500 1000 1500 2000 2500 300
500 1000 1500 2000 2500 300
500 1000 1500 2000 2500 300
Figure 8: Activities of the applied global behaviors by the
time in
depends on the amount of objects inside of the rooms
and the number of narrow passages that slow the robot
In reality this exploration strategy could not be
tested as good as in simulation. The reason for that is
the limited possibility to detect the walls of rooms, if
the sight to them is disturbed by objects on the floor.
Therefore the real experiments have taken place in-
side an empty corridor similar to the one inside of
the simulation. For these exploration runs only the
local strategies excluding the door driving behavior
have been used because of the limitations which are
linked to mapping problems. Separately the other be-
haviors like
Path Tracker
or the
Local Door Driving
have been tested as well and promise good results for
global exploration in reality.
Figure 9: Autonomously explored simulated environment
with navigation graph.
This paper introduced a hierarchical behavior-based
exploration system. Three main components are
shown and validated in simulated and real experi-
ments: The
Local Exploration
to explore the current
region, a
Path Tracker
behavior for navigation tasks
and a
Global Observer
to fulfill a global strategy.
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ment of the room recognition methods and the inte-
gration of more sensors. Furthermore the mapping
itself could be upgraded by integrating new map ob-
jects. At last additional exploration behaviors will fol-
low that utilize sensors like microphones, cameras or
ultrasonic sensors.
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