RANSAC for Aligned Planes with Application to Roof Plane Detection in Point Clouds
A Hybrid Approach for Segmenting and Fitting Solid Primitives to 3D Point Clouds
Adoption of Sparse 3D Textures for Voxel Cone Tracing in Real Time Global Illumination
Context-aware Patch-based Method for Façade Inpainting
Impact of First Person Avatar Representation in Assembly Simulations on Perceived Presence and Acceptance
Scenario-based VR Framework for Product Design
Superpoints in RANSAC Planes: A New Approach for Ground Surface Extraction Exemplified on Point Classification and Context-aware Reconstruction
A Unified Design & Development Framework for Mixed Interactive Systems
Expanded Virtual Puppeteering
MeshPipe: A Python-based Tool for Easy Automation and Demonstration of Geometry Processing Pipelines
Generation of Tree Surface Mesh Models from Point Clouds using Skin Surfaces
Outdoor Illumination Estimation for Mobile Augmented Reality: Real-time Analysis of Shadow and Lit Surfaces to Measure the Daylight Illumination
Virtual Planning and Testing of AUV Paths for Underwater Photogrammetry
A Real-time Ultrasound Rendering with Model-based Tissue Deformation for Needle Insertion
An Interactive Application Framework for Natural Parks using Serious Location-based Games with Augmented Reality
Parallel Reconstruction of Quad Only Meshes from Volume Data
Automatic Generation of Affective 3D Virtual Environments from 2D Images
Atlas Shrugged: Device-agnostic Radiance Megatextures
Graph based Method for Online Handwritten Character Recognition
Integrating Assembly Process Design and VR-based Evaluation using the Unreal Engine
Transparent Parallelization of Enrichment Operations in Geometric Modeling
Matching-aware Shape Simplification
An Indoor Navigation System for Reduced Mobility Users
Efficient Visualization and Set-theoretic Difference Operations for Accurate Geometric Modeling in Real-time Simulations
Design of a Motion-based Evaluation Process in Any Unity 3D Simulation for Human Learning
Creating Curvature Adapted Subdivision Control Meshes from Scan Data
Localization Limitations of ARCore, ARKit, and Hololens in Dynamic Large-scale Industry Environments
Generative Choreographies: The Performance Dramaturgy of the Machine
Fog of Story: Design, Implementation and Evaluation of a Post-processing Technique to Guide Users’ Point of View in cinematic Virtual Reality (cVR) Experiences
Preliminary Study on the Use of Off-the-Shelf VR Controllers for Vibrotactile Differentiation of Levels of Roughness on Meshes
On the Preference for Travel by Steering in a Virtual Reality Game
Open Problems in 3D Model and Data Management
MIST: A Multi-sensory Immersive Stimulation Therapy Sandbox Room
Image-based Material Editing for Making Reflective Objects Fluorescent
Interactive Axis-based 3D Rotation Specification using Image Skeletons
Machine Learning is the Solution Also for Foveated Path Tracing Reconstruction
Single Sketch Image based 3D Car Shape Reconstruction with Deep Learning and Lazy Learning
Study on the Average Size of the Longest-Edge Propagation Path for Triangulations
Challenges of Visually Realistic Augmented Reality
3D Augmented Reality Tangible User Interface using Commodity Hardware
Towards Automatic CAD Modeling from 3D Scan Sketch based Representation
Virtual Reality Environment for the Validation of Bone Fracture Reduction Processes
Improving Mood for People with Depressive Disorders: Designing and Developing a VR Game
A Taxonomy of Augmented Reality Annotations
Automatic Detection of Epileptic Spikes in Intracerebral EEG with Convolutional Kernel Density Estimation
Hand Gesture Recognition based on Near-infrared Sensing Wristband
Effect of User Roles on the Process of Collaborative 2D Level Design on Large, High-resolution Displays
User-centered Approach to Developing Solutions for Electronic Medical Records: Extending EMR Data Entry
The Effects of Ingroup Bias on Public Speaking Anxiety in Virtual Reality
Dynamic Visualization System for Gaze and Dialogue Data
Assessing the Usability of Different Virtual Reality Systems for Firefighter Training
A Study on the Role of Feedback and Interface Modalities for Natural Interaction in Virtual Reality Environments
Controlling Image-Stylization Techniques using Eye Tracking
A Japanese Bimanual Flick Keyboard for Tablets That Improves Display Space Efficiency
User Time Spent between Persuasiveness and Usability of Social Networking Mobile Applications: Patterns of Influence
Investigating the Semantic Perceptual Space of Synthetic Textures on an Ultrasonic based Haptic Tablet
Experiences in Designing HCI Studies for Real-time Interaction across Distributed Crowds and Co-located Participants
Tangible Interactions with Physicalizations of Personal Experience Data
Stuck in Limbo with Magical Solutions: The Testers’ Lived Experiences of Tools and Automation
Virtual Reality Controller with Directed Haptic Feedback to Increase Immersion
Using the Toulmin Model of Argumentation to Explore the Differences in Human and Automated Hiring Decisions
Towards a Virtual Coach for Boccia: Developing a Virtual Augmented Interaction based on a Boccia Simulator
Hints of Uncanny Utterances in a Disrupted Interaction Continuum
Intention Indication for Human Aware Robot Navigation
Quote Surfing in Music and Movies with an Emotional Flavor
Memorable and Emotional Media Moments: Reminding Yourself of the Good Things!
