The Effect of Acceleration and Deceleration Information of Preceding Vehicle Group on Fuel Economy of the Following Vehicle
VNetIntSim - An Integrated Simulation Platform to Model Transportation and Communication Networks
Algorithms for the Hybrid Fleet Vehicle Routing Problem
Design and Implementation of Transportation Management System
A Method for Managing Transportation Requests and Subdivision Costs in Shared Mobility Systems
Localizing Changes in Driver Behavior via Frequency-pattern-analysis
Safety First? - V2X – Percived Benefits, Barriers and Trade-offs of Automated Driving
Shaping the Current Waveform of an Active Filter for Optimized System Level Harmonic Conditioning
Methods of Interaction Between Multiprotocol Unit and Telematics Map Cloud Service
Advanced Driver Aid System for Energy Efficient Electric Bus Operation
Traffic Flow Prediction from Loop Counter Sensor Data using Machine Learning Methods
Socializing Public Transportation - Using Situational Context in Public Transportation to Get in Touch with People Around You
Aggregating and Managing Big Realtime Data in the Cloud - Application to Intelligent Transport for Smart Cities
The University as EV Ecosystem Hub - Education and Outreach to Accelerate EV Adoption
An Intelligent Framework and Prototype for Autonomous Maintenance Planning in the Rail Industry
Fault Detection Architecture for Proprioceptive Sensors based on a Multi Model Approach and Fuzzy Logic Decisions
Automatic Obstacle Classification using Laser and Camera Fusion
Privacy Issues and Pitfalls in VANET Standards
A Renewable Source Aware Model for the Charging of Plug-in Electrical Vehicles
Multilevel Modelling of Urban Transport Infrastructure
Salt Seller - Realization of a Business Game
Social Networking Sites: An Exploration of the Effect of National Cultural Dimensions on Country Adoption Rates
A Business Model Approach to Local mGovernment Applications - Mapping the Brussels Region’s Mobile App Initiatives
Surveillance Camera System Balancing Privacy Protection and Effective Surveillance Image Use
Supporting Chinese Farmers with ICT-based Information Services - An Analysis of Service Models
A Cloud Gaming System Design Insights
Combining Physiological with Cognitive Measures of Online Users to Evaluate a Physicians’ Review Website
Enhancing Business Processes with Web 2.0 Features
Placeless Store or Ubiquitous Stores? - New Technological Frontiers in Retailing
Content Control Scheme to Realize Right Succession and Edit Control
Sustainable Farm System for Peri-urban Sydney SMEs
An Intelligent Tool for All-to-All Sales on the Internet - Platform for Compilation of Commercial Offers and Requests for Companies and Customers
A Model of Effective IT Governance for Collaborative Networked Organizations
Measurement Framework for Business Process Outsourcing to the Cloud
SOA and EDA: A Comparative Study - Similarities, Differences and Conceptual Guidelines on their Usage
Modelling Flexible Collaborative Process: The VCP2M Approach
Stakeholder Oriented Enterprise Architecture Modelling
Design and Implementation of a Workflow Oriented ERP System
The Impact of Digital Presence on Competitive Advantage - A Study Applied to Brazilian Bank Industry
SaaS Cloud Provider Management Framework
An Investigation of Customers’ Loyalty to Social Commerce Websites
Meta-modelling the Strategic Alignment Model for Aligning Information Systems Support to Specific Application Domains
An Adaptive E-Advertising User Model: The AEADS Approach
Hyred - HYbrid Job REcommenDation System
IT-enabled Management of Sharing Logistic Trucks
Why and How People Use Location Sharing Services on Social Networking Platforms in China
GSM Model Construction from Enterprise Models