Microworld-type Ethnoeducational Computer Materials to Support the Teaching of Nasa-Yuwe - Recommendations from a Software Engineering Disciplines Viewpoint for Constructing Microworld-type Ethnoeducational Materials Aimed at Supporting Nasa Yuwe Language Teaching

Luz Marina Sierra, Edinson Alfonso Solarte Camayo, Jorge Armando Villegas, Tulio Rojas Curieux, Erwin Meza Vega



The Nasa indigenous community has been promoting processes for the recovery and revitalization of the Nasa Yuwe language. The language is at risk because the vast majority of the young people in the resguardos use Castilian spanish. To address this problem, several IT-backed initiatives have been put in place with the aim of developing strategies to restore and revitalize Nasa Yuwe. Among these is a combined piece of research, innovation and technological development that seeks to propose a series of recommendations for the construction of microworld educational software to support Nasa Yuwe teaching. The recommendations come from a software engineering disciplines viewpoint. They take account both of specific aspects of educational software development and of characteristics pertaining to the culture and language of the Nasa community, and are expected to contribute significantly to the preparation of ethnoeducational software with the Nasa community. This paper is an important contribution, because it presents a way of use IT in linguistic heritage recovery, since an educational point of view with a high scientific rigor and supports it in the disciplines of software engineering, from which specific guidelines have been generated for the construction of educational software for indigenous communities, contextualized to the worldview and the significant scenarios of nasa culture.


Paper Citation

in Harvard Style

Sierra L., Solarte Camayo E., Villegas J., Rojas Curieux T. and Meza Vega E. (2013). Microworld-type Ethnoeducational Computer Materials to Support the Teaching of Nasa-Yuwe - Recommendations from a Software Engineering Disciplines Viewpoint for Constructing Microworld-type Ethnoeducational Materials Aimed at Supporting Nasa Yuwe Language Teaching . In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Volume 2: ICEIS, ISBN 978-989-8565-60-0, pages 526-531. DOI: 10.5220/0004568905260531

in Bibtex Style

author={Luz Marina Sierra and Edinson Alfonso Solarte Camayo and Jorge Armando Villegas and Tulio Rojas Curieux and Erwin Meza Vega},
title={Microworld-type Ethnoeducational Computer Materials to Support the Teaching of Nasa-Yuwe - Recommendations from a Software Engineering Disciplines Viewpoint for Constructing Microworld-type Ethnoeducational Materials Aimed at Supporting Nasa Yuwe Language Teaching},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Volume 2: ICEIS,},

in EndNote Style

JO - Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Volume 2: ICEIS,
TI - Microworld-type Ethnoeducational Computer Materials to Support the Teaching of Nasa-Yuwe - Recommendations from a Software Engineering Disciplines Viewpoint for Constructing Microworld-type Ethnoeducational Materials Aimed at Supporting Nasa Yuwe Language Teaching
SN - 978-989-8565-60-0
AU - Sierra L.
AU - Solarte Camayo E.
AU - Villegas J.
AU - Rojas Curieux T.
AU - Meza Vega E.
PY - 2013
SP - 526
EP - 531
DO - 10.5220/0004568905260531