long Short-term Memory for Rest Tremor Classification
P2Ag: Perception Pipeline in Agriculture for Robotic Harvesting of Tomatoes
Using ConvNet for Classification Task in Parallel Coordinates Visualization of Topologically Arranged Attribute Values
Prediction of Store Demands by Decision Trees and Recurrent Neural Networks Ensemble with Transfer Learning
Recommendation System for Student Academic Progress
Efficient Removal of Weak Associations in Consensus Clustering
Investigation of Capsule Networks Regarding their Potential of Explainability and Image Rankings
Social Transmission of Information through Virtual Robotic Agents
Auxiliary Data Selection in Percolative Learning Method for Improving Neural Network Performance
CogToM-CST: An implementation of the Theory of Mind for the Cognitive Systems Toolkit
An Implemented System for Cognitive Planning
An Asymetric-key Cryptosystem based on Artificial Neural Network
A Safer Approach to Build Recommendation Systems on Unidentifiable Data
Comparing Monocular Camera Depth Estimation Models for Real-time Applications
How to Simplify Law Automatically? A Study on South Korean Legislation and Its Simplified Version
On Equivalence between Linear-chain Conditional Random Fields and Hidden Markov Chains
Understanding the Scene: Identifying the Proper Sensor Mix in Different Weather Conditions
Controlled Synthesis of Fibre-reinforced Plastics Images from Segmentation Maps using Generative Adversarial Neural Networks
Classification Rules Explain Machine Learning
Detection of Potential Manipulations in Electricity Market using Machine Learning Approaches
Training AI to Recognize Realizable Gauss Diagrams: The Same Instances Confound AI and Human Mathematicians
A Smart Home Testbed for Evaluating XAI with Non-experts
A Constraint Programming Model for the Scheduling Problem with Flexible Maintenance under Human Resource Constraints
A Machine Learning Approach for Spare Parts Lifetime Estimation