The Symptoms-based Algorithm for Early Detection of Systolic Heart Failure

Krishna Ari Nugraha, M. Rizki Fadlan, Dea Arie Kurniawan, Liemena Harold Adrian, Faris Wahyu Nugroho, Puspa Lestari, Seprian Widasmara, Anita Surya Santoso, Mohammad Saifur Rohman



Heart failure is one of the global health problem priorities and is largely caused by late recognition of the symptoms. Early detection is paramount to diagnosing heart failure; thus, a simplified algorithm is required. The objective is to examine the accuracy of a symptoms-based algorithm for early detection of systolic heart failure. We developed a symptom-based algorithm, compared to typical echocardiography examination. The algorithm model in this study consisted of four symptoms with the highest association to systolic heart failure. To evaluate outcomes in a larger population, we performed the derivation phase to assess the sensitivity and specificity of this algorithm. The derivation phase was tested on 477 heart failure patients. All symptoms in the algorithm—dyspnoea on exertion (DOE), paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnoea (PND), orthopnoea and leg oedema—occur significantly more often among patients with systolic heart failure, compared to those with diastolic heart failure (p < 0.05). The algorithm obtained an area under the curve and gave a sensitivity of 83.9% and a specificity of 81.1%. The symptom-based algorithm provides good outcomes for early detection of systolic heart failure and are feasible to be developed into a self-assessment application for heart failure patients with reduced ejection fraction.


Paper Citation

in Harvard Style

Nugraha K., Fadlan M., Kurniawan D., Adrian L., Nugroho F., Lestari P., Widasmara S., Santoso A. and Rohman M. (2019). The Symptoms-based Algorithm for Early Detection of Systolic Heart Failure.In Proceedings of the 4th Annual International Conference and Exhibition on Indonesian Medical Education and Research Institute - Volume 1: The 4th ICE on IMERI, ISBN 978-989-758-433-6, pages 38-41. DOI: 10.5220/0009388300380041

in Bibtex Style

@conference{the 4th ice on imeri19,
author={Krishna Nugraha and M. Fadlan and Dea Kurniawan and Liemena Adrian and Faris Nugroho and Puspa Lestari and Seprian Widasmara and Anita Santoso and Mohammad Rohman},
title={The Symptoms-based Algorithm for Early Detection of Systolic Heart Failure},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 4th Annual International Conference and Exhibition on Indonesian Medical Education and Research Institute - Volume 1: The 4th ICE on IMERI,},

in EndNote Style


JO - Proceedings of the 4th Annual International Conference and Exhibition on Indonesian Medical Education and Research Institute - Volume 1: The 4th ICE on IMERI,
TI - The Symptoms-based Algorithm for Early Detection of Systolic Heart Failure
SN - 978-989-758-433-6
AU - Nugraha K.
AU - Fadlan M.
AU - Kurniawan D.
AU - Adrian L.
AU - Nugroho F.
AU - Lestari P.
AU - Widasmara S.
AU - Santoso A.
AU - Rohman M.
PY - 2019
SP - 38
EP - 41
DO - 10.5220/0009388300380041