determined (i.e., from topological information alone). Moreover, the technology of the
position acquisition system which does not need a global system is realizable. We now
formally describe the coverage of a device. And parameters which used in this paper
are defined below. We use the notation dist (p1; p2) to denote the Euclidean distance
between two points p1 and p2.
3.1 Definition
Definition 1 The communication range of a robot agent RA with planar coordinates
(x ,y) and sensing range R (which is graphically explained in Figure ??) is a disk with
center ( x, y)and radius R. R is the greatest range with which each robot can commu-
nicate. A robot determines the division which he should patrol within the limits of this
area. Moreover, in order that he may not separate with other robots completely, the
guarantee other robots are within the limits of this periodically is required.
Definition 2 The base position VP (voronoi position) of each robot agent on the field is
held for every robot agent, and determines a search area by VP. That is, each robot agent
collects the bases of other agents within the communication limits = R, and calculates
a search area using Voronoi Diagram. Each robot changes each base by negotiation.
Definition 3 The search area VA (voronoi area) of each robot agent on the field is
calculated by itself, and holds it. A robot searches by moving the inside of this area.
Moreover, a robot holds the information on the obstacle of the range which searched
once. Each robot determines this area using Voronoi Diagram from VP of each robot of
his communication within the limits.
Definition 4 Each agent has the obstacle information OI, and this information is up-
dated as it develops the field. By using this information, each agent calculates ignore
area ID dynamically so that its area in its duty may not be divided. That is, in this
agent’s ID, other agents calculate VA as if this agent did not exist. An agent can de-
termine ID for every renewal of obstacle information without other agents information.
With our algorithm, only from other agents’ VP and ID, each agent can predict other
agents’ VA and can determine his VA. Since each agent does not need to re-calculate
VP and ID for every request from other agents, he can hold down the amount of com-
munications to minimum.
Definition 5 VP changes with negotiations between each agent. A robot moves simi-
larly to change of VP until each robot agent’s VA is decided. That is, VP cannot change
by the width of the velocity VEL more than a robot’s top velocity. Therefore, the high-
est of the VEL of VP is restricted by MAXVEL (max velocity).And we define the move
vector of VP in one step as VVECTOR.
Definition 6 An EVALUATION VALUE is used in the case of VVECTOR determination.
Since each agent calculates VVECTOR based on the EVALUATION VALUE acquired
from other agents, an EVALUATION VALUE can interfere in other agents’ action. In
other words, negotiation is performed through an EVALUATION VALUE.