SheetAnim - From Model Sheets to 2D Hand-drawn Character Animation
Accelerated Simulation of Brittle Objects for Interactive Applications
Optical-inertial Synchronization of MoCap Suit with Single Camera Setup for Reliable Position Tracking
Sensor-fusion-based Trajectory Reconstruction for Mobile Devices
Efficient Curvature-optimized G2-continuous Path Generation with Guaranteed Error Bound for 5-axis Machining
Interactive Hyper Spectral Image Rendering on GPU
Orientation Beautification of Reverse Engineered Models
Retrieving 3D Objects with Articulated Limbs by Depth Image Input
Transformation of the Beta Distribution for Color Transfer
Comparison of Movements in a Virtual Reality Mirror Box Therapy for Treatment of Lower Limb Phantom Pain
A Simple and Robust Approach to Computation of Meshes Intersection
Accurate Real-time Complex Cutting in Finite Element Modeling
Cinematographic and Geometric Criteria for Virtual Camera Path Generation for the Visualization of Shipwreck Data
A Quartic Clough-Tocher Interpolant
A Topological-Geometrical Pipeline for 3D Cracking-like Phenomena
PEEK - An LSTM Recurrent Network for Motion Classification from Sparse Data
Block based Spectral Processing of Dense 3D Meshes using Orthogonal Iterations
Simplified Definition of Parameter Spaces of a Procedural Model using Sketch-based Interaction
Tone Mapping HDR Panoramas for Viewing in Head Mounted Displays
A Hybrid CPU-GPU Scalable Strategy for Multi-resolution Rendering of Large Digital Elevation Models with Borders and Holes
Creating 3D Human Character Mesh Prototypes from a Single Front-view Sketch
Interactive Anisotropic Tearing of Elastic Solids
Virtual Exploration: Seated versus Standing
A Procedural Model for Snake Skin Texture Generation
Data-driven Enhancement of SVBRDF Reflectance Data
Removing Monte Carlo Noise with Compressed Sensing and Feature Information
Generic Caching Library and Its Use for VTK-based Real-time Simulation and Visualization Systems
Deep Light Source Estimation for Mixed Reality
Mixed Reality Experience - How to Use a Virtual (TV) Studio for Demonstration of Virtual Reality Applications
Denoising Monte Carlo Renderings based on a Robust High-order Function
Sparse Sampling for Real-time Ray Tracing
Visibility based WSPD for Global Illumination
Analyzing Eye-gaze Interaction Modalities in Menu Navigation
The Role of Haptics in User Input for Simple 3D Interaction Tasks - An Analysis of Interaction Performance and User Experience
A Multimodal Positive Computing System for Public Speaking - Evaluating User Responses to Avatar and Video Speaker Representations
PEAR: Prototyping Expressive Animated Robots - A Framework for Social Robot Prototyping
Impact of Auditory Distractions on Haptic Messages Presented Under the Foot
Summarising Academic Presentations using Linguistic and Paralinguistic Features
Eye and Mouse Coordination During Task: From Behaviour to Prediction
Development of an Eco-Driving Simulation Training System with Natural and Haptic Interaction in Virtual Reality Environments
ARGI: Augmented Reality for Gesture-based Interaction in Variable Smart Environments
Studying Natural Human-computer Interaction in Immersive Virtual Reality: A Comparison between Actions in the Peripersonal and in the Near-action Space
Intelligent and Flexible Worker Assistance Systems - Assembly Assistance Platform for Planning Assisted Assembly and Rework as Well as Execution of a Worker-Centered Assistance
Definition of Gesture Interactions based on Temporal Relations
Automatic Generation of an Operation Procedure Presentation System Reusing User’s Input Data
Nourishing Problem Solving Skills by Performing HCI Tasks - Relationships between the Methods of Problem Solving (Retrieval, Discovery, or Search) and the Kinds of Acquired Problem Solving Skills
Design of Multimodal Interaction with Mobile Devices - Challenges for Visually Impaired and Elderly Users
A 2-by-6-Button Japanese Software Keyboard for Tablets
Reaction Time to Vibrotactile Messages on Different Types of Soil
SmoothIsoPoints: Making PDE-based Surface Extraction from Point-based Volume Data Fast
Overcoming the Curse of Dimensionality When Clustering Multivariate Volume Data
TagPies: Comparative Visualization of Textual Data
Exploring Flow Metrics in Dense Geographical Networks
MultiVisA: Visual Analysis of Multi-run Physical Simulation Data using Interactive Aggregated Plots
A Visual Analytics Framework for Exploring Uncertainties in Reservoir Models
