Aligning Software Requirements with Strategic Management using Key Performance Indicators: A Case Study for a Telephone Sales Software

Lucas Rodrigues Conceição



Companies are increasingly dependent on tailor-made software to achieve their organizational goals. Much is already known about how to specify a software from an idea or concept, however, predicting the impact of building it on a company's results is still something little studied, and often the impact is measured only after its construction, resulting sometimes in a misuse of resources, compared to the result obtained. This paper presents a way of relating and measuring the impact of software requirements on strategic KPI’s, in order to extract quantitative and qualitative analyses of these relationships, providing relevant information in the decision making process regarding prioritization against business value. Through a case study, it is shown how to use Goal Modelling techniques to extract and relate requirements from the KPI's of a Balanced Scorecard. It is possible to extract, from the described techniques, qualitative and quantitative results that show the impact of each of the requirements on the mapped KPI’s.


Paper Citation

in Harvard Style

Conceição L. (2019). Aligning Software Requirements with Strategic Management using Key Performance Indicators: A Case Study for a Telephone Sales Software.In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Volume 2: ICEIS, ISBN 978-989-758-372-8, pages 205-212. DOI: 10.5220/0007713602050212

in Bibtex Style

author={Lucas Conceição},
title={Aligning Software Requirements with Strategic Management using Key Performance Indicators: A Case Study for a Telephone Sales Software},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Volume 2: ICEIS,},

in EndNote Style


JO - Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Volume 2: ICEIS,
TI - Aligning Software Requirements with Strategic Management using Key Performance Indicators: A Case Study for a Telephone Sales Software
SN - 978-989-758-372-8
AU - Conceição L.
PY - 2019
SP - 205
EP - 212
DO - 10.5220/0007713602050212