An Optimization Method for Entity Resolution in Databases: With a Case Study on the Cleaning of Scientific References in Patent Databases
Generic GA-PPI-Net: Generic Evolutionary Algorithm to Detect Semantic and Topological Biological Communities
Emerging Design Patterns for Blockchain Applications
On the Improvement of R-TNCESs Verification using Distributed Cloud-based Architecture
MVCLang: A Software Modeling Language for the Model-View-Controller Design Pattern
Towards Quantitative Trade-off Analysis in Goal Models with Multiple Obstacles using Constraint Programming
Toward a Correct Implementation of LwM2M Client with Event-B
Failsafe Mechanism to Hazard Analysis and Risk Mitigation in Unmanned Aerial Vehicle based on NCES
Transformation- and Pattern-based State Machine Mining from Embedded C Code
Data-centric Refinement of Database-Database Dependency Analysis of Database Program
A Retrospective Study of Taxonomy based Testing using Empirical Data from a Medical Device Software Company
An Approach That Stimulates Architectural Thinking during Requirements Elicitation: An Empirical Evaluation
Verifying the Application of Security Measures in IoT Software Systems with Model Learning
Tool Support for Green Android Development: A Systematic Mapping Study
Towards a Better Understanding of Genetic Operators for Ordering Optimization: Application to the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem
Software Test Automation Maturity: A Survey of the State of the Practice
Threat Modeling for Cyber-Physical Systems: A Two-dimensional Taxonomy Approach for Structuring Attack Actions
An Approach to Train and Evaluate the Cybersecurity Skills of Participants in Cyber Ranges based on Cyber-Risk Models
Towards Secure Data Sharing Processes in Online Social Networks: Trusty
Hybrid Context-awareness Modelling and Reasoning Approach for Microgrid’s Intelligent Control
Bee-route: A Bee Algorithm for the Multi-objective Vehicle Routing Problem
Big Data Streaming Platforms to Support Real-time Analytics
Metrics-driven DevSecOps
Detecting Model View Controller Architectural Layers using Clustering in Mobile Codebases
Blockchain Project Initiation and Execution: Decision-making Practices and Perceptions
Improving UI Test Automation using Robotic Process Automation
Application of Computer Vision Technologies for Automated Utility Meters Reading
Codeless Web Testing using Selenium and Machine Learning
Analysing Large-Scale Scrum Practices with Respect to Quality Requirements Challenges
Accelerating Interval Iteration for Expected Rewards in Markov Decision Processes
A Function Dependency based Approach for Fault Localization with D*
Investigating on the Relationships between Design Smells Removals and Refactorings
Exploiting Exclusive Higher Resolution to Enhance Response Time of Embedded Flash Storage
A Systematic Literature Mapping of Artificial Intelligence Planning in Software Testing
An Efficient GPGPU based Implementation of Face Detection Algorithm using Skin Color Pre-treatment
Temporal Convolutional Networks for Just-in-Time Software Defect Prediction
RiverConc: An Open-source Concolic Execution Engine for x86 Binaries
Formalization and Verification of Reconfigurable Discrete-event System using Model Driven Engineering and Isabelle/HOL
A Real-time Integration of Semantics into Heterogeneous Sensor Stream Data with Context in the Internet of Things
Superlinear and Bandwidth Friendly Geo-replication for Store-and-forward Systems
Towards a Data Science Framework Integrating Process and Data Mining for Organizational Improvement
Using Blockchain to Implement Traceability on Fishery Value Chain
Fault Detection and Co-design Recovery for Complex Task within IoT Systems
Towards Ubiquitous Learning Situations for Disabled Learners
Visualization Method of Important Regions by Combination of Webpage Structures and Saliency Maps
A Parallel Many-core CUDA-based Graph Labeling Computation
Investigating the Gap between Scrum Theory and Practice in Pakistan
3D Mobility, Resizing and Mobile Sink Nodes in Reconfigurable Wireless Sensor Networks based on Multi-agent Architecture under Energy Harvesting Constraints
Consistency Analysis of AUTOSAR Timing Requirements
Bi-Objective CSO for Big Data Scientific Workflows Scheduling in the Cloud: Case of LIGO Workflow
A Bee Colony Optimization Algorithm for the Long-Term Car Pooling Problem
Local Rotation Pattern: A Local Descriptor of Color Textures
A Novel Approach for Android Malware Detection and Classification using Convolutional Neural Networks
Developer Driven Framework for Security and Privacy in the IoMT
An in-Depth Requirements Change Evaluation Process using Functional and Structural Size Measures in the Context of Agile Software Development
