Martin Hash, Robert Hiromoto, Scott Harrison
University of Idaho, Dept. of Computer Science
Keywords: 3D Character Animation, Internet streaming.
Abstract: In applications where it is imperative that an event occur at a specified time but the data loading
requirements cannot be met before the event trigger, like animation distributed over the Internet, it seems
appropriate to send the most important data first so that the user at least receives the gist of the information
before the application moves on. We offer a framework of graceful degradation of 3D character animation,
such that the story narrative is maintained even if data transmission rates are erratic.
Delivering data intended to be displayed as a
continuous animation over a constricted
transmission channel like the Internet may cause
hesitation, which usually degrades the visual
narrative. We suggest ways to maintain temporal
integrity without perceived loss of information. This
is accomplished by predictive preloading the data,
and the strategic elimination of low-priority objects.
We use heuristics that categorize data by
desirability. Algorithmic liturgies then rank objects
by importance to determine a precedence list (Hash,
The richness of a 3D rendered scene can be
measured by how populated it is and how detailed
the objects are. The ideal, of course, is to completely
deliver the creator’s intended vision, but if that is not
possible due to a technical consideration such as
constricted bandwidth, then our goal is to degrade
gracefully, which means that the parts of the scene
that are eliminated are not important to the viewer’s
perception of the story. An example might be two
characters conversing in a room that contains
furniture and windows to the outside. Gracefully
degrading the scene, perhaps the outside scenery
could be dropped first, followed by the furniture in
the room, and finally the room itself, leaving only
the two characters and their dialog to maintain the
2.1 Precedence
The two values that determine how much of a scene
is visible to the viewer are precedence and load time.
Precedence can be determined by performing an
examination of the data files that describe the
animation. Due to the vagaries of Internet
transmission, load time can only be roughly
estimated by dividing the file size by the predicted
data transfer rate. The goal is to minimize the
hesitation, or lag, between scenes. There have been
extensive studies of how much lag a typical viewer
can be expected to tolerate. Viewers become highly
critical if the lag reaches a 200-300 ms threshold
(DeFanti, 1999).
2.2 Trigger
3D character animation is linearly temporal,
meaning it is driven by a clock and events are
triggered at prespecified times. Since most
animations have varying data load requirements over
time, it becomes necessary to smooth out the
demand. The temporal trigger of 3D character
animation is the beginning of a scene. Once the
trigger has occurred, only the data that has been
loaded will be displayed, and data needed for the
next scene will begin loading. File size is the
overriding metric, both in respect to transmission
bandwidth and storage size. The list of objects is
Hash M., Hiromoto R. and Harrison S. (2006).
In Proceedings of WEBIST 2006 - Second International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies - Internet Technology / Web
Interface and Applications, pages 457-460
DOI: 10.5220/0001237004570460
ordered by the precedence determined using the
concept of importance.
2.3 Definitions
A model is the visual manifestation of a 3D object.
Actions specify movement of the models. Models
can be further detailed with pictures called images.
The choreography describes the temporal
relationship of these objects to the story and each
other, plus includes ancillary objects, such as
cameras and lights. A project contains all of the
choreographies, and displays them in linear order to
create the story narrative. The most important part of
the story is the sound, followed by the models
(without images on them), and finally the images
that go on the models. A first pass of the project file
is performed to identify the models, the actions, the
file sizes, and the temporal requirements within the
choreography, so that importance can be assigned.
2.4 Object Importance
A model is comprised of many components, such as
file size, number of matrices, and actions that are
used, but a detailed inspection of over one hundred
models indicates that only a few shared components
actually indicate importance. After implementing a
simple method of parsing files and counting a
variety of components, we found the determination
of model importance needs to incorporate these
Models with many actions have increased
The number of occurrences of a model in the
scene increases its importance.
Images on a model increase its importance.
Again, through inspection, actions had very few
components that contributed to importance.
Determining action importance needs to incorporate
the following elements:
The number of times an action is used increases
its importance.
Non-reusable actions, called chor
(choreography) actions, have increased
importance because they contain the default
placement of an object in a scene.
Images used on models are subjugate to the
model’s precedence, meaning images from higher
ranking models are all loaded before the next
ranking model’s images begin loading. Other than
that, images precedence is determined by what is
most visible on a model. Determining image
importance should include:
“Color” images have more importance than any
other type.
Images used multiple times have more
2.4.1 Weights
Choreographies are parsed to obtain every loadable
object and its relationship to other objects. Using the
importance criteria above, we describe heuristics
that determine precedence ranking among the
The primary sound is identified as the one with
the largest file size, and since it is preeminent, it is
always loaded first and has no numerical weight.
