Sketching 2D Vessels and Vascular Diseases with Integrated Blood Flow
Generative Training for 3D-Retrieval
Context-sensitive Filtering of Terrain Data based on Multi Scale Analysis
Versatile Scenario Guidance for Collaborative Virtual Environments
Automatic Variable-timing Animation Transition based on Hierarchical Interpolation Method
Geometry Batching using Texture-arrays
A Particle-based Dissolution Model using Chemical Collision Energy
Inverse Light Design for High-occlusion Environments
Studying the User Experience with a Multimodal Pedestrian Navigation Assistant
A Homotopy Surface Cutting using Paths Crossing in Geodesic Distance
Multimodal Interaction Techniques in Scientific Data Visualization - An Analytical Survey
Recent Developments in Skin Deformation for Character Animation
Science on a Sphere - Ways of Adding Interactivity into the Unique Projection System
CEFM - A Heuristic Mesh Segmentation Method based on Convexity Estimation and Fast Marching
Automatic Color-to-Gray Conversion for Digital Images in Gradient Domain
Improved Representation of Dependencies in Feature-based Parametric CAD Models using Acyclic Digraphs
Illumination Model for Two-layer Thin Film Structures
Solid Geometric Object Reconstruction from Single Line Drawing Image
A Parametric Space Approach to the Computation of Multi-scale Geometric Features
Synthesizing Realistic Shadows with Bumpy Surface and Object Model Estimated by Shadows in Single Image
Self-collision Detection using Sphere Chains
GPU Ray-traced Collision Detection - Fine Pipeline Reorganization
Volumetric Quasi-conformal Mappings - Quasi-conformal Mappings for Volume Deformation with Applications to Geometric Modeling
Probabilistic Modeling of Real-world Scenes in a Virtual Environment
Interactive Control of Deformable-object Animations through Control Metaphor Pattern Adherence
Investigating User Response to a Hybrid Sketch Based Interface for Creating 3D Virtual Models in an Immersive Environment
Using Expressive and Talkative Virtual Characters in Social Anxiety Disorder Treatment
Reconstruction of Relatively Straight Medium to Long Hair Models using Kinect Sensors
Efficient Image Distribution on the Web - Instant Texturing for Collaborative Visualization of Virtual Environments
Visualization of Music at Arm’s Length
Mesh Alignment using Grid based PCA
VR based Collaborative Errorless Learning System using Humanoid Avatar for People with Alzheimer’s Disease
An Interactive Visualization System for Huge Architectural Laser Scans
Interactive Control of Dance Groups Using Kinect
Component-based Authoring Tool for Haptic Navigation
Multi-pass Gaussian Contact-hardening Soft Shadows
The Influence of Gravity-adapted Target Resizing on Direct Augmented Reality Pointing under Simulated Hypergravity
Human-human Collaboration Formalism for Groupware Tailorability in Collaborative Augmented Environments
Second Degree of Freedom of Elastic Objects - Adjustable Poisson’s Ratio for Mass Spring Models
Dance Motion Segmentation Method based on Choreographic Primitives
Accelerated Ray Tracing using R-Trees
Local Changes in Marching Cubes to Generate Less Degenerated Triangles
Generating Non-linear Narrative for Serious Games with Scenario Templates
Point Cloud Structural Parts Extraction based on Segmentation Energy Minimization
Large-scale Terrain Level of Detail Estimation based on Wavelet Transform
Interactive Rendering and Stylization of Transportation Networks using Distance Fields
Procedural Animation of Human Interaction using Inverse Kinematics and Fuzzy Logic
On Visualizing Movements and Activities of Healthy Seniors - An Overview
Design of Tangible Procedural Programming of Robots Based on Augmented Reality
Two-stage Color Texture Synthesis using the Structure Tensor Field
Integrated Modeling of Road Environments for Driving Simulation
PGP2X: Principal Geometric Primitives Parameters Extraction
Interactive Relighting of Virtual Objects under Environment Lighting
Patch-based Terrain Synthesis
NARI: Natural Augmented Reality Interface - Interaction Challenges for AR Applications
Visualization of Enrollment Data using Chord Diagrams
Virtual Agents and Multi-modality of Interaction in Multimedia Applications for Cultural Heritage - A Case Study
