Improving Database Security in Web-based Environments
Analysis of ISO 27001:2013 Controls Effectiveness for Cloud Computing
Mitigating Local Attacks Against a City Traffic Controller
Injecting CSP for Fun and Security
Evaluation of the CORAL Approach for Risk-driven Security Testing based on an Industrial Case Study
Risk Management for Dynamic Metadata Exchange via a Trusted Third Party
A Practical-time Attack on Reduced-round MISTY1
The STRIDE Towards IPv6: A Comprehensive Threat Model for IPv6 Transition Technologies
Streamlining Extraction and Analysis of Android RAM Images
Anomaly-based Mobile Malware Detection: System Calls as Source for Features
Security and Privacy Practices in Healthcare Information Systems: A Cluster Analysis of European Hospitals
Interaction-based Reputation Model in Online Social Networks
Handwritten Signature Verification for Mobile Phones
Personalised Privacy by Default Preferences - Experiment and Analysis
Multi-factor Authentication Updating System Evaluation Dynamically for Service Continuity
An Observe-and-Detect Methodology for the Security and Functional Testing of Smart Card Applications
Comparing and Integrating Break-the-Glass and Delegation in Role-based Access Control for Healthcare
Differential Security Evaluation of Simeck with Dynamic Key-guessing Techniques
Detecting Botnets using a Collaborative Situational-aware IDPS
Efficient Authorization Authority Certificate Distribution in VANETs
Experimental Evaluation of Password Recovery in Encrypted Documents
Quantitative Evaluation of Security on Cryptographic ICs against Fault Injection Attacks
Tracking Explicit and Control Flows in Java and Native Android Apps Code
Trust-based Dynamic RBAC
A Collaborative Analysis System for Cross-organization Cyber Incident Handling
On TLS 1.3 - Early Performance Analysis in the IoT Field
An Approach to Personalized Privacy Policy Recommendations on Online Social Networks
Truncated, Impossible, and Improbable Differential Analysis of ASCON
Review Analysis of Properties for an Ideal Secure Biometric Template Scheme
A Brief Overview of Hybrid Schemes for Biometric Fingerprint Template Security
An Expert System for Facilitating an Institutional Risk Profile Definition for Cyber Situational Awareness
A Continuous LoA Compliant Trust Evaluation Method
Linear(hull) Cryptanalysis of Round-reduced Versions of KATAN
A Privacy Threat for Internet Users in Internet-censoring Countries
Whispers in the Cloud - A Covert Channel using the Result of Creating a Virtual Machine
A Quantitative Methodology for Security Risk Assessment of Enterprise Business Processes
3-Out-of-n Cheating Prevention Visual Cryptographic Schemes
Characterization of Encrypted and VPN Traffic using Time-related Features
Retrospective Study of Third-party Web Tracking
High-Performance FPGA Implementation of Elliptic Curve Cryptography Processor over Binary Field GF(2^163)
DDHCS: Distributed Denial-of-service Threat to YARN Clusters based on Health Check Service
Sift - An Efficient Method for Co-residency Detection on Amazon EC2
A Construction of a Twisted Ate Pairing on a Family of Kawazoe-Takahashi Curves at 192-bit Security Level and Its Cost Estimate
A New Approach for Electronic Signature
Fault-tolerant Distributed Continuous Double Auctioning on Computationally Constrained Microgrids
Performance Analysis of Real Time Implementations of Voice Encryption Algorithms using Blackfin Processors
IEEE C37.118-2 Synchrophasor Communication Framework - Overview, Cyber Vulnerabilities Analysis and Performance Evaluation
Contextual Intrusion Alerts for Scada Networks - An Ontology based Approach for Intrusion Alerts Post Processing
Modelling Duqu 2.0 Malware using Attack Trees with Sequential Conjunction
Collaborative Information Service - Privacy Algebra for User Defined Security
Characterizing SEAndroid Policies in the Wild
Declassification of Information with Complex Filter Functions
A Threat Analysis Model for Identity and Access Management
A Pragmatic System-failure Assessment and Response Model
Understanding the Impact of Cyber Security Risks on Safety
An Anonymous Geocast Scheme for ITS Applications
Internet Streaming and Network Neutrality: Comparing the Performance of Video Hosting Services
A Statistical Approach to the Detection of HTML Attribute Permutation Steganography
A Cyberthreat Search Process and Service
Collateral Damage of Online Social Network Applications
Identification of Android Malware Families with Model Checking
Lightweight Trust Model with High Longevity for Wireless Sensor Networks
Predicting Attack Prone Software Components using Repository Mined Change Metrics
Private Multi-party Matrix Multiplication and Trust Computations
Towards Access Control for Isolated Applications
Two Secure Anonymous Proxy-based Data Storages
User-friendly Manual Transfer of Authenticated Online Banking Transaction Data - A Case Study that Applies the What You Enter Is What You Sign Transaction Authorization Information Scheme
How I Met Your Mother? - An Empirical Study about Android Malware Phylogenesis
