An Experimental Evaluation of a Teaching Approach for Statistical Process Control for Software Engineers: An Experimental Study
Business Processes and Chains of Kazakhstan How do Organisations Start Blockchain Projects and Evolve Throughout?
An Augmented Reality Mirror Exergame using 2D Pose Estimation
Test Input Partitioning for Automated Testing of Satellite On-board Image Processing Algorithms
The Use of Game Elements and Scenarios for Teaching and Learning the Function Point Analysis Technique: A Experimental Study
A Formal Requirements Modeling Approach: Application to Rail Communication
A Blockchain Approach to Support Digital Contracts
A MapReduce based Approach for Circle Detection
An Analysis System for Mobile Applications MVC Software Architectures
On Improving 3D U-net Architecture
A Microservice Architecture for Multimobility in a Smart City
Automatic Algorithmic Complexity Determination Using Dynamic Program Analysis
Application of Open Coding using the Grounded Theory Method to Identify the Profile of Information and Commucation Technology Companies in the State of Pará from Brazil
Gamification and Evaluation of the Knowledge Management Application in a Software Quality Lab: An Experimental Study
Exploring DDoS Mechanisms
Deriving Programs by Reliability Enhancement
Proactive Model for Handling Conflicts in Sensor Data Fusion Applied to Robotic Systems
Genetic Algorithm to Detect Different Sizes’ Communities from Protein-Protein Interaction Networks
Designing Software Architecture to Support Continuous Delivery and DevOps: A Systematic Literature Review
Cloud Decision Support System for Risk Management in Railway Transportation
Performance Analysis of Mobile Cross-platform Development Approaches based on Typical UI Interactions
A Software Cost Estimation Taxonomy for Global Software Development Projects
A Framework for Evaluating Business Process Performance
Quantitative Metrics for Mutation Testing
Quality Aspects of Serverless Architecture: An Exploratory Study on Maintainability
Test Suite Minimization of Evolving Software Systems: A Case Study
Effort Prediction in Agile Software Development with Bayesian Networks
Design of Scalable and Resilient Applications using Microservice Architecture in PaaS Cloud
Code Reuse between Java and Android Applications
Simulating the Impact of Annotation Guidelines and Annotated Data on Extracting App Features from App Reviews
Applications of Automated Model’s Extraction in Enterprise Systems
Ripple Effect Analysis of Data Flow Requirements
RE4DIST: Model-based Elicitation of Functional Requirements for Distributed Systems
An Algorithm for Message Type Discovery in Unstructured Log Data
Fuzz Testing with Dynamic Taint Analysis based Tools for Faster Code Coverage
A Methodology for Enterprise Resource Planning Automation Testing Application to the Open Source ERP-ODOO
Evaluating Software Metrics for Sorting Software Modules in Order of Defect Count
A Validation Study of a Requirements Engineering Artefact Model for Big Data Software Development Projects
Investigating Fault Localization Techniques from Other Disciplines for Software Engineering
Event-B Decomposition Analysis for Systems Behavior Modeling
The APOGEE Software Platform for Construction of Rich Maze Video Games for Education
Conceptual Modelling of the Dynamic Goal-oriented Safety Management for Safety Critical Systems
Detecting, Opening and Navigating through Doors: A Unified Framework for Human Service Robots
From Confidential kNN Queries to Confidential Content-based Publish/Subscribe
Teaching Design-by-Contract for the Modeling and Implementation of Software Systems
AES: Automated Evaluation Systems for Computer Programing Course
Software Modularity Coupling Resolution by the Laplacian of a Bipartite Dependency Graph
Approach for Variability Management of Legal Rights in Human Resources Software Product Lines
Evaluating Gant Project, Orange Scrum, and ProjeQtOr Open Source Project Management Tools using QSOS
Ethics by Agreement in Multi-agent Software Systems
Towards Lakosian Multilingual Software Design Principles
Towards Extracting the Role and Behavior of Contributors in Open-source Projects
npm Packages as Ingredients: A Recipe-based Approach
Towards using Data to Inform Decisions in Agile Software Development: Views of Available Data
Towards an Accurate Prediction of the Question Quality on Stack Overflow using a Deep-Learning-Based NLP Approach
Problem of Incompleteness in Textual Requirements Specification
Java Web Services: A Performance Analysis
Towards Integrated Failure Recovery for Web Service Composition
Exploration and Mining of Source Code Level Traceability Links on Stack Overflow
A Bird’s Eye View on Social Network Sites and Requirements Engineering
Optimization of Software Estimation Models
Knowledge Hubs in Competence Analytics: With a Case Study in Recruitment and Selection
Efficiently Finding Optimal Solutions to Easy Problems in Design Space Exploration: A* Tie-breaking
Formalizing a Policy-based Compliance Control Solution with Event-B
Verifying Complex Software Control Systems from Test Objectives: Application to the ETCS System
The Saga Pattern in a Reactive Microservices Environment
