Linked Genes Migration in Island Models
The Optional Prisoner's Dilemma in a Spatial Environment: Coevolving Game Strategy and Link Weights
Evolution of Generic Square Calculations in Cellular Automata
Enhanced Genetic Algorithm for Mobile Robot Path Planning in Static and Dynamic Environment
Neighborhood Strategies for QPSO Algorithms to Solve Benchmark Electromagnetic Problems
Breast Cancer Classification by Artificial Immune Algorithm based Validity Interval Cells Selection
Modelling Evolving Voting Behaviour on Internet Platforms - Stochastic Modelling Approaches for Dynamic Voting Systems
Combining Bayesian Approaches and Evolutionary Techniques for the Inference of Breast Cancer Networks
Multiobjective Adaptive Wind Driven Optimization
A Meta-heuristic for Improving the Performance of an Evolutionary Optimization Algorithm Applied to the Dynamic System Identification Problem
GAdaBoost: Accelerating Adaboost Feature Selection with Genetic Algorithms
DynaGrow – Multi-Objective Optimization for Energy Cost-efficient Control of Supplemental Light in Greenhouses
A Quantum Field Evolution Strategy - An Adaptive Surrogate Approach
Integrating Expectations into Jason for Appraisal in Emotion Modeling
EDA-based Decomposition Approach for Binary LSGO Problems
Non-optimal Semi-autonomous Agent Behavior Policy Recognition
Diversifying Techniques & Neutrality in Genetic Algorithms
Reactive Collision Avoidance using Evolutionary Neural Networks
EvoloPy: An Open-source Nature-inspired Optimization Framework in Python
Ranking the Performance of Compiled and Interpreted Languages in Genetic Algorithms
An Evolutionary Approach to Formation Control with Mobile Robots
An Analysis of Geometric Semantic Crossover: A Computational Geometry Approach
Bridging the Reality Gap — A Dual Simulator Approach to the Evolution of Whole-Body Motion for the Nao Humanoid Robot
DNA Analysis: Principles and Sequencing Algorithms
Evolution of Cooperation in N-player Social Dilemmas: The Importance of being Mobile
Particle Convergence Expected Time in The PSO Model with Inertia Weight
Evolving Art using Aesthetic Analogies - Evolutionary Supervised Learning to Generate Art with Grammatical Evolution
Dealing With Groups of Actions in Multiagent Markov Decision Processes
A Hybrid Multi-objective Immune Algorithm for Numerical Optimization
Robust Fuzzy Modeling and Symbolic Regression for Establishing Accurate and Interpretable Prediction Models in Supervising Tribological Systems
Fuzzy Modeling and Control for Intention Recognition in Human-robot Systems
A New Distance on a Specific Subset of Fuzzy Sets
Instruction Structure Analysis Appling Fuzzy Number
Contingency Table Analysis Applying Fuzzy Number and Its Application - Needs Analysis for Media Lectures
Labeled Fuzzy Rough Sets Versus Fuzzy Flow Graphs
The Effect of Noise and Outliers on Fuzzy Clustering of High Dimensional Data
Individual and Global Assessments with Signed Distance Defuzzification, and Characteristics of the Output Distributions based on an Empirical Analysis
Bijective Fuzzy Relations - A Graded Approach
Hyperresolution for Propositional Product Logic
Classification Confusion within Nefclass Caused by Feature Value Skewness in Multi-dimensional Datasets
On Bipartite Fuzzy Stochastic Differential Equations
Theoretical Notes on Unsupervised Learning in Deep Neural Networks
Extreme Learning Machine with Enhanced Variation of Activation Functions
Beyond Machine Learning: Autonomous Learning
Exploring the Neurosolver in Playing Adversarial Games
Modelling the Grid-like Encoding of Visual Space in Primates
Noise Resilience of an RGNG-based Grid Cell Model
Self-Organizing Maps in the Design of Anti-spam Filters - A Proposal based on Thematic Categories
Neural Model for the Influence of Shading on the Multistability of the Perception of Body Motion
House Price Estimation from Visual and Textual Features
Determining the Near Optimal Architecture of Autoencoder using Correlation Analysis of the Network Weights
Hierarchical Complexity and Aging - Towards a Physics of Aging
Heuristic Algorithm for Uncertain Permutation Flow-shop Problem
Total Information Transmission between Autonomous Agents
Matrix Multinomial Systems with Finite Syntax
Modeling Embedded Interpersonal and Multiagent Coordination
Proteotronics: Application to Human 17-40 and Bacteriorhodopsin Receptors
Unveiling Political Opinion Structures with a Web-experiment
Inferring Causality from Noisy Time Series Data - A Test of Convergent Cross-Mapping
A Meta-model for Dynamic Workflow Evolution
Does Culture Matters in Intersection of Individual’s Personality and Social Media Engagement?
A Dynamic and Context-aware Model of Knowledge Transfer and Learning using a Decision Making Perspective
Enterprise Information System, Agility and Complexity - What is the Relationship?
Effects of Climate Change on Earth’s Parameters - An Example of Exabyte-sized System
Individual Mobility Patterns in Urban Environment
Cluster Network Model for Inter-SME Diffusion of Innovation
Postural Sway Dynamics and Complexity Matching during the Disclosure of a Concealable Stigmatized Identity
A Data-Aware MultiWorkflow Cluster Scheduler
The Growth of Oligarchy in a Yard-Sale Model of Asset Exchange - A Logistic Equation for Wealth Condensation