Analysis of Learning Experience Entrepreneurship to Entrepreneurial Enterprises
The Development of a Comic-Based Economy e-Book as Learning Media
The Impact of Education and Islamic Microfinance as an Economic Empowerment for Women in Poverty:
The Implementation of The Standard of Process in Social Studies Teaching and Learning in State Junior High Schools
Does Fiscal Decentralization Affect Education Inequality?
Effect of Entrepreneurship Behavior and Working Capital to Success Business
Financial Literacy Analysis on Students of Economic Faculty
Capability Gap and Strategies for Superior Performance
Improving Students Understanding of Concept through Collaborative MURDER (Mood, Understand, Recall, Digest, Expand, and Review) Learning Model:
Analysis of Students’ Learning Achievement through Learning Discipline and Learning Habits
The Roles of Koperasi Mitra Sehati in Improving People's Economy as a Way of Community Empowerment
Manuscript Clinic for Lecturer:
Relationship Education with Poverty in Indonesia
Sharia Microfinance and Poverty Reduction in Indonesia
The Application of Planned Behavior Theory to Consultant PT. X
The Implementation of Curriculum:
Factors which Will Affect The Labor Productivity of Industrial Convection
Bonus Share Issues and Announcement Effect in Indonesia Stock Exchange
The Importance of Financial Educations against Financial Stability through Banking Sector and Higher Education in Indonesia
Local Wisdom Values in the Development of Micro Business Based Creative Economy
Entrepreneurship Learning Strategy in College to Create Student Character
Description Level of Digital Media Literacy, Learning Style and Learning Achievement in the Subject of Economic Education Research Methodology
Changing Students Mindsets from a Job Seeker to be Job Creator through Entrepreneurial Project Based Learning
Analysis of Material Requirement Planning (MRP) Implementation on The Company
Zakat Literacy among University Students and Factors Influenced It
The Responses of Teachers and Students to the Use of Multimedia Presentation in Scientific-Based Economics Learning
The Effect of Online Shop Ownership and Learning Outcomes of the Craft and Entrepreneurship Subject on the Entrepreneurship Interest of the Students
Factors that Influences Credit Risk of Financing Institutions in Indonesia
The Impact of Foreign Ownership on Corporate Risk Taking Behavior
Improving Critical and Creative Thinking through Discovery Learning in Entrepreneurship Lessons
Effect of Curiosity and Self-Esteem on Motivation and Student Learning Result
The Analysis of the Effect of Liqudity Risk and Credit Risk to the Profitability in Conventional Banks of Indonesia
Digital Storytelling and Think-Pair-Share to Improve the Ability of Critical Thinking
The Influence of Green Marketing on Purchase Behaviour
Improved Understanding of Students on History of Economic Theory through Learning Using Concept Map
Reactualizing the Ecomomic Spirit in Javanese Literature Based on the Javanese Local Wisdom
The Impact of Rice Policy towards Poverty Reduction in Indonesia
Economic Literacy Studies of Teachers
SME’s Development Model Based on Partnership
The Non-Bank Islamic Mortgage: Prospect and Challenges
The Influences of Individual Modernity, Social Environment, an Economic Literacy on Lifestyle and Their Implications on Student’s Consumptive Behavior
The Role of Sharia Microfinance in SMEs Business Development
Prospect of Establishing a Micro Industry of Ginger Coffee Production
How to Improve Business Performance:
Evaluating the Usability of Free Web Hosting among University Students
Effect of Student Motivation on Student Learning Outcomes in Economics Lesson
The Impact of Entrepreneurship Education to Entrepreneurial Intention and Motivation
Apprenticeship or Ownership?
Consumer Attitudes towards Mobiles Advertising in Malaysia:
SWOT Analysis to Develop Market Share in SMEs of Hand-Made Fashion
The Effect of Internal and External Factors Learning Difficulties to Economic Learning Achievements
Risk Management, Bank Profitability and Non Performing Loan
The Role of Account Representative in Securing the Tax Proceed
Strengthen SME Performance through Learning Orientation and Strategic Improvisation
Income Disparity Madura Island and Surabaya City After Suramadu Bridge Construction
Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs):
The Collaborative Think Pair Share Method
Developing the Spirit of Entrepreneurship in the High School Student
Analysis of the Competitiveness of Micro Enterprises in Dealing in 2016 Asian Economic Community
Increasing Learning Outcomes Using Contextual Teaching and Learning Model in Accounting Subject
Metakognitif Ability Analysis Viewed from Student Learning Students
Fixed Asset Revaluation:
Management Model of Industrial Work Practice at Vocational High School Based on Entrepreneurship
The Entrepreneurial Behavior and Practical Industrial Work Experience as the Determinant Factor of Entrepreneurial Intention
Developing Problem-Based Learning Model Assisted by Tutorial Video in Entrepreneurs Subject
Financial Behavior Learning to Grow Children’s Financial Literacy
Competency Based Curriculum Development Model of Operations Managers in Indonesian Logistics Industry
Effects of Work Ethos on Creativity
Analysis of Pedagogical Content Knowledge of Social Science Education Student
Understanding Teacher’s Decision about Teaching and Learning Approaches for an Economics Classroom
Liquidity Risk Management: A Study in Islamic Bank of Indonesian
Factors Affecting Lecturers’ Performance
Structural Change and Labor Productivity Growth in Indonesia
Entrepreneurship Learning for Early Childhood
How Can Population Density Affect Economic Growth?
Identification Insert Economic Syariah on the Subjects of Economic Senior High School
Responsibility of Bureaucracy of The School to The External Stakeholders
Organizing Organic Vegetables Farming in Narrow Land: A Study of Social Entrepreneurship Community
Analysis of Factors Affecting the Small and Medium Industry Competitiveness of Timely Fruits
Influence of Interest Rate of Commercial Conventional Banks and Levels for Results on the Impact of the Number of Deposits in Sharia Banks of 2010-2015
Investigating the Relationship between Information System Usage and Employee Job Performance Among Staff at a Local Government Office in Malaysia
How to Apply Hybrid Learning for Improving Students Understanding about Regression Model
Technological Factor and Social Media Marketing Adoption Among SMEs in Kelantan
The Effects of Facility and Interpersonal Communication on Learning Achievements of Entrepreneurial Subject
Corporate Governance and Firms Value: From the Board Diversity and Board Compensation Perspective
Transformation and Shift from the World Economic Power on Indonesian Economic Policy Direction
The Impact of Entrepreneurship Learning Based Modelling towards Entrepreneurship Attitude and Behaviour Students
The Use of Problem Solving Method in Increasing Students’ Thinking Ability Analysis
Analysis of Consumption Behavior and Economic Literacy Between Teachers of Social Science with Weachers of non-Social Science
Effective Teaching Approaches to Enhance Understanding among University Students
The Benefits of Implementing Environmental Initiatives:
Developing Model of School Accountability Based on Archive
Learning Styles and Academic Achievement Among University Students
Linking Between Intellectual Capital and SME Performance Mediating Role of Entrepreneurial Orientation
The Effect of Education and Productivity to Poverty
The Influence of Fundamental Factors on Stock Price
Education Model Based on Local Wisdom: The Socio-Legal Studies on the Socio-Economic Behavior of Samin Community
Effect of Curiosity and Self-Esteem on Motivation and Student Learning Result
Organizational Citizenship Behavior
Organizational Innovation and Performance on Embroidery and Needlepoint SME’s in West Sumatera
Growing SMEs: A SWOT Analysis on Fish Processing Industry
Vision Statement Analysis: Study on Retail Companies Listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange
Broadening the Literacy of College Students on Capital Market, Would Galeri Investasi be Able to do the Task?
Entrepreneurship Literacy for Educational Technology Students – An Action Research
Influence of Investment Decisions and Financial Decisions on Company Value based MBVE as a Moderating Variable
The Contribution of Learning Entrepreneurship on the Establishment of Attitude Entrepreneurship
Educating the Community in an Effort to Improve the Quality of Rubber: A Case of Karang Intan Constituency in Banjar District of South Kalimantan Province in Indonesia
Estimating the Unit Cost of Non Capitation
Mosque Social Entrepreneurship as a Social Business Model Innovation
Accessibility of Schools in Indonesia: Is School Zoning Required?
Descriptive Analysis of Student Centered Learning Implementation and Its Implication on Soft Skills Developments
Expanding of Entrepreneurship Spirit in Capturing Business Opportunities to Women Society in East Java, Indonesia
Adopting Quality Standard from Industry to Education: Which Stages Need to be Adjusted?
Factors that Affect Pengelolaan Dana Desa and Its Implications on the Transparency of Financial Report
Economics Teachers Perception on Asean Economic Community and the Implication toward the Teaching of Economics
The Effect of Learning Styles on Students’ Metacognitive Skills
Effect Teacher’s Competence and Student’s Prior Knowledge on Improvement of Learning Outcomes
Development of Pocket Book Accounting Based E-Learning Media with Student Center Approach
Improvement of Social Science Learning Results through Learning Models of Social Interaction and Modification of Behavior
The Reinforcement of Craft and Entrepreneurship Education in Senior High Schools
Decision of Cooperative Capital Structure, Profitability and Firm Value
Factors Which Determine Students’ Entrepreneurship Intentions
Teachers’ Work Performance Seen from Work Circumstance, Work Motivation, and Headmaster’s Leadership Style
The Influence of Cost of Education to the Quality of High School in Pekanbaru, Indonesia
Indonesian Economic Growth Rate:
Factors That Leads to Financial Management and Their Implications to Local Government Performance: What Should Be Done?
Education and Poverty in Special Province of Yogyakarta: The Approach of Solow Growth Technology Model in Production Theory
Study of Consumer Green Behavior among Students
Factors that Influencing the Profit of Furniture Industry
Analysis of Vision Statement of Indonesia’s 10 Best Universities
Factors Affecting the Quality of Audit
Student’s Learning Interest and Student’s Learning Achivement in Accounting Subject
The Analysis of Women Role’s in the Small Industry to Family Economic Stability
Thematic Learning Based on Local Sea-Results Processing to Answer Global Challenges
The Effect of Entrepreneurship Education on The Student’s Entrepreneurial Intention Vocational High School
The Use of Project Based Learning the Effect on Students’ Creative Thinking Ability
Determination Analysis of the Leading Sectors of the Economy of Bandung Raya Area
The Effect of Entrepreneurship Courses on Entrepreneurship Students’ Interest in Economic Faculty
An Integrated Model of Internal and External Factors Affecting Cooperative Management Board Performance towards Cooperative Performance
The Effect of Inflation, Investment and Wages Rate on Unemployment in The East Java Province
The Impact of Liquidity Risk and Credit Risk on the Profitability of General Sharia Banks in Indonesia
Decentralisation and Effective School Leadership - Expectation versus Reality
Fulfilling Individual Right to and Need of Education - A Note to Remember for Indonesian Educational Leaders
How Has Higher Education Influenced the Empowerment of Modern-Day South Korean Women?
The Effectiveness of Symbolic Modeling Techniques for Students’ Emphatic Development
Quality Control System of Learning in Vocational School
The Configuration of Career Identity Factor of Prospective Students at Indonesia University of Education
Reading Behaviour Base on Biological Information of Blood Groups
Teachers Classroom Management to Support Inclusion - A Preschool Ethnography
The Implementation of TPM-Kurtilas - A Study to Reveal the Response of Kindergarten Students and Teachers
Developing Peace Culture Based on Al-Quran Values in Indonesian
Social Guidance for Developing Adolescents Empathy
Democracy and Early Childhood Education
The Analysis of High Order Thinking Skill (HOTs) on Science Learning Using Project Based Learning Model
Design of Integrated Learning Environment Based on Multiple Intelligence for Early Childhood Education
Solution Focused Brief Therapy - New Approach of Counseling for Students’ Self Determination Development
A Brief View on Teaching Philosophy in the Curriculum Implementation in Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI)
The Improvement Writing Explanation Text through the Implementation of Text Structure Mapping Strategy
Adaptation of Teenage Nonviolence Test to Measure the Peacefulness of Senior High School Students
The Influence of Islamic Boarding School (Pondok Pesantren) Culture on Hopelessness Behaviors to Students
Local Wisdom-Based Social Entrepreneurial Participative Training
Community Empower through the Local Railway of Rural Area
Development of E-Learning Model to Improve Learning Outcomes
Empowerment Boarding School Institution - Study Fenomenologis Enterpreneurship Role of Kyai in Pondok Pesantren in Indonesia
Problem-Based Learning on Parenting Programs at Early Childhood Education Institutions in Indonesia
Environmental Education in Kindergarten
Classroom-Based Peace Education to Develop Students Character at Religious School in Salatiga
The Internal Quality Assurance System - An Implementation
Accounting Education Challenges in the New Millennium Era - Impact of Advanced of Technology and Dynamic Business Environment
Group Counseling with Pictorial Riddle Media for Incresing Achieving Motivation in Early Childhood
Sustainable Professional Development for Teachers - What is Needed?
Primary School Pre-Service Teacher’s Perspectives on Cultural Needs in Developing Culture-Based Mathematics’ Learning Materials
Becoming Autonomous Parents in Giving Intervention to Children with Autism - Is It Possible?
Ethnic Idiom Articulation and Civic Education Material for Elementary School - Development of Cultural Citizenship Literacy
The Use of Peer Teaching Method to Increase Self-Confidence of Deaf Students
Rational and Cultural Self-Disclosure through Social Media in People Living with HIV/AIDS
Attention Deficit-hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in Preschool
The Assesment of Media Feasibility at Vocational School
Researching Young Boys’ Masculinity in School Context
The Cooperative Experiential Learning Model Based on Soft Skill and Hard Skill in Improving Trainees' Competence at the Beauty Course Institute
Teacher Development Through Implementation of Thematic Teaching Material in Project-Based Learning Setting on Primary School
Benefits of Parenting Programs for Parents
The Role of Teacher as a Moral Agent - A Conceptual Framework for Teachers’ Professional Ethics Development
Students’ Perception of Pedagogical Course Learning Process - Developing Pedagogical Competence in Teacher Education
Development Model Career Coaching for Graduates University
Evaluation Instrument Development for Translation Learning
Model of Biology Teachers’ Professional Competency Development Based on the Early Competency Test in Surakarta Residency
Appreciative Inquiry towards the Learning Outcome of the Children
The Importance of Multicultural based Education in Indonesia to Avoid the Conflict and Issue of Disintegration
Competences of The 21st Century: - The Development of Multicultural Counselor Competences
Development of Malay Culture-Based Dance Learning Model to Enhance Early Childhood Students’ Creativity
Higher Education for Teacher Training Students’ Motivation to Become Teachers
Reflective Learning - Teachers’ Failure in Choosing Learning Method is One Source of Students’ Learning Problem and Misconception
The Application of The Entrepreneur Program in Early Age Character Development
Determinant Factors Affecting the Quality of Private Universities
The Effectiveness of Steinberg Early Reading Programme on the Ability of Reading at Primary School in Primary School
The Implementation of Modified Lesson Study Integrated with PCK to Optimize the Professional Competence of Elementary School Teachers
Geographic Skills Measurement for Geography Education Students
Nonformal Education (PLS) Supporting Inclusive Education in Education Framework for All - Training Needs Assessment
Recruitment Model of Human Resources Training and Development Education in Improving Graduates’ Competence and Employability
Measuring The Contribution of Educational Science to The Profession of Teacher
Current Practices of Inclusive Education - A Case Study in Indonesia
Developing Local Content Curriculum in Kepulauan Riau Province
Does Identity Status Influence Marriage Readiness Among Early Adults in Bandung City?
mPatch - Microlearning Application in a Multimedia Environment to Enhance Students Learning
Stigma, Discrimination upon People with Mental Disorder and Mental Health Literacy in Indonesia
Improving Students’ Art Creativity and Appreciation of PGSD FIP UPI Through The Art Performance Entitled “KALENG” in Art Development Course
Analysis of Student Satisfaction on Academic and Non Academic Administration
The Role of Zakah in Improving the Quality of Children’s Education
Development of Training Model in Increasing the Competence of Labor at PT Sari Ater Raya Subang
Educational Interaction in Early Childhood Classroom Management
Error Analysis of Trigonometric Problem Solving by Vocational High School Students Based on Differences in Ability and Cognitive Style
Implementation of Mother Language in Early Childhood
Developing Teaching Multimedia to Improve Elementary Students’ Understanding of Fraction Concepts
Developing Wisdom of Multicultural Counselor through Dyadic, Triadic, and Group Supervision
Peace Education in Freedom Writers Movie - A Sociological Perspective
Developing School Management Capacity through Teacher and School Staff (PTK) Involvement
Autonomous Self-Directed Learning as the Realization of Learning Society - Study of Online Social Media as a Medium of Learning
Learning Class Management Inclusion in Building Value and Caring Reverence for Students in Government Primary School of 3 in Bengkulu Tengah
Validation of Advanced Progressive Matrices as a Instrument Intelligence Test in Indonesian Cultural Perspective
Youth Empowerment through a Local Potential-Based Entrepreneurship Training
Implications of Self Conceptual Assumptions in Adult Learning
Difference of Teen Emotion Based on Parenting Patterns
Improving Laundry Skills of Children with Developmental Disabilities through Apprenticeships at Laundry Cling
Grounded Theory in Guidance and Counseling Research
Positive Peace Culture in Pesantren (Islamic Boarding School) in Bandung-Indonesia
Critical Literacy Education with Problem Posing Approach - An Alternative for Critical Learning Practice in Elementary School
Semiotic in Lyrics and Perception of Community of Nagari Suayan on Saluang Ratok Suayan Anguih
The Character Profile of a Learner Teacher - An Integrative Review and Conceptual Framework
Multicultural Counseling in Cultural Perspective Indonesia
Implementation of Transformational Leadership Aspect of "Inspirational Motivation" - Behavior in Leadership of Higher Education Academic Development
The Semantics of Kinship Terminologies of Baduy, Indonesia
The Pattern of Tunggu Tubang Inheritance of Semende Tribe in Gunung Agung Village from the Perspective of Islamic Inheritance Law
Women’s Leadership Model - The Effort in Organization Supervision
Media Literacy Model in Forming Smart Community
The Utilization of Low-cost and Simple Materials on Physics Learning
Methodology of the Study of Religions and Its Contribution to Religious Harmony in Indonesia
Values Analysis of Islamic Religious Education (IRE) Policies at Higher Education in Indonesia
The Relationship Between the Native Indonesians and the Dutch Colonizers as Described in the Sipatahoenan Newspaper
Political Policy of Singapore’s World Class University - What Islamic Higher Education In Indonesia Can Learn
SME Economic Empowerment through Vocational Village Program in Ngunut Village, Jumantono Sub-District, Karanganyar Regency
“Difa City Tour and Transport” as a Creative Community-based Service Industry Made by People with Disabilities in Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Happiness in Suffering of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: Does It Make Sense?
Does Cholesterol Eating Habit Influence Anxious Temperament in Kretschmer Typology?