A Time-location-Based Itinerary Visualization
Report Optimization using Visual Search Strategies - An Experimental Study with Eye Tracking Technology
3DArcLens: Interactive Network Analysis on Geographic Surfaces
Visualizing DynamicWeighted Digraphs with Partial Links
The Visualization of Drama Hierarchies
A User-centric Taxonomy for Multidimensional Data Projection Tasks
Arc and Swarm-based Representations of Customer’s Flows among Supermarkets
MTTV - An Interactive Trajectory Visualization and Analysis Tool
Performance Assessment and Interpretation of Random Forests by Three-dimensional Visualizations
The Recursive Disk Metaphor - A Glyph-based Approach for Software Visualization
Time-series Application on Big Data - Visualization of Consumption in Supermarkets
Visual Recommendations for Scientific and Cultural Content
Automatic Illustration of Short Texts via Web Images
Analyzing the Effect of Lossy Compression on Particle Traces in Turbulent Vector Fields
CereVA - Visual Analysis of Functional Brain Connectivity
Visualisation of Heterogeneous Data with the Generalised Generative Topographic Mapping
The Visual Exploration of Aggregate Similarity for Multi-dimensional Clustering
Visualization of Large Scientific Datasets - Analysis of Numerical Simulation Data and Astronomical Surveys Catalogues
Effect of Displaying Uncertainty in Line and Bar Charts - Presentation and Interpretation
Geometric Encoding, Filtering, and Visualization of Genomic Sequences
Drawing Georeferenced Graphs - Combining Graph Drawing and Geographic Data
Information Visualization for CSV Open Data Files Structure Analysis
A Linear Time Algorithm for Visualizing Knotted Structures in 3 Pages
Edge-stacked Timelines for Visualizing Dynamic Weighted Digraphs
Interactive Visual Analysis of Lumbar Back Pain - What the Lumbar Spine Tells About Your Life
Towards Highly Affine Visualizations of Consumption Data from Buildings
Past, Present, and Future of 3D Software Visualization - A Systematic Literature Analysis
Convex Hull Brushing in Scatter Plots - Multi-dimensional Correlation Analysis
The Aesthetics of Diagrams
A Concept for the Exploratory Visualization of Patent Network Dynamics
Leaf Glyph - Visualizing Multi-dimensional Data with Environmental Cues
Supporting Event-based Geospatial Anomaly Detection with Geovisual Analytics
OpenGLSL-based Raycasting - Comparison of Execution Durations of Multi-pass vs. Single-pass Technique
A Visual Analytics based Investigation on the Authorship of the Holy Quran
The Stor-e-Motion Visualization for Topic Evolution Tracking in Text Data Streams
Web-based Visualization Platform for Geospatial Data
Geometric Edge Description and Classification in Point Cloud Data with Application to 3D Object Recognition
Combined Bilateral Filter for Enhanced Real-time Upsampling of Depth Images
Automatic ROI for Remote Photoplethysmography using PPG and Color Features
Medial Width of Polygonal and Circular Figures - Approach via Line Segment Voronoi Diagram
Breast Tissue Characterization in X-Ray and Ultrasound Images using Fuzzy Local Directional Patterns and Support Vector Machines
Enhancement of Degraded Images by Natural Phenomena
Least Square based Multi-spectral Color Interpolation Algorithm for RGB-NIR Image Sensors
Color Restoration for Infrared Cutoff Filter Removed RGBN Multispectral Filter Array Image Sensor
Spectral Fiber Feature Space Evaluation for Crime Scene Forensics - Traditional Feature Classification vs. BioHash Optimization
Patch Autocorrelation Features for Optical Character Recognition
Performance Evaluation of Bit-plane Slicing based Stereo Matching Techniques
Color Object Recognition based on Spatial Relations between Image Layers
Saliency Detection based on Depth and Sparse Features
LDA Combined Depth Similarity and Gradient Features for Human Detection using a Time-of-Flight Sensor
Adaptive Segmentation based on a Learned Quality Metric
Grouping of Isolated Non-directional Cues with Straight Offset Polygons
Fractal Image Compression using Hierarchical Classification of Sub-images
An eXtended Center-Symmetric Local Binary Pattern for Background Modeling and Subtraction in Videos
Contextual Saliency for Nonrigid Landmark Registration and Recognition of Natural Patterns
