A Formal Model for Forensic Storage Media Preparation Tools
An Efficient Lightweight Security Algorithm for Random Linear Network Coding
A Steganographic Protocol Based on Linear Error-Block Codes
Signaling Attacks in Mobile Telephony
Efficient Construction of Infinite Length Hash Chains with Perfect Forward Secrecy Using Two Independent Hash Functions
A Secure Anonymous Proxy Multi-signature Scheme
SMS Spam - A Holistic View
Using the Juliet Test Suite to Compare Static Security Scanners
Secure Video Player for Mobile Devices Integrating a Watermarking-based Tracing Mechanism
On Privacy Protection in the Internet Surveillance Era
Pairing-free Single Round Certificateless and Identity Based Authenticated Key Exchange Protocols
Framework for Securing Data in Cloud Storage Services
Hybrid-Style Personal Key Management in Ubiquitous Computing
Partial Fingerprint Identification Through Correlation-Based Approach
Constructing Empirical Tests of Randomness
On Reliability of Clock-skew-based Remote Computer Identification
Adaptive Oblivious Transfer with Hidden Access Policy Realizing Disjunction
A Novel Pseudo Random Number Generator Based on L’Ecuyer’s Scheme
Formal Analysis of Electronic Exams
Shellcode Detection in IPv6 Networks with HoneydV6
Robust Multispectral Palmprint Identification System by Jointly Using Contourlet Decomposition & Gabor Filter Response
Enhanced Intrusion Detection System Based on Bat Algorithm-support Vector Machine
NFC Based Mobile Single Sign-On Solution as a Chrome Extension
Keeping Intruders at Large - A Graph-theoretic Approach to Reducing the Probability of Successful Network Intrusions
CloudaSec: A Novel Public-key Based Framework to Handle Data Sharing Security in Clouds
Randomized Addition of Sensitive Attributes for l-diversity
A Hybrid Approach for Content Based Image Authentication
Mobile Devices: A Phisher’s Paradise
Framework Implementation Based on Grid of Smartcards to Authenticate Users and Virtual Machines
Dynamic Analysis of Usage Control Policies
Secure Protocol for Financial Transactions Using Smartphones - SPFT - Formally Proved by AVISPA
A Cryptographic Study of Tokenization Systems
KDM-CCA Security of the Cramer-Shoup Cryptosystem, Revisited
A Multiple-server Efficient Reusable Proof of Data Possesion from Private Information Retrieval Techniques
Modeling Requirements for Security-enhanced Design of Embedded Systems
Towards a Framework for Assessing the Feasibility of Side-channel Attacks in Virtualized Environments
FORCE - Fully Off-line secuRe CrEdits for Mobile Micro Payments
Privacy Preserving Delegated Word Search in the Cloud
Software and Hardware Certification Techniques in a Combined Certification Model
Experimental Study of Performance and Security Constraints on Wireless Key Distribution Using Random Phase of Multipath Radio Signal
Network-based Intrusion Prevention System Prototype with Multi-Detection - A Position Paper
Could Bitcoin Transactions Be 100x Faster?
Identifying Cryptographic Functionality in Android Applications
Secure Virtual Machine Migration (SV2M) in Cloud Federation
COGITO: Code Polymorphism to Secure Devices
Keeping an Eye on Your Security Through Assurance Indicators
Optimizing Elliptic Curve Scalar Multiplication with Near-Factorization
On the Security of Partially Masked Software Implementations
Revisiting a Recent Resource-efficient Technique for Increasing the Throughput of Stream Ciphers
Combined Algebraic and Truncated Differential Cryptanalysis on Reduced-round Simon
Using Bitmaps for Executing Range Queries in Encrypted Databases
RBAC with ABS - Implementation Practicalities for RBAC Integrity Policies
Differential Fault Attacks against AES Tampering with the Instruction Flow
Secure Key Distribution based on Meteor Burst Communications
Using Abductive and Inductive Inference to Generate Policy Explanations
QR Steganography - A Threat to New Generation Electronic Voting Systems