Total Physical Response Method for Mastering English Vocabulary
Establishment of Tolerant Attitude and Open Minded of Student Teacher - Contextualization of Learning Masail Fiqhiyah
Online Human Trafficking: The Impact of Social Media Used
Agent and Structure Relation in Peer Education Based on Social Capital for Prevention of Mother – to – Child Transmission
Women Participation in Ponggok Tourist Object Development
A Handling Model of Religion-based Conflict between the “Jama’ah Qur’ani” And “Jama’ah Qur’an Sunnah”
Negotiating Identity of Indonesian Muslims in Australia
Model of Sharia Compliance on Developing Tourism Industry in Indonesia
Social Changes in Economy and Politic During the National Movement Period in Indonesia (1900-1942) from the Historical Novels Perspective
The Interconnectedness of the Social Construction in the Process of Dehumanization of Street Children in the City of Yogyakarta
Special Features and Local Wisdom on Classical Ketoprak - Manuscript of Surakarta Style: Sociology of Literature Perspective
Eating in the Mosquito Net - Moslem Community Tradition In West Kalimantan
Effect of Local Wisdom in the Effectiveness of Saving Electrical Power Supply in the Community
Teacher Professionalism Development in Constructive Collaborative-Based Scientific Article Writing
Socio-Cultural and Environmental Aspects on Toponymy System of Villages in the East Region of Cirebon
Social Cohesion in Society: A Study on Inter-Religious Harmony
Female Politician Image in Indonesia Anti-corruption Poetry Frame
The Student Prostitute: The Existance and the Profile of Hidden Prostitution
Authentic Assessment Based on Teaching and Learning Trajectory
Theolinguistic Study of Directive Speech Acts Performed by Islamic Preacher in Friday Sermon in Bandung Indonesia
Compliance on the UN Global Compact
Developing E-Module Based on Islamic Values
The Influence of Civic Education Teachers’ Competence on Classroom as a Laboratory of Democracy
Literacy Learning through Big Book in Elementary Schools
The Impact of the Learning Process on the Level of the Student Idealism at the Materialism and Pragmatism Eras
Critical Thinking Skill based on IQ and Gender in High School
How to Integrate Character Education in Science Learning?
Building Tolerant Communities through Basic Intercultural Education
Evolving the Values of Organizational Culture through Character Education Based on Residential College
Javanese Characters Values on Modern Javanese Novels of Post-reformation: A Sociological Literature Analysis
The Representation of Socio-Cultural Change in Modern Indonesian Novels with Local Traditional Background
Symbolic Meaning: Lifestyle and Consumptive Behavior of Farmer Society During Tobacco Harvest Season in Temanggung
Internalization Prosocial Value by Exemplary in Building Nation Character in School
People’s Readiness in Facing the Construction of Cisumdawu Toll Road - A Case Study on the People of Citali Village Pamulihan District Sumedang Regency
Labor Transformation in Javanese Society in the 19th – Century
Pseudo Participation?: Conflict Resolution for the Relocation of Bloater Sellers in the city of Surabaya
Health Behavior Models in Utilizing Water Resources to Tidal Waters Community
Mental Revolution of Mangkunagara IV Movement
Collaborative Governance Based Protection for HIV/AIDS (ADHA) Infected Kids in Surakarta
Comparative Study between Domestic and Foreign Tourists Perception: The Influence of Disaster Knowledge towards Intention to Re-Visit Tangkuban Parahu Nature Park
Do Customers of Street Food Vendors Know about Food Safety Practices?
Social Problems and Family Education Role to Build Family Resilience
Sharing Economy and Tourism: The Intention to Use e-Ride Hailing Transportation System for Tourism
Study on the Forgiveness Concept of Aceh Conflict Victims
Higher Education Policy Strategy in Acceleration of Research Results Publication
Family: The Concept of Character Education
The Profile of Senior High School Students’ Critical Thinking Skills after the Implementation of Problem Solving-Based Students’ Worksheet Using Reading Infusion
Development Impact: Managing Reconciliation through Conflict Resolution
Assessing Students’ Conviction in Writing Mathematical Proofs
Conflict Resolution Model Advocates Citizen ‘Good Character Building
To Preserve the Glory of the Scripture - Four Fatwas of the Council of Indonesian Ulama on the Qur’an
Taubat Therapy for Heroin Users
Local Wisdom in Modernity: Cultivating Culture Awareness through Information Technology
Collaborative Community Empowerment Model to Improve the Living Quality of Poor People - Case Study on “Down-Syndrome Village” in Ponorogo Regency
How to Enhance Character Four Young Citizens?
The Effort to Splitting Nagari Post-Implementation of Village Law 2014 in West Sumatra, Indonesia
The Continuity of Gandong Bond as Reflection of Maluku Identity Post Human Tragedy in Maluku 1999
The Interference on Sunda Baduy in Language Level
Literacy Movement - Character Education Strengthener Based on Literacy
The Competency of Pedagogic and Professional Mathematics Teachers Relevant with Curriculum
Improving Learning Achievement through Memorizing Verses of the Qur’na - In Its Role Build a Sociological and Psychological Peace Approach
Violence Against Teachers - Why Does It Happen?
Optimizing Social Capital of the Community of Suku Dayak Hindu Budha Bumi Segandhu Indramayu
Community Support System for International Women Workers - A Sociological Study in East Java Villages
Empowerment of Rural Community through the Development of Village Tourism
Civic Education as Patriotism Education in Indonesia
Mantra in the Javanese Tradition as a Manifestation of Approach to God
The Dynamic Facts of the MUI’S Fatwas
The Sources of Foreign Language Reading Anxiety in an Indonesian EFL Context
Social Interactions in Indonesian for Speakers of Other Languages Classes
Students’ Perceptions of Language Learning Environment and Their Engagement in EFL Learning
Students’ Motivations and Attitudes towards Foreign Language Learning
Local Wisdom as Income Generator - Increasing Mutual Life and Lifeskill through Local Indeginous
Indigenous Traditions Kuta in Preserving the Environment to Maintain Nation Character
Whatsapp Goes to Campus - Promoting Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL) in Islamic Higher Education
Teachers with Ulul Albab Characteristics
Implementation Differences of Cooperative Learning Model Two Stay Two Stray (TSTS) Technique with Numbered Heads Together (NHT) Technique to Study Result of Students on Sociology
Psychologycal Analysis of Novel Entitled Kerumunan Terakhir by Okky Madasari - The Influence of Social Media to Construct a Personality and Reflection of Character Education
Digital Citizenship - The Reality of Students Attitude using Information and Communication Technology
The Contribution of Tourists’ Perceived Value to Behavioral Intentions at Dessert Restaurants in Bandung City
The Role of Indigenous People in Maintaining Cultural Existence in the Era of Modernization
Communication and Students' Needs - Measuring Students' Affect toward Teaching and Learning Process in Higher Education
The Correlation between Resilience and Emotional Intelligence on the Learning Achievement of Primary School Student on Social Studies in the Remote Areas
Value Education through Ethical Dialectics in Freud's Psychoanalysis Paradigm - On Deutsch Language Intensive Class Program
Ramayana and Mahabharata - Deconstruction Literature Studies in Indonesia
Revitalization Model of Multifuctional Posyandu - An Intefrated Service Post
Science and Technology for Community - Management Information System for Village Officers in Pangauban and Sukamukti, Kecamatan Katapang, Bandung Regency
Development of Competence Based Training (CBT) Curriculum of Sociology Teachers
Pesantren and Values of Peace - Study of Social Capital in Pesantren Community
Dramaturgy as a Part of Female Commercial Sex Worker’s Life
The Reaction of Pesantren Al Mukmin to Radicalism and Terrorism
Community Preparedness in Dealing with Landslides
Enhancement Student Activity using Time Token Arends Model on Sociology Subject
Internalization of Peace Value through Religious Education - Sociological Review on Chinese Muslim Family in Manado
Problems and Prospects of Mediation in the Justice System in Indonesia
Application GIS to Analyse Crime Risk in Bandung
Social Capital of Lembaga Amil Zakat (LAZ) in West Java
Volunteerism through Festivals for Civic Virtue
Hate Speech in Arabic Newspaper Cyber Law - Case Study In Al-Jazeera.Net Daily Newspaper
Humans by the Quran Tend Reject the Right Religion
Women’s Empowerment and Development in Southwest Sumba
Labour Market for People with Disabilities - Exclusion or Inclusion?
Limited Use of Health Facilities among Commercial Sex Workers after the Closing of Red-areas
Sharia Maqashid on the Fiscal Policy, the Urgency in the Modern Era
Regulated and Regimented Interest in the Financial and Economy System: Issues and Challenges
The Economic Growth Elements in Medina During the Prophet Sallallahu ‘Alayhi Wasallam
The Role of Family Economic Programs in Reducing Poverty
A Framework to Evaluate the Performance of Zakat Institutions - A Case Study on Zakat Institutions in Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Zakat Al-Mal Al-Mustafad in Selangor: It’s Implementation and Challenges
Identity, Rationality and Economic Behavior of Moslem Minangkabau
The Evaluation of Zakat Development in Indonesia - A Case Study in Banten
Empowering Female Labour within Islamic Framework
Where are We Heading?: Case Study of Zakat Institution in Brunei
Constructing Women Empowerment Index Based on the Islamic Paradigm
The Influence of Hotel Taxes and Entertainment Taxes toward District Own Source Revenue in Bandung City
Determination Sovereign Sukuk in Indonesia in 2011–2016
Influence of Indonesia Exchange Rate, Inflation and Bank Indonesia Sharia Certificates on Net Asset Value of Sharia Mixed Mutual Funds in Indonesia
Macroeconomic Variables and Stock Indices (Islamic and Conventional): Evidence from Indonesia
Vector Autoregression Analysis on Inflation Rate, Interest Rate and Rupiah Exchange Rate with Indonesia Sharia Stock Index
Liquidity Risk and Macroeconomic Analysis of Islamic Banking in Indonesia
Choosing the Best Investment for Muslims According to Shariah
The Evolution of Regulatory Landscape of Islamic Finance in Negara Brunei Darussalam: Issues and Challenges
Institutionalization of Sharia Financial Norms in Indonesia
Factors that Affect Islamic Corporate Governance
Comparative Analysis of Islamic Bank’s Productivity and Conventional Bank’s in Indonesia Period 2008-2016
The Effect of Human Resources, Management and Capital Performance toward Return on Asset - Case Study on Islamic Bank 2011-2015
Comparison of Risk and Return on Trading and Profit Sharing Based Financing Contract in Indonesian Islamic Bank
Early Warning System for Sharia Insurance Companies in Indonesia and Malaysia at 2013-2015 periode
The Analysis of Green Marketing Strategy and Product Atributes on Purchase Decision of Green Products
Comparison of Sensitivity Gap Formation between Maybank Syariah Indonesia and Maybank Malaysia
The Influence of Firm Performance to Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure - Case Study of Sharia Banks in Indonesia
Adopting Sustainable Finance Regulation for Islamic Financial Institutions in Indonesia
Sukuk Return and Risk: A Comparison between Ijarah and Mudharabah-based Contracts
Did the Bank with Bigger of Total Assets had Ensured Its Financial Soundness?
Impact of Government Policy on Hajj Funds Transfer on Conventional Bank and Islamic Bank Third Party Funds in Indonesia: Difference in Difference Approach
Ponzi Scheme: A Violation Against Good Corporate Governance and Islamic Concept on Investment
Measuring the Stability of Islamic Banks in Indonesia - A Multidimensional Approach
Credit Risk Management and Islamic Banking Performance - Evidence from Indonesia
Comparative Analysis between Islamic Banks in Indonesia and Malaysia Using RGEC Method and Sharia Conformity Indicator Period 2011-2015
Preference of Maqasid Al-Sharia Approach by the National Sharia Board of the Indonesian Council of Ulama for Fatwa Arrangement in Banking Field
Efficiency and Productivity Growth Analysis of the Islamic Banking in Indonesia: Data Envelopment Analysis and Malmquist Productivity Index Approach
Sharia Banks and Conventional Banks in Historical Perspective and Communication of Community Culture
Implementation of Islamic Work Ethic and Its Impact to Job Satisfaction - Survey on BRI Syariah Bandung
The Effect of the Quality of Service and Sharia Banking Products to Consumer Satisfaction
Sharia Compliance of Sharia Asset-Backed Securities
Impact of Knowledge of Sharing Ratio and Family Religiousity Environtment to Customer Decision: Survey on Bank BRI Syariah KCP Bandung Kopo
The Technical Efficiency of Islamic Banks in Indonesia in 2011-2015
Factors that Influence the Customers Interest in Choosing Micro Financing - Case Study: BRI Syariah KCP Cimahi
Can Islamic Bank Satisfy Their Customer?
Literacy of Islamic Banking Products - Survey on Members of Islamic Mass Organization in Bandung City
Factor Analysis of Constraints in Financial Feasibility for Results on Sharia Banks
The Impact of Banks Characteristics Variables on Indonesian Islamic Banks Profitability
Analysis of Islamic Intellectual Capital Performance in Islamic Banking Industry: Study in Southeast Asia Countries
Preferences Analysis of Business Executors in Choosing Access to Conventional and Syariah Micro Financing
Profitability Ratio to Distinguish between Islamic and Conventional Banks in Indonesia
The Role of Account Representative in Securing the Tax Proceed
The Adaptation of Delone and Mclean’s Information System Model to Test The Success of the Erp-Sap Implementation in Middle-Level Management: A Study Case at PT Petrokimia Gresik
Design of Cloud-based Marketing Information System on D'banjar Barbershop as an Effort to Increase Revenue
The Effect of Board Diversity on Earnings Management: Evidence from Property, Real Estate, and Construction Firms in Indonesia
Value Added Human Capital and Firms’ Financial Performance
Qualitative Analysis of Financial Reporting Post Adoption of International Financial Reporting Standard - Comparative Study in South East Asia
Mentally of Accounting in the Era of Indonesian Urban Society
Factors that Influence Auditor’s Professional Skepticism - Evidence from Audit Firms in Surabaya
Love of Money and Auditor Ethical Assessment - Fraud Perception Analysis
Effect of Competence and Internal Accountant Certification on Quality Information Financial Statements with Information Technology as Mediation Variables
Behavioral Accounting of Amir and Takmir Sunan Ampel Surabaya on Financial Reporting
The Effect of Substance Over Forms Principle towards Islamic Financial Reporting Quality
Impact of Auditor Reputation on Sukuk Rating
Green Innovation as Implementation of Sustainability Development in Indonesia
Implementation of Effective Internal Control in Higher Education
Audit Fee and Multiple Large Shareholder on Audit Quality
Exploring the Social Reporting Disclosure using Maqashid Sharia Perspectives - Case Studies to Companies that Listed at Jakarta Islamic Index
Upgrade Product Purchase Decision
Building Organizational Citizenship Behavior Lecturer to Achieve the Best Performance at State University
Modeling Analysis of using Social Media toward Online Political Participation of Young Adults
CEO Decision Horizon Towards Company’s Performance
Exploring Elements of Human Capital Development and Firm Performance in the Financial Services Industry
Optimization Accounting Management Efforts through Design Information System at PT. Rajawali Nusindo Bandung
The Influence of Profitability, Liquidity and Market Value on Stock Returns - Research to Mining Companies on Indonesia Stock Exchange from 2012 To 2016
The Influence of Emotional Value to Customer Satisfaction to Increase Customer Loyalty in PT. Karya Imtaq
The Role of Quality Assurance (QA) in Maintaining the Quality of the Appraisers of Government Assets in the Directorate General of State Assets (DJKN)
CEO Characteristics and Performance of Indonesian State-Owned Enterprise in Indonesia Period Year 2013-2015
Islamic Branding and Celebrity Endorser - Implications on Decisions of Wardah Cosmetic Purchase
Creditric Calculation Model in Micro Financing IB on the Agricultural Sector in PT. BRI Shariah
Isomorphism in the Banking Industry of the Regional Development Banks in Indonesia
Analysis the Value of Green Advertising and Environmental Management in the Garment and Textile Industries
Islamic Perspective on Work Ethic and Competence to Increasing Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) to Sharia Bank Employees in The Bangka Belitung Islands Province
The Role of Digital Customer Experience on Customer Loyalty
Indonesian Higher Education - Building Leader Competencies towards World Class Quality
Analysis Line Balancing at Moslem Clothing Producer - Case Study: X Convection
Improve Customer Satisfaction through Implementation of Quality Management System ISO 9001:2008
Psychological Capital and Quality of Work Life Increase the Employee Performance of Laboratory Animal Division
SMEs Empowerment Strategy Sector of Fisheries Marine Based on Fish Flour in District Tojo Una-Una
Sholat Jamaah as Miniature of a Concept of Islamic Leadership
A Study on Push and Pull Factors of Consumers Purchase Decision to Stay in Boutique Hotel Melaka, Malaysia
Analysis of Marketing of Sharia Banking Service Products Based on Consumer Perception
Understanding Bribery and Islamic Business Ethics in Organizations - A Phenomenological Study
The Role of Education on Green Investment in Pasar Governance
Experiential Marketing Analysis at Saung Angklung Udjo Bandung
Smart Tourism through Event Marketing on Geopark
Evaluation on Village-Fund Management - A Case Study at the Lembang Sub-districts, West Bandung Regency
Transformational Leadership and Knowledge Management - A Practical Perspectives
The Influence of Information, Selection of Halal Tourism Destination, and Marketing Mix on Tourist - Satisfaction and Loyalty
Risk Management of Zakat Management
The Implementation of Productive Zakat in Samarinda, East Kalimantan
The Analysis of Fatwa Development Regarding to Zakat Collection in Malaysia
Risk Management Mechanism in Empowering Productive Waqf - A Conceptual Approach
Islamic Quality Management for Zakat Institution toward Strength of National Welfare
Welfare of Mustahik Based on Maqasid Shariah - Survey on Mustahik in MiSykat DPU DT Bandung
The Impact of Attitude toward Zakat and Intention to Pay Zakat on Zakat Compliance Behavior
Determinant Analysis on Muslims Perception towards Cash Waqf - A Study on Waqeef in Pusbang Wakaf Daarut Tauhid
Does Utilization of Public Figure Affects People Perception towards OPZ and Their Intention to Pay ZISWAF?
Religiosity and Trust towards Istiqomah Muzakki
The Challenges of Recruitment and Termination of Outsourcing Worker - The Islamic Perspective
Moslem Merchants in Traditional Market
Halal Certification for Indonesian Small and Medium Enterprises Opportunity and Thread
Factors Hindering the Use of Internet Banking and Mobile Banking Service of Islamic Banking for the Online Businessman
Theory of Planned Behavior in Intention to Pay Cash Waqf
Halal Certification Implementation Strategies for Fashion Product
The Effects Of Islamic Spirituality to Small Business Performance
Building Student's Islamic Enterpreneurial Mindset through Project Based Learning Model
Enterpreneurship Education: A Life Skills Approach
Syariapreneur: The New Paradigm of Islamic-Based Entrepreneurship
Halal Knowledge and Religiosity on Purchasing Decision of Samyang Ramen Products: Survey on Muslim Students in Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Business Model Canvas Innovation and Blue Ocean Strategy for eFishery
Factors Influencing Domestic Traveler to Halal Tourism Destination
Shari’a Compliance to Improve the Competitiveness of the Industry of Hijab
Analysis of Sharia Compliance Islamic Business The Industrial Centers of Peci - Survey on Cianjur Regency Craftsmen
Measuring the Efficient of Islamic Rural Bank in Java Island Based on Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA) Method
Development Strategy For Islamic Microfinance Institution In Indonesia: Ifas-Efas Matrix Approach
The Mediating Role of Perceived Benefits upon SMEs’ Satisfaction towards Islamic Microfinance Institutions
Linkage Model in Micro Sharia Financing for The Empowerment of MSME
Islamic Commercial and Social Finance Integration: Experience of Baitul Maal Wa Tamwil in Riau
SWOT Analysis of Baitul Maal Wat Tamwil Beringharjo Yogyakarta
Lender of the Last Resort of Islamic Microfinance Institutions
The Role of Islamic Microfinance for Enhancing Financial Inclusion and Financial Literacy with ANP Method
Stages of the Islamic Social and Commercial Financing for Microfirms
On the Existence of Relationship Lending in Islamic Microfinancing
The Importance of Islamic Microfinance Model as a Mean to Alleviate Fisherman Poverty in Pangandaran
Micro Financing Regulation in Sharia Banks Connected with the Bank Function as Financial Intermediary Institution
Determinant Micro Financing Repayment In Bank Bri Syariah Kcp Cimahi
Intellectual Capital in Baitul Maal Wa Tamwil
Non Performing Financing (NPF) And Bank Indonesia Sharia Certificate (SBIS) Towards Sharia Financing In The Sector Of Micro, Small, And Medium Enterprise (MSME) In Indonesia 2012-2016 Period
The Influence of Financing Against Profitability at Bank Syariah in Indonesia in General 2010-2016
Application of E-Cooperative in Facilitating Accountability Reports by Management
Effect of Word of Mouth on Students Decision to Choose Studies in College
Which is More Influential in Online Purchasing Decisions: Price or Trust?