A Review of Hough Transform and Line Segment Detection Approaches
Monitoring Accropodes Breakwaters using RGB-D Cameras
Periodic Patterns Recovery for Multicamera Calibration
Multiphase Region-based Active Contours for Semi-automatic Segmentation of Brain MRI Images
Scalable and Iterative Image Super-resolution using DCT Interpolation and Sparse Representation
Ensemble Learning Optimization for Diabetic Retinopathy Image Analysis
Hybrid Person Detection and Tracking in H.264/AVC Video Streams
Simultaneous Frame-rate Up-conversion of Image and Optical Flow Sequences
Adaptive Segmentation by Combinatorial Optimization
A Comparison between Multi-Layer Perceptrons and Convolutional Neural Networks for Text Image Super-Resolution
Fully Automatic Deformable Model Integrating Edge, Texture and Shape - Application to Cardiac Images Segmentation
Automatic Perceptual Color Quantization of Dermoscopic Images
Learning Visual Odometry with a Convolutional Network
Conics Detection Method based on Pascal’s Theorem
A Comparison on Supervised Machine Learning Classification Techniques for Semantic Segmentation of Aerial Images of Rain Forest Regions
Hierarchical SNR Scalable Video Coding with Adaptive Quantization for Reduced Drift Error
Round Colour Space for Pentachromacy - Circularity of Multidimensional Hue
Color Dog - Guiding the Global Illumination Estimation to Better Accuracy
A Perceptual Measure of Illumination Estimation Error
Multifractal Texture Analysis using a Dilation-based Hölder Exponent
Simultaneous Estimation of Spectral Reflectance and Normal from a Small Number of Images
Bag-of-Features based Activity Classification using Body-joints Data
Motion Compensated Temporal Image Signature Approach
A Novel Stereo-radiation Detection Device Calibration Method using Planar Homography
An Optimum-Rounding 5/3 IWT based on 2-Level Decomposition for Lossless/Lossy Image Compression
A Real-time Computer Vision System for Biscuit Defect Inspection
Low Level Features for Quality Assessment of Facial Images
Real-time Human Pose Estimation from Body-scanned Point Clouds
New Method for Evaluation of Video Segmentation Quality
CORE: A COnfusion REduction Algorithm for Keypoints Filtering
Real-time Visualization of High-Dynamic-Range Infrared Images based on Human Perception Characteristics - Noise Removal, Image Detail Enhancement and Time Consistency
An Efficient Image Registration Method based on Modified NonLocal-Means - Application to Color Business Document Images
Point-wise Diversity Measure and Visualization for Ensemble of Classifiers - With Application to Image Segmentation
Unmixing of Hyperspectral Images with Pure Prior Spectral Pixels
Random Initial Search Points Prediction for Content Aware Motion Estimation in H.264
Optimization-based Automatic Segmentation of Organic Objects of Similar Types
Video Segmentation via a Gaussian Switch Background Model and Higher Order Markov Random Fields
Retinal Vessel Segmentation using Deep Neural Networks
Pulse Reformation Algorithm for Leakage of Connected Operators
Curvature-based Human Body Parts Segmentation in Physiotherapy
An Human Perceptive Model for Person Re-identification
Robust Interest Point Detection by Local Zernike Moments
Low Complexity Multi-object Tracking System Dealing with Occlusions
Saliency Detection using Geometric Context Contrast Inferred from Natural Images
Segmentation of Optic Disc and Blood Vessels in Retinal Images using Wavelets, Mathematical Morphology and Hessian-based Multi-scale Filtering
Pre-processing Techniques to Improve the Efficiency of Video Identification for the Pygmy Bluetongue Lizard
Thinning based Antialiasing Approach for Visual Saliency of Digital Images
Adaptive Reference Image Selection for Temporal Object Removal from Frontal In-vehicle Camera Image Sequences
Real-time Material Transformation using Single Frame Surface Orientation Imager
AColDPS - Robust and Unsupervised Automatic Color Document Processing System
Automatic Pharynx Segmentation from MRI Data for Obstructive Sleep Apnea Analysis
Patch-based Statistical Performance Analysis of Upsampling for Precise Super–Resolution
Curve-skeleton Extraction from Visual Hull
Does Inverse Lighting Work Well under Unknown Response Function?
