The Arrangement of the Abuse of Authority in Corruption Offence after the Enactment of the Law on Government Administration from Political Law Perspective in Indonesia

Riswan Erfa



The Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning Corruption Eradication in conjunction with Law Number 20 of 2001 concerning Amendment to Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning Eradication of Corruption in Article 3 formulates that Corruption Eradication is relating to abuse of authority. The definition of an element of abuse of authority in that Article is not contained in the explanation chapter. The meaning of the element of abuse of authority actually refers to the concept of abuse of competence in the realm of administrative law. After the promulgation of Law Number 30 the Year 2014 concerning Government Administration, there are provisions which regulate the abuse of competence which causes state financial losses. The perspective of corruption has also changed; the abuse of competence which is detrimental to the country's finances, is sufficiently resolved at the administrative stage. While the provisions in the Law on the Corruption Eradication, there are provisions that formulate restitution of state financial losses due to criminal acts of abuse of authority which do not eliminate the imprisonment of perpetrators. The difference concept between the abuse of competence and abuse of authority as well as changing the perspectives on the regulation of criminal law of corruption that intersects with the abuse of authority can be seen and examined from the political law perspective in Indonesia. It is aimed to see the direction of legal policy in Indonesia. There are at least three things that can be explained from the political law perspective in Indonesia. First, the regulation related to the abuse of competence regulated in the provisions of laws and regulations concerning government administration is considered not in line with the regulation of abuse of authority in corruption law. Second, it is necessary to establish regulation on the abuse of authority in criminal law which does not only have a good effect on the enforcement of suspected corruption but also have a good effect on the prevention of corruption through government administrative arrangements. Third, it is necessary to present regulations regarding the misuse of competence in the administration of the government law while still being able to ensure that the enforcement of suspected corruption can go in line according to the spirit of the provisions in the law on corruption eradication


Paper Citation

in Harvard Style

Erfa R. (2019). The Arrangement of the Abuse of Authority in Corruption Offence after the Enactment of the Law on Government Administration from Political Law Perspective in Indonesia.In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Anti-Corruption and Integrity - Volume 1: ICOACI, ISBN 978-989-758-461-9, pages 131-137. DOI: 10.5220/0009401101310137

in Bibtex Style

author={Riswan Erfa},
title={The Arrangement of the Abuse of Authority in Corruption Offence after the Enactment of the Law on Government Administration from Political Law Perspective in Indonesia},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Anti-Corruption and Integrity - Volume 1: ICOACI,},

in EndNote Style


JO - Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Anti-Corruption and Integrity - Volume 1: ICOACI,
TI - The Arrangement of the Abuse of Authority in Corruption Offence after the Enactment of the Law on Government Administration from Political Law Perspective in Indonesia
SN - 978-989-758-461-9
AU - Erfa R.
PY - 2019
SP - 131
EP - 137
DO - 10.5220/0009401101310137