Scene Understanding and 3D Imagination: A Comparison between Machine Learning and Human Cognition
Eye Gaze Tracking for Detecting Non-verbal Communication in Meeting Environments
How Auditory Information Presentation Timings Affect Memory When Watching Omnidirectional Movie with Audio Guide
Modelling Movement Time for Haptic-enabled Virtual Assembly
LilyPads: Exploring the Spatiotemporal Dissemination of Historical Newspaper Articles
Curtain Graphs: Using a Floating Baseline for Comparison in a Two-dimensional Graphical Space
Improving Neural Network-based Multidimensional Projections
Visualization to Assist Interpretation of the Multilevel Paradigm in Bipartite Graphs
DataShiftExplorer: Visualizing and Comparing Change in Multidimensional Data for Supervised Learning
Towards Collaborative and Dynamic Software Visualization in VR
Combining Image and Caption Analysis for Classifying Charts in Biodiversity Texts
Assessing the Feasibility of using Augmented Reality to Visualize Interventional Radiology Imagery
Interactive 3D Visualization of Network Traffic in Time for Forensic Analysis
Visual Exploration of 3D Shape Databases Via Feature Selection
Visual Analysis of Billiard Dynamics Simulation Ensembles
Temporally Coherent Topological Landscapes for Time-varying Scalar Fields
Visual-auditory Volume Rendering of Dynamic Quantum Chemistry Molecular Fields
Time-series Visualization of Twitter Trends
AnnoXplorer: A Scalable, Integrated Approach for the Visual Analysis of Text Annotations
Vague Visualizations to Reduce Quantification Bias in Shared Medical Decision Making
musiXplora: Visual Analysis of a Musicological Encyclopedia
MapStack: Exploring Multilayered Geospatial Data in Virtual Reality
A Genetic Algorithm Optimising Control Point Placement for Edge Bundling
Visualization of Data for Decision Making in a University
Teaching on the Intersection of Visualization and Digital Humanities
Deep Dive into Deep Neural Networks with Flows
A Timeline Metaphor for Analyzing the Relationships between Musical Instruments and Musical Pieces
Irosashi: Visualization of the Colors of a Building Which Leave an Impression to Identify Characteristics of an Urban Environment
What ‘Work’ Can Dataviz Do in Popular Science Communication?