An Experimental Benchmark for Point Set Coarse Matching
Image-based Location Recognition and Scenario Modelling
Sensor Pattern Noise Matching Based on Reliability Map for Source Camera Identification
Geometry-based Superpixel Segmentation - Introduction of Planar Hypothesis for Superpixel Construction
Laplacian Unitary Domain for Texture Morphing
Range and Vision Sensors Fusion for Outdoor 3D Reconstruction
Testing the Validity of Lamberts Law for Micro-scale Photometric Stereo Applied to Paper Substrates
Knowledge Bases for Visual Dynamic Scene Understanding
Compressive Video Sensing with Adaptive Measurement Allocation for Improving MPEGx Performance
Comparison of Statistical and Artificial Neural Networks Classifiers by Adjusted Non Parametric Probability Density Function Estimate
Low Level Statistical Models for Initialization of Interactive 2D/3D Segmentation Algorithms
Unsupervised Rib Delineation in Chest Radiographs by an Integrative Approach
SymPaD: Symbolic Patch Descriptor
Acquisition of Aerial Light Fields
Faster Approximations of Shortest Geodesic Paths on Polyhedra Through Adaptive Priority Queue
A Self-adaptation Method for Human Skin Segmentation based on Seed Growing
The Gradient Product Transform for Symmetry Detection and Blood Vessel Extraction
A Group Contextual Model for Activity Recognition in Crowded Scenes
Detection and Classification of Vehicles from Omnidirectional Videos using Temporal Average of Silhouettes
A Probabilistic Feature Fusion for Building Detection in Satellite Images
Comparison of Multi-shot Models for Short-term Re-identification of People using RGB-D Sensors
Regularized Latent Least Squares Regression for Unconstrained Still-to-Video Face Recognition
Reliable Image Matching using Binarized Gradient Features Obtained with Multi-flash Camera
Improving Quality of Training Samples Through Exhaustless Generation and Effective Selection for Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
On-line Hand Gesture Recognition to Control Digital TV using a Boosted and Randomized Clustering Forest
Pedestrian Re-identification - Metric Learning using Symmetric Ensembles of Categories
Solving Orientation Duality for 3D Circular Features using Monocular Vision
Implicit Shape Models for 3D Shape Classification with a Continuous Voting Space
Self-scaling Kinematic Hand Skeleton for Real-time 3D Hand-finger Pose Estimation
Robust Head-shoulder Detection using Deformable Part-based Models
Robust Method of Vote Aggregation and Proposition Verification for Invariant Local Features
Detection of Low-textured Objects
Deep Learning for Facial Keypoints Detection
Mean BoF per Quadrant - Simple and Effective Way to Embed Spatial Information in Bag of Features
A Recommendation System for Paintings using Bag of Keypoints and Dominant Color Descriptors
Weakly Supervised Object Localization with Large Fisher Vectors
Illumination Estimation and Relighting using an RGB-D Camera
Detection and Characterization of the Sclera - Evaluation of Eye Gestural Reactions to Auditory Stimuli
A Real-time, Automatic Target Detection and Tracking Method for Variable Number of Targets in Airborne Imagery
Shape Classification based on Skeleton-branch Distances
Using Action Objects Contextual Information for a Multichannel SVM in an Action Recognition Approach based on Bag of VisualWords
Using Inertial Data to Enhance Image Segmentation - Knowing Camera Orientation Can Improve Segmentation of Outdoor Scenes
Active Perception - Improving Perception Robustness by Reasoning about Context
Improved Automatic Recognition of Engineered Nanoparticles in Scanning Electron Microscopy Images
Localization of Visual Codes using Fuzzy Inference System
Good Practices on Hand Gestures Recognition for the Design of Customized NUI
Scene Representation and Anomalous Activity Detection using Weighted Region Association Graph
Linear Discriminant Analysis for Zero-shot Learning Image Retrieval
Real-time Curve-skeleton Extraction of Human-scanned Point Clouds - Application in Upright Human Pose Estimation
Estimating Human Actions Affinities Across Views
A Unified Framework for Coarse-to-Fine Recognition of Traffic Signs using Bayesian Network and Visual Attributes
Recognition of Human Actions using Edit Distance on Aclet Strings
Estimation of Human Orientation using Coaxial RGB-Depth Images