Designing a Classification for User-authored Annotations in Data Visualization
PreechVis: Visual Profiling using Multiple-word Combinations
A New Approach to GraphMaps, a System Browsing Large Graphs as Interactive Maps
TabularVis – a Circos-inspired interactive web client based tool for improving the clarity of tabular data visualization
To Paint in Tongues - Interactive, Artistic and Mobile Information Visualization for Social Media Texts - Creativity Enhancement by Painting with Tweets on a Smart Tablet
DoSVis: Document Stance Visualization
Bifocal Parallel Coordinates Plot for Multivariate Data Visualization
Optical Graph Edge Recognition
Data Visualization Support for Complex Logistics Operations and Cyber-Physical Systems
Storytelling and Visualization: A Survey
Data Aggregation and Distance Encoding for Interactive Large Multidimensional Data Visualization
Visual GISwaps - An Interactive Visualization Framework for Geospatial Decision Making
Visual Analysis and Exploration of Entity Relations in Document Collections
Parallel Bubbles - Evaluation of Three Techniques for Representing Mixed Categorical and Continuous Data in Parallel Coordinates
Annotations as a Support for Knowledge Generation - Supporting Visual Analytics in the Field of Ophthalmology
EvoCells - A Treemap Layout Algorithm for Evolving Tree Data
Slice-based Visualization of Brain Fiber Bundles - A LIC-based Approach
Design Study for Creating Pathfinder: A Visualization Tool for Generating Software Test Plans using Model based Testing
Layered Graph Force-driven Vertex Positioning
An Evolutionary Algorithm for an Optimization Model of Edge Bundling
Area Preserving Dynamic Geospatial Visualization on Physical Globe
Symmetric Generative Methods and tSNE: A Short Survey
Orthogonal Compaction using Additional Bends
A Tale of Two Visions - Exploring the Dichotomy of Interest between Academia and Industry in Visualisation
Quantitative Evaluation of Multi-Type Edge Bundling - Example for Japan Airmap
Performance Visualization for TAU Instrumented Scientific Workflows
Digital Visual Exploration Library
Mirroring Sankey Diagrams for Visual Comparison Tasks
Visualizing Text Data in Space and Time to Augment a Political News Broadcast on a Second Screen
Towards Image Colorization with Random Forests
SPICE: Superpixel Classification for Cell Detection and Counting
Flash and Storm: Fast and Highly Practical Tone Mapping based on Naka-Rushton Equation
An Efficient Group of Pictures Decomposition based Watermarking for Anaglyph 3D Video
Keyframe-based Video Summarization with Human in the Loop
Infrared Image Enhancement in Maritime Environment with Convolutional Neural Networks
Anomaly Detection in Crowded Scenes Using Log-Euclidean Covariance Matrix
Multiple Sclerosis Lesion Segmentation using Improved Convolutional Neural Networks
Robust Remote Heart Rate Determination for E-Rehabilitation - A Method that Overcomes Motion and Intensity Artefacts
Towards an Augmented Reality Head Mounted Display System Providing Stereoscopic Wide Field of View for Indoor and Outdoor Environments with Interaction through the Gaze Direction
Fast 3D Scene Alignment with Stereo Images using a Stixel-based 3D Model
Computer Vision based System for Apple Detection in Crops
Soft-tissue Artefact Assessment and Compensation in Motion Analysis by Combining Motion Capture Data and Ultrasound Depth Measurements
A Simple and Exact Algorithm to Solve l1 Linear Problems - Application to the Compressive Sensing Method
Dual-channel Geometric Registration of a Multispectral-augmented Endoscopic Prototype
Facial Expression Recognition for Traumatic Brain Injured Patients
3D Adaptive Histogram Equalization Method for Medical Volumes
Line-based Registration of Photogrammetric Point Clouds with 3D City Models by Means of Mixed Integer Linear Programming
Automatic Identification of Macular Edema in Optical Coherence Tomography Images
Mind the Regularized GAP, for Human Action Classification and Semi-supervised Localization based on Visual Saliency
Combination of Texture and Geometric Features for Age Estimation in Face Images
The Shape of an Image - A Study of Mapper on Images
A Wearable Embedded System for Detecting Accidents while Running
Wrinkles Individuality Preserving Aged Texture Generation using Multiple Expression Images
Efficient Projective Transformation and Lanczos Interpolation on ARM Platform using SIMD Instructions
Foveal Vision for Instance Segmentation of Road Images