IT-Application Behaviour Analysis: Predicting Critical System States on OpenStack using Monitoring Performance Data and Log Files
On Decomposing Formal Verification of CTL-based Properties on IaaS Cloud Environment
A Genetic Algorithm for Automated Test Generation for Satellite On-board Image Processing Applications
A Data-driven Methodology towards Interpreting Readability against Software Properties
Fuzzy Multi-objective Optimization for Ride-sharing Autonomous Mobility-on-Demand Systems
Machine Learning Models for Automatic Labeling: A Systematic Literature Review
A Case Study on Performance Optimization Techniques in Java Programming
Visual Languages for Supporting Big Data Analytics Development
Incremental Bidirectional Transformations: Evaluating Declarative and Imperative Approaches using the AST2Dag Benchmark
Practical Analysis of Traceability Problem in Monero’s Blockchain
CkTail: Model Learning of Communicating Systems
A Conceptual Method for Eliciting Trust-related Software Features for Computer-mediated Introduction
Efficient Decorator Pattern Variants through C++ Policies
WOBCompute: Architecture and Design Considerations of a P2P Computing System
Patterns for Checking Incompleteness of Scenarios in Textual Requirements Specification
Preference-based Conflict Resolution for Collaborative Configuration of Product Lines
Usage of UML Combined Fragments in Automatic Function Point Analysis
Evolution Style Mining in Software Architecture
Adding Temporal Dimension to Ontology Learning Models for Depression Signs Detection from Social Media Texts
Agility of Security Practices and Agile Process Models: An Evaluation of Cost for Incorporating Security in Agile Process Models
Language-oriented Sentiment Analysis based on the Grammar Structure and Improved Self-attention Network
Towards Web Application Security by Automated Code Correction
Assisted Generation of Privacy Policies using Textual Patterns
Using Model-based Approach for Assessing Standard Operating Procedures
A Graph-based Approach for Process Robustness in Unreliable Communication Environments
Evaluation of Scrum-based Agile Scaling Models for Causes of Scalability Challenges
A Set of Empirically Validated Development Guidelines for Improving Node-RED Flows Comprehension
Predicting User Satisfaction in Software Projects using Machine Learning Techniques
Longitudinal Evaluation of Open-source Software Maintainability
Systematic Treatment of Security Risks during Requirements Engineering
A Methodology for Determination of Performance Measures Thresholds for Business Process
Cloud Services Discovery and Selection Assistant
Smart Grid Reconfiguration based on Prediction Model for Technical Teams Intervention Integration and Recovery Enhancement
Migration of Monolith Applications to Miniservices: A Case Study from the Telecom Domain
A Novel Approach for Repairing Reconfigurable Hierarchical Timed Automata
Impact of Combining Syntactic and Semantic Similarities on Patch Prioritization
State Management and Software Architecture Approaches in Cross-platform Flutter Applications
Ontology based UX Personalization for Gamified Education
Data Lake and Digital Enterprise
Automated Evaluation and Narratives in Computer Science Education
Artificial Intelligence in Software Test Automation: A Systematic Literature Review
From BPMN to Sequence Diagrams: Transformation and Traceability
Software Quality Observation Model based on the ISO/IEC 29110 for Very Small Software Development Entities
An Approach for Deriving, Analyzing, and Organizing Requirements Metrics and Related Information in Systems Projects
Aspect Weaving for Multiple Video Game Engines using Composition Specifications
Scenario-based Evolvability Analysis of Service-oriented Systems: A Lightweight and Tool-supported Method
Multi Software Product Lines: A Systematic Mapping Study
Automated End-to-End Timing Analysis of AUTOSAR-based Causal Event Chains
SAS vs. NSAS: Analysis and Comparison of Self-Adaptive Systems and Non-Self-Adaptive Systems based on Smells and Patterns
A Workflow for Automatically Generating Application-level Safety Mechanisms from UML Stereotype Model Representations
Microservice Decompositon: A Case Study of a Large Industrial Software Migration in the Automotive Industry
A User Centered Approach in Designing Computer Aided Assessment Applications for Preschoolers
Combining Semi-formal and Formal Methods for Safety Control in Autonomous Mobility-on-Demand Systems
An Experience in Collecting Requirements for Mobile, Energy Efficient Applications from End Customers in the Bank Sector
ATDx: Building an Architectural Technical Debt Index
On the Need for a Formally Complete and Standardized Language Mapping between C++ and UML
