ADAPTIVE REAL-TIME NETWORK MONITORING SYSTEM - Detecting Anomalous Activity with Evolving Connectionist System
Muhammad Fermi Pasha, Rahmat Budiarto, Masashi Yamada
When diagnosing network problems, it is desirable to have a view of the traffic inside the network. This can be achieved by profiling the traffic. A fully profiled traffic can contain significant information of the network’s current state, and can be further used to detect anomalous traffic and manage the network better. Many has addressed problems of profiling network traffic, but unfortunately there are no specific profiles could lasts forever for one particular network, since network traffic characteristic always changes over and over based on the sum of nodes, software that being used, type of access, etc. This paper introduces an online adaptive system using Evolving Connectionist Systems to profile network traffic in continuous manner while at the same time try to detect anomalous activity inside the network in real-time and adapt with changes if necessary. Different from an offline approach, which usually profile network traffic using previously captured data for a certain period of time, an online and adaptive approach can use a shorter period of data capturing and evolve its profile if the characteristic of the network traffic has changed.
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Paper Citation
in Harvard Style
Fermi Pasha M., Budiarto R. and Yamada M. (2005). ADAPTIVE REAL-TIME NETWORK MONITORING SYSTEM - Detecting Anomalous Activity with Evolving Connectionist System . In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on e-Business and Telecommunication Networks - Volume 1: ICETE, ISBN 972-8865-32-5, pages 201-209. DOI: 10.5220/0001410702010209
in Bibtex Style
author={Muhammad Fermi Pasha and Rahmat Budiarto and Masashi Yamada},
title={ADAPTIVE REAL-TIME NETWORK MONITORING SYSTEM - Detecting Anomalous Activity with Evolving Connectionist System},
booktitle={Proceedings of the Second International Conference on e-Business and Telecommunication Networks - Volume 1: ICETE,},
in EndNote Style
JO - Proceedings of the Second International Conference on e-Business and Telecommunication Networks - Volume 1: ICETE,
TI - ADAPTIVE REAL-TIME NETWORK MONITORING SYSTEM - Detecting Anomalous Activity with Evolving Connectionist System
SN - 972-8865-32-5
AU - Fermi Pasha M.
AU - Budiarto R.
AU - Yamada M.
PY - 2005
SP - 201
EP - 209
DO - 10.5220/0001410702010209