A Feature Space Transformation to Intrusion Detection Systems
Estimating Personalization using Topical User Profile
Conversation Management in Task-oriented Turkish Dialogue Agents with Dialogue Act Classification
Saudi Stock Market Sentiment Analysis using Twitter Data
Ontology-based Methods for Classifying Scientific Datasets into Research Domains: Much Harder than Expected
Using Affective Features from Media Content Metadata for Better Movie Recommendations
Diverse Group Formation based on Multiple Demographic Features
Improving Word Association Measures in Repetitive Corpora with Context Similarity Weighting
Session Similarity based Approach for Alleviating Cold-start Session Problem in e-Commerce for Top-N Recommendations
The Max-Cut Decision Tree: Improving on the Accuracy and Running Time of Decision Trees
Large Scale Intent Detection in Turkish Short Sentences with Contextual Word Embeddings
Identifying the k Best Targets for an Advertisement Campaign via Online Social Networks
Large-scale Retrieval of Bayesian Machine Learning Models for Time Series Data via Gaussian Processes
FLE: A Fuzzy Logic Algorithm for Classification of Emotions in Literary Corpora
Towards Strength-sensitive Social Profiling in Ego Networks
Bottom-up Discovery of Context-aware Quality Constraints for Heterogeneous Knowledge Graphs
Weak Ties Are Surprising Everywhere
Moving towards a General Metadata Extraction Solution for Research Data with State-of-the-Art Methods
A Recurrent Neural Network and Differential Equation based Spatiotemporal Infectious Disease Model with Application to COVID-19
CoExDBSCAN: Density-based Clustering with Constrained Expansion
Extracting Body Text from Academic PDF Documents for Text Mining
TAGWAR: An Annotated Corpus for Sequence Tagging of War Incidents
Target Evaluation for Neural Language Model using Japanese Case Frame
Filtering a Reference Corpus to Generalize Stylometric Representations
Enhanced Active Learning of Convolutional Neural Networks: A Case Study for Defect Classification in the Semiconductor Industry
A Survey of Sensor Modalities for Human Activity Recognition
Personalised Recommendation Systems and the Impact of COVID-19: Perspectives, Opportunities and Challenges
R-peak Detector Benchmarking using FieldWiz Device and Physionet Databases
Generating Adequate Distractors for Multiple-Choice Questions
Unsupervised Descriptive Text Mining for Knowledge Graph Learning
Geographic Feature Engineering with Points-of-Interest from OpenStreetMap
Stock Trend Prediction using Financial Market News and BERT
Analysing the Effect of Platform and Operating System Features on Predicting Consumers’ Purchase Intent using Machine Learning Algorithms
Amharic Document Representation for Adhoc Retrieval
Historical Document Processing: A Survey of Techniques, Tools, and Trends
Social Media as an Auxiliary News Source
Measuring Design Complexity of Cultural Heritage Ontologies
Emerging Named Entity Recognition in a Medical Knowledge Management Ecosystem
Harmoney: Semantics for FinTech
Towards an Ontology for Representing a Student’s Profile in Adaptive Gamified Learning System
Modeling Semantic and Syntactic Valencies of Tibetan Verbs in the Formal Grammar and Computer Ontology
Tracing the Evolution of Approaches to Semantic Similarity Analysis
An Ontology of Chinese Ceramic Vases
Semantic Representation of Physics Research Data
An Ontological View of the RAMI4.0 Asset Administration Shell
Extended Knowledge Graphs: A Conceptual Study
Consistency and Interoperability on Dublin Core Element Values in Collections Harvested using the Open Archive Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting
CODO: An Ontology for Collection and Analysis of Covid-19 Data
Towards Construction of Legal Ontology for Korean Legislation
Intensional Model for Data Integration System in Open Environment
Ontology-based Processing of Dynamic Maps in Automated Driving
Knowledge Discovery from ISAD, Digital Archive Data, into ArchOnto, a CIDOC-CRM based Linked Model
Annotating Arguments in a Parliamentary Corpus: An Experience
Driving Context Detection and Validation using Knowledge-based Reasoning
A Distributed Approach for Parsing Large-scale OWL Datasets
Analysis of Data Anonymization Techniques
Semantic Knowledge-Based-Engineering: The Codex Framework
Ontology Metrics as a Service (OMaaS)
Supporting Named Entity Recognition and Document Classification in a Knowledge Management System for Applied Gaming
On IT Risk Management Ontology using DEMO
Creating Core Ontology for Social Sciences Empirical Data Integration
Topic-OPA: A Topic Ontology for Modeling Topics of Old Press Articles
Automated DEMO Action Model Implementation using Blockchain Smart Contracts
AI-T: Software Testing Ontology for AI-based Systems
Semantic Search for Biomedical Texts using Predicate-Argument Structure
Method of Semantic Refinement for Enterprise Search
Some Techniques for Intelligent Searching on Ontology-based Knowledge Domain in e-Learning
Systemic Business Process Simulation using Agent-based Simulation and BPMN
On Specifying and Analysing Domain Ontologies for Workflows in “Binary Model of Knowledge"
Automatic Ontology Learning from Domain-specific Short Unstructured Text Data
A Measurement Model to Identify Knowledge-intensive Business Processes in SMEs
Evaluating Task Knowledge as a Mediator in the Relationship between Knowledge Sharing and Innovative Work Behaviour
Sociotechnical Determinants’ Effects on Person-job Fit and Life Satisfaction in Two Different Knowledge Work Contexts
Collaborative Virtual Reality as an Adaptable Boundary Object in the Design Phase of Facility Life Cycle
Evaluation of Cities’ Smartness through Multidimensional Platform of Performance Indicators
Connecting the Dots: KM Initiatives and Business Performance
Cold Start of Enterprise Knowledge Graph Construction
Development of Framework for Designing an Analytical Data Warehouse: Case of e-Municipalities
The Role of an Enterprise Social Networking Tool on Organisational Knowledge Dynamics
Challenges in Public Participation and Collaboration: A Case Study in Finnish Environmental Decision-making
Value of Collaboration: The Opportunities and Limits of Shared Value Creation in the Collaborative Practices of Mining
Knowledge Management in Service Desk Environment: An Overview of Methods, Tools and Techniques
Persuasion Meets AI: Ethical Considerations for the Design of Social Engineering Countermeasures
Industry-oriented Digital Transformation in Universities to Facilitate Knowledge Transfer
Modeling Sport Events Legacy based on Olympic Games
Digitalization: A Concept Easier to Talk about than to Understand
Driving the Bus: A Radiology Case Study Utilizing Rich Picture Diagramming and CATWOE to Capture Staff Perceptions and Inform Service Improvement Scenarios
Next Step: Data Literacy Measurement
SatelliteNER: An Effective Named Entity Recognition Model for the Satellite Domain
Unified Quality Training Process
Computer Integrated Manufacturing Architecture: A Literature Review
The Ray Tracing based Tool for Generation Artificial Images and Neural Network Training
Organizational Capabilities in Data-driven Value Creation: A Literature Review
Development of a GQM-based Technique for Assessing DevOps Maturity
On the Road to Hospital Digital Transformation: Using Conceptual Modeling to Express Domain Ontology
Improve Performance of Recommender System in Collaborative Learning Environment based on Learner Tracks
Context-aware Knowledge Management for Socio-Cyber-Physical Systems: New Trends towards Human-machine Collective Intelligence
Digital Transformation and the Impact in Knowledge Management