WebRTC using JSON via XMLHttpRequest and SIP over WebSocket - Initial Signalling Overhead Findings
TagNet: Using Soft Semantics to Search the Web
Empowering Collaborative Business Intelligence by the use of Online Social Networks
Integra System
Discovering Influential Nodes in Social Networks through Community Finding
Similarity-based Ontology Mapping in Material Science Domain
SPADE - A Test Framework for SOAP Analysis in Dynamic Environments
Caching Strategies for In-memory Neighborhood-based Recommender Systems
Usability on TV - Innovative User Interfaces Depicted in Current TV Series and their Potential to Inspire Actual Interfaces
User Profiles in Commercial Interaction Web Portals
Collective Intelligence - How Collaborative Contents and Social Media Changing the Face of Digital Library
Context-aware Recommendations through Activity Recognition
User-centered Social Network Profiles Integration
A Dynamic Load Balancing Strategy for a Distributed Biometric Authentication System
Using Personal Assistant Dialogs for Automatic Web Service Discovery and Execution
The Challenges of e-Gov in Times of Crisis
A Distributed Ranking Algorithm for the iTrust Information Search and Retrieval System
Towards a Model-driven Development of Web Applications
A Generative Approach to Virtual Museums
Towards a Modular Architecture for Adaptable Signature-verification Tools
Evaluating Frameworks for Creating Mobile Web Apps
Classifying Short Messages on Social Networks using Vector Space Models
Development of Mobile Applications in Regional Companies - Status Quo and Best Practices
Ontology of Imprecision and Fuzzy Ontology Applications
Semantic XML Filtering on Peer-to-Peer Networks using Distributed Bloom Filters
DAG – Index - A Compressed Index for XML Keyword Search
Kcanvas: An Application for Modern PIM - Organizing Daily Fragments of Information and Telling Story of Personal Interest
Pre-order Compression Schemes for XML in the Real Time Environment
Exploiting Progressions for Improving Inverted Index Compression
SerfSIN: Search Engines Results' Refinement using a Sense-driven Inference Network
Defining and Enforcing XACML Role-based Security Policies within an XML Security Framework
Schema-based Parallel Compression and Decompression of XML Data
Local e-Government Transformation - An International Comparison
Dynamic Transactional Workflows in Service-oriented Environments
BPEL Aided Framework for Constructing Monitoring Rules in Service Oriented Architectures
MONAD: A Model Driven Software Product Line to Create Domain Specific Websites
HTML5 Agents – Mobile Agents for the Web
Semantic Matching to Achieve Software Component Discovery and Composition
Designing a Click Fraud Detection Algorithm - Exposing Suspect Networks
Cost-effective Web-based Media Synchronization Schemes for Real-time Distributed Groupware
A Framework Concept for Profiling Researchers on Twitter using the Web of Data
An Exploratory Study to Design an Adaptive Hypermedia System for Online-advertisement
Real Time Access to Multiple GPS Tracks
O-Mopsi: Mobile Orienteering Game using Geotagged Photos
About an Extension of the Model-View-Controller Design Pattern for Increasing the Flexibility of Web based Applications - Design and First Experiences
HelpMe!: A Serious Game for Rehabilitation of Children Affected by CVI
Watermarking Images in the Frequency Domain by Exploiting Self-inverting Permutations
Promoting Best Practice Sharing within Organizations
Making Data Citable - A Web-based System for the Registration of Social and Economics Science Data
Model-based Performance Testing of Web Services using Probabilistic Timed Automata
Improving Tag Suggestion for Places using Digital Map Data
Improving Web Search Results with Explanation-aware Snippets - An Experimental Study
Popularity Growth Patterns of YouTube Videos - A Category-based Study
It is Time to propose a Complete Methodology for Designing Semantic Databases
A Visual Notation for the Integrated Representation of OWL Ontologies
Web Forums Change Analysis
A Method to Manage the Difference of Precision between Profiles and Items for Recommender System - Applied Upon a News Recommender System using SVM Approach
Using Web Services and Mobile Devices to Reuse on Requirements Engineering
FactRunner: Fact Extraction over Wikipedia
How Facebook Impacts on Young Consumers’ Buying Decisions on E-Retailers
Co-creation in Social Media Platforms: End-users as Innovation Partners - Online Co-innovation within the Open Discovery Space
QuON - A Generic Platform for the Collation and Sharing of Web Survey Data
ST-Rays: A Google Maps-based Geospatial Tool to Cross-analyze Urban Services and Tax Payments
Supporting Content Contextualization in Web based Applications on Mobile Devices
From Object-oriented Programming to Service-oriented Computing - How to Improve Interoperability by Preserving Subtyping
Using Vital Sensors in Mobile Healthcare Business Applications - Challenges, Examples, Lessons Learned
An iPad Order Management System for Fashion Trade
Mining and Analysis of Apps in Google Play
Look Me in the Eye if You're a Man - The Impact of Gender Cues on Impression Formation in Online Professional Profiles
Self-other Agreement on Influence Attempts in Virtual Organizations - Do Agents and Peers See Eye to Eye?
Social Media Domain Analysis (SoMeDoA) - A Pharmaceutical Study
Does the Playing Field Determine the Game? - An Impact Analysis of Structural Virtual Network Characteristics on Political Actions
The Influence of Stressors on Usability Tests - An Experimental Study
Socio-technical Trends and Drivers for the Future Workplace: Findings from Expert Interviews
The Networked Enterprise - Current and Future Trends in IT-based Collaboration
A Preliminary Short Survey of State of the Art Enterprise Search Engines for Future Work Place
Intuitive Multi-touch User Interface for Visualization of and Interaction with Product and Process Information to Enhance Product Lifecycle Management
A User-interaction Approach in an Information-cockpit
The Future of Engineering Work - Increasing Flexibility in Work Content, Environment and Processes
Social Media Usage at Universities - How Should it Be Done?