The Making of Vegetable and Tropical Fruit Sheet as Alternative of Traditional Packaging and Improving Daily Intake

Monang Sihombing, Angelly Wulan Pricilia Kalengkongan



Indonesia has natural and traditional ethnic diversity as well as traditional cake and culinary, which are generally packaged or served using natural leaves. At the same time, Indonesia also has daily nutrition intake issues, especially daily intake of fruits-vegetables that still far from the standar. The limitations of processing technology and perceptions of fruits and vegetables have resulted in minimal use and intake. The purpose of research is utilization of vegetables-fruit as part of the packaging or serving of traditional cake-culinary in the form of fruit-vegetable sheet as edible packaging. For that purpose, green spinach (Amaranthus gangeticus) has been choosen as vegetable sheet materials. Persimmon (Diospyros) and mango (Mangifera indica) has been choosen as fruit sheet materials. The drying method using a combination of vaccum drying at temperature of 60-65˚C and a microwave for 90 minute. As a binder, using 15% fiber-based binder which has barrier function while providing flexibility and a strong structure of sheet. The sheet product are tested for acceptance level base on taste, aroma and structure attribute. Analysis of chemicals characteristic focusing on macronutrien of spinach and carotenoid of fruit. Carotenoid analized using spectrophotometer on 400-600 λ. Based on the results of the organoleptic test using 60 untrained panelist, the average panelist perception for all attribute between standar and product, increase from 2-3 scale to 3-4 scale with the P value <0.05 for aroma, taste and texture attribute. The nutrient test resulted that edible vegetable sheet containing 72% of fiber and 3,2gr/100gr Fe. The carotenoid test resulted 2,9567 mg/ 100gr product, which is it still enough for intake. So it can be concluded that edible vegetable and fruit sheet has better sensory, still containing enough Fe, Fiber and antioxidant carotenoid for intake, at the same time has good texture as edible packaging.


Paper Citation

in Harvard Style

Sihombing M. and Kalengkongan A. (2019). The Making of Vegetable and Tropical Fruit Sheet as Alternative of Traditional Packaging and Improving Daily Intake. In Proceedings of the 16th ASEAN Food Conference - Volume 1: 16th AFC, ISBN 978-989-758-467-1, pages 72-75. DOI: 10.5220/0009984300002964

in Bibtex Style

@conference{16th afc19,
author={Monang Sihombing and Angelly Kalengkongan},
title={The Making of Vegetable and Tropical Fruit Sheet as Alternative of Traditional Packaging and Improving Daily Intake},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 16th ASEAN Food Conference - Volume 1: 16th AFC,},

in EndNote Style


JO - Proceedings of the 16th ASEAN Food Conference - Volume 1: 16th AFC,
TI - The Making of Vegetable and Tropical Fruit Sheet as Alternative of Traditional Packaging and Improving Daily Intake
SN - 978-989-758-467-1
AU - Sihombing M.
AU - Kalengkongan A.
PY - 2019
SP - 72
EP - 75
DO - 10.5220/0009984300002964