The Influence of Personal Branding of Koreans, Chinese, Japanese Expatriates and Indonesian Employees Towards Their Self-Confidence - Cultural research of Korean, Japanese, Chinese and local employees in Banten Province Indonesia
The Influence of Investment Decision, Financing Decision, and Dividend Policy on Firm Value - Study on Basic Industry and Chemical Sector Company Listed on Indonesian Stock Exchange from Years 2006-2015
Women’s Labor Force Participation Analysis on Formal and Informal Business Sectors
Information Systems for Semeru Mountain with QR Code and RFID Technology
SISMIOP Acceptance Behavior User Responses by Usage of Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) at Realization of Land and Building Tax (PBB) in Banyuwangi
Management of Sharia Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as a Community Establishment for Civil Society
Internal Factors Affecting the Intention to Pay Zakat and the Selection of Formal Zakat Institutions on Generation Y in Indonesia
Analysis of Local and Foreign Tourists Experience in Bandung
Supermarket Reputation: A Theoretical Review
Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) Method can Affect the Creative Problem Solving Skil (CPSS) Students Based on Regional Differences of School
Enhancing Tourists’ Experience Through Community-Based Home Stay - The Case of Kampung Cireundeu, Indonesia
Conceptual Model of Consumer Experiences and Brand Experiences
Development Return on Investment in Hospitality Industry Based on Website
Governance and Trust in Zakat Institution
The Implementation of the Cooperative Learning Model of the Type of Cooperative Script to Improve the Students’ Learning Outcomes on the Sharia Economic Course
Community Benefiting through Tourism as A Tool for Empowering the Community – Case Study of Saung Angklung Udjo in Bandung, Indonesia
Influence of Fatigue on Balance and Lower Limb Muscles Activity in Flatfoot Children
Psychological Characteristics of Indonesian Martial Sports Athletes SEA Games 2017
Learning Media and Music Model in Improving Characters and Learning Achievement Pencak Silat Movement
Physical Education Teachers’ Interpretations of Teaching Games for Understanding Model
Development of a Coffee Table Book on Kapampangan Games
Developing Tutorial Video of Karate Basic Technique (Kihon)
ABC Running Exercise in Increasing VO2 Max on Students of Football Extracurricular on Secondary High School
Influence of Ballistic Weight Training and Ballistic Functional Training to the Increase of Strength, Speed, Agility and Power on Lower Extremity Body
Development Learning Model Variation Techniques of Volley Ball Services Using Visual Audio Media
Performance Assessment for Physical Education
Analysis of Maternal Behavior in the Prevention of Pneumonia in Children Using WHO Behavioral Determinant Approach
Jump Serve on Volleyball Survey
The Effect of Skillastics Game on the Elementray School Students’ Social Skills
The Think Pair Share (TPS) Learning Model in the Behavior of Healthy School Snack Selection of School Age Children
Perception of Foreign Coach and Athletes about a Volleyball Competition
Can “Parachute Game” Improve the Emotional Intelligence of Deaf Students?
The Psychological Characteristics of the Indonesian SEA Games Athletes in the Measurable Sport
Genetic Counseling to Reduce the Level of Depression in Parents of Children with Thalassemia Major
Weight Loss in Pencak Silat Fighting Category
Weight Loss in Pencak Silat Art Performance Category
Contribution of Arm Muscle Strength and Flexibility to Result in Radslag on Physical Education Students
Increasing Participation in Recreation Sports Using the PAKTIF Model
The Relationship between Physical Fitness and Academic Achievement in Physical Education, Sport, and Health
Anthropometric Measurements, Physiological and Biomotoric Test to Identify Talented Basketball Athletes
Paradigm Shift in Pencak Dor Traditional Sport
Volleyball Smash Skills
Identification of Art Activity Futsal Run at Professional Futsal League in Indonesia
Profile of Physical Education Program Students Candidates
Development of Volleyball Course Scoring Instrument for Students
Physical Activity for the Blind from the Principal's Perception
Comparison of Shooting Accuracy between Dominant and Non-Dominant Leg among Indonesian Soccer School Players
Comparison of Extensive and Extensive Interval Exercises in Futsal VO2max Player Upgrades
The Identification of Talents in Coastal Areas
The Improvement of Maximum Speed Phase of 100 meter Sprint
Vital Capacity and Haemoglobin Level in Correlation with Endurance of Adolescent Football Athlete
Correlation of Energy Intake, Sex and Physical Activity with Fat Mass in Stunting Teenagers
Teaching Children Sepaktakraw through the Cart Sepaktakraw Game
The Influence of Application of the Sport Education Learning Model in Improving Volleyball Playing Skills
The Impact of Sport Co-Curricular and Internship on Social Skill
Development of Trekking Sports Based on Local Wisdom in Supporting Tourism Sport Industry
Effect of Aerobic and Anaerobic Physical Exercises to Brain Derived Neurothropic Factor Plasma Levels on Mice
The Effect of Mass Media on Achievement of Indonesian Badminton Athletes
Application of Water-Playing Methods to Increase Confidence in Mentally Retarded Children at Special Education Laboratory
The Contributing Factors to Athletes’ Achievement in Archery
The Role of Rubber Resistant against Swimming Breaststroke 25 Meters
Character Building Values in Sports Development
Outdoor Education on Students’ Objectives and Responsibilities
Teaching Personal Social Responsibility and Cooperative Learning Models on the Students Responsibility in Physical Education
Contribution of Intelligence and Physical Condition on the Punch and Kick Pencak Silat
The Effects of Red Fruit Extract Supplementation on Blood Lactate Concentration after Sub-Maximal Exercise
Implementation of Outdoor Education on Critical Thinking Ability
Effect of Method of Teaching and Learning Motivation toward Skills Freestyles Swimming 25 meter
Correlation between Power of Limb Muscle with Smash Skill Kedeng on Sepaktakraw
The Effect of High and Low Glycemic Index Menu on the Endurance Performance of Football Player
Anxiety Instrument Application on Water Ski Athletes who had Experienced Injury
Effect of Aqua Noodle on Butterfly Swimming
The Effect of Sport Education Model (SEM) and Conventional Learning Model on the Active Learning Time
Improving Physical Activity of Students with Low Fundamental Movement Skills Using Sport Education Model
Physical Condition in the Performance Aspect of Seoi Nage Throwing Technique
Physical Condition Evaluation of Young Athletic Athletes
Correlation between Emotional Quotient (EQ) and Achievement Motivation on Pencak Silat Achievement
Physical Activity: Sports which are Done by Elders
The Influence of Exercise Motivation and Motor Ability towards the Table Tennis Playing Skills
The Effectiveness of the Implementation of Outbound for Kids in Developing Child Character
Development of Instructional Model Enterprise-based Problem Based Learning in Sport Science Program of Faculty of Sport Science
Performance Profiling of Philippine Normal University Basketball Male and Female Athletes
The Effect of Menstrual Cycle Phases on Vertical Jump Kinematics and Kinetics in Elite Athletes
Academic Achievement and Athletic Performance of Freshmen Athletes in the Special Program for Sports of the Philippine Normal University Academic Year 2013–2014
Students’ Motivation Profiles as Predictors of Physical Activity Participation
Comparative Analysis on the Motivation for Dancing of Male and Female Students
The Filipino Learner - Physical Attributes
Motivation in Physical Education among Filipino High School Students
Correlation of Physical Activity and Social Media Use of Students
Level of and Perceived Barriers to Physical Activity in a Sample of College Sophomores
Motivational Correlates for Physical Education Class Participation of College Students
Scientific Approach in Physical Education - Is it able to Improve Concentration and Spatial Intelligence of Junior High School Students in the Coastal Area?
Fundamental Movement Skills and Game Performance in Invasion Game Activities
Teaching Physical Education Based on Self-Management Skill - Developing the Active Lifestyle, Physical Activity Level and Physical Fitnes on College Students
Effort to Improve Student Fundamental Locomotor and Manipulative Skills through the Application of Movement Education
Application of Modified Basketball Game Against Understanding Playing Basketball
The Validity and Reliability of Arrowhead Agility Test in Football
Developing Life Skills through Cooperative Learning Models in Aquatic Activities
Decreasing Physical Condition and Performance of Swimming Athletes
Menstrual Cycle - Does it Influence the Anxiety and Confidence of the Swimming Athletes?
Scientific Approach in Physical Education - Can it Improve Concentration and Spatial Intelligence of Senior High School Students in the Mountainous Area?
Decision Making of Football Referee and Assistant Referee in Liga 1 Indonesia
Impact of HIIT Exercise Methods on Improving the Ability of Anaerobic and Aerobic Capacities of Female Futsal
Students Knowledge about Handling Sport Injuries
Athlethes’ Knowledge on The Nurses’ Role in Sports Injury Treatment
The Shift of Female Martial Artists Depression Level Resulting from Pre-Menstrual Syndrom Effect
Brain Jogging Exercise and Team and Individual Sports Athletes’ Concentration
The Influence of Ideas Exercise Model and Physical Fitness on Badminton Playing Skills
West Javanese Judo Athletes’ Physical Conditions
Building Sport Student Self-Esteem in Learning Statistics through SRLE - Statistical Reasoning Learning Environment
Revealing the Mental Toughness of the Fighter of Paguron Manderaga
Quality of Life of West Java Paralympic Athletes
Energy Bars with Curcumin Content Increase Human Performance
The Effect of Consumption of Palm Sugar on Cardiovascular Endurance and Lactic Acid
Differences of "Menarche" Viewed from Geographical Location
Effect of Tool Modified “Smarter Spotter” on Students’ Performance in Bridge Motion
How to Improve Drive Stroke Result in Squash Game?
Training of Superset System Power and Set System to Improve the Strength of Limb
Measuring Learning Outcomes and Softball Skills with Cooperative Learning Model
The Influence of the Direct Learning Model on Self-Confidence Levels on Floor Exercise
Agility Test Development Based Infrared Sensor
Excessive Lexical Borrowing - Restraining the Absorption of English Vocabulary into Indonesian through Translation
The Implementation of LINE Webtoon Application in Promoting the EFL Teachers’ Creativity - The Teachers’ and Students’ Perception
The Way of LAPOR! Site’s Users Communicate Complaints in 2015: The Study of Systemic Functional Linguistics
A Critical Discourse Analysis of Online Newspaper Articles on 29th SEA Games Flag Incident
A Study on the Japanese Adverbs “Zenzen” and “Mattaku” in Terms of Pragmatics
An Analysis of Teacher’s Lesson Plans in Implementing the 2013 Curriculum (Revised Version 2016)
The Practice of Critical Literacy Teaching in EFL Classroom: A Case Study in a Reading Class in Indonesian Higher Education
Cultural Content in English Textbook - Visual Grammar Analyis
Thematic Shift in Translating English Narrative Text into Indonesian
Teachers’ and Students’ Judgment of Grammaticality of Sentences
Father as a Caregiver: The Thipology of Father Parenting Style While Mother doesn’t Exist and the Effect to Child Autonomy
Exploring Ideational Meaning in Indonesian EFL Textbook: A Case from Multimodal Perspective
The Effect of Peer Review Using Twitter on Students' Writing in French
Kindergarten Future Teacher’s Perception on Teaching English to Young Learners through Thematic-based Instruction
The Effectiveness of English Education at a Public Elementary School in Indonesia in Enhancing English for Young Learners
Literacy to Literacies: The Pedagogy of New Time
Understanding Indonesian Secondary-Level Students’ Procedure Texts Writing: An SFL Approach-Comparative Analysis to Expert Text
Gricean Cooperative Principles Infringement in Hebephrenic Schizofrenia Patients
Like Mentor Like Mentee - How the Perception Correlates to Teaching Performance
Developing Literacy Skill through Direct and Explicit Comprehension Strategy Instruction (DECSI) - An Action Research
Using Instagram Photo Caption to Encourage Students to Write in English: Benefits and Obstacles
Switching to Postmodern Teaching - Turning to Critical Literacy
Explicit Instruction, Comic Strips and ESP Reading Comprehension
Morphological Awareness of Indonesian Kindergarten Children Aged 5-6: A Case of Inflection
The Contribution of Plagiarism Detection Tool to Students’ Academic Writing Behavior
A Discourse Analysis - Determining the Storyboard Assets of Indonesian Environmental Public Service Animation Scripts
Exploring EFL Students’ Metacognitive Strategies in Speaking Class: An Indonesian Context
Explicit Correction in Scaffolding Students: A Case of Learning Spoken English
Integrating Turnitin in Teaching Essay Writing for Tertiary Education
An Analysis of Students’ Writing on the Basis of Writing Anxiety Level and Cross-Cultural Understanding of the Target Language
Morphological Awareness of Kindergarten Children: A Case of Reduplication
How Teachers Treat Pronunciation Errors in Young Learners’ Class
Improving EFL Students’ Academic Writing through Scaffolding, Self-Correction, and Peer Review
Investigating Students Preference of Classroom Seating Arrangement in a Private Elementary School - A Qualitative Research in One of the Elementary Schools in Bandung
Wallace’s Critical Reading Framework - For Non Professional Readers: Students’ Perception
Needs Analysis for ESP Course Development for Undergraduate Engineering Students - A Cross-Sectional Survey for Engineering Students in One of Universities in Bandung
Teachers’ Perception and Attitude in Using Corrective Feedback Associated with Character Education
Promoting Multicultural Literacy through Learning Materials in EFL Classroom: Benefits and Challenges
Students’ Perception toward the Use of IPA Symbols in Pronunciation Class: An Empirical Study in EFL Classroom
Literacy Skills among ESP Students
Disclosing Metaphorical Analysis in Political Discourse
Syntactic Awareness of Early Childhood Aged 5-6: A Case of Sentence Structure
Narrative Texts in Three Copies of Court Decisions of Defamation Cases
Teaching Good Character in a Narrative Text through Storytelling - A Descriptive Qualitative Research in a Junior High School in Bandung
Strengthening the Outlining Process to Improve EFL Students’ Academic Writing Competence
Regular Exchanges of Dialogical Dakwah Discourse in Surakarta City
The Translation of Iltifat Verses: An Analysis of Translation Ideology
Metadiscourse Markers in English Dissertation Abstracts
Using the Await Strategy for the Orientation Phases of Narrative Texts’ Development: A Genre-based Approach
Expressions of Joy in Japanese and Indonesian Language - A Focus on Its Semantics
A Comparative Study of Rural and Urban Elementary School Students’ Perceptions of Criteria of Bilingual Children Storybook
Exploring Teacher’s Perspective of the Implementation of KTSP Curriculum in One of Junior High Schools in Bandung
The Effect of Role-Playing for Building Students’ Speaking Motivation and Positive Characters
The Zine Project - Improving Students’ Skill and Creativity in Writing in English
Technology and Literature Teaching - Using Fanfiction to Teach Literary Canon
Developing Critical Literacy Practices using Speaking Tasks of Tertiary Level Students
A Cross-cultural Sociopragmatic Study - Apology Speech Act Realization Patterns in Indonesian, Sundanese, and Japanese
Investigating English Teachers’ Understanding of Materials Adaptation in Curriculum 2013
Analyzing Students' Problems in Writing Narrative Text through SFL Perspectives
The Use of Reflective Writing to Improve Students’ Writing and Critical Thinking Skills
Digital Writing Tools - Teaching Argumentative Essays beyond the Traditional Frontiers
Poetry Translation - A Teaching Practice
The Advantages and Challenges of ICT Integration in EFL Classrooms
Edmodo-Aided Language Exposure to Boost False Beginners’ Language Performance
Boosting Communication Skills of Millennial Generation through Bibliobattle
Once Upon a Time - The Essence of Mind Mapping within Genre-based Approach to Enhance Students’ Writing Ability
Teaching Machines to Recognize Idiomatic Expressions - A Comparative Analysis of Compound Word Recognition Results between Human and Machine Annotation
Students’ Engagement, Writing Performance and Perception towards the Utilization of Edmodo in a Writing Course
Media in EFL Classroom - Song Vs. Picture
Experiential Learning of Future Teachers in Story Dictation for Early Childhood Education
Examining Conversation of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) - An Application of Grice’s Cooperative Principle
Anxiety and Willingness to Communicate in Indonesian EFL Context - How Do They Correlate?
Students’ Voices on the Use of Powtoon as a Tool to Optimize Their Skills in Designing Presentation
Pedagogical Analysis of Two Indonesian Science News Articles - A Multimodal Study
A Pragmatic Analysis of Hedges in Articles on Chemistry, Linguistics and Economics
Address Terms in Japanese, Indonesian and Sundanese - As Politeness Strategy in Apology Speech Act
Analysis of Character Education in Students’ Learning Process in National Junior High School
Aphasia Types and Language Modality Disorder by Ischemic Stroke Patient
Assessing English Medium Instruction Policy in Internationalization of Indonesian Higher Education - Possibility and Reality
Association Meaning in Identifying Pleasant Tweets
Can Power Spectral Density (PSD) be used to Measure Reading Concentration?
Reading Comprehension - Ability to Understand Text Mathematics to Solve Basic Mathematical Questions
Cross-Cultural Learning Strategy - Japanese Drama for Oral and Written Japanese Competency
Cynicism toward Pregnancy in Short Story “Pregnant” by Anna Gavalda
Developing English Language Skill for Children through Information and Communication Technology in Early Childhood Education
Development of Learning Model Based on the Personal Source in Playing Javanese Gamelan for Children with Special Needs
Evaluation of E-Learning in Indonesian as a Foreign Language
Fourth Grade Students’ Difficulties in Understanding Javanese Language Text
Going Beyond Celebratory Multiculturalism - Developing a Self-Reflective Children Story Project
Hot Potatoes Media in Learning Japanese Language Listening
Business English Presentation Simulations - Do They Truly Enhance Foreign Language Communicative Competence?
