Towards a Natural Interaction for Rapid Prototyping of Parametric Closets
Shape Transformation of Multidimensional Density Functions using Distribution Interpolation of the Radon Transforms
Performance Analysis for GPU-based Ray-triangle Algorithms
3D Graph Reconstruction from 2D Graphs Projections and Univariate Positional Traces in 3-Space - With Application to 3D Reconstruction of Road’s Interchanges
Action Graph - A Versatile Data Structure for Action Recognition
User-guided Modulation of Rendering Techniques for Detail Inspection
Evaluating the Usability of Recent Consumer-grade 3D Input Devices
QR Codes on Curved Media Facades - Two Approaches for Inverse Distortion based on Raytracing and Image Warping
Lazy Work Stealing for Continuous Hierarchy Traversal on Deformable Bodies
SeGTE: A Serious Game to Train and Evaluate Basic Life Support
A Shooting Simulator from Boats
Feature Extraction for Human Motion Indexing of Acted Dance Performances
Variable Penumbra Soft Shadows for Mobile Devices
Efficient Registration of Multiple Range Images for Fully Automatic 3D Modeling
Deformation Method for 3D Identikit Creation
Automatic Fly-through Camera Animations for 3D Architectural Repositories
Simulation of Surgical Cutting in Deformable Bodies using a Game Engine
MORPHO-Map - A New Way to Model Animation of Topological Transformations
Automatic Method for Sharp Feature Extraction from 3D Data of Man-made Objects
Virtual Characters with Affective Facial Behavior
Deformable Muscle Models for Motion Simulation
Floor Plan Generation and Room Labeling of Indoor Environments from Laser Range Data
Haptic Rendering using Support Plane Mappings
A Practical and Robust Method to Compute the Boundary of Three-dimensional Axis-aligned Boxes
Non-rigid Registration for Deformable Objects
Perceptual Evaluation of Photo-realism in Real-time 3D Augmented Reality
Free Adaptive Tessellation Strategy of Bézier Surfaces
CoSMo: Intent-based Composition of Shader Modules
Domain Specific Sign Language Animation for Virtual Characters
Automatic Generation of Structural Building Descriptions from 3D Point Cloud Scans
Extending Space Colonization Tree Modeling for Artistic Control and Environmental Interactions
Refresh Rate Modulation for Perceptually Optimized Computer Graphics
Real-Time 3D Visualization of Accurate Specular Reflections in Curved Mirrors - A GPU Implementation
3D-NCuts: Adapting Normalized Cuts to 3D Triangulated Surface Segmentation
Shader-based Automatic Camera Layout Optimization for Mobile Robots using Genetic Algorithm
Symbol Adaptation Assessment in Outdoor Augmented Reality
Coupling Camera-tracked Humans with a Simulated Virtual Crowd
Interactive Visualizer for the Extended Perspective System as Support for Architectural Design
Surface Reconstruction of Ancient Water Storage Systems - An Approach for Sparse 3D Sonar Scans and Fused Stereo Images
A Bare-Hand Gesture Interaction System for Virtual Environments
A Video Browsing Interface for Collecting Sound Labels using Human Computation in SoundsLike
Sensing Immersive 360º Mobile Interactive Video
Efficient Multi-kernel Ray Tracing for GPUs
Retrieval, Recognition and Reconstruction of Quadruped Motions
Exploiting Material Properties to Select a Suitable Wavelet Basis for Efficient Rendering
A Novel Ray-shooting Method to Render Night Urban Scenes - A Method based on Polar Diagrams
Geodesic Mesh Processing with Edge-Front based Data Structures
A Pen and Paper Interface for Animation Creation
Visualization of 3D Cluster Results for Medical Tomographic Image Data
Clutter Reduction in Rendering of Particle (Atom) Trajectories with Adaptive Position Merging
Topological Space Partition for Fast Ray Tracing in Architectural Models
