Hessian Eigenfunctions for Triangular Mesh Parameterization
Real-time Image Vectorization on GPU
TraceMove: A Data-assisted Interface for Sketching 2D Character Animation
Fluid Simulation by the Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Method: A Survey
Highlighting Techniques for Real Entities in Augmented Reality
An External Memory Algorithm for the Minimum Enclosing Ball Problem
Fast Screen Space Curvature Estimation on GPU
Efficient Culling Techniques for Interactive Deformable NURBS Surfaces on GPU
Multi-Class Error-Diffusion with Blue-noise Property
Shader Programming for Computational Arts and Design - A Comparison between Creative Coding Frameworks
Appealing Female Avatars from 3D Body Scans: Perceptual Effects of Stylization
Building a Driving Simulator with Parallax Barrier Displays
Re-parameterization of a Deformation Model for Non-rigid Registration
Inside - Outside Model Viewing - A Low-cost Hybrid Approach to Visualization and Demonstration of 3D Models
3D Geometric Primitive Alignment Revisited
Low Bandwidth Video Streaming using FACS, Facial Expression and Animation Techniques
Copula Eigenfaces - Semiparametric Principal Component Analysis for Facial Appearance Modeling
Virtual Humans Playing the Role of Patients in Self-medication Consultations: Perspectives of Undergraduate Pharmacy Students
State of the Art in Skinning Techniques for Articulated Deformable Characters
Generating Straight Outlines of 2D Point Sets and Holes using Dominant Directions or Orthogonal Projections
Virtual Reality System for Rehabilitation of Children with Cerebral Palsy: A Preliminary Study
Assessing 3D Geovisualization for the Communication of Public Art
3D Interaction Techniques for Virtual Shopping: Design and Preliminary Study
Extensible Immersive Virtual Environments for Large Tiled Video Walls
Half-precision Floating-point Ray Traversal
Creating Endless Water Flow Animation using Particle Data
Interactive Control of Fire Simulation based on Computational Fluid Dynamics
A Digital Hand to Mimic Human Hand in Real Time Operation - Making of Digital Finger with Partial Soft Skin and Rigid Bone
Particle-based Simulation on Aortic Valve Behavior with CG Model Generated from CT
Occluding Edges Soft Shadows - A New Approach for Realistic Shadows using Occluding Edges
Geometric Approach to Estimation of Volumetric Distortions
Customized 3D Clothes Modeling for Virtual Try-on System based on Multiple Kinects
Resolution-aware Slicing of CAD Data for 3D
Camarón: An Open-source Visualization Tool for the Quality Inspection of Polygonal and Polyhedral Meshes
The Eye-tracking Study of the Line Charts in Dashboards Design
Flattening of the Lung Surface with Temporal Consistency for the Follow-Up Assessment of Pleural Mesothelioma
MUVTIME: A Multivariate Time Series Visualizer for Behavioral Science
Exploration of Component Diagrams with Multifocal Highlighting
Software Visualization via Hierarchic Micro/Macro Layouts
Interactive Revision Exploration using Small Multiples of Software Maps
Acquisition of Scientific Literatures based on Citation-reason Visualization
The Challenges of Designing Metro Maps
Content based Computational Chromatic Adaptation
Gaining Insight from Physical Activity Data using a Similarity-based Interactive Visualization
Schematization of Clutter Reduction Techniques in Geographic Node-link Diagrams using Task-based Criteria
ShaderBase: A Processing Tool for Shaders in Computational Arts and Design
RSViewer: An Efficient Video Viewer for Racquet Sports Focusing on Rally Scenes
Visualizing Network Flows and Related Anomalies in Industrial Networks using Chord Diagrams and Whitelisting
Visual Analytics for Narrative Text - Visualizing Characters and their Relationships as Extracted from Novels
TagSpheres: Visualizing Hierarchical Relations in Tag Clouds
Flow Map of Products Transported among Warehouses and Supermarkets
Iso-edges for the Geovisualization of Consumptions
StreetExplorer: Visual Exploration of Feature-based Patterns in Urban Street Networks
Visual Analytics Towards Tool Interoperabilty - A Position Paper
A Directed Concept Search Environment to Visually Explore Texts Related to User-defined Concept Models
Improved Identification of Data Correlations through Correlation Coordinate Plots
VESPa: A Pattern-based Visual Query Language for Event Sequences
Healthcare Data Visualization: Geospatial and Temporal Integration
High-level Performance Evaluation of Object Detection based on Massively Parallel Focal-plane Acceleration Requiring Minimum Pixel Area Overhead