Integrating Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) of Young Adolescent Students through Scientific Approach in English Language Learning
Japanese Language Teaching for Tourism using Content and Language Integrated Learning Approach
Language Paradigm in Sundanese Pikukuh
Teaching Strategies for Korean Language Classes with Highly Mixed Ability Students
Local Wisdom and Function in Burung Pipit Ajaib Folklore and Its Existence as a Reflection of the National Culture on Modernization Era
Water Resource Conservation through the Myth of Lake Guard Fish
A Development of Moodle based Test Simulation for ZIDS-Exam
Multimodal Literacy for Improving Presentation Quality
Nationality Values of Sundanese Words and Proverbs
The Politeness of Javanese Women in Social Interaction of Rewang Tradition
Readability Analysis of the Imperative Verses Translation of the Holy Quran
Representation of Life Philosophy through the Sekapur Sirih Symbol in the Implementation of Gawai Dayak Ritual in West Kalimantan
Representation of Putin’s Identity in Time: An Ambiguous Partiality
Robinson Crusoe as a Textbook - In Schools During the Dutch Colonial Period in West Java
Searching of Sundanese Archaic Words in Inner and Outer Badui
The Process of Semantics Radicals (Bushu) during the Recognition Meaning of Japanese Kanji Characters
Syllable Awareness of Indonesian Children with Developmental Dyslexia
Synectis Models in Writing Stories by Using Augmented Reality to Increase Verbal Creativity
The Analysis of Romanticism in Bonjour Tristesse Romance by Françoise Sagan
The Communicative Accommodation of Chinese in Singkawang
The Comparative Study in Teaching Speaking Through Story Telling and Discussion
The Construction of Ideology through Syntactic Strategy in the Novel Bumi Manusia
The Effectiveness of Scientific and Scaffolding Approaches in Teaching Writing
Language Games to Enhance Reading and Writing Comperehension for Kindergarten Children
An Anthropolinguistic Study on Local Wisdom Embodied in Lexicons of Community System in Kampung Adat Urug
The Meaning Behind Rites - Symbolical Aspect of the Ngaruat Tradition with Cerita Batara Kala
The Profile of Indonesian Children Authors and Its Implication Towards Literacy Affirmation
The Quality of Course Subject Test Items In Sundanese Language Education Program
The Relationship between Conversation and Reading Approach in Inquiry-Social Media Based Learning
The Representation of LGBT in Indonesia’s International Mass Media - A Case of the Jakarta Post
The Sociocultural Literacy Dimensions in A.A. Navis’s Short Stories
The Use of Puppet in Teaching Speaking to Young Learners
Turn-Taking in German as Foreign Language Classroom
Unifying the Socio-Cultural Differences Among Students in Primary School Education
User Interface Design of Multimedia-Based ICT Learning Module
Variety in Using Language and Dayak Bidayuh Language Reviewed from Society's Attitude as a Preservation of Language in the Border Region of West Kalimantan
Visual Novel Media in Enhancing Intermediate Japanese Reading Comprehension
Cognate in Indonesian and Berau Language - Comparative Linguistics Study
Development of Cooperative Integrated Model CIRC Typed (Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition) in Intensive Reading Learning
Student Needs on Indonesian Language’s Teaching Materials as General Compulsory Subject in Social Sciences and Natural Sciences Clusters
Typography Analysis of Ternate Sufistic Literature
The Comprehension of Japanese Culture in Learning Japanese as Foreign Language
The Verbal Strategies in Jokowi – Prabowo Debates - A Pragmatics Perspective
A Study of the Reasoning Behind the Choices of Meanings - Forms of Errors and Their Causes in the Translation of Jumlah Ismiyah and Fi’liyah
French Où-relatives and Que-relatives Expressing Time Produced by Indonesian Students Learning French at B1 Level
Ethnopedagogic Elements in Ancient Sundanese Manuscripts from the 11th to the 18th Century
Comic-based Treffinger Model in Story Writing Learning
The Role of Parents in Sundanese Language Preservation
Women and Her Language - Gender Perspective Through Speech Features Dialogue Used by Najwa Shihab and President Joko Widodo
The Integrative Teaching Problem of Arabic Morphosyntax - Descriptive Analysis Study on Integrative Sharaf-Nahwu Teaching of Arabic Language
Pragmatic Analysis of Imperative and Prohibition Speech Acts in Quran
Developing Collaborative Based Reading Habit Model for Learning Writing Textbook
Between Erotic and Sensual - Representation of Ronggeng in Indonesian Film
The Arjuna Myth within Two Indonesian Novels and One Sundanese Novel: A Comparative Literature Analysis
Communication Style Figure of Hajj Agus Salim in Determining Effective Strategy to Achieve Diplomacy Goals
Academic Writing Intervention - An Alternative for Non-Thesis Track Students’ Final Paper Supervision
EFL and Language Ideology - The Case of Indonesia
Determined Factors of Language Use in The Sindang Market of Cirebon
The Asset of Language Education Values in the Context of Script Exploitation
Revitalization of Writing Competence through Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition
Sufistic Semiotics - The Analysis Method of Sufistic Poetry
Read, Miscue, and Progress - A Preliminary Study in Characterizing Reading Development in Shallow Indonesian Orthography
Rapid Naming, Orthographic Processing Abilities and Phonological Skill in Reading Performance of Indonesian Dyslexic Children
Students’ Responses to the Use of Authentic Material in a General English Class
“Assalamu’alaikum dan Salam Sejahtera” in President Barrack Obama’s Speech at the University of Indonesia - Power or Solidarity?
The Role of Internal Communication in Organizational Culture and Performance
Construction of Snack Category Product Image Using Social Media - Case Study: Jetz Snacks
Communication Strategy of Women Politicians
The Application of “All Channel” Pattern through Social Networks of Women Authors in Jakarta
Realizing Children-Friendly Village in Badran Yogyakarta Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
Parental Communication Competence in Youth Development
The Strategy of Using Web Series on YouTube in Campaigning Positive Corporate Image
Media Ideology in the Death of Suspected Terrorist Siyono - A Critical Discourse Analysis of and Republika Online March-May 2016
Fake Identity, Deception and Cyber Bullying - How Children Access and Use New Media
Twitter and Social Movement - Analysis of Hyperpersonal Communication on Twitter and Social Movement
Social Movement and Freedom of Speech - Message Reception of 212 Mass Movement News in among Moslem Student Activists
Public Complaints through Mobile Applications as Perceived by Local Government - Case Study of Implementation Qlue for Submission of Complaints in Jakarta Provincial Government
Analysis of the Strategy of Communication through New Media - Qualitative Studies of Communication by Ridwan Kamil, The Mayor of Bandung, through Social Media
Poverty Information System - Challenges in the Pro Poor Program E-Planning
Do We Really Need an Internet-Based Public Transportation?
Strategic Role and Implications of Social Media on Community-Based Ecotourism in Gedong Pass
Difabel, Social Movements and Digital Connectivity - Study About Typology of Network Advocacy in Digital Spaces
Electronic Participation in Surakarta - Case Study of Citizen Complaint System
Organizing Participation of Community in Health Centers - Public Service Study in Jayapura Regency Papua Province
Taking Selfies at Disaster Locations - Self-imaging and Immortality
Public Participation in the Implementation of E-Planning - Communicative Action Theory Approach
The Patterns of Relationship in Implementation of Officials’ Career Mutation in Makassar’s Government Bureaucracy
Conventional vs Online Transportation - Governance-Based Conflict Resolution
Food Security Policy Supports Village Development
The Role of Information Technology in the Conflict on River Development Projects Between Surakarta City Government and Residents
The Emergence of Political Cyber Conflict in Indonesia - A Critical Discourse Analysis of Facebook Status Clash on Governor of Jakarta Blasphemy Case
Government Coordination in Marketing of Trash Recycling Products by Ex-Leprosy Sufferers in Makassar City
Democratic Efforts Against Injustice - The Process of Transforming Consciousness Into Participatory Action
Traditional Dance as a Diplomatic Tool - Srimpi Sangupati Dance by Pakubuwono IX Against Dutch Colonialsm
The Case of Sesama Art Space - Role of Cultural Diplomacy Actor in Community Development
The Importance of National Identity Concept in International Relations Studies
Batam’s Diplomacy to International Sphere - A Potential to Become a Province
Combating Arms Smuggling as Terror Threat to State Security in ASEAN
Civil Society in ASEAN Economic Community - Strengthening of Weakening
Humanitarian Actions of Médecins Sans Frontières’ Response to Humanitarian Crisis in Syria 2011-2015
Strategic Policy to Strengthen National Resilience in Border Area of West Kalimantan Province
The Fallout of Populist Movement on Social Life in the United States in the Beginning of Trump Administration
Deliberation through Online Media - Weak or Strong Public Sphere
Women’s Political Literacy in the Online Media Era - Has It Come into Being?
Digital Humour and Oppositional Social Movements During the Trump Presidency
Establishing Relationship Between Tangerang-based Senior High School Students’ Understanding on Corruption and Signification of Pancasila Values-based Anti-Corruption Behaviour
Empowerment Movement Model in the Information Society Era - Case Study in Biosphere Reserve Area, Riau, Indonesia
The Role of Arena on Low Political Representation of Women in Wonosobo Regency
Knowledge and Practice of Villagers in Digital Tourism
The Responsiveness of Public Institutions Towards the Disabled and Victims of Sexual Violence - Studies on the System and Procedures of Police Investigation Reports
Internet’s Impact on Individualism and Changing Family Communication Pattern
Social Capital Role for the Farmers Group in Managing the Green Belt Land in Kedunombo Indonesia
Meta-Analysis to the Influence of 5E Teaching Model toward Students' Learning Outcomes
Model Problem-based Student Worksheet Development, in Chemistry Learning
The Concept Islamic Education and Its Relevance with the Educational Goals
Analysis of Teachers’ Professionalism and Parental Patern on the Students’ Character Building
Learning Thinking Strategy in Islamic Education Philosophy
Ecopedagogy in Local Wisdom Values
Internalization of Character Educational Values of Kampung Adat Cireundeu
Enhancing Students' Ability to Plan and Conduct an Experiment by Utilizing Plant Biodiversity Around the School
The Increasing of the Community Participation through School-based Management at Batulayar Barat Primary School, West Lombok
The Profile of Scientific Literacy and Pedagogical Content Knowledge of Science Teacher Students in Mataram University
The Relationship of Metacognitive Skills with Critical Thinking Disposition and Student Achievement Index
Basic Chemitry Laboratory Works Based on Maritim Culture Analysis
Constructing Meaningful Learning of Chemical Equilibrium Concepts for Biology Students
The Analysis on the Level of High School Teacher’s Critical Thinking Dispositions
Problem-based Learning in Senior High School Chemistry and Its Impact on Critical Thinking Skills of Different Dispositions Students
The Investigation of Pre-service Teacher’s Critical-Thinking Skills and Dispositions in Project-based Learning
Modification of Chemistry Demonstration Media to Overcome Student’s Misconceptions in Essential Topics of Basic Chemistry
Media Literacy and Educational Curriculum: Reviewing Bahasa Indonesia Subject in the “Curriculum 2013”
Entrepreneurial Training-based Life Skills Education for Community Empowerment
The Implementation of Character Bulding of Mataram Primary Schools: As Preliminary Study of Mental Revolution Development
Self Construction Animation Software to Improve Junior High School Students’ Understanding to the Science Concept
Pre-service Chemistry Teachers’ View of Technochemistry and Their Pre-Conceptions about Ionic Liquids as a Case
Problem Solving Skill and Cognitive Ability of Prospective Teacher in Analytical Chemistry Learning with Open-ended Experiment
STEM Based Learning: The Profile of Students’ STEM Literacy Based on Gender Issue
Level of Pragmatic Understanding of the Bilinguals and Multi-linguals of the English and Indonesian Language Master’s Degrees Students
Nutrition and Physical Fitness of Primary School Pupils of Grades 5 and in Palembang City
Quality Model of Educational Services in improving Competitiveness through Higher-Education Image
An Analysis of Secondary School Students’ Difficulties in Learning Fraction and Addition Operation of Fraction
Development Climate Changes Lecturer in Earth Science and Space Course and Environmental Course for Pre-Service Science Teachers
Playing, Space and Gender - A Focused Ethnography Study
Analysis of Students’ Error in Doing Mathematics Problem on Proportion
Primary School Students’ Submicroscopic Representation Level on Greenhouse Effect at Urban Educational Area
The Impact HOT Lab to Increase Student’s Critical Thinking Skills
Analysis of Junior High School Student’s Error in Understanding Mathematical Concepts on Quadrilateral
The Effect of Guided Inquiry Model with Interactive Multimedia Towards Student’s Generic Science Skill Based on Learning Styles
Academic Procrastination Based on Internet Usage Across Senior High School Students in Surabaya, Indonesia
Assessment for Learning Practice in Higher Education
The Use of Learning Cycle 7E Model the Effect on Students Critical Thinking Ability
Building National Integrity Students through Pi’il Pesenggiri
Describing Pre-service Chemistry Teachers’ Misconceptions of Proton Transfer in Acids-Bases Brønsted-Lowry
Ecological Intelligence Based on Local Wisdom of Tidung Tribe Tarakan in Social Studies Learning
Students’ Educational Character toward Personal Ability Framework in Preparing the Future Life
Analysis of Implementation Plan Biology Learning in Class XI SMA
Efforts to Enhance the Activity and Learning Outcomes of Social Sciences in Class V using Model SOBRY - Improve, Organize, Ask, Worth and Justify
The Correlation Between Achievement Motivation and the Future Orientation in Education for Adolescence
Making Intelligent Educational Consumers through Critical Pedagogy in Social Studies Learning
The Impact of Transformational Leadership and Integrity toward Teaching Effectiveness, an Empirical Evidence from Pakuan University
The Effects of Organizational Climate and Self-Efficacy on Professional Commitment at Pakuan University
The Effect of Environmental Learning Strategy and Students' Creativity on Comprehension of Pollution Concepts
Values of Local Wisdoms and Historical Learning - A Study of Ecopedagogic Approach to Shape Caring Attitude in Learning History
Comparing Philippine and Indonesian Naming Systems - Review, Realignment, and Decolonization
Uniforms in Education System the Primary School, Junior High School, and Senior High School in Indonesia
Initiating of the Principle of Harmony in Criminal Law at the Community Relating to the Culture of Punitive Action based on the Perspective of Pancasila Law Philosophy
Pedagogical Repertoire for Developing Civic Competence in the Elementary Social Studies Curriculum - A Perspective from Philippines
Pre-College English Course Score and First Semester Achievement - Are They Truly Correlated?
Ecological View Analysis, Relevancy with Comprehension about Local’s Excellent and Environmental Ethic
Correlations between Knowledge about Human Reproduction System and Spiritual Quotient with Student’s Healthy Behavior in Senior High School
Improving Team Cohesiveness Based on Perspective of Self-efficacy and Leadership Behaviour
Enhancing the Quality of Learning “Teacher Leadership” Through Lesson Study Activity
Speaking English Problems Faced by Hotel Employees in Gili Trawangan
Integration of Sitorem Method with Strategy for Action Priority Preparation to Optimize the Stipulation of Action Plan in Education Management
Ecotourism Model Based on Social Capital (Halal Tourism) as the Strengthening Factor for the Economy of Lombok Community
Authority of the Consumer Dispute Settlement Body in Education of Consumer Protection in Financial Services Sector
Integrating Attitude, Knowledge and Skills in K-13 English Lessons: Explorations into Teachers’ Agentic Roles in Materials Development
Strengthening Motivation and Organizational Citizenship Behavior
Empirical Study of Reliability and Validity of the Instruments for Assessing School Principal’s Leadership Style
Analyzing the Constraints of Indonesian Students in Learning Science Based on TIMSS 2015 Results
The Management Program of Character Building Education
A Correlational Study: Organizational Culture, Emotional Intelligence and Teacher’s Job Satisfaction
The Effect of Implementing Cognitive Load Theory Based-Design on Pedagogical and Content Knowledge: A Case Study on Pre-Service Teachers
Improved Teachers’s Pedagogical Content Knowledge Through The MGMP-Based ELPSA Framework
Description of Fine Motor Skill Development in Kindegarten Students in Surabaya
Lesson Study-based Learning Community Model of Junior High School Students in Reading Class
Pre-Service Science Teachers Socioscientific Argumentation: A Decision Regarding Nuclear Power Plant
Introducing Phytochemical Testing of Sandoricum koetjape Merr. Through Inquiry-Based Learning
The Effect of Every Circuit Simulator to Enhance Motivation and Students Ability in Analyzing Electrical Circuits
Customer Loyalty of Medical Equipment User at Private Hospitals in West Java: Material Teaching of Marketing Learning for Undergraduate Student
The Profesional Development of Teachers of Physical Education, Sports and Health
Project-Based Learning in Achieving Creative Thinking and Character for Senior High School Student in Learning Physics
Integration of Local Wisdom in Science Learning
Media Interactive Development in Mathematic Measurement Material in First Grade Elementary School
Interactive Multimedia Development on Fluid Concept and its Implementation through Discovery Learning Model to Improve Student Problem Solving Ability
Development Strategy of Inquiry Based Mobile Learning on General Chemistry Classroom
Innovation for Multimedia-based Teaching in Enhancing High School Students’ Mathematical Thinking Ability
Development of Green Consumers in Social Studies and History
Standard Quality Programs to Develop the Faculty of Sports and Health as an Education Institution
The Restoration of Lexical Diversity of Balinese Traditional Herbs - Ecolinguistic Study
Civic Competency in Junior High School - Mapping through the Content and Performance Standards of the Philippine Social Studies (Araling Panlipunan) Curriculum
Analysis of Students’ Misconception: Understanding the Meaning of Denotation and Connotation
The Effectiveness of Portfolio Assessment in Developing Students’ Scientific Attitude and Science Learning Achievement
Analysing the Healthy Public Policy’s Impact on the School Health Program: Usaha Kesehatan Sekolah (UKS)
Indonesian National Health Insurance: Gaps in Communication with Health-Care Providers
The Changing Nature of Campus Health Insurance: Testing Portability Issues of National Health Insurance
Moving the Needle for Private Sector Engagement in MNH in Indonesia
Need and Demand of Primary Health Care on Public Health’s Undergraduate Students, Airlangga University, Surabaya
Overview: The Sustainability of District Health Account in Contributing to the Strengthening Health System in Sampang
Excessive Cigarette Consumption by Indonesian People and Economic Status in Indonesia
Impact of Tobacco Use on Poverty in Indonesia
East Java Provincial Commitment in Integrating Regional Health Warranty Program (Jamkesda) Towards a National Health Guarantee - Kartu Indonesia Sehat (JKN-KIS)
Partnership Analysis of National Health Insurance Pooling Mechanism Among Informal Workers in Banyumas Regency
Impact of Tobacco Control Policy for Health in Indonesia
Analysis of Indonesia's Political Economy Towards the Lack of Health Financing for Promotive and Preventive Efforts
Influence Analysis of BPJS Kesehatan Ownership on Participant’s Health Behavior in Surabaya
The Impact of Purchasing Pattern after Increasing Cigarette Taxes to National Health Status and Health Insurance in Indonesia
International Labor Migration of Health Care Workers in Japan Under the Economic Partnership Agreement: The Case of Indonesian Nurses
Impact of Tobacco Use on Poverty, Economic Development and Patterns of Tobacco Use by Poverty and Country Income Groups
Economics of Tobacco Control: The Role of Tobacco in the National Economy
Causal Factors Analysis of National Health Insurances Unpaid Premium by Informal Workers in Baubau City
E-Health Counselor (EHC), a Smartphone Application to Fight Cervical Cancer
Patient Satisfaction of the Indonesian National Health Insurance (JKN) Implementation: A Literature Study
The Impact of Health Insurance for Children Under 5 Years Old in Surabaya
Potential Informal Workers Participation for Health Insurance in Surabaya City
Dilemma of Tobacco’s Policy in Indonesia: Increasing Country’s Income or Increasing the Country’s Poverty with National Health Insurance’s Deficit?
