Academics’ Intention to Adopt SNS for Engagement Within Academia
The Spanning Tree based Approach for Solving the Shortest Path Problem in Social Graphs
A Framework for Parameterized Semantic Matchmaking and Ranking of Web Services
The PERICLES Process Compiler: Linking BPMN Processes into Complex Workflows for Model-Driven Preservation in Evolving Ecosystems
Increasing Trust Towards eCommerce - Privacy Enhancing Technologies Against Price Discrimination
Query and Product Suggestion for Price Comparison Search Engines based on Query-product Click-through Bipartite Graphs
Automated Analysis and Evaluation of Web Applications Design: The CMS-based Web Applications Case Study
Adaptive Push-based Media Streaming in the Web
Evaluating Twitter Influence Ranking with System Theory
UML-based Model-Driven REST API Development
GO4SOA: Goal-Oriented Modeling for SOA
Interest Assortativity in Twitter
Massive Detailed 3D Geographic Information Collection on the Web
Designing Online Service: From State-of-the-Art to a Unified Framework
MR-SAT: A MapReduce Algorithm for Big Data Sentiment Analysis on Twitter
Methods of Data Processing and Communication for a Web-based Wind Flow Visualization
Personalized, Context-aware Intermodal Travel Information
Compressing Inverted Files using Modified LZW
Are Open News Systems Credible? - An Investigation Into Perceptions of Participatory and Citizen News
Identity Use and Misuse of Public Persona on Twitter
XML Labels Compression using Prefix-encodings
UniQue: An Approach for Unified and Efficient Querying of Heterogeneous Web Data Sources
Two Novel Techniques for Space Compaction on Biological Sequences
Volkswagen Emission Crisis – Managing Stakeholder Relations on the Web
Performance Gains from Web Performance Optimization - Case Including the Optimization of Webpage Resources in a Comprehensive Way
Impact of Online Product Reviews on Purchasing Decisions
Facebook Posts Text Classification to Improve Information Filtering
Analysis of Performance of the Routing Protocols Ad Hoc using Random Waypoint Mobility Model Applied to an Urban Environment
AutoCRUD - Automating IFML Specification of CRUD Operations
MetaPage - A Data Intensive MockupDD for Agile Web Engineering
LiquidML: A Web Modeling Language Supporting Fast Metamodel Evolution
Detecting Functional Requirements Inconsistencies within Multi-teams Projects Framed into a Model-based Web Methodology
An Approach to Include Web-based Interaction Into Systems of Systems
Ontological Interaction Modeling and Semantic Rule-based Reasoning for User Interface Adaptation
Integrating User’s Emotional Behavior for Community Detection in Social Networks
A Classifier Ensemble Approach to Detect Emotions Polarity in Social Media
Cloud Services Selection by Load Balancing between Clouds - A Hybrid MCDM/Markov Chain Approach
Street Web - A Framework for “Web on the Road” Smart Services
Estimating the Functionality of Mashup Applications for Assisted, Capability-centered End User Development
A Generic Mapping-based Query Translation from SPARQL to Various Target Database Query Languages
Preference based Filtering and Recommendations for Running Routes
AMBIT-SE: Towards a User-aware Semantic Enterprise Search Engine
Verification of Fact Statements with Multiple Truthful Alternatives
Extending Content-Boosted Collaborative Filtering for Context-aware, Mobile Event Recommendations
Extracting Navigation Hierarchies from Networks with Genetic Algorithms
An Empirical Study of the Effectiveness of using Sentiment Analysis Tools for Opinion Mining
Twitter Topic Modeling for Breaking News Detection
Content-based Title Extraction from Web Page
Introducing Wild-card and Negation for Optimizing SPARQL Queries based on Rewriting RDF Graph and SPARQL Queries
Customer Perception Driven Product Evolution - Facilitation of Structured Feedback Collection
Can e-Commerce Recommender Systems be More Popular with Online Shoppers if they are Mood-aware?
Adaptive Augmented Reality in Mobile Applications for Helping People with Mild Intellectual Disability in Ecuador
Utilizing Virtual Communities for Information Retrieval and User Modeling
A Lexicon-based Approach for Sentiment Classification of Amazon Books Reviews in Italian Language
Triple-based Sharing of Context-Aware Composite Web Applications for Non-programmers
Cross-Domain Recommendations with Overlapping Items
Subtopic Ranking based on Hierarchical Headings
Towards a Temporal Extension to OWL 2: A Study based on tOWL Language
Crowdsourcing Reliable Ratings for Underexposed Items
Concept-based Semantic Search over Encrypted Cloud Data
Enhancing Recommender Systems for TV by Face Recognition
Refining a Reference Architecture for Model-Driven Business Apps
Analyzing Social Media Discourse - An Approach using Semi-supervised Learning
A Framework for Enriching Job Vacancies and Job Descriptions Through Bidirectional Matching
Using Gamification to Enhance User Motivation in an Online-coaching Application for Flexible Workers
Randomised Optimisation of Discrimination Networks Considering Node-sharing
AEMIX: Semantic Verification of Weather Forecasts on the Web
Interactive Visualization and Big Data - A Management Perspective
ViewSameAs: A Novel Link in Instance Matching Process
An Enhanced Block Notation for Discrimination Network Optimisation
Challenges of Serendipity in Recommender Systems