Table 4. Verification results with the PolyU Palmprint Database and 25 users as clients and 75
as impostors. (FP=False Positive.FN=False Negative.ER=Error Rate.THRES=Threshold).
w v FP (%) FN (%)
11 8 7.626667 1.333333 4.480000 0.083901
15 8 2.320000 1.333333
1.826667 0.120001
19 8 0.373333 0.000000
0.186667 0.184003
11 10 1.902222 9.333333 5.617778 0.111901
15 10 2.844444 0.000000
1.422222 0.112001
19 10 1.244444 0.000000
0.622222 0.144002
11 12 4.017778 5.333333 4.675556 0.092001
15 12 1.751111 2.666667
2.208889 0.120001
19 12 0.951111 0.000000
0.475556 0.144002
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