Analysis of Implemention the Human Resource Management (HRM) to Improve Quality of Services in Hospital
Implementing the Tobacco Control Policies Properly and Correctly
Health Care Financing in Developing Countries: Major Challenges
The Influence of Indonesia National Health Insurance Program’s PROLANIS to Controlling Patient with Diabetes Mellitus Type 2
The Influence of Non Smoking Area Policy on the Proportion of Active Smokers in Student Groups
Marketing Process of Agricultural Tobacco Products Effects on Tobacco Farmer Economy
Effect of the Burden Incurred by Tobacco-Defective Patients on Lost Productivity
Analysis of Factors Inhibiting the Community to be the National Health Insurance Participants (Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional Indonesia)
Evaluation of Indonesian Economic Condition Relating to the Excise and Tax from Tobacco and Cigarettes to Health Financing in National Health Insurance Program
Health Financing Management Patterns Influence in Making Health Policy Decisions
Strengthening Health Human Resources Planning Systems Through Partnership Program as Efforts to Improve Strengthening National Health System
Impact of Tobacco Control on Tobacco Farmers and State Revenue in Indonesia
E-Hope Application as an Innovative System for Health Policy Evaluation: Possibilities and Challenges
Role of Tobacco Industries in the National Economy
Evaluation of Health Worker Availability in Remote Areas
Evaluation of Childbirth Insurance Implementation for Reducing MMR and IMR in Dawarblandong Districts Mojokerto Regency
Compliance Analysis of Hospital Health Promotion Standards at General Hospital of Haji Surabaya
Public Health in the Decentralization Era Towards Universal Coverage
Analyzing Kartu Indonesia Sehat: A Review Based on Implementation Programs
Analysis of Poverty Trap Due to Cigarette Consumption
Tobacco Free Initiative (TFI) to Control Tobacco Economics and the Concerns of Governments about Taxes on Poor Smokers
Analysis of Age Starting Smoking towards Cigarettes Consumed Per Day in Tanggungan Village of Bojonegoro District
The Impact of Indonesia’s National Health Insurance Implementation on the Prevalence of Cases of Diabetes Mellitus Among Children: A Literature Study
The Implementation of the Policy on Health Promotion in DKT Gubeng Surabaya Hospital According to Regulation of the Ministry of Health Republic Indonesia Number 004 Year 2012
Implementation of Making Pregnancy Saver (MPS) Policy to Reduce Maternal Mortality in Sampang Regency
Factors Affecting Participation Levels among College Student in the Implementation of Smoke Free Area (SFA) in Universitas Airlangga Surabaya
Evaluating Health Insurance Inequality in Indonesia using Concentration Curve and Index
Analysis of Economic Losses to Patent Medicine that Stagnant in Surabaya, Indonesia
Comparing National Health Financing Strategies Amidst Increasing Mobility Within ASEAN: Lessons from the Philippines and Indonesia
The Commitment of Government in Tobacco Control: Content-Comparison Analysis on Policy Documents
Relationship between Types of Work with the Use of Health Insurance Cards in Village Area
A Challenge of Universal Coverage to HIV/AIDS Outpatients
Piloting Collection Model of Health Insurance Contributions for Informal Sector Members
Fish, Meat, Vegetable Food Expenditures are Contribute to Haemoglobin Concentration among Pregnant Women in Sub-Urban Areas of Indonesia
Unit Cost Calculation as a Role of Cost Containment at Central Surgery Installation of Hospital X
Why People Decide to Participate in National Health Insurance? - Based on Theory of Planned Behaviour and Technology Acceptance Model
Increase Compliance Implementation Regional Regulation No 5 Year 2008 above SFA and SRA in Surabaya Used Monitoring Team Methods
Relationship Between Total Incomes with Willingness to Pay in National Health Insurance on Coffee Farmer in Jember
The Impact of National Health Insurance Program on Equity of Inpatient Care Access in Hospital: The Indonesian Family Life Survey Data
Cost of Hypertension Disease in Kediri Regency
Problems of Health Services in the Border Areas and the Efforts to Overcome
Insurance as Efforts to Control Risk Disease Caused by Benzene for Home Industry Shoes Workers
Number and Types of Complication in Type 2 Diabetes Correlated with Outpatient Treatment Cost Using BPJS Self-Funded Scheme in Islamic Hospital Jombang
Household Income and Unbalanced Diet Among Urban Adolescent Girls
E-Health Implementation in Support of Hospital Service at Indonesia of Health National Insurance Era - Study on MHR at DMS Surabaya
The Effectiveness of National Health Insurance Membership Services at Social Security Agency Office in South-East Sulawesi Province
Cost of Prevention Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever in Gianyar, Bali
Factors Related of Changing First Level Health Facilities (FKTP) on JKN Mandiri Participants in Denpasar City
Willingness Survey of the Informal Workers in Bangli Regency about National Health Insurance (JKN) Program
Barriers to Treatment Adherence to Hypertension: A Qualitative Study with PBI and Non-PBI Patients of a Puskesmas in Surabaya
Analysis of Tobacco Control With Semi-Strong Market Theory for Forecasting in the Future
Barriers to Treatment Adherence to Hypertension: A Comparison Between Members and Non-Members of BPJS Kesehatan at Pharmacy in Surabaya
Transfer of Tobacco Functions as an Effort to Control the Health and Prosperity of Tobacco Farmers
The Higher Price of Cigarettes and Students’ Intention to Stop Smoking
Reviving School Food Safety Teams at Elementary Schools Based on the Quality of Street Foods
Problems in Poor Paediatric Pneumonia Case Findings in Sumenep
Factors Affecting Medical Doctors in Charge (MDiC) Obedience in Filling Medical Resumes Based on the Table of Eleven (Study in Private Hospital “X”)
Compliance Determinants of Mothers in Full Child Immunisation in Bangkalan District
Economic Value for Being Working Parents: Family Revenue and Daycare Cost Fulfillment
Hyper-Reality of Fashion Consumption by the Millennials in Malang Towards the Hypebeast Phenomenon Related to Streetwear Product Consumption
The Utilization of Instagram’s Advertising Platform to Develop an Online Business
Conflict Resolution Using the Local Wisdom Approach in Tenganan Pegringsingan Village, Bali
Communication for Development Discourse of Female Sex Worker Yogyakarta on the Book of “Dari Sarkem, Di Balik Stasiun Hingga Di Antara Debu Terminal: Mozaik Kisah Perempuan Perkasa”
Women’s Existence in Social Media: The Use of Comic in Instagram by Female Comic Artists
Mapping Brain Color to Communications Style: Study at FIFGROUP Region of DIY
Gender Bias in Media Language: Analysis on “Abdul Muhyi-Neneng” News in
The Importance of Socialization towards a Later Age of Marriage in Reducing the Maternal Mortality Rate in Indonesia
Building Image and Reputation Through a Website: A Study in KPU Tuban
The Use of Public Sphere for Political Participation through Media by Government
Establish Islamic Caliphate in Indonesia: Critical Discourse Analysis on the Al-Islam Da’wah Bulletin
A Justice in Message: Portraying Anti-Corruption by Mainstream Media in Indonesia
Discourse of Interest: Regulating Interest of Power Over Media Policy in Indonesia?
Leadership Discourse of Sampang Vice Bupati in the 2017: Musrenbang Kabupaten Speech Text
Construction of Hyper-Reality on Food Photographs on Instagram
Social Responsibility Policy Implementation in the Upstream Oil and Gas Industry: Study on Saka Indonesia Pangkah Limited in Gresik Regency East Java
The Communication Strategy in Marketing Based on Moslem’s Book
When Company Thinks Their CSR is Successful but it’s Actually Damaging the Reputation
Public Relations Roles in the Implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility Programs: Case Study in Terminal Teluk Lamong
Communication Marketing Company and Social Responsibility as Market Strengthening Strategy
Lifestyle and Consumption Behavior Among the Urban Middle Class
Good Governance and Social Media Today
The Government Institutional Communication Approach in the Delivery of Public Information in the Digital Era
Writing Media Releases and Social Networking: Two Media Relations Tactics of the Banyuwangi District Government
The Strategy of Government Public Relations in Raising Positive Image in the Era of Public Information Openness in the 2nd Division Kostrad
Building Indonesia’s Cultural Identity Image: The Role of event as a Cultural Diplomacy and Government Public Relations Abroad
Horizontal Communication in Facing Organizational Change
Strategy of Marketing Communication Using Digital Media to Change the Entrepreneur’s Behavior: A Descriptive Study of Mikro and Medium Enterprises (UKM) of Ceramics at Ceramic Plered Industrial Center, Purwakarta District
Blogs, Empowerment, and the Urgency of Developing Digital Literacy and Critical Literacy among University Students
Building a Professional Brand Based on Online Media and Work Readiness in the Era of Talent War
Function Communication Keeping Subak performance Amid Threat of Globalization: Study Literature On Subak Jatiluwih, Tabanan Regency, Bali Province
The Impact of Program Wisata Museum on Museum Empowerment as Tourism Destination in Indonesia: A Case Study
The Usage of The Internet as A New Media in Libraries
Dynamics of Actors and Institutions in the Formulation of Transportation Policy Based on Information Technology in East Java
Representation of Indonesian Beautiful Woman in ‘Sariayu Putih Langsat’ Tvc
Advertising Mythology as the Former of Consumerism Culture: Semiotic Analysis of Roland Barthes in Television Commercial By PT. Dwi Sapta Pratama
Perceived Usefulness and Ease of Use on Mobile Communication App Reviews
Women Experiences in Dating Online Tinder
Information Processing on Social Media Instagram Related to The Culinary Information in Solo
Reading Consumerism on Displaying M&M’s Chocolate Product
Hijab Fashion Islamic and Modern: Description of Hijab Meaning for STAIN Students, Sorong, West Papua
Service Quality of PT. Indosat Ooredoo Through Online Media: Literature Review @IndosatCare
Regional Government Efforts to Build a Positive Image of Central Sulawesi Province to Attract Tourists
Filadelfia School’s Marketing Communication Strategy in Attracting New Students
Start-up Businesses’ Integrated Marketing Communication Strategies: Case Study of Foody Indonesia
The Commodification of Local Culture in a You C 1000 Vitamin Advertisement
Information Sharing Through Social Network Sites by University Students in Indonesia
The Role of the Media in the Intifada of Al-Aqsa Mosque in 2017
Slacktivism Millenials: Participation of Social Activities on Social Media
Existence of Facebook Group: Info Cegatan Solo Versus Mass Media in Solo City
Adulthood Online Activism, Study Case Petition - Membatalkan Kebijakan Baru Pencairan Dana JHT (Jaminan Hari Tua) Minimal 10 Tahun
Social Climbers on Instagram Self-Framing with New Media - Case Study: Bengkulu
Critical Discourse Analysis of Compositions About Women’s Sexual Abuse Published in Jawa Pos
The Baby’s Identity in Indonesian Television Commercials
The Relationship Between West and East in Asian Movie Perspective
Reading Postcolonial Liminal Space in the Euphoria of Characteristic KNIL Soldiers of Surabaya Reenactor Community
Social Media, Awkarin Phenomenon and the Freedom of Expression Among Teenaged Girls
Carok and Harmony of Society in Madura
An Analysis of Buzzers’ Role in the Personal Branding of Puteri Indonesia Contestants in Beauty Pageants
Everyday Nationalism - The Construction of Papuan Heroes as Symbols of Nationalism on Social Media
The Mirror Never Lies - The Identity Paradox of Being Indonesian
Controversy on the Acceptance of Transgender Characterization in the Movie “Lovely Man”
Commodification in Indosiar’s Dangdut Academy 3 in 2016
Discourse Practice of Regional Head Elections in Central Sulawesi Local Press
The Existence of the Socah Language as a Means of Intercultural Communication Among Madurese Ethnics in Madura
Sexual Commodification of Men’s Bodies in Online Media
The Reproduction of Gender and Sexuality Discourse on LGBT Sub-Culture - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender in Facebook
The Ownership Model of Local Television Industry in Post-New Order Era
Kawaii Image on the Eskulin Japanese Cologne TV Advertisement
Social Media, Radicalism, Terrorism and Threats for Democracy Process in Public Space
Information Technology and Social Media in the Delivery of Islamic Intolerant Beliefs in Indonesia
Social Justice Representation in Flood Disaster News Reports
Understanding Indonesia–Australia Relations in Three Models of International Systems
Gender Equality and Legal Status Enhancement of the Fisherman’s Wife
YouTube and Personal Branding - Obama’s Political Engagement in a Digital World
Indonesia’s Maritime Development - Ideas, Challenges, and Prospects for Policy Improvement
Television Media Convergence on Digital Media In Netgen Generation
Women’s Representation and Subjectivity in Zine as an Alternative Media
Finding a False News - A Method For Detecting the Clickbait in Indonesia Media
Local Community Newspaper - Analyzing Kedaulatan Rakyat’s Strategy to Face Sunset Business in Printed Media Industry
The Role of the Media in Enhancing Public Awareness - The Transfer of Iranian Mojahedin-e Khalq (MEK) Members from Iraq’s Ashraf Camp to Albania
A Strategy for Competitive Broadcasting - Radio Community Networking in Tulungagung, Indonesia
The Dominant Personality Type in Vertigo Patients
The Role of Osteocytes in Alveolar Bone During Tooth Movement
Body Movement and Islamic Energy Psychology Acupressure to Improve the Future Orientation In A Person With HIV
White Matter Changes in Neurodegenerative and Global Cortical Atrophy Scale Correlation in Older Patients Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging
The Influence of Mass Basic Life Support Training on The Skills and Attitude in Undertaking Life Support Using the Method of the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Airlangga
Reflections of a Physiology Teacher
Does Sequential Diabetes Dance Improve on Glucose Level and Glucose Tolerance?
Antioxidant Effect of Dayak Onion Extract (Eleutherine Americana Merr.) on Serum MDA Levels in Mice (Mus Musculus) Exposed by Lead Acetate
Exercise as Cardiovascular Medicine: Early Detection and Optimal Prevention
The Effect of Circadian Rhythm on Hematopoietic Stem Cell Mobilization in Peripheral Blood as a Result of Submaximal Physical Exercise
The Effect of Intermitten Fasting Vs Low Calorie Diet to Insuline Like Growth Factor-1 (IGF-1) Concentration, Fat Mass and Lean Mass of Rattus Norvegicus Obesity Model
Uphill 10° Inclination Angle of Treadmill Concentric Exercises Improves Blood Glucose Levels and Glut-4 Levels in Diabetes Mice Model
Variability in The Response to Low Impact Aerobic Exercise in Women Abdominal Obese With the Polymorphism of Uncoupling Protein-1 Gene
The Effect of an Aluminium Foil Shield on Reducing The Strength of Electromagnetic Radiation of Mobile Phones Reaching the Oculi of Adult Male Rats
The Effect of Osteocyte Signalling on Osteocyte Apoptosis
Intermittent Physical Training Decreases Peak of Blood Glucose Level after Meals in Rats
The Effect of Cantaloupe Extract on Sperm Quality of Adult White Rats (Rattus Novergicus) Strain Induced by Ciproteron Acetat
Correlation Between Academic Stress, Sleep Quality, Circadian Misalignment, Cortisol Concentration and Heart Rate Value at the First Year Medical Student at the State Islamic University Maulana Malik Ibrahim of Malang
PlGF as Predictor of Preeclampsia Complication
Aluminum Foil Shield Diminishes the Electromagnetic Radiation of Mobile Phones in the Cerebellum of Adult Male Rats
Sauropus Androgynus for Increasing Uterine Weight in Menopausal Women: An Experimental Study Using Animal Models
Exercise And Swimming in Pregnancy - Physiological Considerations
The Comparison Effect Between Bodyweight and Sprint Interval Exercises Using Tabata Method Towards Heart Rate Frequency, Lactate Blood and Physical Fatigue Perception
Detection of COMTVal158Met Gene Polymorphism in Chronic Schizophrenic Patients at Psychiatric Unit of DR. Soetomo Hospital Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia
Hyperbaric Oxygen (HBO) Heals Cell Through Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS)
Correlation of Fat Free Mass and Skeletal Muscle Mass with Left Ventricular Mass in Indonesian Elite Wrestlers and Dragon Boat Rowers
Decrease of Homocysteine Plasma Degree in Smokers by Low Intensity Weight Training and Supplementation of Folic Acid and Cyanocobalamin
The Role of Physiology in Ergonomics - Empowerment Human Resources for Nations Competitiveness
Influence of Use of Insole on Blood Glucose Rate Diabetes Mellitus Type-2
The Profile of Endothelin-1 (Et-1), Receptor ETA, And Receptor ETB in Young and Adult Obese Wistar Rat
Characteristics of Glucose Tolerance, Energy Expenditure, Lactic Acid Level, and Oxygen Saturation in Indonesian Diabetes Dance Version 6
The Effect of Aluminium Foil Shielding in Hampering Electromagnetic Radiation Emitted from A Mobile Phone as an Oxidative Stressor in The Cerebra of Adult Male Rats
Effect of Exercise on Learning Capability and Memory of Mice (Mus Musculus) Exposed to Monosodium Glutamate (MSG)
Low, Moderate, and High Intensity Swimming Exercise Has No Negative Effect on Semen Analysis Test in Male Wistar Rats
High-Calorie Diet Reduces Neuroglia Count
Three Weeks of High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) Decreases Visfatin Level on Overweight Men
VO2MAX of Ergocycle Astrand Test Differs from 12-Minutes Cooper Running Test on Medical Students’ Physical Fitness Level
Non-Invasive Method on Slow-Twitch Quadriceps Muscle Fibers Dominate a High Level of Fitness
Genotype Hepatitis B Virus Among Intravenous Drug Users with Occult Hepatitis B Infection in Surabaya, Indonesia
Anopheles Vagus Larval Midgut Damage as an Effect of Areca Catechu L. Seed Extract
The Effect of Mozart’s Music on Mus Musculus Balb/C Spermatozoa’s Quantity and Motility Exposed by Lead Acetate
The Lactid Acid’s Decrease After Submaximal Exercise Due to Zamzam Water Treatment Compared the Packed Water
The Correlation of Lung Vital Capacity, VO2Max, and Heart Rate Recovery With Changes in Blood Lactate Levels in Young Male: Cross Sectional Study in Provoked By Repeated Sprint Sessional-3
Fgf 21 Secretion as Acute Response to Exercise in High Fat Diet Fed Rats
The Miracle of Stichopus Hermanii
Effect of Chemical Exposure on Endocrine System Disorder (Article Review)
The Effect of Acute Exercise of Basic Breathing Motion on Breathing Skills Retention in Swimming
Correlation Between Body Mass Index and Medial Longitudinal Arch of The Foot in Children Aged 5–6 Years
Correlation Between Agility and Flat Feet in Children 5–6 Years Old
Correlation Between Hand Grip and Achievement in Indonesian Female Floorball Athletes
Maternal Anthropometrics as a Predictor of Preeclampsia Risk Factor
Correlation Between Activity Level and Circadian Rhythmicity of Medical Students (Class Of 2014) at the Faculty of Medicine, Airlangga University
Exercise Formula to Induce Beiging Process: A Study Based on Acute Response of Irisin
Effects of the 6th Series of Senam Diabetes Indonesia on Energy Expenditure
The Difference of B-Endorfin Level in Brain Tissue and Testicular Tissue on Wistar Rats Given Once a Week Aerobic and Anaerobic Exercise
The Effectiveness of Ultrasound-Guided Injection for Pain Management in Indonesia
Effects of Moderate Intensity Aerobic Exercise on MMP-9 Level, NOx Plasma Level and Resting Blood Pressure in Sedentary Elderly Women With Overweight
Correlation Between Oxidative Stress Level with Plasma Beta Endorphin Level of Male Laboratory Rats Given Aerobic and Anaerobic Exercise
Bone Age Estimates the Onset of the Adolescent Growth Spurt Among Male Basketball Players
The Correlation Between Haemoglobine and Body Mass Index With The Changes of Blood Lactate Levels in University of Jenderal Soedirman’s Medical Students - A Study at Repeated Sprint Sessional 3
Laughter Therapy Lowers Blood Pressure and Heart Rate in Hypertensive Balinese Patients at Ambarashram Ubud Bali
The Different Effects of Contrast Water Immersion and Warm Water Immersion on Blood Lactic Acid Levels After Submaximal Physical Activity Among Basketball Athletes
Diabetes Sprague-Dawley Model Induced With Fat Diet And Streptozotocin
The Difference of Heart Rate and Blood Pressure in Aerobic and Anaerobic Predominant Athlete Koni West Java Year 2016
Effect of Exhaustive Exercise on Blood Lymphocyte Count and Diameter of Splenic White Pulp in Rats
The Use of Purple Sweet Potato (Ipomoea Batatas L.) to Decrease Levels of Mda and Recover Muscle Damage
Risk Factors of Low Back Pain Among Tailors in Kramat Jati, East Jakarta
The Correlation of Norovirus Infection to Severity Degree of Acute Diarrhea in Children Under Five Years Old in Mataram City, Lombok
Malaria Prevalence in Alor District, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia
The Potential Role of 25-Hydroxycholecalciferol on Calcium Regulation in Young Sedentary Women With Goat’s Milk Intervention
Hemoglobin A1C as the Strongest Influencing Factor in relation to Vascular Stiffness in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus - Metabolic Syndrome Patients
Thyroid Crisis and Hyperosmolar Hyperglycemic State in a Hyperthyroid Patient
Effect of Growth Hormone Deficiency on the Cardiovascular System
Metformin, Effects Beyond Glycemic Control