Semantic Labelling of 3D Point Clouds using Spatial Object Constraints
Bio-inspired Active Vision for Obstacle Avoidance
Fast Incremental Objects Identification and Localization using Cross-correlation on a 6 DoF Voting Scheme
Low-Discrepancy Distribution of Points on Arbitrary Polygonal 3D-surfaces
Software Feathers - Figurative Visualization of Software Metrics
Fine-Grained Provenance of Users’ Interpretations in a Collaborative Visualization Architecture
Visualizing Hierarchy Changes by Dynamic Indented Plots
Visual Analysis of Time-Dependent Multivariate Data from Dairy Farming Industry
Generalized Pythagoras Trees for Visualizing Hierarchies
Analyzing Intrinsic Motion Textures Created from Naturalistic Video Captures
Uncertainty Estimation and Visualization of Wind in Weather Forecasts
Storyboard Augmentation of Process Model Grammars for Stakeholder Communication
IPFViewer - A Visual Analysis System for Hierarchical Ensemble Data
Suggesting Visualisations for Published Data
Eye-tracking Investigation During Visual Analysis of Projected Multidimensional Data with 2D Scatterplots
Visual Analytics of Multi-sensor Weather Information - Georeferenciation of Doppler Weather Radar and Weather Stations
An Inverse Distance-based Potential Field Function for Overlapping Point Set Visualization
Role of Human Perception in Cluster-based Visual Analysis of Multidimensional Data Projections
Template-based Treemaps to Preserve Spatial Constraints
Visualization of Varying Hierarchies by Stable Layout of Voronoi Treemaps
Visualizing Large Scale Vehicle Traffic Network Data - A Survey of the State-of-the-art
Multi-level Visualisation using Gaussian Process Latent Variable Models
VizClick - Visualizing Clickstream Data
Visual Analysis of Perceptual and Cognitive Processes
A Computational Metric of the Quality of Circulation in Interior Spaces
Interactive Stream Surface Placement - A Hybrid Clustering Approach Supported by Tree Maps
Visualizations for Text Re-use
Visualising Java Coupling and Fault Proneness
Reconstructing Conimbriga - Digital Cantaber
A Fraud Detection Visualization System Utilizing Radial Drawings and Heat-maps
Visualization of Remote Sensing Imagery by Sequential Dimensionality Reduction on Graphics Processing Unit
Data Visualization using Decision Trees and Clustering
GCLViz: Garbage Collection vs. Latency Visualization
A Geological Metaphor for Geospatial-temporal Data Analysis
Hardware-Accelerated Attribute Mapping for Interactive Visualization of Complex 3D Trajectories
Force Directed Flow Map Layout
Context-Specific Sentiment Lexicon Expansion via Minimal User Interaction
Visualization and Clustering of Online Book Reviews
Visual Exploration of Relationships between Document Clusters
A Structured Approach for Conducting a Series of Controlled Experiments in Software Visualization
Level Set Trees with Enhanced Marginal Density Visualization
A Sketch of a Theory of Visualization
A Perceptive Insight into Cities Patterns by Visualizing Urban Economies
Image Analysis through Shifted Orthogonal Polynomial Moments
Contour based Split and Merge Segmentation and Pre-classification of Zooplankton in Very Large Images
Experimental Comparison of Vasculature Segmentation Methods
Polygonal Approximation of an Object Contour by Detecting Edge Dominant Corners using Iterative Corner Suppression
Image Registration based on Edge Dominant Corners
Kernel-based Adaptive Image Sampling
A Recursive Approach For Multiclass Support Vector Machine - Application to Automatic Classification of Endomicroscopic Videos
Multi-spectral Flash Imaging under Low-light Condition using Optimization with Weight Map
Statistical Models of Shape and Spatial Relation-application to Hippocampus Segmentation
The World vs. SCOTT - Synthesis of COncealment Two-level Texture
