Relationship between Interpersonal Communication with School Principal Performance in Disruption Era Study in Manado

Helena Vonny Opit, Felly Ferol Warouw



This study aims to determine the role of interpersonal communication in improving the performance of principals. The research method is descriptive research to identify the definition of research justified by correlational research methods using the SPPS application. The population in this study was the High School Principal in the city of Manado. Samples were taken 50 randomly by purposive sampling method. The results of the study regarding the form of interpersonal communication resulting from identification found that currently, various forms of interpersonal communication are developing. The tendency of communication leads to the use of internet-based technology. The results of the SPSS test show that there is a positive relationship between Interpersonal Communication and Principal Performance. Based on conclusions and looking at the facts in the field, the form of relationships created can be used as a basis for improving the performance of Middle School Principals through maximization, technology-based interpersonal communication. If the form of interpersonal communication runs, the performance of the principal will increase. The findings of the form of dominant interpersonal communication are carried out using internet smartphone technology accompanied by the Manado dialect as an effective interpersonal communication strategy.


Paper Citation

in Harvard Style

Vonny Opit H. and Warouw F. (2019). Relationship between Interpersonal Communication with School Principal Performance in Disruption Era Study in Manado. In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference of Vocational Higher Education - Volume 1: ICVHE, ISBN 978-989-758-530-2, pages 359-363. DOI: 10.5220/0010685100002967

in Bibtex Style

author={Helena Vonny Opit and Felly Ferol Warouw},
title={Relationship between Interpersonal Communication with School Principal Performance in Disruption Era Study in Manado},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 4th International Conference of Vocational Higher Education - Volume 1: ICVHE,},

in EndNote Style


JO - Proceedings of the 4th International Conference of Vocational Higher Education - Volume 1: ICVHE,
TI - Relationship between Interpersonal Communication with School Principal Performance in Disruption Era Study in Manado
SN - 978-989-758-530-2
AU - Vonny Opit H.
AU - Warouw F.
PY - 2019
SP - 359
EP - 363
DO - 10.5220/0010685100002967