An Intervention to Improve Self-regulation in Preventing Premarital Sexual Behavior among Students in Lhokseumawe

Rini Julistia, Zulrizka Iskandar, Eka Riyanti Purboningsih



This study aims to provide a clearer picture of self-regulation in preventing premarital sexual behavior. After getting a picture of self-regulation in preventing premarital sexual behavior, an intervention design was drafted in order to improve junior high school students’ self-regulation in Lhokseumawe. A quantitative method with descriptive analysis was used in this research. A total of 290 students were obtained as participants using cluster random sampling method. The results showed that the majority of junior high school students in Lhokseumawe had low self-regulation (58%), meaning that most of them still do not have the ability to regulate themselves to achieve their goals, in this case, to prevent premarital sexual behavior. Among the possible reasons for such circumstance are the students’ incapability to set goals and strategies, to motivate and control themselves, as well as to conduct monitoring, assessments and evaluations in preventing premarital sexual behavior. Based on the results of the study, intervention programs that can improve self-regulation in preventing premarital sexual behavior are in the form of training by applying the experiential learning principle, the role play and discussion method. The interventions were divided into three phases as suggested by of Zimmerman (2000) in his theoretical concepts. The phases are forethought, performance, and reflection.


Paper Citation

in Harvard Style

Julistia R., Iskandar Z. and Purboningsih E. (2019). An Intervention to Improve Self-regulation in Preventing Premarital Sexual Behavior among Students in Lhokseumawe.In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Psychology - Volume 1: ICPsy, ISBN 978-989-758-448-0, pages 75-81. DOI: 10.5220/0009437800750081

in Bibtex Style

author={Rini Julistia and Zulrizka Iskandar and Eka Riyanti Purboningsih},
title={An Intervention to Improve Self-regulation in Preventing Premarital Sexual Behavior among Students in Lhokseumawe},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Psychology - Volume 1: ICPsy,},

in EndNote Style


JO - Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Psychology - Volume 1: ICPsy,
TI - An Intervention to Improve Self-regulation in Preventing Premarital Sexual Behavior among Students in Lhokseumawe
SN - 978-989-758-448-0
AU - Julistia R.
AU - Iskandar Z.
AU - Purboningsih E.
PY - 2019
SP - 75
EP - 81
DO - 10.5220/0009437800750081