Tetrachromatic Metamerism - A Discrete, Mathematical Characterization
Using Channel Representations in Regularization Terms - A Case Study on Image Diffusion
Focus Evaluation Approach for Retinal Images
A New Algorithm for Objective Video Quality Assessment on Eye Tracking Data
Calibrating Focal Length for Paracatadioptric Camera from One Circle Image
Depth-Scale Method in 3D Registration of RGB-D Sensor Outputs
A Saliency-based Framework for 2D-3D Registration
Active Contour Segmentation with Affine Coordinate-based Parametrization
Speeding Up Object Detection - Fast Resizing in the Integral Image Domain
Oriented Half Gaussian Kernels and Anisotropic Diffusion
A Comparative Evaluation of 3D Keypoint Detectors in a RGB-D Object Dataset
Generic and Real-time Detection of Specular Reflections in Images
On the Segmentation and Classification of Water in Videos
Segmentation of Optic Disc in Retina Images using Texture
2D Shape Matching based on B-spline Curves and Dynamic Programming
Comparison of Different Color Spaces for Image Segmentation using Graph-cut
A Combined Calibration of 2D and 3D Sensors - A Novel Calibration for Laser Triangulation Sensors based on Point Correspondences
Converting Underwater Imaging into Imaging in Air
Dynamic Multiscale Visualization of Flight Data
Energy based Descriptors and their Application for Car Detection
Exemplar-based Human Body Super-resolution for Surveillance Camera Systems
Fast Segmentation for Texture-based Cartography of whole Slide Images
Efficient Inference of Spatial Hierarchical Models
Hand Veins Recognition System
Stabilization of Endoscopic Videos using Camera Path from Global Motion Vectors
Watershed from Propagated Markers based on Morphological Hierarchical Segmentation and Graph Matching
Image Compensation for Improving Extraction of Driver’s Facial Features
About the Impact of Pre-processing Tools on Segmentation Methods - Applied for Tree Leaves Extraction
A Visibility Graph based Shape Decomposition Technique
Saliency Detection in Images using Graph-based Rarity, Spatial Compactness and Background Prior
A Block Size Optimization Algorithm for Parallel Image Processing
Tone Mapping for Single-shot HDR Imaging
Liquid Crystal Image Analysis by Image Descriptors
Automatic Detection of MEO Satellite Streaks from Single Long Exposure Astronomic Images
Edge-based Foreground Detection with Higher Order Derivative Local Binary Patterns for Low-resolution Video Processing
Performance Evaluation of Feature Point Descriptors in the Infrared Domain
Local Regression based Colorization Coding
Hierarchical Bayesian Modelling of Visual Attention
Hand Pose Recognition by using Masked Zernike Moments
A Novel Fusion Algorithm for Visible and Infrared Image using Non-subsampled Contourlet Transform and Pulse-coupled Neural Network
Shape Similarity based Surface Registration
1-D Temporal Segments Analysis for Traffic Video Surveillance
Study of Interference Noise in Multi-Kinect Set-up
Face Verification using LBP Feature and Clustering
Computational Models of Object Recognition - Goal, Role and Success
M5AIE - A Method for Body Part Detection and Tracking using RGB-D Images
Non-rigid Surface Registration using Cover Tree based Clustering and Nearest Neighbor Search
Real-time Emotion Recognition - Novel Method for Geometrical Facial Features Extraction
Unsupervised Segmentation of Hyperspectral Images based on Dominant Edges
Local Texton Dissimilarity with Applications on Biomass Classification
3D Object Emphasis using Multiple Projectors
A Fast Leaf Recognition Algorithm based on SVM Classifier and High Dimensional Feature Vector
Statistical Features for Image Retrieval - A Quantitative Comparison
Event Clustering of Lifelog Image Sequence using Emotional and Image Similarity Features