Relative Pose Estimation from Straight Lines using Parallel Line Clustering and its Application to Monocular Visual Odometry
Hubless 3D Medical Image Bundle Registration
Image Transformation of Eye Areas for Synthesizing Eye-contacts in Video Conferencing
Non-linear Distance-based Semi-supervised Multi-class Gesture Recognition
Neural Network based Novelty Detection for Incremental Semi-supervised Learning in Multi-class Gesture Recognition
Visual Navigation with Street View Image Matching
Visual Target Tracking in Clay Pigeon Shooting Sports: Estimation of Flight Parameters and Throwing Range
Novel Ways to Estimate Homography from Local Affine Transformations
Cornea-reflection-based Extrinsic Camera Calibration without a Direct View
The Role of Machine Learning in Medical Data Analysis. A Case Study: Flow Cytometry
Geometric Eye Gaze Tracking
Camera Placement Optimization Conditioned on Human Behavior and 3D Geometry
Chinese Character Images Recognition and Its Application in Mobile Platform
A Smart Visual Information Tool for Situational Awareness
Angular Uncertainty Refinement and Image Reconstruction Improvement in Cryo-electron Tomography
Absolute Localization using Visual Data for Autonomous Vehicles
Denoising 3D Computed Tomography Images using New Modified Coherence Enhancing Diffusion Model
Welding Groove Mapping - Implementation and Evaluation of Image Processing Algorithms on Shiny Surfaces
Regularization Terms for Motion Estimation - Links with Spatial Correlations
Vision-based Robotic System for Object Agnostic Placing Operations
Image Encryption using Improved Keystream Generator of Achterbahn-128
Fast Gait Recognition from Kinect Skeletons
High-dimensional Guided Image Filtering
Gender Recognition using Hog with Maximized Inter-Class Difference
Direct Stereo Visual Odometry based on Lines
Multiple People Tracking in Smart Camera Networks by Greedy Joint-Likelihood Maximization
Stitching Grid-wise Atomic Force Microscope Images
Assessing Facial Expressions in Virtual Reality Environments
RGB-D and Thermal Sensor Fusion - Application in Person Tracking
Guided Filtering using Reflected IR Image for Improving Quality of Depth Image
One Shot Photometric Stereo from Reflectance Classification
Robust Matching of Occupancy Maps for Odometry in Autonomous Vehicles
Variable Exposure Time Imaging for Obtaining HDR Images
A Turntable-based Approach for Ground Truth Tracking Data Generation
Virtual Correction of Eyesight using Visual Illusions
Abnormal Event Detection using Scene Partitioning by Regional Activity Pattern Analysis
Lane-level Positioning based on 3D Tracking Path of Traffic Signs
Structural Synthesis based on PCA: Methodology and Evaluation
Motion based Segmentation for Robot Vision using Adapted EM Algorithm
Infinite 3D Modelling Volumes
Detection of Abnormal Gait from Skeleton Data
Parameter Estimation for HOSVD-based Approximation of Temporally Coherent Mesh Sequences
Automated Soft Contact Lens Detection using Gradient based Information
Finger-Knuckle-Print ROI Extraction using Curvature Gabor Filter for Human Authentication
Enhanced Depth Estimation using a Combination of Structured Light Sensing and Stereo Reconstruction
Probability-based Scoring for Normality Map in Brain MRI Images from Normal Control Population
A Robust Particle Filtering Approach with Spatially-dependent Template Selection for Medical Ultrasound Tracking Applications
A Novel Key Frame Extraction Approach for Video Summarization
VAR a New Metric of Cryo-electron Tomography Resolution
ZMP Trajectory from Human Body Locomotion Dynamics Evaluated by Kinect-based Motion Capture System
A New Efficient Robustness Evaluation Approach for Video Watermarking based on Crowdsourcing
Shape and Reflectance from RGB-D Images using Time Sequential Illumination
Affine Invariant Self-similarity for Exemplar-based Inpainting
A Content-based Watermarking Scheme based on Clifford Fourier Transform
Video Watermarking Algorithm based on Combined Transformation and Digital Holography
Focus-aid Signal for Ultra High Definition Cameras
EyeRec: An Open-source Data Acquisition Software for Head-mounted Eye-tracking
Towards High-Quality Parallel Stabilization
Time-to-Contact from Underwater Images
Towards a Tracking Algorithm based on the Clustering of Spatio-temporal Clouds of Points
A Novel Technique for Point-wise Surface Normal Estimation
A Part based Modeling Approach for Invoice Parsing