A New Algorithm using Independent Components for Classification and Prediction of High Dimensional Data
A Taxonomy of Treemap Visualization Techniques
3D Printing and 3D Virtual Models for Surgical and Percutaneous Planning of Congenital Heart Diseases
Interactive System Architecture Exploration: Case Studies with the IMiGEr Tool
Visualizing Learning Space in Neural Network Hidden Layers
Dynamic Collaborative Visualization of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Creating an SDG Dashboard for Reporting and Best Practice Sharing
GlyphSOMe: Using SOM with Data Glyphs for Customer Profiling
Usage of Visualization Techniques in Data Science Workflows
In Situ Visual Quality Control in 3D Printing
Geovisualization: Multidimensional Exploration of the Territory
End-to-End Denoising of Dark Burst Images using Recurrent Fully Convolutional Networks
Comparison of the Optical Flow Quality for Video Denoising
Regularization in Higher-order Photometric Stereo Inspection for Non-Lambertian Reflections
Patient Motion Compensation for Photogrammetric Registration
Trajectory Extraction and Deep Features for Classification of Liquid-gas Flow under the Context of Forced Oscillation
3DSAL: An Efficient 3D-CNN Architecture for Video Saliency Prediction
Gender Classification using the Gaze Distributions of Observers on Privacy-protected Training Images
Cooperative Stereo-Zoom Matching for Disparity Computation
Real-time Object Detection and Tracking in Mixed Reality using Microsoft HoloLens
Systematic Comparison of ORB-SLAM2 and LDSO based on Varying Simulated Environmental Factors
Iterative Color Equalization for Increased Applicability of Structured Light Reconstruction
The Recipe for Some Invariant Numbers and for a New Projective Invariant Feature Descriptor
An Audio-Visual based Feature Level Fusion Approach Applied to Deception Detection
DynaLoc: Real-Time Camera Relocalization from a Single RGB Image in Dynamic Scenes based on an Adaptive Regression Forest
Who Is Your Favourite Player? Specific Player Tracking in Soccer Broadcast
Simultaneous Visual Context-aware Path Prediction
Individual Avatar Skeletal based Animation Feedback for Assisted Motion Control
User-controllable Multi-texture Synthesis with Generative Adversarial Networks
Learn to See by Events: Color Frame Synthesis from Event and RGB Cameras
Metrics Performance Analysis of Optical Flow
Recovering 3D Structure of Nonuniform Refractive Space
Removing Reflection from In-vehicle Camera Image
A Hierarchical Approach for Indoor Action Recognition from New Infrared Sensor Preserving Anonymity
Robustness Improvement in Optical Deformation Analysis by Matching a Motion Field to Stress Imposed on a Surface
Fast Scene Text Detection with RT-LoG Operator and CNN
Slag Removal Path Estimation by Slag Distribution and Deep Learning
Efficient Stereo Matching Method using Elimination of Lighting Factors under Radiometric Variation
A Hierarchical Loss for Semantic Segmentation
Dual Single Pixel Imaging in SWIR using Compressed Sensing
Learning Geometrically Consistent Mesh Corrections
Location Estimation of an Urban Scene using Computer Vision Techniques
Image Time Series Classification based on a Planar Spatio-temporal Data Representation
Enhancing Deep Spectral Super-resolution from RGB Images by Enforcing the Metameric Constraint
Learning-based Material Classification in X-ray Security Images
High-speed Imperceptible Structured Light Depth Mapping
Thyroid Ultrasound Images Classification using the Shearlet Coefficients and the Generic Fourier Descriptor
Filter Learning from Deep Descriptors of a Fully Convolutional Siamese Network for Tracking in Videos
Image-quality Improvement of Omnidirectional Free-viewpoint Images by Generative Adversarial Networks
Fast Local LUT Upsampling
Skeleton-geodesic Distances for Shape Recognition: Efficient Computation by Continuous Skeleton
Generating a Consistent Global Map under Intermittent Mapping Conditions for Large-scale Vision-based Navigation
Reflective Surface Reconstruction from Inverse Deflectometric Measurements
Video Summarization through Total Variation, Deep Semi-supervised Autoencoder and Clustering Algorithms
CNN-based Deblurring of Terahertz Images
Domain Adaptation for Person Re-identification on New Unlabeled Data
Mirror Symmetry Detection in Digital Images
Multi-pooled Inception Features for No-reference Video Quality Assessment
Robust Perceptual Night Vision in Thermal Colorization