Automatic Analysis of In-the-Wild Mobile Eye-tracking Experiments using Object, Face and Person Detection
High Definition Visual Attention based Video Summarization
Optimization of Image Interpolation based on Nearest Neighbour Algorithm
Key-point Detection with Multi-layer Center-surround Inhibition
Delineation of Rock Fragments by Classification of Image Patches using Compressed Random Features
Evaluation of Color Spaces for Robust Image Segmentation
Contour Localization based on Matching Dense HexHoG Descriptors
Monte-Carlo Image Retargeting
Region-constrained Feature Matching with Hierachical Agglomerative Clustering
Towards Relative Altitude Estimation in Topological Navigation Tasks using the Global Appearance of Visual Information
Effortless Scanning of 3D Object Models by Boundary Aligning and Stitching
SKen: A Statistical Test for Removing Outliers in Optical Flow - A 3D Reconstruction Case
Uncertainty Fusion based Object Recognition and Tracking in Maritime Scenes using Spatiotemporal Active Contours
General Purpose Segmentation for Microorganisms in Microscopy Images
Expression, Pose, and Illumination Invariant Face Recognition using Lower Order Pseudo Zernike Moments
Switching Median Filter with Signal Dependent Thresholds Designed by using Genetic Algorithm
Fuzzy-rule-embedded Reduction Image Construction Method for Image Enlargement with High Magnification
Audiovisual Data Fusion for Successive Speakers Tracking
Motion Characterization of a Dynamic Scene
Graph Cut and Image Segmentation using Mean Cut by Means of an Agglomerative Algorithm
GPU based Parallel Image Processing Library for Embedded Systems
Image Flower Recognition based on a New Method for Color Feature Extraction
Driver Drowsiness Estimation from Facial Expression Features - Computer Vision Feature Investigation using a CG Model
Enhanced Hierarchical Conditional Random Field Model for Semantic Image Segmentation
Towards Reliable Real-time Person Detection
Can 3D Shape of the Face Reveal your Age?
Hidden Conditional Random Fields for Action Recognition
A Complete Framework for Fully-automatic People Indexing in Generic Videos
Application of Dynamic Distributional Clauses for Multi-hypothesis Initialization in Model-based Object Tracking
Subsign Detection and Classification System for Automated Traffic-sign Inventory Systems
Dictionary based Pooling for Object Categorization
Exploiting Scene Cues for Dropped Object Detection
Egocentric Activity Recognition using Histograms of Oriented Pairwise Relations
Temporally Consistent Snow Cover Estimation from Noisy, Irregularly Sampled Measurements
Toward Object Recognition with Proto-objects and Proto-scenes
Obstacle and Planar Object Detection using Sparse 3D Information for a Smart Walker
Large-scale Image Retrieval based on the Vocabulary Tree
A Robust, Real-time Ground Change Detector for a “Smart” Walker
Revisiting Pose Estimation with Foreshortening Compensation and Color Information
Detecting Unusual Inactivity by Introducing Activity Histogram Comparisons
Action Categorization based on Arm Pose Modeling
Image Retrieval with Reciprocal and Shared Nearest Neighbors
Photo Rating of Facial Pictures based on Image Segmentation
Learning a Loopy Model Exactly
Approximate Image Matching using Strings of Bag-of-Visual Words Representation
Environment Adaptive Pedestrian Detection using In-vehicle Camera and GPS
VabCut: A Video Extension of GrabCut for Unsupervised Video Foreground Object Segmentation
Active Shape Models with SIFT Descriptors and MARS
Learning Semantic Attributes via a Common Latent Space
Towards Unsupervised Sudden Group Movement Discovery for Video Surveillance
Group Tracking and Behavior Recognition in Long Video Surveillance Sequences
