THE SIGNING OF A PROFESSIONAL ATHLETE - Reducing Uncertainty with a Weighted Mean Hemimetric for Φ - Fuzzy Subsets

Julio Rojas-Mora, Jaime Gil-Lafuente



In this paper we present a tool to help reduce the uncertainty presented in the decision-making process associated to the selection and hiring of a professional athlete. A weighted mean hemimetric for Φ-fuzzy subsets with trapezoidal fuzzy numbers (TrFN) as their elements, allows to compare candidates to the "ideal'' player that the technical body of a team believes should be hired.


Paper Citation

in Harvard Style

Rojas-Mora J. and Gil-Lafuente J. (2009). THE SIGNING OF A PROFESSIONAL ATHLETE - Reducing Uncertainty with a Weighted Mean Hemimetric for Φ - Fuzzy Subsets . In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Volume 2: ICEIS, ISBN 978-989-8111-85-2, pages 158-163. DOI: 10.5220/0001986101580163

in Bibtex Style

author={Julio Rojas-Mora and Jaime Gil-Lafuente},
title={THE SIGNING OF A PROFESSIONAL ATHLETE - Reducing Uncertainty with a Weighted Mean Hemimetric for Φ - Fuzzy Subsets},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Volume 2: ICEIS,},

in EndNote Style

JO - Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Volume 2: ICEIS,
TI - THE SIGNING OF A PROFESSIONAL ATHLETE - Reducing Uncertainty with a Weighted Mean Hemimetric for Φ - Fuzzy Subsets
SN - 978-989-8111-85-2
AU - Rojas-Mora J.
AU - Gil-Lafuente J.
PY - 2009
SP - 158
EP - 163
DO - 10.5220/0001986101580163