rithm stops and we must re-iniatilize the procedure by
a re-projection of fiducials on the current image using
the previous image homography.
Figure 9: Robust fiducial tracking.
In this paper, we were interested to robust and real
time tracking of fiducials in AR applications. We used
bar-coded object targets in order to identify fiducials
in images and extract their feature points. Thereafter,
we established the existing relationship between the
perspective model of camera, and we used 2 pose es-
timators which are the EKF and OI algorithm to de-
temine the right location of fiducials in the image. The
performance of OI algorithm were clearly better than
the EKF algorithm in term of errors and time execu-
tion. These performances justified throughly the use
of OI algorithm for the experiments, knowing that the
OI algorithm was initialized by pose parameters com-
puted by an analytic pose estimator.
We initially proposed an algorithm of feature points
tracking for a real time sequence of images based on
the object identification and pose computation. We
showed how to extend this method and make it robust
in the case of partial or total occlusion of the target by
using another algorithm based on RANSAC estima-
The obtained tracking results were precise, robust
and showed the validity of the used approach.
As perspective we will combine the camera with
an inertial measurement unit in order to locate this
hybrid system when the two target objects are com-
pletely occulted.
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