Systematic Comparison of Six Open-source Java Call Graph Construction Tools
Cooperative Energy Management Software for Networked Microgrids
On Improving Parallel Rebuilding of R-TNCESs
Towards a Lawful Authorized Access: A Preliminary GDPR-based Authorized Access
QCOF: New RPL Extension for QoS and Congestion-Aware in Low Power and Lossy Network
New Methodology for Backward Analysis of Reconfigurable Event Control Systems using R-TNCESs
Towards Readability Aspects of Probabilistic Mode Automata
A New Model-based Framework for Testing Security of IoT Systems in Smart Cities using Attack Trees and Price Timed Automata
Developing and Testing Networked Software for Moving Robots
Categorical Classification of Factors Effecting Knowledge Management in Software Crowdsourcing: Hypothetical Framework
A General Framework to Identify Software Components from Execution Data
CVSS-based Estimation and Prioritization for Security Risks
Architecture to Manage and Protect Personal Data Utilising Blockchain
A MARTE-Based Design Pattern for Adaptive Real-Time Embedded Systems
Model-based Network Fault Injection for IoT Protocols
Towards a New Adaptation Engine for Self-Adaptation of BPMN Processes Instances
A Pattern-based Process Management System to Flexibly Execute Collaborative Tasks
UML Specification and Transformation of Safety Features for Memory Protection
CloudCity: A Live Environment for the Management of Cloud Infrastructures
Live Software Development Environment for Java using Virtual Reality
Semantic Search and Query Over SBVR-based Business Rules using SMT based Approach and Information Retrieval Method
Amniote: A User Space Interface to the Android Runtime
A Formal Modeling Scheme for Analyzing a Software System Design against the GDPR
Analyzing the Evolution of Javascript Applications
A Domain-Specific Modeling Language for Specification of Clinical Scores in Mobile Health
A Model-based Approach for the Modeling and the Verification of Railway Signaling System
Mutating UML State Machine Behavior with Semantic Mutation Operators
Consolidating a Model for Describing Situated Software Practices
Towards Understanding Industry’s Perspectives on the Software Quality Characteristics: A Survey
Migration of Software Components to Microservices: Matching and Synthesis
NOSOLAP: Moving from Data Warehouse Requirements to NoSQL Databases
Indoor Localisation with Intelligent Luminaires for Home Monitoring
Integrating Users Logic Into Requirements Engineering for Connected Healthcare co-Design
Investigating Mobile Applications Quality in Official and Third-party Marketplaces
Identifying Logical Dependencies from Co-Changing Classes
A Convolutional Neural Network for Language-Agnostic Source Code Summarization
Formal Approach to Dynamic SoS Design
On Improved Verification of Reconfigurable Real-Time Systems
R-TNCES Rebuilding: A New Method of CTL Model Update for Reconfigurable Systems
A Model-Driven Approach for Developing Responsive Web Apps
Scaling a Standardized Procedure to Conceptualizing and Completing User Stories across Scrum Teams and Industries
Longitudinal Evaluation of Software Quality Metrics in Open-Source Applications
Distributed Kanban with Limited Geographical Distance: Analyzing Lean Principles Pull, Work in Progress and Kaizen
Modeling Traceability in Software Development: A Metamodel and a Reference Model for Traceability
Specifying Industrial System Requirements using Specification Patterns: A Case Study of Evaluation with Practitioners
Introducing B-Sequenced Petri Nets as a CPN Sub-class for Safe Train Control
A Model Driven Approach to the Development of Gamified Interactive Clinical Practice Guidelines
An Experimental Evaluation of Design Space Exploration of Hardware/Software Interfaces
Architecture Modelling and Formal Analysis of Intelligent Multi-Agent Systems
Safe Design Real-time Embedded Systems with Security Patterns
Easy Mobile Meter Reading for Non-smart Meters: Comparison of AWS Rekognition and Google Cloud Vision Approaches
An Approach of Extracting God Class Exploiting Both Structural and Semantic Similarity
Optimizing Regression Testing with Functional Flow Block Reliability Diagram
Software Development Process: An Action Grammars Perspective
Modelling Co-occurring Changes in a BPEL Process with Petri Nets
Hammock-based Identification of Changes in Advice Applications between Aspect-oriented Programs
Evaluation and Comparison of Dynamic Call Graph Generators for JavaScript
A Software Tools Catalogue to Support the Statistical Process Control on the Software Context
A Systematic Strategy to Teaching of Exploratory Testing using Gamification
On the Evolutionary Relationship between Change Coupling and Fix-Inducing Changes
Analytic Pattern and Tool for Analysis of a Gap of Changes in Enterprise Architectures
Using Developer-tool-Interactions to Expand Tracing Capabilities
Comparing Testing and Runtime Verification of IoT Systems: A Preliminary Evaluation based on a Case Study
Requirements Engineering for Global Systems: Cultural, Regulatory and Technical Aspects
Towards Automated Management and Analysis of Heterogeneous Data within Cannabinoids Domain
From Requirements to Automated Acceptance Tests of Interactive Apps: An Integrated Model-based Testing Approach
