Social Network Characteristics of Learners in a Course Forum and Their Relationship to Learning Outcomes
Basic Research on Multisensory Methods for Teaching Onomatopoeia to the Hearing-impaired - Broadening the Experience of Sound
Dynamical Creation of Policy Trees for a POMDP-based Intelligent Tutoring System
Learning Analytics for Interpreting
Teaching of Programming - An Educational Performance Booster for Students at Economically Disadvantaged Schools
Colour Codes Method Digitalization in edX E-learning Platform
Analysing the Use of Worked Examples and Tutored and Untutored Problem-Solving in a Dispositional Learning Analytics Context
STEM Teachers' Competence Development: When Opportunities Jump over Barriers
The VideoM@T Project - Engaging Students on Learning Tricky Topics in Mathematics Through Creative Skills
Promoting Mediation in Learning Error on Teaching Algorithms
Aulacast: A Single Board Computer Platform to Support Teaching
Prediction of Learning Success Via Rate of Events in Social Networks for Education
Assessment of the Most Relevant Learning Object Metadata - Relieving the Learner-User from Information Overload
A Platform for the Italian Bebras
A Discussion on Effective Implementation and Prototyping of Voice User Interfaces for Learning Activities on Moodle
Model Mediated University Course in Engineering
Visualization of Abstract Algorithmic Ideas
Impact of LMS Selection on Students’ Activity - Students’ Activity Evaluation Problems in Moodle and Open edX Learning Management Systems
First Step Towards Enhancement of Searching Within Medical Curriculum in Czech Language using Morphological Analysis
Multi-level De-anonymisation for Initially Anonymous Discussion Systems in a Self-regulated Learning Environment
Turning the Tables: Authoring as an Asset Rather than a Burden
Minecraft in Support of Teaching Sustainable Spatial Planning in Secondary Education - Lessons Learned from the Marker Wadden-Project
A Forestry Management Game as a Learning Support System for Increased Understanding of Vegetation Succession - Effective Environmental Education Towards a Sustainable Society
Full-Body Interaction-based Learning Support to Enhance Immersion in Zoos - Evaluating an Electrodermal Activity Response Support System
Prompting in Pseudonymised Learning Analytics - Implementing Learner Centric Prompts in Legacy Systems with High Privacy Requirements
Stacking Classifiers for Early Detection of Students at Risk
Web Application for Model, Share and Conversion of Entity-relationship Diagrams for Person Visually Impaired
Teachers’ Viewpoint on Online Courses
Adaptive E-Learning Technologies for Sustained Learning Motivation in Engineering Science - Acquisition of Motivation through Self-Reports and Wearable Technology
Concepts of e-Learning Accessibility Improvement – Codes of New Media Art and User Behavior Study
Towards an Adaptive Study Management Platform: Freedom Through Personalization
Improved Learning of Academic Writing - Reducing Complexity by Modeling Academic Texts
Applying Causal Inference in Educational Data Mining: A Pilot Study
Enhance E-Learning through Data Mining for Personalized Intervention
Saite AVA - Experience Report on the Construction of a Virtual Learning Environment for Learning Paths Methodology
Mobile Applications as a Means for the Diagnostics and Speech Development in Children with Speech Disturbances and as a Resource for Alternative Communication
A Framework for Automatic Exam Generation based on Intended Learning Outcomes
An Architecture to Enhance a Reference Management System with Recommendations from Open Linked Data
A Personalized Reading Coach using Wearable EEG Sensors - A Pilot Study of Brainwave Learning Analytics
Word Clouds as a Learning Analytic Tool for the Cooperative e-Learning Platform NeuroK
Studying Programming Students Motivation using Association Rules
Graphs and Key Players in an Educational Social Network
Business Intelligence - Implantation on Federal Institute of Triângulo Mineiro (IFTM) System
Applying and Managing PBL - An Experience in Information Systems Education
Industry-oriented Education in eHealth
Orthographic Educational Game for Portuguese Language Countries
The Leap Motion Controller in Clinical Music Therapy - A Computer-based Approach to Intellectual and Motor Disabilities
Digital Media’s Alteration Mechanism for Informal Learning
Library Not Found - The Disconnect between Gaming Research and Development
Evaluating the Complementarity of Communication Tools for Learning Platforms
Automatic Evaluation of Presenters’ Discussion Performance based on Their Heart Rate
Elementary Math to Close the Digital Skills Gap
On the Reliability, Validity and Sensitivity of Three Mental Workload Assessment Techniques for the Evaluation of Instructional Designs: A Case Study in a Third-level Course
Pedagogical Benefits from an Exercise in Reverse Engineering for an Aviation Software Systems
Towards Personalized Content in Massive Open Online Courses
A New Technique for Education Process Optimization via the Dual Control Approach
Cyberpsychology: Psychological Processes That May Affect Dropout Rates among Online IT Security Students
A Methodology to Conduct Computational Thinking Activities in Children’s Educational Context
KomaKids: Promoting Global Competence Through Media Creation in Elementary School
iOS Apps for People with Intellectual Disability: A Quality Assessment