On the Evaluation of the Privacy Breach in Disassociated Set-valued Datasets
Differential Addition in Edwards Coordinates Revisited and a Short Note on Doubling in Twisted Edwards Form
OSCIDS: An Ontology based SCADA Intrusion Detection Framework
FPGA Implementation of F2-Linear Pseudorandom Number Generators based on Zynq MPSoC: A Chaotic Iterations Post Processing Case Study
Protecting Databases from Schema Disclosure - A CRUD-Based Protection Model
3DCrypt: Privacy-preserving Pre-classification Volume Ray-casting of 3D Images in the Cloud
A Second Order Derivatives based Approach for Steganography
A Code-based Group Signature Scheme with Shorter Public Key Length
Web-based Fingerprinting Techniques
A Practical Encrypted Microprocessor
A Template Attack Against VERIFY PIN Algorithms
Lean and Fast Secure Multi-party Computation: Minimizing Communication and Local Computation using a Helper
Hardware Accelerator for Stream Cipher Spritz
Sensor-based Wearable PUF
The Mathematical Foundations for Mapping Policies to Network Devices
LP-Cache: Privacy-aware Cache Model for Location-based Apps
PACCo: Privacy-friendly Access Control with Context
Security of Mobile Single Sign-On: A Rational Reconstruction of Facebook Login Solution
PAbAC: A Privacy Preserving Attribute based Framework for Fine Grained Access Control in Clouds
Transitioning to a Javascript Voting Client for Remote Online Voting
Evaluating SRAM as Source for Fingerprints and Randomness on Automotive Grade Controllers
Silent and Continuous Authentication in Mobile Environment
Oblivious Voting—Hiding Votes from the Voting Machine in Bingo Voting
A Friend or a Foe? Detecting Malware using Memory and CPU Features
Subdomain and Access Pattern Privacy - Trading off Confidentiality and Performance
FPGA Implementation of HS1-SIV
Combining Invariant Violation with Execution Path Classification for Detecting Multiple Types of Logical Errors and Race Conditions
Dynamic Restoration in Interconnected RBAC-based Cyber-physical Control Systems
A Pre-clustering Method To Improve Anomaly Detection
A Metaphone based Chaotic Searchable Encryption Algorithm for Border Management
Towards a Software Approach to Mitigate Correlation Power Analysis
Towards Practical k-Anonymization: Correlation-based Construction of Generalization Hierarchy
Distributed Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Network - with Peer Verification
Enhancing Operation Security using Secret Sharing
Computations on Private Sets and their Application to Biometric based Authentication Systems
Predicting Outcomes of ElimLin Attack on Lightweight Block Cipher Simon
Verifiable Policy-defined Networking for Security Management
Practical Application of Order-preserving Encryption in Wide Column Stores
Threats to 5G Group-based Authentication
Efficient Randomized Regular Modular Exponentiation using Combined Montgomery and Barrett Multiplications
ISDSR: Secure DSR with ID-based Sequential Aggregate Signature
Thermal Imaging Attacks on Keypad Security Systems
Efficient Proxy Signature Scheme from Pairings
Predictive Model for Exploit Kit based Attacks
Multi-Device Authentication using Wearables and IoT
Investigating the Use of High Resolution Multi-spectral Satellite Imagery for Crop Mapping in Nigeria - Crop and Landuse Classification using WorldView-3 High Resolution Multispectral Imagery and LANDSAT8 Data
Kalman Filter as Tool for the Real-time Detection of Fast Displacements by the Use of Low-cost GPS Receivers
edpMGB - A Metadata Editor Built as SaaS for the Brazilian Geospatial Metadata Profile
Automating Government Spatial Transactions
Structure Occupancy Curve Generation using Geospatially Enabled Social Media Data
Architectural Heritage Ontology - Concepts and Some Practical Issues
DISTL: Distributed In-Memory Spatio-Temporal Event-based Storyline Categorization Platform in Social Media
Automated Segmentation of the Walkable Area from Aerial Images for Evacuation Simulation
Semantic Approach for Prospectivity Analysis of Mineral Deposits
Finding Most Frequent Path based on Stratified Urban Roads
Geoinformation System for Analytical Control and Forecast of the Earth’s Magnetosphere Parameters
The Intelligent Water Project: Bringing Understanding to Water Pumps in Africa
CIAO-WPS - Automatic and Intelligent Orchestration of Geospatial Web Services using Semantic Web (Web 3.0) Technologies
A Morphological LiDAR Points Cloud Filtering Method based on GPGPU
Development and Application of GIS-based Information System of Landslide Hazard Map Induced by Earthquakes and Rainfall in Korea
Two Approaches for Dense DSM Generation from Aerial Digital Oblique Camera System
Towards Association Rules as a Predictive Tool for Geospatial Areas Evolution
Automated Waterline Extraction for Optimal Land Use - A Case Study in Crete
DEM Generation based on UAV Photogrammetry Data in Critical Areas
Gathering GPR Inspections and UAV Survey in Cultural Heritage Documentation Context
Development and Integration of an Offline and Open Source Alternative Mapping Solution
SNAL: Spatial Network Algebra for Modeling Spatial Networks in Database Systems