Comparative Study of a Commercial Tracking Camera and ORB-SLAM2 for Person Localization
Investigating Synthetic Data Sets for Crowd Counting in Cross-scene Scenarios
An Empirical Evaluation of Cross-scene Crowd Counting Performance
Ambient Lighting Generation for Flash Images with Guided Conditional Adversarial Networks
Labelling of Continuous Dynamic Interactions with the Environment using a Dynamic Model Representation
ValidNet: A Deep Learning Network for Validation of Surface Registration
Comparison of Binary Images based on Jaccard Measure using Symmetry Information
Real-time Surveillance based Crime Detection for Edge Devices
Image Restoration using Plug-and-Play CNN MAP Denoisers
Configural Representation of Facial Action Units for Spontaneous Facial Expression Recognition in the Wild
Corner Detection in Manifold-valued Images and in Vector Fields
Image-based Classification of Swiss Traditional Costumes using Contextual Features
Latent-space Laplacian Pyramids for Adversarial Representation Learning with 3D Point Clouds
On the Fly Vehicle Modeling and Tracking with 2D-LiDAR Detector and Infrared Camera
360-Degree Autostereoscopic Display using Conical Mirror and Integral Photography Technology
Raindrop Removal in a Vehicle Camera Video Considering the Temporal Consistency for Driving Support
Assessing the Adequability of FFT-based Methods on Registration of UAV-Multispectral Images
Federated Learning on Distributed Medical Records for Detection of Lung Nodules
Automatic Skin Lesion Segmentation based on Saliency and Color
NMF vs. ICA for Light Source Separation under AC Illumination
Pedestrian Tracking with Occlusion State Estimation
Affine Transformation from Fundamental Matrix and Two Directions
Channel-wise Aggregation with Self-correction Mechanism for Multi-center Multi-Organ Nuclei Segmentation in Whole Slide Imaging
3D Video Spatiotemporal Multiple Description Coding Considering Region of Interest
Synthetic Ground Truth for Presegmentation of Known Objects for Effortless Pose Estimation
Automatic Estimation of Sphere Centers from Images of Calibrated Cameras
Transfer Learning from Synthetic Data in the Camera Pose Estimation Problem
Defect Detection using Deep Learning from Minimal Annotations
Two-step Multi-spectral Registration Via Key-point Detector and Gradient Similarity: Application to Agronomic Scenes for Proxy-sensing
Cracking Biometric Authentication Cryptosystems
Objects Detection from Digitized Herbarium Specimen based on Improved YOLO V3
S3D-R2R: An Automatic Stereoscopic 3D Image Recomposition to Retargeting Method with Depth Modification
Compact Early Vision Signal Analyzers in Neuromorphic Technology
A Contrario Elliptical Arc, Circular Arc and Line Segment Detection
Learning Effective Sparse Sampling Strategies using Deep Active Sensing
Optical Flow Estimation using a Correlation Image Sensor based on FlowNet-based Neural Network
Thermal Image Super-resolution: A Novel Architecture and Dataset
A Novel Dispersion Covariance-guided One-Class Support Vector Machines
Different Modal Stereo: Simultaneous Estimation of Stereo Image Disparity and Modality Translation
A Least Squares based Groupwise Image Registration Technique
Single-shot Acquisition of Cylindrical Mesostructure Normals using Diffuse Illumination
CAR-CNN: A Deep Residual Convolutional Neural Network for Compression Artifact Removal in Video Surveillance Systems
Scene Adaptive Structured Light 3D Imaging
Towards Keypoint Guided Self-Supervised Depth Estimation
Meta-parameters Exploration for Unsupervised Event-based Motion Analysis
Recovering Raindrop Removal Images under Heavy Rain
Segmentation and Visualization of Crowd Flows in Videos using Hybrid Force Model
Efficient One-to-One Pair Matching for 2-D and 3-D Edge Detection Evaluation
AutoPOSE: Large-scale Automotive Driver Head Pose and Gaze Dataset with Deep Head Orientation Baseline
Application of U-Net and Auto-Encoder to the Road/Non-road Classification of Aerial Imagery in Urban Environments
Polygonal Meshes of Highly Noisy Images based on a New Symmetric Thinning Algorithm with Theoretical Guarantees
Pitching Classification and Habit Detection by V-Net
Semantic Segmentation using Light Attention Mechanism
Variability Evaluation of CNNs using Cross-validation on Viruses Images
The Choice of Feature Representation in Small-Scale MobileNet-Based Imbalanced Image Recognition
CHAKEL-DB: Online Database for Handwriting Diacritic Arabic Character
