A Skill Sharing Platform for Team Collaboration and Knowledge Exchange
Impact of Usage Behaviour on the User Experience of Netflix, Microsoft Powerpoint, Bigbluebutton and Zoom
Classifying the Reliability of the Microservices Architecture
Identifying User Experience Aspects for Voice User Interfaces with Intensive Users
Term-based Website Evaluation Applying Word Vectors and Readability Measures
Transfer, Measure and Extend Maintainability Metrics for Web Component based Applications to Achieve Higher Quality
Temporal Evolution of Topics on Twitter
ELEVEN Data-Set: A Labeled Set of Descriptions of Goods Captured from Brazilian Electronic Invoices
Few-shot Approach for Systematic Literature Review Classifications
Comparative Analysis of Recurrent Neural Network Architectures for Arabic Word Sense Disambiguation
Multi-label Emotion Classification using Machine Learning and Deep Learning Methods
Deep-vacuity: A Proposal of a Machine Learning Platform based on High-performance Computing Architecture for Insights on Government of Brazil Official Gazettes
Study on VR Application Efficiency of Selected Android OS Mobile Devices
A Simple Algorithm for Checking Pattern Query Containment under Shape Expression Schema
Agile in Higher Education: How Can Value-based Learning Be Implemented in Higher Education?
Privacy Policy Beautifier: Bringing Privacy Policies Closer to Users
Cooking Reviews Segmentation and Classification based on Deep Learning and Named Entity Detection
Towards Soft Web Intelligence by Collecting and Processing JSON Data Sets from Web Sources
Adaptive and Collaborative Inference: Towards a No-compromise Framework for Distributed Intelligent Systems
Unsupervised Aspect Term Extraction for Sentiment Analysis through Automatic Labeling
AKIP Process Automation Platform: A Framework for the Development of Process-Aware Web Applications
Publish and Enrich Geospatial Data as Linked Open Data
A Data-Centric Anomaly-Based Detection System for Interactive Machine Learning Setups
Using Feature Analysis to Guide Risk Calculations of Cyber Incidents
Incorporating the User Attention in User Interface Logs
Towards a Pattern-based Approach for Transforming Legacy COBOL Applications Into RESTful Web Services
Machine Learning and Raspberry PI Cluster for Training and Detecting Skin Cancer
The Ginger: Another Spice to Hinder Attacks on Password Files
Characterizing Open Government Data Available on the Web from the Quality Perspective: A Systematic Mapping Study
Semi Real-time Data Cleaning of Spatially Correlated Data in Traffic Sensor Networks
Space Geeks: A Proposed Serious Game to Teach Array Concept for Novice Programming Students
How Textual Datasets Enhance the PADI-Web Tool?
A Distributed Registry of Multi-perspective Data Services in Cyber Physical Production Networks
Exploiting Linked Data-based Personalization Strategies for Recommender Systems
An Interaction Effort Score for Web Pages
Cornucopia: Tool Support for Selecting Machine Learning Lifecycle Artifact Management Systems
Do Top Higher Education Institutions’ Social Media Communication Differ Depending on Their Rank?
Performance Analysis of the OpenCL Environment on Mobile Platforms
Study on AR Application Efficiency of Selected iOS and Android OS Mobile Devices
Drive Test-based Correlation Assessment of QoS Parameters for Exemplary Measurements Scenario in Suburban Environment
The Concept of Application of the Wroclaw Taxonomy for QoS Assessment in Mobile Networks
POSER: A Semantic Payload Lowering Service
Factoid vs. Non-factoid Question Identification: An Ensemble Learning Approach
Using Transfer Learning To Classify Long Unstructured Texts with Small Amounts of Labeled Data
Classification of the Top-cited Literature by Fusing Linguistic and Citation Information with the Transformer Model
Interaction Lab: Web User Interaction Tracking and Analysis Tool
An Artificial Intelligence Application for a Network of LPI-FMCW Mini-radar to Recognize Killer-drones
Word Association Thematic Analysis: Insight Discovery from the Social Web
Quality of Cryptocurrency Mining on Previous Generation NVIDIA GTX GPUs
Who Ate All Our Cookies? Investigating Publishers’ Challenges Caused by Changes in Third-party Cookie Tracking
Towards an Ontology-based Recommender System for Assessment in a Collaborative Elearning Environment
Evaluation of Project Work in Public Administrations in E-government and Digitization Projects in Germany
“eRReBIS” Business Intelligence based Intelligent Recommender System for e-Recruitment Process
Data Visualization, Accessibility and Graphicacy: A Qualitative Study of Communicative Artifacts through SUS Questionnaire