Automatic and Generic Evaluation of Spatial and Temporal Errors in Sport Motions
Selective Use of Appropriate Image Pairs for Shape from Multiple Motions based on Gradient Method
Exploiting the Kinematic of the Trajectories of the Local Descriptors to Improve Human Action Recognition
VOPT: Robust Visual Odometry by Simultaneous Feature Matching and Camera Calibration
Low Resolution Sparse Binary Face Patterns
Emotion Recognition through Body Language using RGB-D Sensor
Safeguarding Privacy by Reliable Automatic Blurring of Faces in Mobile Mapping Images
A Semi-local Surface Feature for Learning Successful Grasping Affordances
Taxonomy of 3D Sensors - A Survey of State-of-the-Art Consumer 3D-Reconstruction Sensors and their Field of Applications
Performance of Interest Point Descriptors on Hyperspectral Images
3D Thermal Monitoring and Measurement using Smart-phone and IR Thermal Sensor
Watch Where You’re Going! - Pedestrian Tracking Via Head Pose
Stereo Vision-based Local Occupancy Grid Map for Autonomous Navigation in ROS
Non-local Means using Adaptive Weight Thresholding
BM3D Image Denoising using Learning-based Adaptive Hard Thresholding
Spatio-temporal Center-symmetric Local Derivative Patterns for Objects Detection in Video Surveillance
Two View Geometry Estimation by Determinant Minimization
Patient Distraction and Entertainment System for Magnetic Resonance Imaging using Visual Effects Synchronized to the Scanner Acoustic Noise
Super-resolution based on Edge-aware Sparse Representation Via Multiple Dictionaries
Evaluation of Foveated Stereo Matching for Robotic Cloth Manipulation
An Image Impairment Assessment Procedure using the Saliency Map Technique
Detecting Fine-grained Sitting Affordances with Fuzzy Sets
On the Contribution of Saliency in Visual Tracking
Combining Contextual and Modal Action Information into a Weighted Multikernel SVM for Human Action Recognition
A Multiresolution 3D Morphable Face Model and Fitting Framework
A New Face Beauty Prediction Model based on Blocked LBP
Activity Prediction using a Space-Time CNN and Bayesian Framework
Joint Color and Depth Segmentation based on Region Merging and Surface Fitting
Using Motion Blur to Recognize Hand Gestures in Low-light Scenes
The Challenges and Advantages with a Parallel Implementation of Feature Matching
Robust Pallet Detection for Automated Logistics Operations
Recognizing Human Actions based on Extreme Learning Machines
Benchmarking RGB-D Segmentation: Toy Dataset of Complex Crowded Scenes
Development of Defect Verification System of IC Lead Frame Surface using a Ring-lighting
Automatic Image Colorization based on Feature Lines
Knowing What You Don’t Know - Novelty Detection for Action Recognition in Personal Robots
Modeling Human Motion for Predicting Usage of Hospital Operating Room
Real-time Scale-invariant Object Recognition from Light Field Imaging
A Benchmark of Computational Models of Saliency to Predict Human Fixations in Videos
Wavelet-based Defect Detection System for Grey-level Texture Images
Hough Parameter Space Regularisation for Line Detection in 3D
Person Re-identification based on Human Query on Soft Biometrics using SVM Regression
3D Descriptor for an Oriented-human Classification from Complete Point Cloud
A Priori Data and A Posteriori Decision Fusions for Human Action Recognition
Superpixels in Pedestrian Detection from Stereo Images in Urban Traffic Scenarios
Unsupervised Framework for Interactions Modeling between Multiple Objects
3D Human Poses Estimation from a Single 2D Silhouette
Head Yaw Estimation using Frontal Face Detector
Facial Emotion Recognition from Kinect Data – An Appraisal of Kinect Face Tracking Library
Introducing FoxFaces: A 3-in-1 Head Dataset
Fast and Accurate Face Orientation Measurement in Low-resolution Images on Embedded Hardware
Robust Facial Landmark Detection and Face Tracking in Thermal Infrared Images using Active Appearance Models
Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System for Echoes Classification in Radar Images
Hand Waving Gesture Detection using a Far-infrared Sensor Array with Thermo-spatial Region of Interest
Semi-automatic Hand Annotation Making Human-human Interaction Analysis Fast and Accurate
Global Hybrid Registration for 3D Constructed Surfaces using Ray-casting and Improved Self Adaptive Differential Evolution Algorithm
Evaluating the Effects of Convolutional Neural Network Committees
How Effective Are Aggregation Methods on Binary Features?