Absolute Spatial Context-aware Visual Feature Descriptors for Outdoor Handheld Camera Localization - Overcoming Visual Repetitiveness in Urban Environments
Collaborative Vision Network for Personalized Office Ergonomics
Combining Dense Features with Interest Regions for Efficient Part-based Image Matching
A Pattern Recognition System for Detecting Use of Mobile Phones While Driving
In Search of a Car - Utilizing a 3D Model with Context for Object Detection
SVM-based Video Segmentation and Annotation of Lectures and Conferences
Active Learning in Social Context for Image Classification
Surface Area Analysis for People Number Estimation
Fast Self-supervised On-line Training for Object Recognition Specifically for Robotic Applications
What to Show? - Automatic Stream Selection among Multiple Sensors
Dense Segmentation of Textured Fruits in Video Sequences
Paper Substrate Classification based on 3D Surface Micro-geometry
Invariant Shape Prior Knowledge for an Edge-based Active Contours - Invariant Shape Prior for Active Contours
Joint Learning for Multi-class Object Detection
Multi-viewpoint Visibility Coverage Estimation for 3D Environment Perception - Volumetric Representation as a Gateway to High Resolution Data
Pose Recognition in Indoor Environments using a Fisheye Camera and a Parametric Human Model
Subtasks of Unconstrained Face Recognition
Fast Violence Detection in Video
A Multi-stage Segmentation based on Inner-class Relation with Discriminative Learning
Classifying and Visualizing Motion Capture Sequences using Deep Neural Networks
A Bottom-up Approach to Class-dependent Feature Selection for Material Classification
Multi-feature Real Time Pedestrian Detection from Dense Stereo SORT-SGM Reconstructed Urban Traffic Scenarios
Self-learning Voxel-based Multi-camera Occlusion Maps for 3D Reconstruction
A Method of Weather Recognition based on Outdoor Images
Constructing Facial Expression Log from Video Sequences using Face Quality Assessment
Vision based System for Vacant Parking Lot Detection: VPLD
An Improved Approach for Depth Data based Face Pose Estimation using Particle Swarm Optimization
Learning Weighted Joint-based Features for Action Recognition using Depth Camera
Dynamic Scene Recognition based on Improved Visual Vocabulary Model
Multi-objective Optimization for Characterization of Optical Flow Methods
2D-3D Face Recognition via Restricted Boltzmann Machines
Image-based Object Classification of Defects in Steel using Data-driven Machine Learning Optimization
PhotoCluster - A Multi-clustering Technique for Near-duplicate Detection in Personal Photo Collections
Training Optimum-Path Forest on Graphics Processing Units
Face Recognition based on Binary Images for Link Selection
Who is the Hero? - Semi-supervised Person Re-identification in Videos
Boosted Random Forest
Deformable Part Model based Multiple Pedestrian Detection for Video Surveillance in Crowded Scenes
High Resolution Light Field Photography from Split Ray Imaging and Coded Aperture
Assisting Navigation in Homogenous Fog
Fast Optimum-Path Forest Classification on Graphics Processors
Ghost Pruning for People Localization in Overlapping Multicamera Systems
Detecting Events in Crowded Scenes using Tracklet Plots
Fall Detection using Ceiling-mounted 3D Depth Camera
Novel Parallel Algorithm for Object Recognition with the Ensemble of Classifiers based on the Higher-Order Singular Value Decomposition of Prototype Pattern Tensors
Impact of Facial Cosmetics on Automatic Gender and Age Estimation Algorithms
Exploring Residual and Spatial Consistency for Object Detection
Preliminary Study on the Design of a Low-cost Movement Analysis System - Reliability Measurement of Timed Up and Go Test
From Text Vocabularies to Visual Vocabularies - What Basis?