An Investigation of the Impact of a Social Constructivist Teaching Approach, based on Trigger Questions, Through Measures of Mental Workload and Efficiency
Head in the Clouds: An Initiative for Digital Learning among Roma Communities in Europe
A Possible Ubiquitous Way of Learning within a Fab Lab - The Combination of Blended Learning and Implementation-oriented Learning
Empowering Teachers’ Self Assessment of Their Own Practice on Student’s Oral Skills - EVALOE Decision Support System
Measuring the Engagement of the Learner in a Controlled Environment using Three Different Biosensors
e-Assessment Behind the Scenes - Common Perception of e-Assessment and How We See It Nowadays
A Core Ontology for Brazilian Higher Education Institutions
Students’ Perceptions of Paper-Based vs. Computer-Based Testing in an Introductory Programming Course
Smart MOOC - Social Computing for Learning and Knowledge Sharing
Student’s Perspectives Concerning the Use of Social Media as Communication and Educational Tools in a Tertiary Environment
A Model to Design Learning Escape Games: SEGAM
Reflections on Teaching Software Engineering Capstone Course
Using Fine Grained Programming Error Data to Enhance CS1 Pedagogy
Development of a Remote Laboratory for Control-engineering Education based on an Industrial Fluid Transport Platform
The Use of On-line Collaborative Learning to Facilitate Learning, Development and Professional Identify Transformation of Careers and Employment Practitioners
Learning System based on Decentralized Learning Model using Blockchain and SNS
The Role of Children’s Emotions during Design-based Learning Activity - A Case Study at a Dutch High School
On the Use of Classroom Response Systems as an Integral Part of the Classroom
Storyboard Interpretation Technology Used for Value-based STEM Education in Digital Game-based Learning Contexts
A Web-based Semi-Automatic Assessment Tool for Formulating Basic SQL Statements: Point-and-Click Interaction Method
Virtual Learning Environment Design in the Context of Orientation Skills Acquisition for LUSI Class
PBL Planner Toolkit: A Canvas-based Tool for Planning PBL in Software Engineering Education
Supporting the Development of Complete Engineers
Pair-Wise: Automatic Essay Evaluation using Word Mover’s Distance
Graphicuss - Temporal Visualisation of Canvas Creation Processes
The ELFE System - Verifying Mathematical Proofs of Undergraduate Students
Learning Digital Skils for Elderly People by using Touch Screen Technology and Learning Games: A Case Study
Game Elements for Learning Programming: A Mapping Study
Designing Gamified E-Learning Applications for Children with Down’s Syndrome - The Case of Teaching Literacy and Language Skills
A Model-Driven Engineering Process to Support the Adaptive Generation of Learning Game Scenarios
The UMI-Sci-Ed Platform: Integrating UMI Technologies to Promote Science Education
Towards a Dynamic Visualization of Online Collaborative Learning
Improving Students’ Performace Through Gamification: A User Study
Remote Robotic Experimentation - An Evaluation of Intention to Use by High School Teachers in Cyprus
Yixue Adaptive Learning System and Its Promise on Improving Student Learning
Instructional Application for Programming and Algorithmic Self-Learning - A Didactic Approach with Mobile Robotics as Pedagogical Context
ReadAct - Alternate Reality, Serious Games for Reading-Acting to Engage Population and Schools on Social Challenges
“Change the Changeable” Framework for Implementation Research in Health
Evolution and Development of Virtual Learning Communities based on a Visual Analysis
Biology Meets Mechatronics (BIOMEETSMEX) - Video Reporting for Development of Project Management and Interdisciplinarity Skills
Development of an Online Learning Platform for University Pedagogical Studies-Case Study
The Smell of Processing
Gamification in Location-based M-Learning: Students’ Perceptions of Game Elements
An Exploratory Study of the ODL Course in Structural Engineering
Implementing Learning Models in Virtual Worlds - From Theory to (Virtual) Reality
Developing the Teach21 Online Authoring Tool
Reducing the Split-Attention Effect in Assembly based Instruction by Merging Physical Parts with Holograms in Mixed Reality
Students’ Understanding of Computational Thinking with a Focus on Decomposition in Building Network Simulations
A System to Recommend Open Educational Resources during an Online Course
Teaching on Hybrid Courses - Insights from Commercial Online ICT-Training
Generation of Stereoscopic Interactive Learning Objects True to the Original Object
An Automated Environment for Teaching Programming Logic on Distance Learning IT Courses
A Qualitative Method to Analyze Collaborative Patterns of Virtual Groups
Improving Course Content While Creating Customized Assessment and Support at the Conceptual Level
Analysis of Serious Games based Learning Requirements using Feedback and Traces of Users
Final Frontier Game: A Case Study on Learner Experience
Guaranteeing High Availability of the "Secure Exam Environment" (SEE)
Blended Learning - State of the Nation
Technical Innovation in Blended Learning – Concepts for the Creation of High Quality Continuous Vocational Education Courses using Multiple Devices
Virtual Teachers' Toolbox – An Innovative Tool to Assist the Creation of High Quality Open Distance Learning Courses
Who Learns Better - Achieving Long-term Knowledge Retention by Programming-based Learning