Intelligent Luminaire based Real-time Indoor Positioning for Assisted Living
Gamification based Learning Environment for Computer Science Students
Capturing Tracing Data Life Cycles for Supporting Traceability
Understanding Interaction and Communication Challenges Present in Software Engineering
Commit–Defect and Architectural Metrics–based Quality Assessment of C Language
GoSecure: Securing Projects with Go
A Formal Model-Based Testing Framework for Validating an IoT Solution for Blockchain-based Vehicles Communication
Crisis Management Systems: Big Data and Machine Learning Approach
Performance-based Refactoring of Web Application: A Case of Public Transport
Updating Ontology Alignment on the Relation Level based on Ontology Evolution
Pattern-driven Design of a Multiparadigm Parallel Programming Framework
Framework of Software Design Patterns for Energy-Aware Embedded Systems
Bi-directional Transformation between Normalized Systems Elements and Domain Ontologies in OWL
Towards a Framework for KPI Evolution
Towards Human-centric Model-driven Software Engineering
Using Model-based Approach for Assessing Standard Operating Procedures
Resilient BPMN: Robust Process Modeling in Unreliable Communication Environments
Automated Synthesis of ATL Transformations from Metamodel Correspondences
A Model based Toolchain for the Cosimulation of Cyber-physical Systems with FMI
Themulus: A Timed Contract-calculus
Towards Model Transformation from a CBM Model to CEP Rules to Support Predictive Maintenance
Classifying Unstructured Models into Metamodels using Multi Layer Perceptrons
Chaining Model Transformations for System Model Verification: Application to Verify Capella Model with Simulink
Model-to-Model Transformations for Efficient Time-domain Verification of Concurrent Models by NuSMV Modules
Towards a Model-based Fuzzy Software Quality Metrics
Real Models are Really on M0 - Or How to Make Programmers Use Modeling
Towards Abstract Test Execution in Early Stages of Model-driven Software Development
A Methodological Assistant for Use Case Diagrams
Aocl : A Pure-Java Constraint and Transformation Language for MDE
A DSL-Driven Development Framework for Components to Provide Environmental Data in Simulation based Testing
A UML Profile for Automatic Code Generation of Optimistic Graceful Degradation Features at the Application Level
An Architecture-independent Data Model for Managing Information Generated by Human-chatbot Interactions
Integer Overflow Detection in Hardware Designs at the Specification Level
Towards Ontology Driven Provenance in Scientific Workflow Engine
CLARVA: Model-based Residual Verification of Java Programs
Correctness of an ATL Model Transformation from SysML State Machine Diagrams to Promela
Impact of Security Measures on Performance Aspects in SysML Models
A Generic Projectional Editor for EMF Models
Multi-level Modeling without Classical Modeling Facilities
Operator-based Viewpoint Definition
Improving Multi-domain Stakeholder Communication of Embedded Safety-critical Development using Agile Practices: Expert Review
A Technique for Automata-based Verification with Residual Reasoning
Development of Health Software using Behaviour Driven Development - BDD
Graph-based Model Inspection Tool for Multi-disciplinary Production Systems Engineering
Defining Referential Integrity Constraints in Graph-oriented Datastores
The Seamless Low-cost Development Platform LoRra for Model based Systems Engineering
ArchiMEO: A Standardized Enterprise Ontology based on the ArchiMate Conceptual Model
Early Synthesis of Timing Models in AUTOSAR-based Automotive Embedded Software Systems
Guarded Deep Learning using Scenario-based Modeling
Refining Automation System Control with MDE
Business Process Model Recommendation as a Transformation Process in MDE: Conceptualization and First Experiments
Assessment of EMF Model to Text Generation Strategies and Libraries in an Industrial Context
Towards Metrics for Analyzing System Architectures Modeled with EAST-ADL
Model Transformation by Example with Statistical Machine Translation
Concept-based Co-migration of Test Cases
High-level Partitioning and Design Space Exploration for Cyber Physical Systems
Determination of ISO 22400 Key Performance Indicators using Simulation Models: The Concept and Methodology
Towards a Generalized Queuing Network Model for Self-adaptive Software Systems
On a Metasemantic Protocol for Modeling Language Extension
Automatic Verification of Behavior of UML Requirements Specifications using Model Checking
Verifying OCL Operational Contracts via SMT-based Synthesising
Defining Controlled Experiments Inside the Access Control Environment
Domain-specific Language and Tools for Strategic Domain-driven Design, Context Mapping and Bounded Context Modeling