A Survey of Extended Methods to the Bag of Visual Words for Image Categorization and Retrieval
Texture Classification with Fisher Kernel Extracted from the Continuous Models of RBM
Weighted SIFT Feature Learning with Hamming Distance for Face Recognition
A Full Reference Video Quality Measure based on Motion Differences and Saliency Maps Evaluation
Online Non-rigid Structure-from-Motion based on a Keyframe Representation of History
Vehicle Tracking based on Customized Template Matching
On Multi-view Texture Mapping of Indoor Environments using Kinect Depth Sensors
Evaluation of Distance-Aware KinFu Algorithm for Stereo Outdoor Data
Retrieval System for Person Re-identification
Mutation Detection System for Actualizing Traffic Sign Inventories
Dance Analysis using Multiple Kinect Sensors
Multi-entity Bayesian Networks for Treasuring the Intangible Cultural Heritage
Exploration of a Stylistic Motion Space Through Realtime Synthesis
A Participatory Approach to Define User Requirements of a Platform for Intangible Cultural Heritage Education
Capturing the Intangible - An Introduction to the I-Treasures Project
On Enhancing Blended-Learning Scenarios through Fuzzy Logic-based Modeling of Users’ LMS Quality of Interaction - The Rare & Contemporary Dance Paradigms
Logos Detection from Moving Vehicles
Regional SVM Classifiers with a Spatial Model for Object Detection
Part-based 3D Multi-person Tracking using Depth Cue in a Top View
3D Object Recognition based on the Reference Point Ensemble
Grasping Guidance for Visually Impaired Persons based on Computed Visual-auditory Feedback
Multilevel Group Analysis on Bayesian in fMRI Time Series
Extrinsic Parameter Self-Calibration and Nonlinear Filtering for in-Vehicle Stereo Vision Systems at Urban Environments
Objects Tracking in Catadioptric Images using Spherical Snake
High Performance Particle Tracking Velocimetry for Fluidized Beds
Automated Segmentation of Cell Structure in Microscopy Images
Online Brain Tissue Classification in Multiple Sclerosis using a Scanner-integrated Image Analysis Pipeline
Local Analysis of Confidence Measures for Optical Flow Quality Evaluation
Multi Touch Shape Recognition for Projected Capacitive Touch Screen
Monocular 3D Pose Tracking of a Specular Object
Likelihood Functions for Errors-in-variables Models - Bias-free Local Estimation with Minimum Variance
Enhanced 3D Face Processing using an Active Vision System
Monocular Rear Approach Indicator for Motorcycles
Hand-eye Calibration with a Depth Camera: 2D or 3D?
Fast Semi-automatic Target Initialization based on Visual Saliency for Airborne Thermal Imagery
Improved Pulse Detection from Head Motions using DCT
Feature Matching using CO-Inertia Analysis for People Tracking
Image-based Modelling of Ocean Surface Circulation from Satellite Acquisitions
3D Head Model Fitting Evaluation Protocol on Synthetic Databases for Acquisition System Comparison
Fast Target Redetection for CAMSHIFT using Back-projection and Histogram Matching
Quality Assessment of Compressed Video for Automatic License Plate Recognition
Client-side Mobile Visual Search
Human Body Orientation Estimation using a Committee based Approach
Perception-prediction-control Architecture for IP Pan-Tilt-Zoom Camera through Interacting Multiple Models
Map-based Lane and Obstacle-free Area Detection
3D Reconstruction with Mirrors and RGB-D Cameras
MobBIO: A Multimodal Database Captured with a Portable Handheld Device
Multiview Point Cloud Filtering for Spatiotemporal Consistency
Towards Robust Image Registration for Underwater Visual SLAM
On the Usage of Sensor Pattern Noise for Picture-to-Identity Linking through Social Network Accounts
Towards Fully Automated Person Re-identification
Appearance-based Eye Control System by Manifold Learning
Dense Long-term Motion Estimation via Statistical Multi-step Flow
A Bayesian Framework for Enhanced Geometric Reconstruction of Complex Objects by Helmholtz Stereopsis