Development of a Computer Interface for People with Disabilities based on Computer Vision
Reliable Stereoscopic Video Streaming Considering Important Objects of the Scene
Segmentation of 3D Point Clouds using a New Spectral Clustering Algorithm Without a-priori Knowledge
Image Analysis based on Radon-type Integral Transforms Over Conic Sections
Joint Brightness and Tone Stabilization of Capsule Endoscopy Videos
Image Segmentation of Multi-shaped Overlapping Objects
Stereo and LIDAR Fusion based Detection of Humans and Other Obstacles in Farming Scenarios
Unsupervised Learning for Color Constancy
A Real-Time Edge-Preserving Denoising Filter
Pulmonary Lobe Segmentation in CT Images using Alpha-Expansion
Automatic Skin Tone Extraction for Visagism Applications
AngioUnet - A Convolutional Neural Network for Vessel Segmentation in Cerebral DSA Series
360 Panorama Super-resolution using Deep Convolutional Networks
Efficient Line Tracker in the Parameter Space based on One-to-one Hough Transform
DETCIC: Detection of Elongated Touching Cells with Inhomogeneous Illumination using a Stack of Conditional Random Fields
Automatic Object Segmentation on RGB-D Data using Surface Normals and Region Similarity
The Application of Neural Networks for Facial Landmarking on Mobile Devices
VIOL: Viewpoint Invariant Object Localizator - Viewpoint Invariant Planar Features in Man-Made Environments
A Study on Calibration Methods for Infrared Focal Plane Array Cameras
Multi-Forest Classification and Layered Exhaustive Search using a Fully Hierarchical Hand Posture/Gesture Database
Intelligent Digital Built Heritage Models: An Approach from Image Processing and Building Information Modelling Technology
Low Complex Image Resizing Algorithm using Fixed-point Integer Transformation
A Video Dataset for an Efficient Camcording Attack Evaluation
Towards a Pre-diagnose of Surgical Wounds through the Analysis of Visual 3D Reconstructions
Real-time Integral Photography Holographic Pyramid using a Game Engine
Infrared Microscopic Imaging Analysis
White Blood Cells Counting Via Vector Field Convolution Nuclei Segmentation
Dynamic Multiscale Tree Learning using Ensemble Strong Classifiers for Multi-label Segmentation of Medical Images with Lesions
Towards Spatio-temporal Face Alignment in Unconstrained Conditions
Real-time Image Registration with Region Matching
Plantation Rows Identification by Means of Image Tiling and Hough Transform
Material Classification in theWild: Do Synthesized Training Data Generalise Better than Real-world Training Data?
Prototyping and Evaluating Sensory Substitution Devices by Spatial Immersion in Virtual Environments
Does Vision Work Well Enough for Industry?
Fast Detection and Removal of Glare in Gray Scale Laparoscopic Images
FLASH: A New Key Structure Extraction used for Line or Crack Detection
Feature Extraction and Pattern Recognition from Fisheye Images in the Spatial Domain
An Efficient 2D Curve Matching Algorithm under Affine Transformations
A Novel Handwritten Digits Recognition Method based on Subclass Low Variances Guided Support Vector Machine
Optimization of Person Re-Identification through Visual Descriptors
Computer Vision System for Weld Bead Analysis
Head Detection with Depth Images in the Wild
Embedded Navigation and Classification System for Assisting Visually Impaired People
Supervised Person Re-ID based on Deep Hand-crafted and CNN Features
A Search Space Strategy for Pedestrian Detection and Localization in World Coordinates
Evaluation of Visual Object Trackers on Equirectangular Panorama
Image Restoration using Autoencoding Priors
Hierarchical Deformable Part Models for Heads and Tails
GPU Accelerated Probabilistic Latent Sequential Motifs for Activity Analysis
Deep Parts Similarity Learning for Person Re-Identification
Learning Transformation Invariant Representations with Weak Supervision
A Survey on Databases for Facial Expression Analysis
Online Multi-target Visual Tracking using a HISP Filter
A Visual Computing Approach for Estimating the Motility Index in the Frail Elder
Fine-Grained Retrieval with Autoencoders
Empirical Evaluation of Variational Autoencoders for Data Augmentation
Subtle Motion Analysis and Spotting using the Riesz Pyramid
Cross-context Analysis for Long-term View-point Invariant Person Re-identification via Soft-biometrics using Depth Sensor
Pedestrian Attribute Recognition with Part-based CNN and Combined Feature Representations