Towards New Ways of Evaluating Methods of Supporting Requirements Management and Traceability using Signal-to-Noise Ratio
Towards a Uniform Model Transformation Process for Abstract User Interfaces Generation
Refactoring Misuse Case Diagrams using Model Transformation
Multiple Perspectives of Digital Enterprise Architecture
Suggesting Software Measurement Plans with Unsupervised Learning Data Analysis
Extracting Core Elements of TFM Functional Characteristics from Stanford CoreNLP Application Outcomes
Identification of Causal Dependencies by using Natural Language Processing: A Survey
Vision of the TFM-driven Code Acquisition
Realization of a Machine Learning Domain Specific Modeling Language: A Baseball Analytics Case Study
Unifying Modeling and Programming with Valkyrie
Meta-models Combination for Reusing Verification Techniques
Resolving the Asymmetry of On-Exit versus On-Entry in Executable Models of Behaviour
TRILATERAL: Software Product Line based Multidomain IoT Artifact Generation for Industrial CPS
Model Federation based on Role Modeling
Efficient Data-Flow Analysis of UML/SysML Diagrams for Optimized Model Compilation of Hardware-software Systems
Umple as a Template Language (Umple-TL)
Model Driven Data Management in Healthcare
Single Underlying Models for Projectional, Multi-View Environments
Decoupling Language and Editor - The Impact of the Language Server Protocol on Textual Domain-Specific Languages
On-the-Fly Construction of Composite Events in Scenario-Based Modeling using Constraint Solvers
Generic Framework for Evaluating Commutativity of Multi-Variant Model Transformations
Extending EAST-ADL for Modeling and Analysis of Partitions on Functional Architectures
A Flexible Framework for Program Evolution and Verification
Applying Metamodel-based Tooling to Object-oriented Code
Case Studies in Model-Driven Reverse Engineering
Semantic Differencing of Statecharts for Object-oriented Systems
DFEAM: Dynamic Feature-oriented Energy-aware Adaptive Modeling
Design Guidelines for Feature Model Construction: Exploring the Relationship between Feature Model Structure and Structural Complexity
How to Bootstrap a Language Workbench
Using Synchronizing Heuristics to Construct Homing Sequences
An Approach to Design Smart Grids and Their IT System by Cosimulation
Bridging XML and UML - An Automated Framework
A Tool for High-level Modeling of Analog/Mixed Signal Embedded Systems
Business Process Modeling Flexibility: A Formal Interpretation
Application Configuration via UML Instance Specifications
Modelling the Behaviour of Context-aware Systems: State-of-the-Art Analysis and Introduction of a Customized UML Profile
Modular Construction of Context-Specific Test Case Migration Methods
Executable State Machines Derived from Structured Textual Requirements - Connecting Requirements and Formal System Design
From Manual to Machine-executable Model-based Systems Engineering via Graph-based Design Languages
Software Product Line Engineering for Safety-critical Systems
Virtual Prototyping of Large-scale IoT Control Systems using Domain-specific Languages
Emerging Concepts and Trends in Collaborative Modeling: A Survey
Using fUML Combined with a DSML: An Implementation using Papyrus UML/SysML Modeler
Interactive Visualization of Differences between Software Model Versions
Categorical Modeling Method, Proof of Concept for the Petri Net Language
Towards Automated fUML Model Verification with Petri Nets
Conceptual Story Modeling and Model-driven Architecture for Story Creation
A Metamodel and Model-based Design Rule Checking DSL for Verification and Validation of Electronic Circuit Designs
Towards Applying a Model Driven Approach to Generate Gamified Graphical User Interfaces
OntoIFML: Automatic Generation of Annotated Web Pages from IFML and Ontologies using the MDA Approach: A Case Study of an EMR Management Application
An Approach for Workflow Improvement based on Outcome and Time Remaining Prediction
EMFeR: Model Checking for Object Oriented (EMF) Models
Model Assurance Levels (MALs) for Managing Model-based Engineering (MBE) Development Efforts
Evaluating OpenCL as a Standard Hardware Abstraction for a Model-based Synthesis Framework: A Case Study
A Semantic Analysis of Interface Description Models of Heterogeneous Vehicle Application Frameworks: An Approach Towards Synergy Exploration
Towards Model-driven Verification of Robot Control Code using Abstract Syntax Trees in Production Systems Engineering
A Practical Medical Experience of Successfully Mixing Model-Driven Paradigm and Business Process Management Principles
IML: Towards an Instructional Modeling Language
Dataflow-based Heterogeneous Code Generator for IoT Applications
Quantity Checking through Unit of Measurement Libraries, Current Status and Future Directions
Towards Privacy-aware Software Reuse
Using Reactive-System Modeling Techniques to Create Executable Models of Biochemical Pathways
Towards Mainstream Multi-level Meta-modeling
IFVM Bridge: A Virtual Machine for IFML Models Execution in Combination with Domain Models
Something is Rotten in the State of Documenting Simulink Models
Towards Goal-oriented Analysis and Redesign of BPMN Models
A Language-oriented Approach for the Maintenance of Megamodel-based Complex Systems