Rate-based Simulation of Coke Calcination in Rotary Kilns
Mechatronic System Optimization based on Surrogate Models - Application to an Electric Vehicle
Eulerian-Lagrangian Modeling of Forestry Residues Gasification in a Fluidized Bed
Sigmapoint Approach for Robust Optimization of Nonlinear Dynamic Systems
Hybrid Simulation Approach for Prospective Assessment of Mobile Stroke Units
Two Modes of Scheduling in a Simple Economic Agent-Based Model
Parametric Study of Complex Liquid Flow in a Centrifugal Pump Consisting of an Impeller, a Volute and a Diffuser
A Fast, Efficient Multi-Direct Forcing of Immersed Boundary Method for Flow in Complex Geometry
Practical Considerations for Enabling a srTCM Behavior in Opnet Modeler
Job-shop Problems with Objectives Appropriate for Train Scheduling in a Single-track Railway
A Framework to Provide Real Time Useful Knowledge in E-Learning Environments
Machine Modelling for Transient Stability Analysis in Distribution Grids - A Comparison of Synchronous and Induction Machine Models in Medium and Low Voltage Grids
Modelling Passengers Flow at Airport Terminals - Individual Agent Decision Model for Stochastic Passenger Behaviour
A Combined DTA Approach for Road Network Robustness Analysis
Reusing Simulation Models for Weapons Effectiveness Analysis
Airflow and Particle Deposition in a Dry Powder Inhaler - A CFD Simulation
Simulation of Real-time Data Grid Systems via DGridSim Simulator
Simulation of the Thermal Management of the Semiconductor Disk Laser
Direct Numerical Simulation of Flow Past a Sphere in a Plane Turbulent Boundary Layer with Immersed Boundary Method
Plant Level Framework for Material Flow in a Nuclear Reprocessing Facility
A Structuring Mechanism for Embedded Control Systems using Co-modelling and Co-simulation
A Model-driven Approach to Build HLA-based Distributed Simulations from SysML Models
A Simple Efficient Technique to Adjust Time Step Size in a Stochastic Discrete Time Agent-based Simulation
A Really Simple Explanation of Policy Punctuations? - Interdependence, Complexity, and Policy Punctuations
Optimizing Operation Costs of the Heating System of a Household using Model Predictive Control Considering a Local PV Installation
Observations of Discrete Event Models
A Simulation Study of Learning a Structure - Mike’s Bike Commuting
Simulative Model and Multicriteria Optimization of Truss Beam in Super-Large Columns at High Temperature
Simulation of Shallow-water Flows in Complex Bay-like Domains
Process-oriented Discrete-event Simulation in Java with Continuations - Quantitative Performance Evaluation
Simulation and Multi-Objective Optimization of Vaccuum Ethanol Fermentation
Elastomeric Seismic Isolators Behavior at Different Pads Thickness
Strategic and Standardized Simulation of a Distribution Network - A Case for a Drugstore Company in Mexico
Fast Assessment of Wildfire Spatial Hazard with GPGPU
Simulation of Backflow in Automotive Body Assemblies
An Approach to Implementation of Physical Simulation Models
Simulation of Protection Mechanisms against Botnets on the Basis of “Nervous Network” Framework
The Improved SSR Electromagnetic Simulation Model and Its Comparison with Field Measurements
CFD in the Capillary Rheometry of Polyethylene Melts
SysML Parametric Models for Complex System Performance Analysis - A Case Study
RECORD - An Integrated Platform for Agro-ecosystems Study
Simulation of Photovoltaics for Defence Applications - Power Generation Assessment and Investigation of the Available Integration Areas of Photovoltaic Devices on a Virtual Infantryman
Estimating Real Process Derivatives in on-Line Optimization - A Review
Automatic Design Optimisation of Pharmaceutical Tablets using PDEs
Enhancing the RAMSAS Method for System Reliability Analysis - An Exploitation in the Automotive Domain
OPN-Ont: Object Petri Nets Ontology Tool
Agent based Modelling and Simulation using State Machines
Simulating Vaccination Control and Herd Immunity Threshold in EcoDemics
Optimizing Energy using Probabilistic Routing in Underwater Sensor Network
The Application of Evolutionary Algorithm for the Linear Dynamic System Modelling
Enhancing the Performances of D-MASON - A Motivating Example
Modeling Cell Populations in Development using Individual Stochastic Regulatory Networks
A Geometrical Refinement of Shape Calculus Enabling Direct Simulation
A General Process for Developing Business Simulations Games
Flatness based Control of a 2 DOF Single Link Flexible Joint Manipulator
A Simulation-based Scheduling Strategy for Scientific Workflows
A Model for Simulation of Application and Resource Behavior in Heterogeneous Distributed Computing Environments
A Meta-Model for DEVS - Designed following Model Driven Engineering Specifications
Dynamic Simulation of Opioid Misuse Outcomes
SimCore: A Library for Rapid Development of Large Scale Parallel Simulations
X-FEM based Topological Optimization Method
Challenges in Applying Optimization in the Design of Continuous Processes - Case: Collaborative Optimizing Design of Pulp Fractionation Process
Microwave Design Optimization Exploiting Adjoint Sensitivity
Transonic Wing Optimization by Variable-resolution Modeling and Space Mapping
Trawl-door Performance Analysis and Design Optimization with CFD
Managing Model Fidelity for Efficient Optimization of Antennas using Variable-resolution Electromagnetic Simulations
Use of Fuzzy Cognitive Maps for Climate System Stability Analysis
Simple Fuzzy Logic Models to Estimate the Global Temperature Change Due to GHG Emissions
Prediction of PM2.5 Concentrations using Fuzzy Inductive Reasoning in Mexico City
Rings in the Gulf of Mexico and Stochastic Resonance
MetSim: A Simulation Decision Support Tool using Meteorological Information for Short-Term Planning of Hospital Services
Sensitivity Analysis in Bed Capacity Studies including the Medical Staff’s Decision Making
How to Build an Agent-based Model to Assess the Impact of Co-payment for Health Services