Natural Scene Character Recognition Without Dependency on Specific Features
Semi-automatic Hand Detection - A Case Study on Real Life Mobile Eye-tracker Data
A Method for Detecting Long Term Left Baggage based on Heat Map
In-plane Rotational Alignment of Faces by Eye and Eye-pair Detection
Fast Rotation Invariant Object Detection with Gradient based Detection Models
Efficient Implementation of a Recognition System using the Cortex Ventral Stream Model
A Relevant Visual Feature Selection Approach for Image Retrieval
Real-time Human Age Estimation based on Facial Images using Uniform Local Binary Patterns
Efficient Ground Truth Generation based on Spatio-temporal Properties for Lane Prediction Model
Route Segmentation into Speed Limit Categories by using Image Analysis
Various Fusion Schemes to Recognize Simulated and Spontaneous Emotions
A Measure of Texture Directionality
Upper Body Detection and Feature Set Evaluation for Body Pose Classification
Automatic Road Segmentation of Traffic Images
Interest Area Localization using Trajectory Analysis in Surveillance Scenes
Unsupervised Segmentation Evaluation for Image Annotation
A Generic Probabilistic Graphical Model for Region-based Scene Interpretation
Robust Face Recognition using Key-point Descriptors
CURFIL: Random Forests for Image Labeling on GPU
Video-to-video Pose and Expression Invariant Face Recognition using Volumetric Directional Pattern
Robust Human Detection using Bag-of-Words and Segmentation
On the Influence of Superpixel Methods for Image Parsing
Launch These Manhunts! Shaping the Synergy Maps for Multi-camera Detection
Image Labeling by Integrating Global Information by 7 Patches and Local Information
Efficient Hand Detection on Client-server Recognition System
Bi-modal Face Recognition - How combining 2D and 3D Clues Can Increase the Precision
Identification of MIR-Flickr Near-duplicate Images - A Benchmark Collection for Near-duplicate Detection
Challenges and Limitations Concerning Automatic Child Pornography Classification
Convolutional Patch Networks with Spatial Prior for Road Detection and Urban Scene Understanding
Automatic Representation and Classifier Optimization for Image-based Object Recognition
Open Framework for Combined Pedestrian Detection
A Novel Human Interaction Game-like Application to Learn, Perform and Evaluate Modern Contemporary Singing - "Human Beat Box"
Accurate Detection and Visualization of 3D Shape Deformation by using Multiple Projectors
A 4D Virtual/Augmented Reality Viewer Exploiting Unstructured Web-based Image Data
HDR Imaging for Enchancing People Detection and Tracking in Indoor Environments
Novel 3D Game-like Applications Driven by Body Interactions for Learning Specific Forms of Intangible Cultural Heritage
Event-complementing Online Human Life Summarization based on Social Latent Semantic Analysis
Prior Knowledge About Camera Motion for Outlier Removal in Feature Matching
A 3D Feature for Building Segmentation based on Shape-from-Shading
Maritime Targets Detection from Ground Cameras Exploiting Semi-supervised Machine Learning
Lightweight Computer Vision Methods for Traffic Flow Monitoring on Low Power Embedded Sensors
Improved Confidence Measures for Variational Optical Flow
A Multi-resolution Approach for Combining Visual Information using Nuclei Segmentation and Classification in Histopathological Images
Discrete Optimal View Path Planning
Towards Human Pose Semantic Synthesis in 3D based on Query Keywords
BarvEye - Bifocal Active Gaze Control for Autonomous Driving
An Image-based Ensemble Kalman Filter for Motion Estimation
A Self-adaptive Likelihood Function for Tracking with Particle Filter
An Online Vision System for Understanding Complex Assembly Tasks
Semantic Segmentation and Model Fitting for Triangulated Surfaces using Random Jumps and Graph Cuts
Temporal Selection of Images for a Fast Algorithm for Depth-map Extraction in Multi-baseline Configurations
Improvement of Phase Unwrapping Algorithms by Epipolar Constraints
A Comprehensive Approach for Evaluation of Stereo Correspondence Solutions in Augmented Reality
Salient Parts based Multi-people Tracking
Data Acquisition in Cast Iron Foundries by Image Analysis
PCB Recognition using Local Features for Recycling Purposes
TextTrail - A Robust Text Tracking Algorithm In Wild Environments
Extraction of Homogeneous Regions in Historical Document Images
High-Speed and Robust Monocular Tracking
