Life Cycle of Software Development Design in European Structured Economic Reports
Using IoT Platform for 360-Degree Video User Logging and Analysis
Comparing Reliability Mechanisms for Secure Web Servers: Comparing Actors, Exceptions and Futures in Scala
Text Mining of Medical Documents in Spanish: Semantic Annotation and Detection of Recommendations
MISTRuST: accoMmodatIon Short Term Rental Scanning Tool
Automated Tag Enrichment by Semantically Related Trends
Efficient Thumbnail Identification through Object Recognition
Transfer Learning to Extract Features for Personalized User Modeling
A Curious Case of Meme Detection: An Investigative Study
Traffic Flow Modelling for Pollution Awareness: The TRAFAIR Experience in the City of Zaragoza
Selective Auctioning using Publish/Subscribe for Real-Time Bidding
A Management Model of Real-time Integrated Semantic Annotations to the Sensor Stream Data for the IoT
What Web Users Copy to the Clipboard on a Website: A Case Study
Converting Web Pages Mockups to HTML using Machine Learning
What’s in a Definition? An Investigation of Semantic Features in Lexical Dictionaries
Analysis of Selected Characteristics of Open Data Inception Portals in the Context of Smart Cities IoT Data Accessibility
Semantic Web Applications for Danish News Media
Completeness Issues in Mobile Crowd-sensing Environments
Knowledge-based Reliability Metrics for Social Media Accounts
On the Fly SPARQL Execution for Structured Non-RDF Web APIs
Ontology-quality Evaluation Methodology for Enhancing Semantic Searches and Recommendations: A Case Study
Mobile Devices and Systems in ADHD Treatment
Accommodating Negation in an Efficient Event-based Natural Language Query Interface to the Semantic Web
Alternative Approaches for Supporting Lattice-based Access Control (LBAC) in the Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) Standard
Automatic Detection of Terms and Conditions in German and English Online Shops
Soft Querying GeoJSON Documents within the J-CO Framework
Detecting Unsatisfiable Pattern Queries under Shape Expression Schema
Transforming Property Path Query According to Shape Expression Schema Update
Comparative Analysis between the k-means and Fuzzy c-means Algorithms to Detect UDP Flood DDoS Attack on a SDN/NFV Environment
Meme vs. Non-meme Classification using Visuo-linguistic Association
Rapid Development of a Low-cost Web-based 360 Virtual Tour
Prototypes as Starting Point in MDE: Proof of Concept
The Current Limitations of Blockchain Traceability: Challenges from Industry
A Software Product Line for Digital Libraries
SMS Spam Identification and Risk Assessment Evaluations
Detecting IoT Botnet Formation using Data Stream Clustering Algorithms
Computing Massive Trust Analytics for Twitter using Apache Spark with Account Self-assessment
Exploring Voice Assistant Risks and Potential with Technology-based Users
Multifactorial Evolutionary Prediction of Phenology and Pests: Can Machine Learning Help?