Figure 1: Multisensory model of posture control (from [3], slightly modified). The inset defines the ‘PHYSICS’ part of the
model (left) in terms of an ‘inverted pendulum body’ (one segment for head, trunk, and legs) that pivots about the ankle
joint on a potentially rotating platform (axis through the ankle joint). Pull on the body yields an ‘external torque’ stimulus
acting on the body, which indirectly adds to the ‘muscle torque’ at the ankel joint. FS, foot-in-space angle (resulting from
platform tilt); FB, foot-to-body angle (equal to -BF); BS, body-in-space angle). Box BIOM (for biomechanics) represents
the transformation of FB into ankle torque (in the present case passive viscous–elastic properties are assumed to be very
small as compared to external and muscle torques). Subjects’ anthropometric parameters are contained in the box ‘BODY
INERTIA, GRAVITY’. Dashed lines represent torque and solid lines angles. All delays in the system are represented as one
dead time (Δt). Ankle torque leads to a shift of the COP (box COP). The ‘SUBJECT’ part of the model (on the right)
establishes internal representations of the external stimuli (torque from gravitational and external pull on the body, and FS
angle), which are fed as set point signals, together with a voluntary signal (VOLUNT. LEAN), into a local proprioceptive
negative feedback loop for body-on-support control (loop indicated by thin arrows). PROP, proprioceptive sensor; VEST,
vestibular sensors (consisting of canal and otolith parts); SOMAT, plantar pressure cue (‘somatosensory graviceptor’; low-
pass frequency characteristics, corner frequency 0.8 Hz); somat’, internal model of SOMAT; bf, bs, and fs, internal
representations of BF, BS and FS, respectively; g, otolith-derived internal estimate of gravitational pull (g’, somatosensory
derived version of g); p, internal estimate of external pull; T1, T2, and T’, detection thresholds; G1–G4, gain of set point
signals (on the order of 0.7–0.9; held constant for all simulations of the results of normals).
causes of known abnormalities. This includes the
identification of sensory systems and components,
the sensor fusion process, the control architecture
and subsystem, and the actuators. Recently, there
has been an effort in quantizing this medical
knowledge (or theories) in terms of a mathematical
description (van der Kooij, 2001). It is evident that
the aim of these studies is not to design but to
analyze and understand the behavior of the system.
The behavioral scenario should not only comprise
small body excursions but also volitional action
(voluntary body lean) in the presence of external
perturbations (force field, gravity; contact force, pull
on the body; motion of support surface, platform tilt).
Superposition of all external perturbations should be
allowed where stable performance is still anticipated.
A multisensory posture control model that
demonstrates a nonlinear sensor fusion strategy
(with some thresholds) and a PID controller (with
saturation and time delay) is proposed by Mergner et
al. (Mergner, 2003). Fig. 1 shows the whole
architecture. In this model, three sensory systems are
used; gains, time delay, and thresholds are derived
from medical evidence. As to the model in its
original form, neither the architecture (structure) nor
the parameters were derived using any mathematical
model or by any modern control theory technique.
Yet, simulation results obtained by employing the
model explained the medical observations including
abnormalities in patients.
To avoid the difficulty in comparing simulation
results with clinical results, a humanoid robot is
pioneered (Fig. 2); it is built for the special purpose
of addressing the posture control question. Its
structure, dimensions, and parameters are selected in
accordance with those known for human postural