Combining 2D to 2D and 3D to 2D Point Correspondences for Stereo Visual Odometry
Combined Framework for Real-time Head Pose Estimation using Facial Landmark Detection and Salient Feature Tracking
Approximate Epipolar Geometry from Six Rotation Invariant Correspondences
Enhancing Correlation Filter based Trackers with Size Adaptivity and Drift Prevention
Super-Resolution 3D Reconstruction from Multiple Cameras
Pedestrian Detection and Tracking in Thermal Images from Aerial MPEG Videos
New Error Measures for Evaluating Algorithms that Estimate the Motion of a Range Camera
Improving Bag-of-Visual-Words Towards Effective Facial Expressive Image Classification
Ship Detection in Harbour Surveillance based on Large-Scale Data and CNNs
The Discriminative Generalized Hough Transform as a Proposal Generator for a Deep Network in Automatic Pedestrian Localization
Evaluating Method Design Options for Action Classification based on Bags of Visual Words
Leveraging the Spatial Label Structure for Semantic Image Labeling using Random Forests
Simulation-based Optimization of Camera Placement in the Context of Industrial Pose Estimation
Building Robust Industrial Applicable Object Detection Models using Transfer Learning and Single Pass Deep Learning Architectures
Context Dependent Action Affordances and their Execution using an Ontology of Actions and 3D Geometric Reasoning
Comparing Boosted Cascades to Deep Learning Architectures for Fast and Robust Coconut Tree Detection in Aerial Images
Automatic Query Image Disambiguation for Content-based Image Retrieval
Object Oriented Structure from Motion: Can a Scribble Help?
Superpixel-based Road Segmentation for Real-time Systems using CNN
Co-occurrence Background Model with Hypothesis on Degradation Modification for Robust Object Detection
Open Set Logo Detection and Retrieval
Statistical Measures from Co-occurrence of Codewords for Action Recognition
Wearable RGB Camera-based Navigation System for the Visually Impaired
Combined Correlation Rules to Detect Skin based on Dynamic Color Clustering
Real-time Human Pose Estimation with Convolutional Neural Networks
CovP3DJ: Skeleton-parts-based-covariance Descriptor for Human Action Recognition
Bee Hive Traffic Monitoring by Tracking Bee Flight Paths
Reconstructing Textureless Objects - Image Enhancement for 3D Reconstruction of Weakly-Textured Surfaces
Countering Bias in Tracking Evaluations
Recovering 3D Human Poses and Camera Motions from Deep Sequence
ScaleNet: Scale Invariant Network for Semantic Segmentation in Urban Driving Scenes
Omnidirectional Visual Odometry for Flying Robots using Low-power Hardware
CRN: End-to-end Convolutional Recurrent Network Structure Applied to Vehicle Classification
3D Point Cloud Descriptor for Posture Recognition
Simultaneous Object Classification and Viewpoint Estimation using Deep Multi-task Convolutional Neural Network
Efficient Dense Disparity Map Reconstruction using Sparse Measurements
GPU Accelerated ACF Detector
One-class Selective Transfer Machine for Personalized Anomalous Facial Expression Detection
Road Surface Scanning using Stereo Cameras for Motorcycles
Novel Anomalous Event Detection based on Human-object Interactions
Deep Learning for 3D Shape Classification based on Volumetric Density and Surface Approximation Clues
A Hybrid Pedestrian Detection System based on Visible Images and LIDAR Data
Image Quality-aware Deep Networks Ensemble for Efficient Gender Recognition in the Wild
Evaluation of Transfer Learning Scenarios in Plankton Image Classification
Jointly Optical Flow and Occlusion Estimation for Images with Large Displacements
Towards Large-scale Image Retrieval with a Disk-only Index
An Approach for Skeleton Fitting in Long-Wavelength Infrared Images - First Results for a Robust Head Localisation using Probability Masks
Anticipating Suspicious Actions using a Small Dataset of Action Templates
To Know and To Learn - About the Integration of Knowledge Representation and Deep Learning for Fine-Grained Visual Categorization
Infrared Depth Camera System for Real-time European Lobster Behavior Analysis
Visual Inspection and Error Detection in a Reconfigurable Robot Workcell: An Automotive Light Assembly Example
Domain Surface for Object Scanning
GNSSGET and GNSSPLOT Platforms - Matlab GUIs for Retrieving GNSS Products and Visualizing GNSS Solutions
Metadata for Intangible Cultural Heritage - The Case of Folk Dances
Micro Expression Detection and Recognition from High Speed Cameras using Convolutional Neural Networks