The Correlation of Initial CD4 Cell Count with Increased Alanine Aminotransferase in Patients with Human Immunodeficiency Virus Who Have Received Nevirapine
Profile of Bacteraemia and Fungemia in HIV/AIDS Patients with Sepsis
The Association between Cryptococcal Antigenemia and CD4+ T lymphocyte Count in HIV/AIDS Patients with Suspected Cryptococcus Infection
Impact of Music on Sport Intensity (Allegro) and on Levels of Left Ventricular Myocardial Damage in Wistar Rats
Association of Topical Capsaicin Exposure Dosage and Its Influence on Macrophages and Neutrophils in Periodontal Tissue
Pharmacological Therapy of Portal Hypertension
Chronic Constipation Management in Adults
Diagnosis and Management of Ulcerative Colitis
The Diagnosis and Management of Achlorhydria
Acute Liver Failure
Transient Elastography as Non-Invasive Examination of Hepatic Fibrosis
Termination of Antiviral Administration in Chronic Hepatitis B
Management for a Patient with Barret’s Esophagus: A Case Report
Thrombocytopenia in Chronic Hepatitis C
Short Bowel Syndrome: Review of Treatment Options
Problematic Diagnosis of a Patient with Tuberculosis Peritonitis
Pathophysiology of Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Recent Pathophysiology and Therapy for Paralytic Ileus
A Case Report of a Patient with a Rare and Aggressive Plasma Cell Leukemia
Decreased Triglyceride and Protein Levels in Diabetic Rat Muscle Following Physical Exercise
Abnormal Uterine Bleeding with Three Different Doses and Intervals of Hormonal Contraceptive Injection
Hypertrophic Scars Cause Burn Injuries Assessed by the Vancouver Scar Scale
Description of Body Mass Index Changes in Emergency Patients at the Intensive Observation Room–Emergency Installation
Laboratory Profile of Acute Diarrhea and Chronic Diarrhea in Children
Effect of Ethanol Extract of Ruellia tuberosa L. Leaves on Total Cholesterol Levels in Hypercholesterolemia Model of Mus Musculus L
Combination of Aerobic and Resistance Exercise in Lowering Blood Glucose Levels Compared to Aerobic or Resistance Exercises in a Male Wistar Rat Model with Diabetes Mellitus
Post-Traumatic Guidance and Counseling Using Modern Tasawuf Hamka Approach in Lowering Traumatic Grief
Development Hi2-CounseLink as Online Counseling Software Based on Android Platform - Product Inspections
Prevention of Plagiarism Activities in Students Final Assignment
Factors Causing Bullying in School Based Perceptions of Male and Female Students in Lampung
Assessing Youth Knowledge and Attitude about HIV AIDS in Bandung City
Student’s Self Development in Higher Education
Therapeutic Alliances and Trajectory Learning for The Counselor Education Programs
Generating Flair among Library and Information Science Students - A Case Study on In-class English Sessions
Building Family Resilience - Emotion Focused Family Counseling Approach
Competitive Intelligence Based Decision Making Model as a Global Market Competitive Strategy (MEA 2015) in Educational Institutions
Study of Evaluation of Library Organization with Indonesian National Standard in State Junior High School Bandung
The Implementation of Education Policy in Local Areas
Design of Interactive Multimedia Based IPS Learning Module Using CTL Approach Based on Student Tendency Response in the Use of Learning Module in Grade IV
The Tendency of Principals’ Innovation Ptentials and Decision Making Foundation Mastery
A Critical Analysis of Cambodia’s Policy for Integrating Information Technology in Education using Human Capital Theory and Globalization
Simulation-Praxis-Collaborative Lecture Method Design for Students’ Self-Regulation Development
Gender, Power and Play in Early Childhood Education
Creative Economy Based on Community Education
Humanistic Existential Counselling Model to Improve Psychological Well-Being in Adolescents
Mobile Game Education for Developing Soft Skill of Elementary School Students
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Training Model
The Implementation of Classroom Management Concept Towards Joyful Learning on Learning Activity
The Empowerment of Environmentally Friendly Women
The Profile of Students’ Lesson-Planning Ability Based on Problem-Solving in Science Learning
Education for Children in Consumer Decision Making
Validity and Practicality Test on Social Studies Learning Module-Based Interactive Multimedia by Employing CTL Approach for Elementary Students
Development of Instructional Media for Teaching Bahasa Indonesia through Interactive Multimedia Based on Response of Trends in Using Instructional Media by the Students and Teachers during the Learning Process
The Advance Organizer Model to Improve Primary School Teacher Education Students’ Learning Activities and Achievement in the Philosophy of Education Class
A Case Study of NL Influence in Students’ Interlanguage
Effectiveness of Using Self Collection Strategy towards Students’ English Vocabulary Mastery on English Subject
The Implication of Students’ Misperceptions of Philosophy for the Educational Philosophy Curriculum Development
Identifying Students’ Creativity in the Higher Education Classroom
Senior High School Bahasa Indonesia National Examinantion Score Inappropriateness - A Case Study in West Java
Waste Management Based on Wise Behavior in Japan and Indonesia
Minangkabau’s Kinship in Novel by Marah Rusli and Novel by Muhammad Subhan - An Intertextual Study
Batik Skill, Indonesian Local Wisdom and Its Relation to Children Readyness in Writing - Correlational Study in Primary School, Jakarta
Femininity, Masculinity, and Androgyny - Minority Students’ Gender Role Issues
The Understanding of Friday Prayer Attendees (Mustamik) Towards Friday Sermon Discourse
Competences of the 21st Century - Social-Emotional Competences of Gifted Accelerated Students in Indonesia
Developing the Potential of Early Childhood through the Play Dough
Adaptive Reading Learning Program for Children with Intellectual Disabilities in Inclusive Elementary School
Learning Media and Gender in Early Childhood Education
Development of Learning Model in Education of Early Children for Generation Children Z
Internship Course Design - Ex-Post Facto on Curriculum Development of Educational Technology Study Program
The Chance of Gifted Intelligent Students’ Success in Career
Development of Inclusive Education for Children with Special Needs Based on Social-Economic Family
Inquiry Models One of the Alternatives in Improving Primary School Students’ Scientific Process Skill
The Agroindustry Corporate Performance of Beyond Compliance on the Environmental Protection and Management
Teachers’ Competences to Implement the Character Education in Early Childhood Education
Analysis of Peer’s Influence on Academic Procrastination
Effectiveness of Implementation of Teachers Professional Education Program After SM3T Program in Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Strengthening Teacher Competence Through Lesson Study - An Indonesian Elementary School Experience
Servant Leadership - Teachers Leadership Model in the Classroom
Modified Student Activity Sheet and Improving Problem Solving Skill
Students’ Motivation in Studying Psychology
Cultivating Wisdom, Harvesting Peace - Strengthening Multicultural Counselor Competencies for 21st Century
Developing Information and Technology Based Learning Model in Curriculum and Instruction Subject to Improve Students’ Learning Achievement
Communication Policy Management of the Curriculum Implementation in Indonesia
The Practice of Early Childhood Musicality Education in Germany
Sustainable Development - Role of Education
School Effectiveness - Situational Leadership and School Cultures
The Effectiveness of Learning Activity Based Costing (LABC) in Teacher Education Institution Based on Science Cluster in Cost Unification Context
The Implementation of “Management Qolbu” at School Level
The Partnership of Students and the Manager of Rumah Pintar (Community Learning Center) in Building the Community Empowerment
Framework of Independence Guidance to Students with Moderate Mental Retardation Based on Behavioral Approach
Comprehensive Guidance and Counseling for Gifted Children - Model of Academic Achievement of “Dark Horse”
The Profile of Kindergarten Students’ Kindness
The Use of Mind Mapping to Understand Question Words of Hearing-Impaired Students
Optimizing Private University Image through Educational Unit Marketing Services Interrelation Strengthened
The Readiness of College Students as Prospective Teachers in Elementary School for Serving Children with Special Needs
Influence of Rhythm Motion on Improving the Ability of Orientation of Student with Intellectual Disability
Cognitive-Behavioral Counseling Model to Optimize Cognitive Potentiality and Adaptive Behavior of Attention Deficite Hyperactivity Disorders (ADHD) Students
Probability Total Choice Answer for Multiple Choice Test Logistic Model Three Parameters on IRT
The Role of Community Learning Center to Promote ESD
Developing a Culture of Peace in School Setting - The 21st Century Educational Challenges
Teacher Quality - Management Strategies in Peparing Professional Teachers for Facing Global Challenges
“I” at the Centre of Ethics and Ethical Dilemmas in Educational Leadership
Cooperative Learning in Math Teaching for Students with Learning Difficulties
Curriculum Learning in Inclusive Class Setting
Improving Numeracy Skill through Use of Figure Poster Props at Deaf Students at The Age of Second Grade Students
Parent Support Group (PSG) Approach for Parents of Children with Autism
Analysis of Understanding the Dynamics of Kindergarten Teacher on Children with Special Needs
Cognitive-behavioral Counseling Model to Optimize Cognitive Potentially and Adaptive Behavior of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorders Students
Learning Model to Improve Social and Emotional Abillity of the Children with Special Needs in Inclusive School
Postural Control as Prerequisites of Handwriting for Children with Spastic Cerebral Palsy
Using Roleplay Teaching Method to Improve the Creative Thinking Abilities of Students with Special Needs in Primary School
Teaching Reading to a Non-Verbal Child with Autism - A Pilot Study
Increasing Teachers’ Ability in Handling Children with Learning Disabilities through Training and Mentoring of Teaching Accommodation and Modification
Early Reading for Students with Intellectual Disability Based on Linguistic and Visual Perception Awareness
The Analysis of the Existence of Special Education Teacher in Inclusive School in Indonesia
Index for Inclusion in Instructional Practice at Elementary Schools
Developing Rural Community Empowerment Model to Increase Educational Needs Fulfillment for Children with Disabilities
Special Education in Islamic Law Perspective
Parental Intervention for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder - A Review of Curriculum
An Assistive Technology for Physical Impairment
The Assessment of Communication Ability on Deafblind Students
How to Improve Photo Editing Skill of Deaf Children
Setting Up a Center for the Study of Political Parties and Local Government - Can We Work Together?
Response of Students Majoring in Religion toward Religious Tolerance
Marriage Contract in Gender Perspective
Student’s Participatory Skill in Cooperative Learning with Gallery Walk Type
Emergency Condition of Divorce - Measuring the Resilience of Muslim Indonesian Families in Facing the Threat of Divorce
Teachers’ Cognition about Teaching Reading Strategies and Their Classroom Practices
Emergency Medical Service Reference Model for Low Impact and High Frequent Disaster in Indonesia
Local Wisdom of Samin Community in Tradition and Modernization Frame
The Construction of Jihad and the Level of Radicalism among Pesantren Leaders in Indonesia
Sharia in Secular State - The Place and Models for Practicing Islamic Law in Indonesia
Adolescent Prostitution Client’s Knowledge on Reproductive Health
Gusjigang and Hidden Curriculum - Existence and Enforcement in Kudus Islamic Educational Institutions
The Application of Scientific Approach in Developing Students’ Characters through Practicum
The Sociomathematical Norms in Linear Algebra Lecture
People’s Readiness in Confronting with the Construction of Cisumdawu Toll Road
From Social Innovation to Social Value Creation - Learning from Female Social Entrepreneur Movement in Indonesia
Concept of Tarbiyah (Education) in Al-Quran - Semantic-Sociological Study Based on Various Verses of Al-Quran
Categorizing Multiple Intelligences of Pre-Service Mathematic Teachers
Developing Local Advantage and Self Potential Character Based Teaching Learning Model to Prevent Human Trafficking in West Kalimantan Borders
Women’s Reproductive Experiences: Islamic Values on Local Wisdom at Kampung Naga, West Java
Time Marker Lexicons in Sundanese Dialect of Baduy Community in Kampung Ciboleger Banten
The Visual Analysis and Perception’s of Social Media Users in Indonesia to Telkomsel Advertisement
Benefit and Social Implications of Village Information System in the Village at Karangrejo Village, Blitar Regency
Fear and Anxiety Elderly in Political Participation
Traditon of Khatam Quran is a Aculturation Between Islam and Local Culture in West Sumatera Indonesian
Determinant Factor Analysis of Political Choice Establishment of Elderly People
The Implementation of Yoga Teaching in Improving Elementary School Students’ Learning Concentration
An Emergence of Character Leaders Through Honesty as a Moral Virtue
Massive Change: Reinforce the Role of People’s Empowerment Through Local Potency
Elderly Society in Indonesia’s Socio-Cultural Structure
Language Usage of Foreign Students in Teaching Indonesian to Speakers of Other Languages (TISOL): Sociolinguistic Studies Based on Local Culture in Indonesia
Father as a Caregiver: The Thipology of Father Parenting Style While Mother doesn’t Exist and the Effect to Child Autonomy
Sociolinguistic Studies of Friday Sermon using Javanese as an Effort to Preserves Indigenous Language in Java Island
Dongkrek - Dakwah Strategy in Islam with Sociology of Performing Arts Approach
Permissive and Deviation
Internalization of Values Academic Integrity and Its Effect on Performance of Financial Management at Universitas Tanjungpura Pontianak Indonesia
Response of Students Majoring in Religion Towards Religious Tolerance
Education Leadership Values in Students’ Character Building
Attracting Mother’s Attention Through Masturbation: A Case Study of Masturbation in 12-Year-Old Boy
Mobile-assisted Language Learning in Islamic Higher Education: Integrating Mobile Phone use in Classroom Activities
Digital Citizenship - A Review of Citizenship Education
Strengthening Civic Literacy Using Psycho Pedagogical Development Approach in Politics of Defence Class: Lesson from Indonesia
The Sociology Literature Study of The Main Character in Novel Nun: Pada Sebuah Cermin Through The Philosophy of Tembang Macapat and The Compatibility with The Marginal Community in Surakarta
Forming Tolerant Students Through The Lecture of Islamic Religious Education at Higher Education: A Reseach Based Teaching and Learning Strategy
The Washback of the Final Test on Students’ Learning Behavior
History Teachers’ Perception on Values-Based Historical Learning Development in Javanese Manuscript
Migrant Street Vendors and Their Impacts in Pasar Anyar Bogor City
Social Construction about Religious Life Concord of the Halaika Traditional Belief Adherents - A Phenomenological Study in Boti Village of KiE Sub District South Central Timor Regency of East Nusa Tenggara Province
The Role of Family Welfare Program Activity to Accelerate Surakarta as Child Friendly City
Candy Left: Youth Movement in Postmodern Era
How Strategy of Strengthening Family Function Through Community Empowerment?
The Shift of Family Role and Function in Atomistic Family in Urban Society
The Two Blended Learning Model Designs (Moodle and Instagram): A Comparative Study in University Level
Urban Youth Movement: Works of Young People in Reproducing Knowledge of River- Kampong with Community
Towards Implementation of Sociology Theory on Management Accounting Research
Character Development Base on Religion: Introducing TCB Concept for Better Life
Building Inclusive Action to Children Through PEDULI Program
Internalization of Commonality Values Through A Loving-Traditional Game Movement
Javanese Culture, Bureaucratic Formalism, and Child Participation in Development Planning
Madura Culture and Woman Education
Reconstruction on the Epistemology of Moral and Character Education in Pencak Silat
The Dynamics of ASEAN Universities’ International Cooperation: Case Studies of Indonesia and Thailand
Neglecting and Violence Toward Children in Orphanage in East Java Province
Diffusion of Innovation on Electronic Voting Technology Used for Village Head Election in Sambi, Sambi Sub District, Boyolali Regency, Central Java, Indonesia
The Application of Social Change and Ta'wil Theories in Understanding Musykil al-Ahadiths and Their Constribution to Shariah Economic Law Development in Indonesia
How to Find the Poor Families Potency as a Atrategy to Solve Poverty Problem at Multi-Ethnic Communities?
Enhancing Family Character Education Trough Family Base Care
Building a Relationship between Domestic Workers and Their Service Users Through Community-Based Monitor Model (PBK)
Greeting in Baduy Dalam Community: A Sociolinguistics Study of Politeness
Tripusat of Education Principle in Elementary School Learning
Learning Motivation Strategy Through Problem-Based Learning
Building Nationalist Character Through Multicultural Education Practice in Selamat Pagi Indonesia (SPI) High School
The Concept of Childhood Islamic Education in the Family
Religious Coping and Stres in Academic Context
Parenting Style and Gender Role Identity Status Achievement in Late Teens
How to Improve Creative Thinking Skills of Pre-Service Physics Teachers?
The Enculturation of Character Education in The Local Values of Pikukuh Tilu in The Sociocultural Life of The People of Cigugur
Interaction, Changes, and Impacts of The Adaptation Process of Ex- Convict
Development of Disaster Mitigation Model in Ecotourism Area of North Bandung
Internalization of the Value of Anti-Drug Abuse Among Students in Junior High School Through School and Police Cooperation
Family Support as a Moderator to the Relationship between Knowledge and Diabetes Mellitus Dietary Compliance
The Revitalization of Sangiran World Heritage Area Through the Special Interest Tourism Development Based on Local People
Code Mixing and Life Depiction of Minang Community in the Film of “Tenggelamnya Kapal Van Der Wijck”: The Sociolinguistics Review
The Emergence and Development of Today’s Islamic Schools
Evaluation of Workshop Specific Subject Pedagogy (SSP) System Learning on Teacher Profession Education Post SM3T Force 4 in Indonesia Education University
Sociological Review about Ehat Culture in the Preservation of Coconut Trees in The Island of Talaud
Responding to the Call – A Transformative Learning Multimedia Module Based on the Pancasila Values
Volunteerism Through Festivals for Civic Virtue
Comparison of Learning Effectiveness Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition, Group Onvestigation, and Team Games Tournament on Social Studies Concept Understanding
The Model of Ecovillage Value Investment as Independence Village and Cultural Environment at Cimaung, Bandung-Indonesia
Women in Engineering, Do They Have Problems? Women in Engineering, Does it Matter?
Participation of Male Students in Home Economics Learning
Students’ Motivations in Selecting Schools
Collaboration of Scientific Article Writing between Indonesian Educational Researchers and Other Countries
Women and Achievement
The Effect of Parents’ Economic, and Social Culture Capital on Children’s Educational Achievement in Indonesia University of Education
Game Online on Adolescent’s Social Behavior
Student's Economic Level to Academic Achievement
Improved Concept Understanding through Media-based Learning
The Analysis of Metonymy in On-line Indonesian National Newspapers
Civic Culture Paradigms - Bringing Sundanese Local Wisdom to Modern Society
The Failure of Regeneration Traditional Pottery Handicraft
The Inculcation of Religious Humanist Values to Build the Elementary School Students’ Character
Sexual Violence in Adolescent
Instrument Development for Measuring Responsibility of Student in Elementary School - A Case in Physical Education
The Influence of Scientific Approach to the Ability of Solving the Movement Situation Problem of Invasion Game in the Teaching of Physical Education
Is Staggered Greater Than Parallel Feet Placement? - Kinematic Analysis for the Start of Backstroke-Swim Style
The Comparison of Player Movement in Global Positioning System (GPS) Based Basketball Game
Wrestling Arm Throw Technique - Waist Flexibility, Arm Strength, and Self-Confidence
Leg-Grappling Techniques Arm Strength and Hip-Flexibility of Wrestling Students Athletes
Comparison between Auditory and Kinesthetic Learning Style of Student Atheletes in Achieving Grade Point Average
Mapping the Specialization and Management of Special Gift in Sport (Kbio)
The Comparison between Inquiry and Problem Solving Method in Performing Overhand Service Technique on Volleyball Game
The Development of Microcontroller-based Reaction Time Measuring Instrument for Sprinter
Learning Approaches and Academic Background towards Problem Solving and Learning Achievements
Outdoor Education toward Discipline and Self Efficacy
Comparison of Effect of Roundhouse Kick Practice using Handbox and Sandsack to the Kick Speed of Pencak Silat Athletes
The Effect of Learning Models on the Teenagers‘ Volleyball Low Passing Improvement
Students’ Low Respect and Self-Regulation - Is TPSR the Solution?
