InCC: Hiding Information by Mimicking Traffic In Network Flows
Non-random Properties of Compression and Hash Functions using Linear Cryptanalysis
Efficient Simultaneous Privately and Publicly Verifiable Robust Provable Data Possession from Elliptic Curves
Improving Block Cipher Design by Rearranging Internal Operations
Privacy-preserving SVANETs - Privacy-preserving Simple Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks
On the Connection between t-Closeness and Differential Privacy for Data Releases
A Security-enhanced Design Methodology for Embedded Systems
AVON - A Fast Hash Function for Intel SIMD Architectures
Topological Study and Lyapunov Exponent of a Secure Steganographic Scheme
LMM - A Common Component for Software License Management on Cloud
Dynamic Proofs of Retrievability from Chameleon-Hashes
A Key-revocable Attribute-based Encryption for Mobile Cloud Environments
On the Security of the XOR Sandwiching Paradigm for Multiple Keyed Block Ciphers
Development of Device Identity using WiFi Layer 2 Management Frames for Combating Rogue APs
Redactable Signature Scheme for Tree-structured Data based on Merkle Tree
SVD-based Digital Image Watermarking on approximated Orthogonal Matrix
Trust-based Secure Cloud Data Storage with Cryptographic Role-based Access Control
Massive Group Message Authentication with Revocable Anonymity
Partially Wildcarded Attribute-based Encryption and Its Efficient Construction
Policy-based Security Assessment of Mobile End-user Devices - An Alternative to Mobile Device Management Solutions for Android Smartphones
HoneydV6: A Low-interaction IPv6 Honeypot
Intent Security Testing - An Approach to Testing the Intent-based Vulnerability of Android Components
Which Side Are You On? - A New Panopticon vs. Privacy
Meet-in-the-Middle Preimage Attacks Revisited - New Results on MD5 and HAVAL
Are Biometric Web Services a Reality? - A Best Practice Analysis for Telebiometric Deployment in Open Networks
Abusing Social Networks with Abuse Reports - A Coalition Attack for Social Networks
Modelling SCADA and Corporate Network of a Medium Voltage Power Grid under Cyber Attacks
Towards Cryptographic Function Distinguishers with Evolutionary Circuits
Preimage Attack on BioHashing
Diagnostic Category Leakage in Helper Data Schemes for Biometric Authentication
A Game Theory based Repeated Rational Secret Sharing Scheme for Privacy Preserving Distributed Data Mining
Practical and Exposure-resilient Hierarchical ID-based Authenticated Key Exchange without Random Oracles
Extending the Ciphertext-Policy Attribute Based Encryption Scheme for Supporting Flexible Access Control
Secure Second Price Auctions with a Rational Auctioneer
iOS Encryption Systems - Deploying iOS Devices in Security-critical Environments
An Efficient and Provably Secure Certificateless Identification Scheme
Identity Security in Biometric Systems based on Keystroking
Security Evaluation and Optimization of the Delay-based Dual-rail Pre-charge Logic in Presence of Early Evaluation of Data
Efficient Characteristic 3 Galois Field Operations for Elliptic Curve Cryptographic Applications
Behavior-based Malware Analysis using Profile Hidden Markov Models
Related-key Impossible Differential Cryptanalysis of Full-round HIGHT
Improving 802.11 Fingerprinting of Similar Devices by Cooperative Fingerprinting
Instance-based Anomaly Method for Android Malware Detection
A New Fully Auditable Proposal for an Internet Voting System with Secure Individual Verification and Complaining Capabilities
Symmetric Searchable Encryption for Exact Pattern Matching using Directed Acyclic Word Graphs
An Efficient Approach to Assessing the Risk of Zero-Day Vulnerabilities
Secure Alert Tracking in Supply Chain
Enhanced Truncated Differential Cryptanalysis of GOST
Privacy-enhanced Perceptual Hashing of Audio Data
Differential Power Analysis of HMAC SHA-2 in the Hamming Weight Model
Privacy-preserving Realization of the STORK Framework in the Public Cloud
Secure Computation of Hidden Markov Models
The Usability of CAPTCHAs on Smartphones
From a Logical Approach to Internal States of Hash Functions - How SAT Problem Can Help to Understand SHA-* and MD*
Policy-based Non-interactive Outsourcing of Computation using Multikey FHE and CP-ABE
Recovering RSA Private Keys on Implementations with Tampered LSBs
On the Effectiveness of Dynamic Taint Analysis for Protecting against Private Information Leaks on Android-based Devices
Adaptive Resource Management for Balancing Availability and Performance in Cloud Computing
Efficient Group Signatures with Verifier-local Revocation Employing a Natural Expiration
Public-key Cryptography from Different Assumptions - A Multi-bit Version
Not All ISPs Equally Secure Home Users - An Empirical Study Comparing Wi-Fi Security Provided by UK ISPs
Approaching Encryption through Complex Number Logarithms
Keystroke Authentication with a Capacitive Display using Different Mobile Devices
A Model-driven Approach for Securing Software Architectures
Database Anomalous Activities - Detection and Quantification
A Preliminary Application of Generalized Fault Trees to Security
E3SN - Efficient Security Scheme for Sensor Networks