Immersive UX: A UX Evaluation Framework for Digital Immersive Experiences in the Context of Entertainment

Franciane Alves, Brenda Aguiar, Vinicius Monteiro, Elizamara Almeida, Leonardo Marques, Bruno Gadelha, Tayana Conte



Digital Immersive Entertainment attracts thousands of people worldwide and can awaken new feelings and sensations in those who experience it. However, there is no standardized way of evaluating User eXperience (UX) and which UX measures should be considered in this context to determine whether the immersive experience was enjoyable and engaging for the audience. After considering how to evaluate the user experience in the context of immersive entertainment, we developed the Immersive UX, a UX evaluation framework considering important UX measures related to the evaluation of the immersive experience. In this sense, we based our framework on evaluating the following UX measures: flow, presence, and engagement. We carried out a study to investigate our framework’s feasibility by using it in a UX evaluation. This study examines how users felt when participating in a simulated cinema experience where they interacted with other people using different systems to support the immersive experience. We observed that our framework was able to capture what users feel when going through a systems-driven experience to support immersion. We were able to investigate users’ expectations and satisfaction, which allowed us to analyze whether the user’s immersive experience guided by digital systems was positive or not.


Paper Citation

in Harvard Style

Alves F., Aguiar B., Monteiro V., Almeida E., Marques L., Gadelha B. and Conte T. (2021). Immersive UX: A UX Evaluation Framework for Digital Immersive Experiences in the Context of Entertainment. In Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Volume 2: ICEIS, ISBN 978-989-758-509-8, pages 541-548. DOI: 10.5220/0010455305410548

in Bibtex Style

author={Franciane Alves and Brenda Aguiar and Vinicius Monteiro and Elizamara Almeida and Leonardo Marques and Bruno Gadelha and Tayana Conte},
title={Immersive UX: A UX Evaluation Framework for Digital Immersive Experiences in the Context of Entertainment},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Volume 2: ICEIS,},

in EndNote Style


JO - Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Volume 2: ICEIS,
TI - Immersive UX: A UX Evaluation Framework for Digital Immersive Experiences in the Context of Entertainment
SN - 978-989-758-509-8
AU - Alves F.
AU - Aguiar B.
AU - Monteiro V.
AU - Almeida E.
AU - Marques L.
AU - Gadelha B.
AU - Conte T.
PY - 2021
SP - 541
EP - 548
DO - 10.5220/0010455305410548