Human Climbing and Bouldering Motion Analysis: A Survey on Sensors, Motion Capture, Analysis Algorithms, Recent Advances and Applications
A CNN-based Feature Space for Semi-supervised Incremental Learning in Assisted Living Applications
Using Local Refinements on 360 Stitching from Dual-fisheye Cameras
Detection, Counting and Maturity Assessment of Cherry Tomatoes using Multi-spectral Images and Machine Learning Techniques
Audio-guided Video Interpolation via Human Pose Features
Semantic Scene Completion from a Single 360-Degree Image and Depth Map
Towards Deep People Detection using CNNs Trained on Synthetic Images
Melanoma Detection System based on a Game Theory Model
Resources and End-to-End Neural Network Models for Arabic Image Captioning
Stereoscopic Text-based CAPTCHA on Head-Mounted Displays
Multi-Branch Convolutional Descriptors for Content-based Remote Sensing Image Retrieval
Towards Detecting Simultaneous Fear Emotion and Deception Behavior in Speech
SSD-ML: Hierarchical Object Classification for Traffic Surveillance
Robust Method for Detecting Defect in Images Printed on 3D Micro-textured Surfaces: Modified Multiple Paired Pixel Consistency
Vessel-speed Enforcement System by Multi-camera Detection and Re-identification
Geo-localization using Ridgeline Features Extracted from 360-degree Images of Sand Dunes
Semisupervised Classification of Anomalies Signatures in Electrical Wafer Sorting (EWS) Maps
FootAndBall: Integrated Player and Ball Detector
Fine-tuning Siamese Networks to Assess Sport Gestures Quality
A Deep Transfer Learning Framework for Pneumonia Detection from Chest X-ray Images
Facial Expression Recognition using the Bilinear Pooling
Pre- and Post-processing Strategies for Generic Slice-wise Segmentation of Tomographic 3D Datasets Utilizing U-Net Deep Learning Models Trained for Specific Diagnostic Domains
Estimation of Muscle Fascicle Orientation in Ultrasonic Images
Acquisition of Optimal Connection Patterns for Skeleton-based Action Recognition with Graph Convolutional Networks
Clothing Category Classification using Common Models Adaptively Adjusted to Observation
Deep Learning for Astronomical Object Classification: A Case Study
Semi-automatic Learning Framework Combining Object Detection and Background Subtraction
Deep Body-pose Estimation via Synthetic Depth Data: A Case Study
Vehicle Detection and Classification in Aerial Images using Convolutional Neural Networks
PlanAR: Accurate and Stable 3D Positioning System via Interactive Plane Reconstruction for Handheld Augmented Reality
Improving Age Estimation in Minors and Young Adults with Occluded Faces to Fight Against Child Sexual Exploitation
Detecting Anomalous Regions from an Image based on Deep Captioning
FSSSD: Fixed Scale SSD for Vehicle Detection
A Comparison of Visual Navigation Approaches based on Localization and Reinforcement Learning in Virtual and Real Environments
Anomaly Event Detection based on People Trajectories for Surveillance Videos
MobText: A Compact Method for Scene Text Localization
Multi-stream Architecture with Symmetric Extended Visual Rhythms for Deep Learning Human Action Recognition
Monocular 3D Head Reconstruction via Prediction and Integration of Normal Vector Field
Time-unfolding Object Existence Detection in Low-quality Underwater Videos using Convolutional Neural Networks
Explaining Spatial Relation Detection using Layerwise Relevance Propagation
Acquisition Evaluation on Outdoor Scanning for Archaeological Artifact Digitalization
Encrypted Image Display based on Individual Visual Characteristics
Multi-view Data Capture using Edge-synchronised Mobiles
Regression-based 3D Hand Pose Estimation using Heatmaps
Fuzzy Fusion for Two-stream Action Recognition
Manifold Learning-based Clustering Approach Applied to Anomaly Detection in Surveillance Videos
Coarse to Fine Vertebrae Localization and Segmentation with SpatialConfiguration-Net and U-Net
Multi-stream Deep Networks for Vehicle Make and Model Recognition
CAD-based Learning for Egocentric Object Detection in Industrial Context
Self-supervised Depth Estimation based on Feature Sharing and Consistency Constraints
Texture-based 3D Face Recognition using Deep Neural Networks for Unconstrained Human-machine Interaction
CNN Hyperparameter Tuning Applied to Iris Liveness Detection
RaDE: A Rank-based Graph Embedding Approach
SOANets: Encoder-decoder based Skeleton Orientation Alignment Network for White Cane User Recognition from 2D Human Skeleton Sequence