Depth Camera to Improve Segmenting People in Indoor Environments - Real Time RGB-Depth Video Segmentation
Real-time Detection and Recognition of Machine-Readable Zones with Mobile Devices
SIFT-EST - A SIFT-based Feature Matching Algorithm using Homography Estimation
Adaptive Tracking via Multiple Appearance Models and Multiple Linear Searches
WaPT - Surface Normal Estimation for Improved Template Matching in Visual Tracking
A Rolling Shutter Compliant Method for Localisation and Reconstruction
A Posterization Strategy for the Registration of [123I]FP-CIT SPECT Brain Images
Selective Encryption of Medical Images
Fast Adaptive Frame Preprocessing for 3D Reconstruction
Estimating the Best Reference Homography for Planar Mosaics From Videos
AR Visualization of Thermal 3D Model by Hand-held Cameras
Blind Watermarking using QIM and the Quantized SVD Domain based on the q-Logarithm Function
Robust and Fast Teat Detection and Tracking in Low-resolution Videos for Automatic Milking Devices
Horizontal Stereoscopic Display based on Homologous Points
Semi-automatic Analysis of Huge Digital Nautical Charts of Coastal Aerial Images
SPHERA - A Unifying Structure from Motion Framework for Central Projection Cameras
TVL1 Shape Approximation from Scattered 3D Data
UAV Autonomous Motion Estimation Methodologies
Optimal Surface Normal from Affine Transformation
MAPTrack - A Probabilistic Real Time Tracking Framework by Integrating Motion, Appearance and Position Models
On the Assessment of Segmentation Methods for Images of Mosaics
Computing Corpus Callosum as Biomarker for Degenerative Disorders
Fast and Accurate Refinement Method for 3D Reconstruction from Stereo Spherical Images
Securing Iris Images with a Robust Watermarking Algorithm based on Discrete Cosine Transform
Accurate 3D Reconstruction from Naturally Swaying Cameras
A Convex Framework for High Resolution 3D Reconstruction
Omni-directional Reconstruction of Human Figures from Depth Data using Mirrors
The “Everywhere Switch” using a Projector and Camera
Real-time Accurate Pedestrian Detection and Tracking in Challenging Surveillance Videos
A Simple Real-Time Eye Tracking and Calibration Approach for Autostereoscopic 3D Displays
Bio-inspired Model for Motion Estimation using an Address-event Representation
Coherent Selection of Independent Trackers for Real-time Object Tracking
Robust Watermarking Algorithm for 3D Multiresolution Meshes
Automatic Generation of Suitable DWT Sub-band - An Application to Brain MRI Classification
Improving the Egomotion Estimation by Correcting the Calibration Bias
On Line Video Watermarking - A New Robust Approach of Video Watermarking based on Dynamic Multi-sprites Generation
Automatic Identification of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Ziehl-Neelsen Stained Sputum Smear Microscopy Images using a Two-stage Classifier
An Experimental Study of Visual Tracking in Surgical Applications
Vehicle Tracking and Origin-destination Counting System for Urban Environment
Structure from Motion in the Context of Active Scanning
Evaluation of 3D Analysis Error Caused by SVP Approximation of Fisheye Lens
Handwritten Text Verification on Mobile Devices
Crowd Event Detection in Surveillance Video - An Approach based on Optical Flow High-frequency Feature Analysis
Shape-from-Silhouettes Algorithm with Built-in Occlusion Detection and Removal
Towards a 3D Pipeline for Monitoring and Tracking People in an Indoor Scenario using Multiple RGBD Sensors
Edge based Foreground Background Estimation with Interior/Exterior Classification
Detecting Objects Thrown over Fence in Outdoor Scenes
A Technique for Computerised Brushwork Analysis
Watermark Embedding and Extraction Scheme Design by Two-stage Optimization for Illegal Replication Detection of Two-dimensional Barcodes
An Augmented Environment for Command and Control Systems
Visualization 3D Reconstruction - Volume Rendering of Mucus into Paranasal Sinuses
How to Choose the Best Embedded Processing Platform for on-Board UAV Image Processing ?
Image-based Ear Biometric Smartphone App for Patient Identification in Field Settings
Copyright Protection for 3D Printing by Embedding Information Inside Real Fabricated Objects
KinFu MOT: KinectFusion with Moving Objects Tracking
A New 2-Point Absolute Pose Estimation Algorithm under Plannar Motion
Time-to-Contact in Scattering Media