Radek Kuchta, Radimir Vrba
Department of Microelectronics, Brno University of Technology, Udolni 53, 602 00 Brno, Czech Republic
Keywords: Neural network, waste-water, DSP, PCA.
Abstract: This paper presents modern method of using neural network for waste-water recognition by using sensor
array. Each sensor in sensor array detects chemicals in waste-water with different sensitivity. Set of
measured data is digitized and recognized by a neural network. Measuring process doesn’t need any human
operator. The result gives the only information: contaminated or not contaminated.
Many Internet service providers and online services
require you to manually enter information, such as
your user name and password, to establish a
connection. With Scripting support for Dial-Up
Networking, you can write a script to automate this
Many manufacturing companies and manufacturing
plants produce a lot of impure waste-water. This
water is processed thru sewerage plant and after
cleaning it is delivered to the wide open space. It is
necessary to test quality regularly for quality
assurance. It is possible to use different methods of a
chemical analysis for these tests. The price and
necessity of human operators are the main
The main motivation for sensor array based devices
developed is to design low cost, precise, mobile
devices for reproducibility of analyzing of impure
waste-water in real-time mode. These devices are
produced for classification and recognition of
liquids, gasses, foods and other substances.
In many applications for chemical sensors,
information can be gathered not only from a steady-
state value of a sensor response, but also from the
kinetics of response. However, using steady-state
sensor value to classify different mixture liquid
chemicals results in losing of a great deal of
information in the sensor signal.
The main function of these devices is to identify and
quantify structure of chemicals. The system consists
of the array of electrochemical sensors. This array
contains sensors of various types. Each sensor
detects more than one chemical, some of them with
higher sensitivity, and some others with lower
sensitivity, depending on individual sensor
characteristics. Sensors are fixed in a temperature
stabilized vessel filled with measured liquid mixture.
Sensor response is digitized by an AD converter.
There are another temperature and humidity sensors
located in gas chamber, too. The set o digitized data
is forwarded to the bus-connected computer for final
recognition and analysis.
To recognize all chemicals of waste-water, it is
necessary to make analyses of all measured data. It
is possible to exploit several methods to reach
analyzed results. One of these methods is to extract
the main measured curve parameters by hand. Four
fundamental curve parameters (Vernat-Rossi, et al.,
1996) are depicted in Figure. 1: kmax for maximum
slope, max for maximum value, sr30 for the
response on time 30 s and mean for average value of
the whole set of points. This method is not much
competent, because the target is to design an
autonomous system, which works without operator’s
Kuchta R. and Vrba R. (2006).
In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics, pages 199-202
DOI: 10.5220/0001208201990202