contrast, the cork texture entropy, and the biggest
size defect in the cork stopper/disk.
Later, and with these results, an analysis of
different possible classifiers has been made. The
studied classifiers have been a Back-Propagation
neural network, the K-means classification
algorithm, a K-nearest neighbours classifier and the
minimum Euclidean distances classification
algorithm. In this paper we evaluate all these
classification algorithms with the purpose of
knowing which of them is the most appropriate for
our application environment.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows:
section 2 describes briefly the tools and the data
used for the development of our experiments. In
section 3, we present the features used by the
classifiers. Then, section 4 shows the theoretical
bases for the analysis we have made and other
important details. Finally, section 5 presents the final
results statistical evaluation for each classifier, while
section 6 exposes the conclusions and future work.
At present, the computer vision system we use to
acquire the cork stopper/disk images is formed by
the elements shown in figure 1: the host (a Pentium
processor), a colour Sony camera (SSC-DC338P
model), the illumination source (fluorescent-light
ring of high frequency -25 KHz- of StockerYale),
and a METEOR 2/4 frame-grabber of Matrox, with
the software required for the image acquisition
(MIL-Lite libraries of Matrox).
Figure 1: Computer vision system.
On the other hand, the database used in our
experiments consists in 700 images taken from 350
cork disks (we have taken two images of each disk,
for both heads). There are seven different quality
classes, 50 disks in each class. The initial
classification, in which this study is based on, has
been made by a human expert from ASECOR (in
Spanish: “Agrupación Sanvicenteña de Empresarios
del CORcho”, in English: “Cork Company Group
from San Vicente-Extremadura”). We suppose this
classification is optimal/perfect and we want to
know which classifier obtains the most similar
classification results.
In order to develop our classifiers study, different
feature extraction methods were analysed:
thresholding techniques, statistical texture analysis,
Regarding automatic thresholding, we carried
out a study of global and local thresholding
techniques (Sonka, 1998) (Sahoo, 1988). The
objective was to extract the defect area from the cork
area, thus being able to extract the percentage of the
cork area occupied by defects (an important feature
in cork quality discrimination). 11 global
thresholding methods were studied: static
thresholding, min-max method, maximum average
method, Otsu method, slope method, histogram
concavity analysis method, first Pun method, second
Pun method, Kapur-Sahoo-Wong method,
Johannsen-Bille method and moment-preserving
method. In general, global thresholding methods are
very limited in our problem. For a good global
thresholding we need bimodal histograms, and the
results obtained with unimodal histograms have
been quite bad. These methods are suitable for the
cork stopper/disk area extraction from the image
background. In this situation we can find that all
conditions for a good operation are fulfilled, but they
are not suitable for the defect area extraction from
the cork area. As for local thresholding, two
methods have been studied: statistical thresholding
method and Chow-Kaneko method. The local
thresholding methods have been more suitable than
the global methods for the solution of our problem.
This has been due to they are able to find better
thresholds in unimodal histograms. Nevertheless, the
increase of the computational cost can make them
unsuitable for our problem. Taking into account all
these considerations, the best of all these methods
applied to our problem was static thresholding
method with a heuristically fixed threshold in the
gray level 69.
With regard to texture analysis (Haralick, 1973)
(Shah, 2004), two main methods have been studied,
both based on statistical texture analysis. The first
was a method based on simple co-occurrence
matrices and another was a method based on
rotation-robust normalized co-occurrence matrices.
Furthermore, we have studied nine quality
discriminators (textural features) for each method:
energy, contrast, homogeneity, entropy, inverse
difference moment, correlation, cluster shade,
cluster prominence and maximum probability. The