Developing Fundamental Movement Skills of Elementary School Students through Traditional Games
Circuit Training - Is it Effective in Improving Anaerobic Lactacid Capacity?
The Effect of Outdoor Education on Students’ Cohesiveness and Communication
The Influence of Outdoor Recreation and Physical Fitness on Teenagers’ Teamwork
Training Method Eksperiment and Motor Ability towards Playing Futsal Ability
Development Creativity Students through Problem Based Learning Model in Physical Education in Reviewed of Adversity Quotient
The Effect of Women Self-Defense of Kopo Ryu on Self-Efficacy and Self-Control
Effectiveness of Communication Interpersonal Relations with Achievement Motivation and Mental Toughness
Self Awareness of Badminton Athletes toward Healthy Lifestyle
Imagery Model and Sport Confidence on Karate Kata Motion Skills
Influence of Problem-Based Learning Model, Discovery Learning, and Intellectual Intelligence on Creative Thinking
The Correlation between IQ, EQ, Physical Fitness and Athlete Performance
Project-Based Learning in Physical Education - Can Improve Creativity Students and Which One Better Than Conventional Approach?
Barred Pipe Modification - Does It Affect the Learning Results?
The Analysis of 2D Rowing with Ergometer Rowing Kinematics
Woman and Sport - Attitude towards Physical Education
The Students Low Participation in Intramural Sport at the University
The Comparison between TGT and TGFU Learning Model on Learning Result of Basic Football Technique Skill
Inquiry Learning Models toward the Learning Result of Long Jump in Elementary School
Impact of Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility Models on Cognitive, Affective and Psychomotor Aspects
Effect of Star, Acid River, and Blind Square Games in Outbound Activity to Ability Critical Thinking
Implementation of Vobas Game Modification to Student’s Self-Esteem in Senior High School
An Analysis of Scout and Nature Lover Extracurricular on Students’ Physical Fitness
E-Learning Program for Futsal Referee
The Correlation between Mental Toughness and Critical Thinking Ability With Indonesian Squash Pelatnas Athlete's Anxiety
Physical Activities of High Intensity Intermittent Exercise (HIIE) - Between Obesity and Self Esteem
The Effect of Kapha Yoga Exercise on Concentration and Quality of Life
Training of Trainers and Athlete Achievement
Roundhouse Kick Cinematic Analysis - The Comparison between Skill and Unskill in Pencak Silat
Feedback and Agility on Elementary School Students’ Basketball Dribbling Skill
Human Resources Empowement VS. Sport Achievement
Implementation of Spiritual Mental Values of Pencak Silat Students in Community Life
The Correlation between Coach’s Leadership, Coach-Athlete Interaction, and Mental Strength
The Influence of Instructional Model and Gender on Traditional Game Skill Mastery
Smartphone as an Instructional Media in Teaching Soccer
Application of Hellison Learning Model to Increase Student’s Responsibility Value in the Use of Physical Education Learning Tools
Analysis of Differences in Social Skills of Students Attending Student Team Sport Activities Unit
Effect of Locomotor Creative Dance on Student Motor Skills Development
Improving Basic Football Technique Skill through Small Sided Games
Relationship of Intellectual Property and the Basic Movement Ability in Elementary School Students
Speed Endurance Improvement through Long Interval and Short Interval Methods
Development of Bleep Test Team Software
The Influence of Learning Out of School Camping and Hiking Courses on Self-Control
The Large Class Teaching Strategies in Aquatic Activities
Reciprocal Teaching for Boosting Students’ Confidence during Soccer Learning
The Effect of the Outdoor Education Program Camping and Hiking toward The Social Skills and Creativity of the Students
Comparing the Effect of Project-Based Learning and Discovery Learning on Students’ Futsal Learning Outcomes
Physical Education Students’ Physical Self-Concept
The Effect of Learning Model and Physical Fitness towards the Improvement of Self-Efficacy
Small Side Games and Level of Confidence
Constraints-led Practices and Motor Ability on Basic Footwork Skills Acquisition in Fencing
The Effects of Senam Perkasa Indonesia on the Elderly’s Lung Inspiratory Capacity
The Use of Bubble Float and Kick Board in Reducing Anxiety of Water to Improve Students’ Freestyle Stroke Technique
Using Heart Rate Monitor to Optimizing Aerobic Endurance Training
Physical Self-Concept through Fitness Education Program on University Student
Physical Education - Based Teaching Personal Social Responsibility
Application of Teams Games Tournament (TGT) Type Teaching Model in Efforts to Improve Playing Skills in Futsal Game Learning Activity
Survey on Student Motivation and Participation in Futsal Extracurricular
Physical Activity Level of University Students
Democracy of Political System and Sports Policy in Indonesia - Expectations and Reality
Self-Regulated Learning - Concepts and Application in Physical Education
The Efforts to Improve Game Performance through Equipment’s Modification Implementation in the Small-Ball Games
Exercise as an Antidote - How Exercises Reduce the Dangers of Mental Disorders
Initial Detection of Students’ Anxiety in The Activity of College Orientation Through Brainwave Detector and Salivary Cortisol Hormome Examination
Instrument Development for Measuring Responsibility of Student in Elementary School - A Case in Physical Education
The Effect of Traditional Exercises for Self-Esteem of College Students
Implementation of Cooperative Learning by Using Audio-Visual Media in Table Tennis Game Learning
The Influence of Rhythm Activity Learning on Student Understanding Skills Movement
A Descriptive Study on Basketball Extracurricular Activity, Social Behavior and Physical Fitness
Efforts to Improve Learning Outcomes of Passing and Catching in the Learning of Basketball Games through the Application of a Tactical Approach with Learning Media Modification
Effect of Multiball Exercise Method and Wall Reflection to Increasing of Forehand Drive in Table Tennis Game
Improving the Imaginative Ability of High School Students through the Inquiry Teaching Model in Physical Education
Relation of Emotional Intelligence to Mastery of Manipulative Basic Movement Skills on High School Students
Experiments of Learning Model and Motor Ability towards Soccer
Development of Fundamental Movement Skills through the Low-Organized Games Based Program
Head-Heavy and Head-Light Rackets on Forehand Groundstroke Result
The Implementation of VIS based Performance Assessment Model in Volley Ball Learning
The Relationship Between Self-Concept with Social Interaction Quality of Football Team
Effect of Cha-Cha Robic on University Students’ Self-Confidence
Effect of Frequency of Backhand Short Service Exercise between Frequency of Exercise Three Times and Four Times a Week to Improving Short Backhand Service Skills
The Quality of Life of People Living with HIV/AIDS Attending Physical Activity Program in Rumah Cemara
Students Responsibility Pattern in Indonesia
Improvement of Overhand Pass Learning Outcomes through Cooperative and Reciprocal Learning Models in Extracurricular Volleyball Games in High School
Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the Self-Confidence Scale among Beginner Badminton Child-Athletes - A Pilot Study
The Implementation of Movement Problem-Based Learning Model in Soccer-Like Games
The Effect of Bicycling on Long Term Memory
To Raise up the Spirit of Communal Work through Outdoor Education
Implementation of Audio Visual Media in the Learning of Pencak Silat Jurus Prasetya
The Description of Cognitive Function on Dementia Elderly in Ciparay Tresna Wreda Social Protection Center
The Implementation of Tactical Approach in Big-Ball Game Learning to Improve Student’s Creativity
Profile of Physical Fitness, Healthy Life Behavior, Anxiety and Concentration Level of Elementary School
The Influence of External Feedback on Skill Learning
Resistance Training Model Based on Traditional Games for Children Junior High School
Maintaining Elderly Health Related Fitness (HRF) through Dance
The Influence of Brain Jogging Training Model and Intelligence Potential Level on the Improvement of Athlete Concentration in Basketball Sports
The Effects of Learning Model and Motor Educability to Improve Learning Outcomes of Hockey Game
Improving Students Executive Function through Brain-Based Physical Education Learning
Geoheritage and Brand Awareness of Batur Geopark through E-promotion
Analysis of Teachers’ Competence and Its Effects on the Effectiveness of Dual Education System - Survey on Vocational Public and Private Sector Business Management Program in Bandung
Competitive Strategy Analysis According to Product Life Cycle and Implications in Profit - Studies in Business Services Aqiqah Al-Hilal Bandung
Entrepreneurial Intention on Studentpreneurs: Survey on Students Vocational School in Bandung
The Effect of Location and Products Completeness to Consumer Buying Decision of Small and Medium Enterprise Market
Effect of Price and Product Completeness to Consumer Purchase Decision at
Sharia Marketing Analysis on Customer Loyalty and its Impact on Brand Image
Integrated Marketing Communication Performance on Purchase Decision
Entrepreneurial Orientation of Womenpreneurs in West java
A Literature Review of Consumer Behavior towards E-commerce in China
The Influence of Internal and External Indicators of Companies the Speed of Adjustment of Capital Structure
Tourism Destination Marketing Strategy: The Case of Ranau Lake
Dimension Service Experience in Forming Repurchase Intention on MD Clinic by Lazeta Skin Care
The Influence of Problems based Learning Model to Learning Achievement
The Effect of Job Satisfaction on Organizational Citizenship Behavior
Co-Branding Strategy - In Case of Cosmetic Wardah as Famous Cosmetics in Indonesia
The Influence of Staffing to Work Performance - Study on Employees at Production Division of PT Samick Indonesia
The Influence of Leader-member Exchange to Employee Voice
The Effect of Interpersonal Communications on Organization Commitment
The Role of Tax Officers Data and Information Processing in the Process of Recording the Annual Tax Reporting of Entrepreneurs in Indonesia
The Strategies of Small Business in Floriculture Industry
Improving Organizational Performance through Organizational Capabilites - Case: At Land Office Padang, West Sumatera
The Development of the Entrepreneurship Learning Model for Increasing Self-Reliance
Integrated Model of Consumer Perceived Value - Evidence from Indonesia
Strategy Analysis of the Sustainability of Smes
Lecturers’ Research Competence and Performance: A Paradox
Analysis of Customer Value Model of the Aviation Service in Indonesia
Repurchase Intention Influenced Shopping Experience E-Commerce B2C
Utilization of Web 2.0 in Improving the Competitive Advantage of SMEs in Bandung City
Branding Strategy Development to Increase Brand Awareness of Elina House Convention Hall
Improving the Students Financial Literacy Through the Cooperative-Type Method Group Investigation Based on the Emotional Intelligence - Training for the Teachers of Economics for High School in Bandung
Space Matrix of Higher Education Institution: Case Study At “Z” University in Indonesia
Social Media Usefullness on Increasing Brand Loyalty Study on Beverage Industry
Adoption of Customer Behaviour in Using Mobile Phone as a Fintech Media Base on UTAUT Model
Analysis of Factors Affecting Employee Engagement
The Influences of Accounting Information System and Executive Compensation System on Profits Achievement
The Influence of Service Quality Towards Costumer Satisfaction
Analysis Perfromance of Service Quality UPI Library Using Six Sigma Method
The Impact of Financial Literacy on Investors’ Risk Tolerance
Union Effectiveness: Influence of Organizational Culture and Union Participation
The Incentive for Choosing Revaluation Model of Fixed Asset: Evidence from Indonesian Listed Firms after IFRS Adoption
Multicultural Classroom Management in Indonesian Language for Foreign Speakers (BIPA) Learning in Surakarta and Yogyakarta
Similar Stages of Firm Life Cycle
The De-Marketing of Private Transportation Uses
Political Marketing Model for District Leader Election
Measuring Public-University Student Satisfaction in Indonesia: A Comparative Study in 11 Public Universities
Restorating Endodontically Treated Mandibular Molars With Ceramic Onlays
Periodontal Flap Surgery with Bone Grafts for Periodontal Abscesses on Patients with High SGPT and SGPT Level: A Case Report
Description of Coaching Family Welfare Susceptibility, Seriousness, Benefits, and Barriers Perceived about Oral Disease Under the Health Belief Model Aproach in Pacar Keling
Casein Phosphopeptide-Amorphous Calcium Phosphate Fluoride (CPP-ACPF) as an Enamel Remineralization
Endodontic Management of Horizontal Root Fractures in Maxillary Central Incisors
Treatment of Internal Bleaching after Apexification
Proper Nonsurgical Management Of Mandibular Comminuted Symphysis And Condylar Facture: A Case Report
The Role of Glycated Collagen as an Angular Cheilitis Predisposing Factor n Diabetics
Clinical Effectiveness of Gingival Depigmentation Using the Diode Laser Technique: A Case Report
Mini Implant as The Anchorage in Skeletal Malocclusion Class II (Case Report)
Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action Distribution of Universitas Airlangga Students Visiting the Dental and Oral Health Services
Esthetic Rehabilitation of Gummy Smile by Osteoplasty and Crown Lengthening Procedure: A Clinical Case Report
Closure of Multiple Diastemas by Direct Composite Case
Efficacy of In-Office Tooth Bleaching Treatment Using Light Activated Hydrogen Peroxide Agent: A Case Report
Single-Visit Endodontic Therapy of a Tooth with a Periapical Abscess: A Case Report
A Descriptive Overview of Standard Precaution Behavior among Clinical Students in the Dental Hospital Universitas Airlangga
The Assessment Methods of Oral Mucositis Severity
Preserving the Socket Dimensions after Extraction Using Demineralized Freeze-Dried Bone Xenograft and Resorbable Membrane: A Clinical Case Report
Induction Effect of Garcinia Mangostina L Skin Extract and DFDBBX on Expression of IL 1β and Osteoclast of Alveolar Bone Cavia Cobaya
Management of Ocular Prosthesis in Anophthalmia Patients - A Case Report
The Role of Vanilloid and Cannabinoid Receptors in Taste and Pain Perception in Burning Mouth Syndrome
Orthodontic Management of an Anterior Open Bite in Relation to an Adult’s Finger Sucking Habit
Management of A Non-Vital Discolored Tooth: A Case Report
Expression of Bone Morphogenic Proteins-2 (BMP-2) after Application of Stem Cells on Human Exfoliated Deciduous Teeth on a Hydroxyapatite Scaffold (Experimental Research on Rattus Norvegicus)
Immediate Complete Overdenture for Esthetic Consideration of the Upper Edentulous Ridge - A Case Report
Correlation between Dental Caries Level and Nutritional Status of Preschool Children Aged 4-5 Years in Perak Timur Village Surabaya
Management of Oral Lichen Planus Due to Stress
An Overview of the Gingival Lead Line in Traffic Officers of Surabaya Capital City Police
Gingival Depigmentation Using a Conventional Technique on the Maxilary Anterior Region: A Case Report
Herpes Simplex Infection in A Child with Anemia
Chronic Oral Ulcer due to Secondary Infection of Proteus Vulgaris
Esthetic Correction of a Gummy Smile by a Conventional Gingivectomy: A Case Report
Holistic Management of Recurrent Oral Ulcers as an Oral Manifestation of Delayed-Type Hypersensitivity in Psychosomatic Patients
The Esthetic Management of Gingival Enlargement and Gingival Hyperpigmentation in the Anterior Region of the Maxillary: A Case Report
Beautifying Anterior Teeth with Vital Bleaching and Ceramic Veneers: A Case Report
Cytotoxicity and Effectiveness of 100% Mangosteen Pericarp Extract in Cleaning the Smear Layer of Root Canal Dentine
Perio-esthetic Therapy on Gingival Hyperpigmentation: A Case Report
Utilization of Potassium Cyanide as an Electrolyte Solution in the Electropolishing Process of Denture Metal Frameworks
Effectiveness of 3D Pop-up Fairytale Books as a Medium of Education to Improve the Basic Knowledge of Dental and Oral Health of Children Aged 4-5 Years
Expression of VEGF on Mucosal Cavity’s Chronic Inflammation after the Provision of Clarias Batrachus Fish Oil
Overview of the Oral Hygiene Status of Students in SDN Pucang 3 Sidoarjo Based on Their Toothbrushing Habit
Apexification of an Immature Permanent Central Incisor with Mineral Trioxide Aggregate
Estetic Ovate Pontic for Anterior Maxillary Bridge
Management of Oral Lichen Planus Due to Stress In Post-Menopausal Women
Oral Hygiene Profile and Periodontal Treatment Needs in First-Trimester Pregnant Women in The Health Service Center (Puskesmas Garuda) Bandung
Serum Cortisol Levels and Miyazaki Tongue Coating Index in Elderly Patients at Community Health Center Ujung Berung Bandung
Level and Strain Number of Streptococcus Mutans in Toddlers after The Initial Acquisition
Cytotoxicity of Gypsum Puger Hydroxyapatite Scaffold on Rat’s Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells: An In Vitro Study
The Association Between Serum Ferritin and Vitamin D/25(OH)D in Young Adult Women with Recurrent Aphthous Stomatitis
Relationship Between Duration of Using Antipshycotics Drugs with Periodontal Status on Schizoprhenia Patients in Special Hospital Province South Sulawesi 2017
The Effectivity Of Chitosan Gel 3%, 4%, and 5% On Macrophage In Wound Healing After Tooth Extraction Of Guinea Pig (Cavia cobaya)
The Relationship Between Oral Cavity Infections and the Occurance of Stroke
Hyperthyroid Patient With Candidiasis Post Odontectomy: Case Report
Primary Herpetic Gingivostomatitis On A Fisherman In Coastal Marine Suramadu: Case Report
Correlation Between the Mother’s Behaviours Towards Toddler’s Oral Hygiene Maintenance in Selemadeg Vilage, Tabanan, Bali
Fractionation of Red Pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) Seed Ethanolic Extracts for Identifying Active Compounds
Dental Implant Placement With Horizontal Bone Augmentationand Space Regainer Using Partial Orthodontic Fix Appliance
In Vitro Evaluation of FGF-2 On Osteoblast Cell Seeded in Nano Chitosan Carbonate Apatite Chitosan Scaffold
Analysis of Predisposing, Enabling and Reinforcing Factors Against Breast-Self Examination (BSE) Behavior
The Effect of Pumice Stone Media in Reducing Pollutant Load in Grey Water by Using Anaerobic Biofilter
The Performance of Algae-Bacteria to Improve The Degree of Environmental Health
Children Under Five Pneumonia Vulnerability Zone Based on House Physical Determinant Factors Using Geographical Information System Approach in Sawahlunto City
Effectiveness of F75 and Positive Deviance Towards Weight Increase in Children Under Five With Malnutrition
Analysis Of Marketing Strategy And Marketing Mix On New Patient Visit Of Specialistic Polyclinic
Social Support, Types of Personality, Workload, and Responsibility Become Job Stressors for Hospital Based-Nurses
Hazardous Waste Identification and Management at Fire Assay Laboratory Based on Indonesian Government Regulation
Severely Underweight Determinants of Children Under Five
Increase of Monooxygenase Activity in Aedes Aegypti Population in Kedungwuni Timur Subdistrict Pekalongan Regency
The Relationship of Performance Expectancy, Effort Expectancy, and Social Influence on Behavioural Intention to Online Registration System of Health Institutional Service in Surabaya
Analysis of Smoking Behaviour Based on Sex among Junior High School Students