Remote Execution vs. Simplification for Mobile Real-time Computer Vision
Global Camera Parameterization for Bundle Adjustment
Feature Evaluation and Management for Camera Pose Tracking on 3D Models
Face Pose Tracking under Arbitrary Illumination Changes
Swapping-based Annealed Particle Filter with Occlusion Handling for 3D Human Body Tracking
Shape Segmentation using Medial Point Clouds with Applications to Dental Cast Analysis
A Graph-based MAP Solution for Multi-person Tracking using Multi-camera Systems
Kinect based People Identification System using Fusion of Clustering and Classification
Hide and Seek - An Active Binocular Object Tracking System
Towards a Heuristic based Real Time Hybrid Rendering - A Strategy to Improve Real Time Rendering Quality using Heuristics and Ray Tracing
Iris Liveness Detection Methods in Mobile Applications
Hand Recognition using Texture Histograms - A Proposed Technique for Image Acquisition and Recognition of the Human Palm
Color Supported Generalized-ICP
Robust Pictorial Structures for X-ray Animal Skeleton Tracking
Improved ICP-based Pose Estimation by Distance-aware 3D Mapping
Three-Dimensional Visual Reconstruction of Path Shape Using a Cart with a Laser Scanner
Shape from Silhouette in Space, Time and Light Domains
Virtual Touch Screen “VIRTOS” - Implementing Virtual Touch Buttons and Virtual Sliders using a Projector and Camera
Quantitative Analysis of Pulmonary Emphysema using Isotropic Gaussian Markov Random Fields
Free Viewpoint Video for Soccer using Histogram-based Validity Maps in Plane Sweeping
Interfacing Assessment using Facial Expression Recognition
Improving Visual Tracking Robustness in Cluttered and Occluded Environments using Particle Filter with Hybrid Resampling
Automated Arteriole and Venule Recognition in Retinal Images using Ensemble Classification
Control of a PTZ Camera in a Hybrid Vision System
Cross-spectral Stereo Correspondence using Dense Flow Fields
Generalized Preemptive RANSAC - Making Preemptive RANSAC Feasible even in Low Resources Devices
A General-purpose Crowdsourcing Platform for Mobile Devices
Event-driven Dynamic Platform Selection for Power-aware Real-time Anomaly Detection in Video
People Re-identification using Deep Convolutional Neural Network
Precise 3D Pose Estimation of Human Faces
Calibration and 3D Ground Truth Data Generation with Orthogonal Camera-setup and Refraction Compensation for Aquaria in Real-time
Ego-motion Recovery and Robust Tilt Estimation for Planar Motion using Several Homographies
A Method of Eliminating Interreflection in 3D Reconstruction using Structured Light 3D Camera
Uncalibrated Image Rectification for Coplanar Stereo Cameras
A Dense Map Building Approach from Spherical RGBD Images
Optimization of Endoscopic Video Stabilization by Local Motion Exclusion
An Efficient Solution to 3D Reconstruction from Two Uncalibrated Views under SV Constraint
A Framework for 3D Object Identification and Tracking
Using Robot Skills for Flexible Reprogramming of Pick Operations in Industrial Scenarios
An Application to Interact with 3D Models Reconstructed from Medical Images
Immersive Visualizations in a VR Cave Environment for the Training and Enhancement of Social Skills for Children with Autism
Towards a More Effective Way of Presenting Virtual Reality Museums Exhibits
A QoS Control Method for Camera Network based People Detection Systems
Sampling based Bundle Adjustment using Feature Matches between Ground-view and Aerial Images
Effects of Stereoscopy on a Human-Computer Interface for Network Centric Operations
TV Minimization of Direct Algebraic Method of Optical Flow Detection Via Modulated Integral Imaging using Correlation Image Sensor.
A Semi-Lagrangian Approximation of the Oren–Nayar PDE for the Orthographic Shape–from–Shading Problem
Probabilistic Object Identification through On-demand Partial Views
Robust Multi-Human Tracking by Detection Update using Reliable Temporal Information
FacialStereo: Facial Depth Estimation from a Stereo Pair