Visualizing Traceability Information with iTrace
Methods for Supporting Management of Interactions Between Quality Characteristics
Where Is Scrum in the Current Agile World?
Application of a Lightweight Enterprise Architecture Elicitation Technique Using a Case Study Approach
Designing Reusable Systems That Can Handle Change - Description-Driven Systems: Revisiting Object-oriented Principles
Tool Independent Code Generation for the UML - Closing the Gap Between Proprietary Models and the Standardized UML Model
A GUI Modeling DSL for Pattern-Based GUI Testing - PARADIGM
The AXIOM Model Framework - Transforming Requirements to Native Code for Cross-platform Mobile Applications
Understanding Class-level Testability Through Dynamic Analysis
An Online Passive Testing Approach for Communication Protocols
An Evaluation to Compare Software Product Line Decision Model and Feature Model
A Business-Oriented Approach to Requirements Elicitation
Investigating Defect Prediction Models for Iterative Software Development When Phase Data is Not Recorded - Lessons Learned
A System for Collaborative Building of Use Case Models: Communication Analysis and Experiences - Experiences of Use and Lessons Learned from the Use of the SPACE-DESIGN Tool in the Domain of Use Case Diagrams
Flexible Business-oriented Service Interfaces in Information Systems
SOA-CoM: Building a Correct by Design Service Oriented Architectural Style - Supporting Structural and Non-functional Properties
Improving Software Projects Inception Phase Using Games - ActiveAction Workshop
Automated Generation of Activity and Sequence Diagrams from Natural Language Requirements
Recovering Sequence Diagrams from Object-oriented Code - An ADM Approach
Service-oriented Platform for Virtual Reality Application Development
Process Discovery - Automated Approach for Block Discovery
Recovering Software Layers from Object Oriented Systems
Models for Mobile Application Maintenance Based on Update History
Cyber-virtual Systems - Simulation, Validation & Visualization
Function-centered Engineering of Embedded Systems - Evaluating Industry Needs and Possible Solutions
Towards a Discipline of Software Engineering Forensics Analysis
Automated Generation of Test Cases from Logical Specification of Software Requirements
The Applicability of Present Estimation Models to the Context of Mobile Applications
Using the Base Semantics given by fUML for Verification
Parsing Abstract Syntax Graphs with ModelCC
An Industrial Case Study on using Language Workbench Technology for Realizing Model-Driven Engineering
Towards a Systematic, Tool-Independent Methodology for Defining the Execution Semantics of UML Profiles with fUML
A Case Study of Combining Compositional and Object-oriented Software Development
Hardware In the Loop for VDM-Real Time Modeling of Embedded Systems
A Framework for Model Recommenders - Requirements, Architecture and Tool Support
A Bottom Up SPL Design Method
Supporting Concurrent Development of Requirements and Architecture - A Model-based Approach
Collaborative Editing of EMF/Ecore Meta-models and Models - Conflict Detection, Reconciliation, and Merging in DiCoMEF
A Domain Specific Language for Stepwise Design of Software Architectures
Specifying Trace Directives for UML Attributes and State Machines
A Formal Semantics for Sequence Diagrams and a Strategy for System Analysis
What are the used Activity Diagram Constructs? - A Survey
A Language for Enabling Model-Driven Analysis of Business Processes
Natural-language Scenario Descriptions for Testing Core Language Models of Domain-Specific Languages
Typing and Subtyping of Metamodels
The MDArte Experience - Organizational Aspects Acquired from a Successful Partnership between Government and Academia using Model-Driven Development
Architectural Specification and Analysis with XCD - The Aegis Combat System Case Study
Investigation and Evaluation of UML Action Languages
A Novel Approach to Versioning and Merging Model and Code Uniformly
Defining Domain Specific Transformations in Human-Computer Interfaces Development
Enhanced Code Generation from UML Composite State Machines
A Test-Driven Approach for Developing Software Languages
Signature Required - Making Simulink Data Flow and Interfaces Explicit
A Pattern Language for Use Case Modeling
Model Composition for Biological Mathematical Systems
Pattern-based Mapping of OCL Specifications to JML Contracts
Model Matching for Model Transformation - A Meta-heuristic Approach
Survey of Graph Rewriting applied to Model Transformations
Model-Based Systems Engineering Tools - Devoloping the GUILTE System
Analysis and Validation of AUTOSAR Models
iArch - An IDE for Supporting Abstraction-aware Design Traceability
An Approach to Class Diagram Design
A Domain-Specific Language for Abstract Syntax Model to Concrete Syntax Model Mappings
An EMF-based Toolkit for Creation of Domain-specific Data Services
On Designing Recommenders for Graphical Domain Modeling Environments
A Recipe for Tool Interoperability
Towards Co-evolution in Model-Driven Development Via Bidirectional Higher-Order Transformation
A Graph-based Algorithm for Three-way Merging of Ordered Collections in EMF Models
Transformation BPEL Processes to RECATNet for Analysing Web Services Compositions
On the Support of Multi-perspective Process Models Variability for Smart Environments
Automated Composition of Sequence Diagrams via Alloy
A New Flexible Method for Advising Metamodel Matching
SWB Process - A Business Process Management System driven by Semantic Technologies
Verbalization of Business Rules - Application to OCL Constraints in the Utility Domain
Semantic Approach to Automatically Defined Model Transformation
Toward Evolution Models for Data Warehouses
Validating the Functional Design of Embedded Systems against Stakeholder Intentions
Extending UML Testing Profile Towards Non-functional Test Modeling
Staged Model-Driven Generators - Shifting Responsibility for Code Emission to Embedded Metaprograms
Modeling of Tool Integration Resources with OSLC Support
The Eclipse Java Metamodel - Scaffolding Software Engineering Research on Java Projects with MDE Techniques
Model-Driven GUI Generation and Navigation for Android BIS Apps
A Model-based Tool for Generating Software Process Model Tailoring Transformations
Compiling Graph Transformation Rules into a Procedural Language for Behavioral Modeling
Key Features for a Successful Model-Driven Development Tool
An Approach based on SysML and SystemC to Simulate Complex Systems
A Deployment-oriented Development Process based on Context Variability Modeling
Resourcebus - A New Substrate for Model-driven Creations
Integrating Testing into Agile Software Development Processes
Domain-specific Languages as Tools for Teaching 3D Graphics
An Aspect-Oriented Model Transformation to Weave Security using CVL
Runtime Assertion Checking and Theorem Proving for Concurrent and Distributed Systems
Short Seminars on MDE Technologies - International Experiences
Towards a Method for Combined Model-based Testing and Analysis
Formal Test-Driven Development with Verified Test Cases
Creating a Reference Technology Platform - Performing Model-based Safety Analysis in a Heterogeneous Development Environment
Combining Test and Proof in MBAT - An Aerospace Case Study
Integrating Model-based Formal Timing Analysis in the Industrial Development Process of Satellite On-Board Software
The ETSI Test Description Language TDL and its Application
SLMToolBox - A Tool Set for Service Engineering
Modelling Services for Interoperability Negotiation
Toward a Unified Intercloud Interoperability Conceptual Model for IaaS Cloud Service
Information Models and Transformation Principles Applied to Servitization of Manufacturing and Service Systems Design