HBD: Hexagon-Based Binary Descriptors
Analyzing the Stability of Convolutional Neural Networks against Image Degradation
Classification-driven Active Contour for Dress Segmentation
Facial Asymmetry Assessment from 3D Shape Sequences: The Clinical Case of Facial Paralysis
ACTIVE, an Extensible Cataloging Platform for Automatic Indexing of Audiovisual Content
Robust Face Identification with Small Sample Sizes using Bag of Words and Histogram of Oriented Gradients
Using Apache Lucene to Search Vector of Locally Aggregated Descriptors
Simultaneous Surface Segmentation and BRDF Estimation via Bayesian Methods
Estimating Spectral Sensitivity of Human Observer for Multiplex Image Projection
Structured Edge Detection for Improved Object Localization using the Discriminative Generalized Hough Transform
Low Latency Action Recognition with Depth Information
A Prototype Application for Long-time Behavior Modeling and Abnormal Events Detection
Efficient Marble Slab Classification using Simple Features
Leveraging Gabor Phase for Face Identification in Controlled Scenarios
Multiple 3D Object Recognition using RGB-D Data and Physical Consistency for Automated Warehousing Robots
Robust Background Modeling and Foreground Detection using Dynamic Textures
Optimal Feature-set Selection Controlled by Pose-space Location
Transductive Transfer Learning to Specialize a Generic Classifier Towards a Specific Scene
Feature Selection for Emotion Recognition based on Random Forest
Information Fusion for Action Recognition with Deeply Optimised Hough Transform Paradigm
Monocular Depth Ordering using Perceptual Occlusion Cues
A New Parametric Description for Line Structures in 3D Medical Images by Means of a Weighted Integral Method
Robust Real-time Tracking Guided by Reliable Local Features
Detecting People in Large Crowded Spaces using 3D Data from Multiple Cameras
An Entropy-based Model for a Fast Computation of SSIM
Action-centric Polar Representation of Motion Trajectories for Online Action Recognition
Skin Surface Reconstruction and 3D Vessels Segmentation in Speckle Variance Optical Coherence Tomography
Shot, Scene and Keyframe Ordering for Interactive Video Re-use
Towards the Rectification of Highly Distorted Texts
Palm Vein Recognition based on NonsubSampled Contourlet Transform Features
Feature-augmented Trained Models for 6DOF Object Recognition and Camera Calibration
Region Extraction of Multiple Moving Objects with Image and Depth Sequence
Quantifying the Specificity of Near-duplicate Image Classification Functions
Human Recognition in RGBD Combining Object Detectors and Conditional Random Fields
Human Detection from Aerial Imagery for Automatic Counting of Shellfish Gatherers
How Important is Scale in Galaxy Image Classification?
An Efficient Dual Dimensionality Reduction Scheme of Features for Image Classification
Facial Paresis Index Prediction by Exploiting Active Appearance Models for Compact Discriminative Features
A Robust Pixel ECC based Algorithm for Occluded Image Alignment
Extracting Dynamics from Multi-dimensional Time-evolving Data using a Bag of Higher-order Linear Dynamical Systems
RGB-D-λ: 3D Multispectral Acquisition with Stereo RGB Cameras
Land Cover Clustering based on Improved Dictionary Learning Method from Modis Data
Online Indexing Structure for Big Image Data used for 3D Reconstruction
3D Building Reconstruction using Stereo Camera and Edge Detection
Crack Identification Via User Feedback, Convolutional Neural Networks and Laser Scanners for Tunnel Infrastructures
Human Detection from Ground Truth Cameras through Combined Use of Histogram of Oriented Gradients and Body Part Models
Speed-up Line Detection Approach for Large-size Document Images by Parallel Pixel Scanning and Hough Space Minimization
Toward a Real Time View-invariant 3D Action Recognition
Insert Your Own Body in the Oculus Rift to Improve Proprioception
An Oculus Rift based Exergame to Improve Awareness in Disabled People
A Holistic Method to Recognize Characters in Natural Scenes