The Effectiveness of Fish Oil Containing Omega-3 Fatty Acids in Improving Quality of Life of Asthmatic Outpatients in Surabaya
The Ability of Schizophrenic Patients to Perform Productive Activities in Family and Community
Quality of Life of Caregivers of Stroke Patients
The Implementation of Posyandu for Preconception Women in Banggai District Starting at the Office of Religious Affairs (KUA) to Meet the SDGs’s Target in Banggai Regency, Central Sulawesi
The Effectiveness of Little Doctor Training to Improve Knowledge, Attitude and Skills at Early Age
Analysis of The Policy Implementation in Inpatient Primary Health Center’s Services in Jember
Analysis Of The Elderly’s Individual Characteristics As An Effort To Improve The Quality of Life
Effectiveness of JSJ (Jin Shin Jyutsu) Massage and Acupressure at Points of LR 3 (Taichong) and LR 2 (Xingjiang) in Reducing Blood Pressure of Pregnant Mothers with Preeclampsia
Theory of Planned Behaviour Application in Healthy Market Program in Bantul Regency Indonesia
The Description of Quality of Life of the Elderly Using WHOQOL-BREF
The Effect of Heating Temperature on Flow rate and Moisture Content in Granules of Toxic Compound in the Mixture of Betel Leaves (Piper betle) and Srikaya Seeds (Annona squamosa) Extract
Eliminating Time-Wasting Process at Outpatient Pharmacy for Better Patients’ Experience in A Government Hospital in Indonesia
Effort in Increasing Knowledge and Enviromental Health about Leptospirosis
Maternal Nutritional Status and Low Birth Weight: A Prospective Cohort Study
The Correlation of Sanitary Conditions, Food Handler’s Hygienic Practices, and Eschericia coli Contamination of Pecel Tumpang in Kediri City, Indonesia
Characteristics of Children With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: Hospital Based Study
Designing Enterprise Architecture of Patient-Centered Mobile Child and Maternity Health Services
Nutritional Management in Pulmonary Tuberculosis with Severe Protein Energy Malnutrition
Dedication Activity in Public Society for Detection and Diabetic Mellitus Treatment with Public Organization
Analysis on Policy of JKN Implementation in Jember Regency
Emotion Focused Coping: - Spirituality and Depression Symptoms in People Living with HIV
Implementation of Maternal Health Data Processing of Computerization for Preventing the Case of Maternal Mortality by Midwives at Puskesmas in Supporting SDG's Achievements
Prevalence and Correlation Between Overweight and Hypertension among Adults
Family Care Empowerment in Reducing Maternal and Infant Mortality Rate: A Success Story
Risk Characteristics of Non-Carcinogenic Benzene Exposure With IgA Workers in Shoes’ Industrial Home, Surabaya
Index Predictive of Drug Resistant Tuberculosis (MDR-TB) on Tuberculosis Patients
An Effort for Increasing The Coverage of Stimulation Detection and Growth Intervention Program in Primary Care
ARM (Anjungan Registrasi Mandiri) as Innovation of Front Line Service in a Hospital
Adolescent Health Information-seeking Behaviour over the Internet
Environmental Health and Leptospirosis Infection in the Society of the Endemic Area Kabupaten Sampang Madura
Health Problems Among Shoemakers Related to the Exposure to Glue Solvents Used
Acceptance Analysis of an INFOBIDAN Application to Improve a Midwife’s Competency in a Remote Area
The Role of Parents, Teachers, and the Media in Increasing Awareness of Sexual Abuse Prevention for School Children in Banyuwangi
Community-Based Health Effort for Elderly to Raise Awareness of Constipation Problem for Elderly in Madiun City
“Pak YM is very active once awaken the community…..”: The Role of A Community Leader in Community Empowerment at A No-Drugs Village in Surabaya City
Phlebitis in Muhammad M. Dunda Hospital, District of Gorontalo, Observational Study
Breastfeeding among First Time Mothers
Monitoring and Evaluation of E-DHF Program Usage in Pasuruan City East Java Indonesia
Association Between Gathering Activity and Obesity in Adolescents in Surabaya, Indonesia
Lifestyle, Workload and Work Stress Associated with Blood Pressure of Health Officer on The Class 1 Port Area of Tanjung Perak, Surabaya
Dietary Pattern of Households with Maternal and Child Double Burden of Malnutrition in East Java, Indonesia
Evaluation of Program Ship Examination For Disease Prevention in Port Health Office Class III, Manokwari
Tuberculosis Control Management: Implementation of DOTS (Directly Observed Treatment Short) Strategy in Achieving The Target of SDG’s 2030
Success Story of "TERANGI BUMI": A Blood Donor Program for Maternity Death Prevention
HNR (Home for Nutrition Recovery) As Innovation in Accelerating The Handling of Malnutrition
The Relationship Between Post Natal Care, Education, Knowledge, and The Exclusive Breastfeeding on Housewives
Model of Potential Strengthening and Family Roles in Improving Family Members for ODGJ Adaptability
Measurement of Cost of Quality as Effort to Build Awareness of Importance of Quality and Strategy of Resilience in Health Care Facilities
Quality of Diphtheria Surveillance System in the East Java Provincial Health Office
The Relationship Between Anxiety and Hypertension in the Elderly
Health Problem Analysis of HIV/AIDS in the Health Office of Pasuruan District
The Quality System of Early Warning, Alert, and Response System (EWARS) in The South Kalimantan Province, Indonesia
The Safe Duration of Benzene Exposure in the Motor Workshop Area
Measuring The Quality of Renal Care Using Information System Design: An Early Warning System to Improve Health Care Quality
Evaluation of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever Surveillance System
Community Resilience as a Recovery Method for Psychiatric Patients: A Meta-Study
Evaluation of an Epidemiologic Investigation and Risk Factors Study of Leptospirosis Disease
Obstacles and Solutions for Tuberculosis Screening Among People With Diabetes Mellitus in Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia - A Need Assessment
Nutritional Status, Body Fat Percentage, Hemoglobin Level and Physical Fitness in A Football Athlete
Compassion in Interprofessional Health Education is a Lagged Trigger to Quality Health and Well-being
Exploring the Role of NGOs’ Health Programs in Promoting Sustainable Development in Pakistan
Correlation Knowledge, Attitude and Actions with Health Complaints from Exposure of Pesticides on Horticultural Farmers
Description of Anthrax Outbreak Investigation in Pacitan District in 2017
Epidemiology of Measles in the Gresik District of Eastern Java Province from 2014 to 2016
Analysis of Factors That Affect Family Centered Empowerment while Caring for Children with Leukemia
Zinc Status and Cadmium Exposure in Stunted Children Aged from 24 to 59 Months: A Cross Sectional Study
The Reduced Pain in Patients With Knee Osteoarthritisis Related to the Quality of Life Improvement of The Physical Domain
Limited Resources and Complicated Procedures - Maternal Health Problems of Urbant Migrants in Region
The Consequences - Financing Prompt Treatment Until Terminal of HIV AIDS in Universal Health Coverage
Interprofessional Collaboration as The Most Essential Solution in Decreasing Maternal and Child Death
Urban Settlements in The Context of Healthy City
The Correlation Between Pregnant Mother Class Participation and Completeness Status of Plenary Health Service Visit (K4) at Working Area of Puskesmas Sukabumi in Probolinggo Municipality
Effect of Diabetes Gymnastics and Nutrition Counseling on Lowered Blood Glucose Levels in Patients With Diabetes Mellitus Type II in Jatilawang Puskesmas in Banyumas Regency
Post Natal Care (PNC) Service With The Level of Postpartum Mother’s Satisfaction in The Working Area of Sukomulyo Puskesmas in Gresik
Role of Hypertension to Chronic Kidney Disease Incidents
Self-Disclosure of Adolescents about Unwanted Pregnancy to Their Partners and Parents: A Qualitative Study in Cetral Java Indonesia
Management and Development of Human Resources to Improve The Quality of X Hospital Services in Universal Health Coverage Era
The Relationship between Various Coronary Heart Diseases (CHD) Factors and the Health Literacy of Patients
Analysis of The Implementation of Local Public Service Agency Policy on The Quality and Performance of Hospital Services
The Relationship Between Parents’ Knowledge about Children’s Need of Playing and The Growth of Children Aged 3-4 Years at Kawisto Village in Duduk Sampeyan District Gresik Regency
The Safety Test of Granular Bioinsecticide Mixture of Betel Leaves (Piper betel) and Srikaya Seeds (Annona squamosa) Extract to Non Targetted Organism
Dimension of Nurses Responsiveness in Improving Health Quality Service Based On SERVQUAL Concept
Child Marriage’s Representation of Maternal Output to Premature Delivery Incidence in RSUD dr. Doris Sylvanus Hospital Palangka Raya, Indonesia
Risk Index of Infarct Stroke based on Modifiable Risk Factors
Bio-Psycho-Socio-Cultural Approach Training Towards Drug Abuse and HIV-AIDS Prevention Among Teenagers
Care Culture of Pregnant Mothers
Best Practice of Patient-Centered Care Implementation at Universitas Airlangga Hospital Indonesia
Patient Safety Incident Reporting Analysis Based on Integrity and Commitment Team in Inpatient
Four Forms of Social Support for 3-6 Years Old Child’s Caregivers
Occupational Exposure to Green Tobacco Sickness among Tobacco Farmers in Jember, East Java, Indonesia
Early Marriage and Cultural Stigma of Madurese Young Woman Based on Review of Socio-Ecological Factors
Belief, Self-Efficacy and Other Predictors of Adherence to ART Among Women Living with HIV
Five Pillars of “Pro-Sehat DT” For Strengthening The Community Empowerment
Analysis of The Influence of Service Quality to Outpatient’s Satisfaction at Pharmacy Installation of Kaliwates Hospital
Family’s Support, Coping Mechanism, Disability and Depression Among Elderly in Rural Area
Enforcing the Services of Prolanis Based on Strategic Management Approach in Wonopringgo, Pekalongan Regency
Rehabilitation Programs for Total Hip Arthroplasty in Patients with Enclosed Hip Bilateral: A Case Report
Pyruvat Dehydrogenase Deficiency – Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Approach: A Case Report
The Role of EMG Biofeedback and Comprehensive Rehabilitation in Brachial Plexus Injury after FFMT: A Case Report
Rehabilitation Management in Late-Findings of Ankylosing Spondylitis Patient: A Case Report
Rehabilitation of Patients with Foville’s Syndrome after the First ICH Stroke: A Case Report
Rehabilitation Management of a Child with Scleroderma: A Case Report
Patient with Multiple Non-contiguous Spondylitis (Spinal) Tuberculosis: A Case Report
Correlation of ASIA Impairment Scale (AIS) Classification and Pain in Spinal Cord Injury Patients in Dr Soetomo Hospital Surabaya, Indonesia
Non-Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury – Tuberculous Spondylitis: A Case Report
Correlation between Parity Status and Urinary Incontinence Among Elderly Women
Relation of Cognitive and Physical Functional Performance with Urinary Incontinence Problems in the Elderly
The Effect of Garlic Extract on Endothelial Progenitor Cells (EPCs) Quantification in Chronic Stable Angina Pectoris Patients
In Vitro Effect of Lisinopril on Endothelial Progenitor Cell (Epc) Proliferation from Peripheral Blood of Stable Coronary Artery Disease Patients
Intraventricular Transplantation of Autologous Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells for Stroke: Rationale, Technique and Early Clinical Experience
Comparison of the Effects of Resistance Training with and without Vascular Occlusion on Creatine Kinase (CK) and C-Reactive Protein (CRP)
Direct and Indirect Method of Sonographic Measurements of the Median Nerve in Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Increasing Muscle Regeneration in Response to Exercise
The Role of Comprehensive Rehabilitation Management in Noncontiguous Spinal Tuberculosis Involving Thoracic and Lumbar: A Case Report
Rehabilitation Program for Elderly with Neglected Elbow Dislocation with Coronary Heart Disease: A Case Report
Home-based Rehabilitation to Reduce Spasticity in Spastic Quadriplegic Cerebral Palsy: A Case Report
Effectiveness of Aerobic Exercise Addition Using a Static Cycle in Improving Cardiorespiratory Fitness and Gait Speed after Sub-Acute Ischemic Stroke
Incentive Spirometer as a Prognostic Factor for Post Cardiac Surgery Patients
Rehabilitation Management of Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy: A Case Report
Rehabilitation Management of Intracerebral Hemorrhage with Various Complications: A Case Report
Congenital Scoliosis Caused by Hemivertebrae: A Case Report
Anal Pressure Biofeedback Training in a Patient with Diverting Colostomy after Blunt and Penetrating Anorectal Injury: A Case Report
Comparison of the Immediate Effect between Radial Shock Wave Therapy and Ultrasound Diathermy on Ankle Range of Motion in Cerebral Palsy with Plantar Flexor Spasticity
Rehabilitation Outcome of Mixed Transcortical Aphasia and Right Hand Function Disturbance in Intracerebral Hemorrhage: A Case Report
An Obscure Case of Residual Poliomyelitis
Benefits of Sport Rehabilitation for Patients with ACL and PCL Tears after Reconstructive Surgery: A Case Report
Rehabilitation Management for Traumatic SCI During Pregnancy: A Case Report
Difficulty of Returning to Work After Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury: A Case Report
Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis Rehabilitation in a Patient with Tuberculosis-Destroyed Lung: A Case Report
Rehabilitation Intervention in Hypertensive Intracerebral Hemorrhage: A Case Report
Correlation of Rehabilitation Management Initiation and Length of Stay on Traumatic Brain Injury Patients in Dr. Soetomo Hospital Surabaya, Indonesia
The Role of Comprehensive Rehabilitation Management in Spina Bifida Patient with CTEV: A Case Report
Urinary Incontinence Prevalence and Its Relation between Pelvic Floor Muscle Strength and Type of Incontinence Urine Based on Incontinence Questions (3IQ) among Elderly Men
Rehabilitation Challenges of Frequent Implant Failure of the Elbow
Comprehensive Rehabilitation Program for Cervical Spinal Cord Injury Caused by Atlantoaxial Dislocation: A Case Series Report
Rehabilitation Program for Spinal Neurofibromatosis: A Case Report
Rehabilitation of Post Sciatic Nerve Repair with Mesenchymal Stem Cell Augmentation: A Case Report
The Effect of Kinesio Taping on Lower Extremity Muscle Power in Adult Males
The Functional Capacity Difference between Below Elbow Prosthesis Three Jaw Chuck and Five Actuated Finger Terminal Devices on Able-Bodied Subjects
Role of Allogeneic NK Cells Treatment in the Early Phase of Apoptosis on Poorly Differentiated Retinoblastoma Cells Culture
The Relationship between Degree of COPD and Malnutrition in Patients in The Polyclinic of Meuraxa General Hospital
Affect of Hatha Yoga Exercise in Executive Function of Diabetes Mellitus Patient
Comprehensive Program of Degenerative Scoliosis in Reducing Pain
Effects of Tai Chi Exercise on Cardiorespiration Function in Elderly Women at Nursing Homes
Functional Mobility and Pain Severity in Older Low Back Pain Patients
Effect of Low-Intensity Pulsed-Ultrasound Therapy to Increase Osteoblast and Callus Thickness in Fracture Healing
The Effect of Physical Exercise on the Astrocytes of the Cerebellar Cortex Exposed to Monosodium Glutamate in Rattus Norvegicus
Inspiratory Muscle Training (IMT) to Promote Cough Strength in the Elderly
Characteristics of Osteoporotic Geriatric Patient in Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital Bandung
Effect of Perturbation Exercise and Knee Support Addition to Static and Dynamic Balance in Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis
Effect of Intradialytic Isometric Exercise with or without Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation on the Functional Capacity in Chronic Kidney Disease Patients
Effect of Intradialytic Isometric Exercise with or without Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation on Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha in Chronic Kidney Disease Patients
A Comparison of the Immediate Effect of Hemisling and Functional Shoulder Orthosis Usage on Reduction of Shoulder Subluxation in Brachial Plexus Injury
Effect of Line Dancing on Elderly Women with Functional Mobility in Geriatric Primary Healthcare “Mekar Sari” Surabaya Indonesia
Effect of Line Dancing on the Triglyceride Level of Elderly Women in Geriatric Primary Healthcare “Mekar Sari” Surabaya Indonesia
Immediate Effect of Elastic Taping Application on Electrical Activity of Shoulder Abductor Muscle in Stroke Patients with Shoulder Abductor Muscle Weakness
Five Times Sit to Stand Test as a Measure of Functional Mobility and Balance in the Elderly
Prognosis of Primary Spinal Tuberculosis by Treatment of Antituberculosis Drugs, Surgery, and Rehabilitation Program: A Case Series
Immediate Effects of Elastic Tape on Quadriceps Femoris Muscle Activation During Single Leg Hop for Distance of Post 6 Months ACL Reconstruction Athletes
Handgrip Stregth and Hand Function Improvement After Powered Dynamic Hand Orthosis (PDHO) Usage in Brachial Plexus Injury’s Affected Hand
Relationship for Knee Angle, Hip Angle and Peak Ground Reaction Force With Vertical Jump Performance at Volleyball Athlete in Surabaya
Immediate Effect of Kinesiotaping Applications on Ankle Range of Motion and Plantar Flexor Muscles Spasticity on Stroke Subjects
Immediate Effect of Elastic Taping Application on Gait Functional Ability in Patients with Stroke
The Correlation Between Handgrip Muscle Endurance and Hand Dexterity in Cigarette Factory Employees
Correlation Between Hemophilia Joint Health Score (HJHS) With Functional Independent Score in Hemophilia (FISH) and Musculoskeletal Ultrasonography in Hemophilia Children at RSUD. Dr. Soetomo Surabaya
Postural Balance Differences in Athletes Post Anterior Ligament Cruciate Reconstruction
Adoption Evaluation of Indonesian Language Short Form 36 Cross Cultural Adaptation on People With Musculoskeletal Pain
Correlation Between Gluteus Maximus, Quadriceps, and Gastrocnemius Muscles Activity to Vertical Jump Performance on Male Volleyball Athletes
Tropical Diabetic Hand Syndrome in Patients with Diabetic Nephropathy
Parathyroid Carcinoma Patients with Manifestation of Hypercalcemia and Femur Fracture
Prolactinoma Male Patient with Clinical Manifestations of Hypopituitarism and Gynecomastia
A Patient with Acute Liver Failure Due to Acute Hepatitis A
A Patient with Non-Cirrhotic Portal Fibrosis Treated with the Modified Sugiura Procedure: A Case Report
Management of Oligodendroglioma Patients
Scleroderma Patients with Pulmonary Artery Hypertension: A Case Report
Liver Diet in Hepatic Encephalopathy Patients
Management of a Patient with Esophageal Stricture after Drinking Strongly Acidic Water
Complication of Fiberoptic Bronchoscopy and Its Implementation for Special Conditions
Varicella-Infected Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome Patient with Secondary Infection
Dengue Virus Infection in a Pregnant Woman
Role of Nonstructural-1 Protein (NS1) Dengue Virus in Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever Pathogenesis
Management of Dyslipidemia Associated with Anti-Retroviral Therapy in HIV/AIDS Patients
A Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever Patient with Expanded Syndrome of Acute Hepatitis
The Effect of Moderate Intensity Exercise and Folate Acid on Homocysteine level in Rattus Novergicus Hyperhomocysteine
Tooth Mobility as an Impact of Psychological and Psycho-Physical Work Distress in a Rat Model