3D Plant Growth Prediction via Image-to-Image Translation
Visual Descriptor Learning from Monocular Video
ConvPoseCNN: Dense Convolutional 6D Object Pose Estimation
A New Approach Combining Trained Single-view Networks with Multi-view Constraints for Robust Multi-view Object Detection and Labelling
A Method for Detecting Human-object Interaction based on Motion Distribution around Hand
MAUI: Tele-assistance for Maintenance of Cyber-physical Systems
Player Tracking using Multi-viewpoint Images in Basketball Analysis
Monocular 3D Object Detection via Geometric Reasoning on Keypoints
Localizing Visitors in Natural Sites Exploiting Modality Attention on Egocentric Images and GPS Data
Quantitative Analysis of Facial Paralysis using GMM and Dynamic Kernels
A First-person Database for Detecting Barriers for Pedestrians
Steganalysis of Semi-fragile Watermarking Systems Resistant to JPEG Compression
A Multi-purpose RGB-D Dataset for Understanding Everyday Objects
Dynamic Mode Decomposition via Dictionary Learning for Foreground Modeling in Videos
Anomaly Detection in Surveillance Videos by Future Appearance-motion Prediction
Distributed Information Integration in Convolutional Neural Networks
Improving Dense Crowd Counting Convolutional Neural Networks using Inverse k-Nearest Neighbor Maps and Multiscale Upsampling
Pectoral Muscle Segmentation in Tomosynthesis Images using Geometry Information and Grey Wolf Optimizer
Surgery Recording without Occlusions by Multi-view Surgical Videos
Plant Species Identification using Discriminant Bag of Words (DBoW)
Geometric Deep Learning on Skeleton Sequences for 2D/3D Action Recognition
Towards Visual Loop Detection in Underwater Robotics using a Deep Neural Network
Classification of Histopathological Images using Scale-Invariant Feature Transform
Proxy Embeddings for Face Identification among Multi-Pose Templates
Dynamic Detectors of Oriented Spatial Contrast from Isotropic Fixational Eye Movements
Automatic Classification of Cervical Cell Patches based on Non-geometric Characteristics
Who Loves Virtue as much as He Loves Beauty?: Deep Learning based Estimator for Aesthetics of Portraits
DA-NET: Monocular Depth Estimation using Disparity Maps Awareness NETwork
Mask-guided Image Classification with Siamese Networks
Light Field Scattering in Participating Media
Evaluation of 3D Vision Systems for Detection of Small Objects in Agricultural Environments
Automated Generation of Synthetic in-Car Dataset for Human Body Pose Detection
Multimodal Dance Recognition
Fully Connected Visual Words for the Classification of Skin Cancer Confocal Images
Towards the Automatic Visual Monitoring of Electricity Pylons from Aerial Images
Driving Video Prediction based on Motion Estimation of 3D Objects using a Stereo Camera System
Towards Unsupervised Image Harmonisation
A Preliminary Study on the Automatic Visual based Identification of UAV Pilots from Counter UAVs
Mini V-Net: Depth Estimation from Single Indoor-Outdoor Images using Strided-CNN
3D Convolutional Neural Network for Falling Detection using Only Depth Information
Hidden Markov Models for Pose Estimation
3D Model-based 6D Object Pose Tracking on RGB Images using Particle Filtering and Heuristic Optimization
Data Augmentation for Semantic Segmentation in the Context of Carbon Fiber Defect Detection using Adversarial Learning
Visual Inspection of Collective Protection Equipment Conditions with Mobile Deep Learning Models
Multi-channel ConvNet Approach to Predict the Risk of in-Hospital Mortality for ICU Patients
Deep Learning Residual-like Convolutional Neural Networks for Optic Disc Segmentation in Medical Retinal Images
Accelerating Matrix Factorization by Overparameterization
Technical Sound Event Classification Applying Recurrent and Convolutional Neural Networks
Retinal Vessel Segmentation by Inception-like Convolutional Neural Networks
Generation of Human Images with Clothing using Advanced Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks
Detection of Depression in Thai Social Media Messages using Deep Learning
Attention-based Text Recognition in the Wild
Nematode Identification using Artificial Neural Networks
Real-time On-board Detection of Components and Faults in an Autonomous UAV System for Power Line Inspection
Using Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks to Boost the Performance of Machine Learning in Microbiome Datasets