Restore a power system means to determine the best
form to guide the system from a state where its
integrity is harmed, after serious contingencies, to
another where priority loads are supplied and
operative limits are respected. This problem is
multistage, being the objective in each stage the
reestablishment of the service to a group of priority
loads. The main constraint is the time gap where
consumers are without energy. The restoration
process is complex, even in its static aspect, because
the high number of involved factors. In these factors
we can list the identification and scheduling of the
available resources of power generation, the
available equipment to be reconnected and the
operative limits of all the equipments installed in a
In this work, the presented method starts in the
point where the electric system (or part of it) is in
blackout. Events that had carried the system for the
restorative state are not analyzed. In each stage of
the process, the priority loads and the equipment in
conditions to be used for the restoration are known.
2.1 Treatment of Disconnected
In the course of a blackout, the separation of the
system in diverse subsystems (islands) is frequent
due to loss of interconnections. To treat
disconnected systems in this work a fictitious
(dummy) network is used, in a procedure described
previously for electric transmission expansion
planning - Monticelli et al. (1982). In this procedure,
each out of operation branch of the system is
substituted by a fictitious branch with artificially
high impedance. The analyzed network is therefore
always connected (not having singulars matrices in
the solutions of type Ax = b) allowing the
verification of pathways with power flow need.
2.2 Alternative Model of Linearized
Power Flow (DCLF*)
In the PSR, an early problem is to determine which
generator (or generators) will be used to supply the
priority loads. The problem is more critical in the
beginning of the process, when diverse generators
may need to attend a few loads. To prevent a large
optimization problem (generation scheduling) in this
stage, a new model of linearized power flow was
developed. This model automatically determines the
generators near to loads and assigns the requested
power to each generator. As it will be seen ahead,
possible operation limits breakings are treated after.
The detailed electrical description of this model is
out of the scope of this work, but basically, the joint
use of the new model of linearized power flow with
fictitious network allow the work with disconnected
systems and also the verification of the power flows
in the fictitious branches. Thus, we can decide on the
necessity of the reconnection of an equipment, like it
will be seen forward.
The solution for each problem stage is obtained
through two main phases. The equipments that can
be returned to operation and loads to be restored are
defined in each stage. Each phase is described in a
summarized way below.
Phase I – DC Problem
It determines which branches have to be
reconnected to consider the active aspect of the
problem. This Phase is composed of 2 steps.
I.1. Determine branches to be reconnected using the
fictitious network and the alternative model of
power flow described in the previous section. A
DCLF* is performed after and the more loaded
fictitious branch is reconnected (when a branch is
reconnected the fictitious parameters are substituted
by the real ones) until there is no more considerable
flow in the fictitious network - see Figure 1.
Figure 1: Simplified vision of the step I.1.
I.2. If there are limit violations in the injections of
the generators or in the branches flows after the I.1
step is finished, a Linear Programming model
(LPM) is performed and, if necessary, new branches
are reconnected. The load cut is not allowed in this
phase, aiming at the integral supply of priority loads,
so the LPM calculation may not be possible. In this
case, the most loaded branch in the last solution of
DCLF* is successively relocated and a new LPM is
executed. When the LPM presents a solution, the