However, ancillary sounds (ranked by decreasing
file size) may be outranked by high-ranking models
and so must have some weight assigned to them. We
will describe the model weight determining heuristic
Models should be loaded by rank, where rank is
determined by the sum of the weights of the
components of the model. As a simple
implementation, the components that comprise the
weights are given unit values. For example, every
action used on a model increases its weight by 1, but
if a model is used more than once, it only gets 1
additional unit (no matter how many times it is
used), and if the model has images on it, the weight
is also incremented by only 1 (regardless of the
number of images). All the models in the scene are
weighted in this manner and ranked in descending
Actions should also be loaded by rank, where
rank is determined by the sum of the weights
assigned via our approach. If an action is used more
than once, it should have more weight, so one unit is
added. The action that places the model in the scene,
called a chor, seems to be very important in practical
implementation, so to distinguish a chor action as
the most important action, it receives a weight of
three, which is one more than a multiply used action.
Images should be loaded last, by rank and in
model order. After our inspection there seemed to be
no contributory component of images that affected
weighting other than the logical deduction that an
image used more than once was more efficient as to
load time.
Table 1 summarizes our deduced loading order
and weights of the models and actions contained in
five example choreographies.
Table 1: Weighting.
Object Weight Order
Choreography 1st
Largest 2nd
Ancillary 10
Multiple use +1
Model 3rd
Actions 1 each
Chor Actions 3 each
Multiple use +1
Image +1
Action 4th
Chor Action 3
Multiple use +1
Image 5th
Multiple use +1
2.5 Experiments
In our example choreographies, models essential to
the story indeed had the most weight. Optimal
weightings are difficult to define because of their
coarse granularity; however, this is acceptable
because in our cases of two similarly weighted
models, no differentiation was possible because both
models were equally important to the story narrative.
No unjustified weightings occurred in our examples
but pathological cases could easily be imagined. For
example, a highly articulated model with lots of
individual actions could outweigh an essential
model, and it becomes difficult to distinguish
essential models when there are many similarly
weighted models to choose from.
2.6 Precedence List
From the heuristics described above, the Precedence
list like that shown in Table 2 was created for each
choreography. “Size” is in bytes, and “Play Time” is
in milliseconds. The values without units are simple
counts described by their respective headings.
Preload time is the loading that occurs before the
playback begins. Preload time is determined by
accumulating sequential, non-zero choreography
wait times, where:
hychoreograpnandwaitplayWhere =
Table 2: Sample precedence list (truncated).
Choreography Size Play Time
Frog and Butterfly* 5000 20000
Size Uses
Power of Juju 169937 1
Images Size Uses Actions Rank
Tak 274 207462 1 19 27
Size Uses Weight Rank
chor action 1172 1 3 3
show hand bones 1964 2 1 2
tongue roll 41 1 1 1
tongue curl 1915 1 1 1
oval eyes 327 1 1 1
hair control 61458 1 1 1
feather 3583 1 1 1
*Only bold-faced items are actually included in the project as part of the Precedence list.
The largest accumulation is the preload time. For
example, in Table 3a, the sum of the wait times for
the “Toys” and “Frog” choreographies is less than
the wait time for the “Juju” choreography, therefore
the wait time for the “Juju” choreography is the
preload time. Table 3b is an example of how a
simple reordering of the choreography play
sequence results in a large variation in preload time.
Table 3b is an example of how a simple
reordering of the choreography play sequence results
in a large variation in preload time.
Table 3: Example preload times: a), b).
Name Size (KB) Play (S) Load (S) Wait (S)*
Toys 1038.8 9.4 6.93 6.93
Frog 2408.3 20.0 16.06 6.66
Dance 885.4 5.8 5.90 0
Juju 13922.3 286.0 92.85 72.95
Drive 1279.1 87.0 8.53 0
Preload Time a): 72.95 S
*Effective Internet transfer rate of 1.5 Mbits/second
Name Size (KB) Play (S) Load (S) Wait (S)*
Toys 1038.8 9.4 6.93 6.93
Juju 13922.3 286.0 92.85 83.45
Dance 885.4 5.8 5.90 0
Drive 1279.1 87.0 8.53 0
Frog 2408.3 20.0 16.06 0
Preload Time b): 90.38 S
In the case where there is not adequate load time
available, which could occur due to a lowering of
the effective Internet transmission rate during play
time, the Precedence list determines what is
truncated. Another important consideration that is
taken into account by the preload calculation is that
in later choreographies many of the objects are
already available: these objects are assumed loaded,
and will not contribute to the preload time
Though our evaluation is equally applicable to all
kinds of networks, the constricted transmission
bandwidth of the Internet most notably benefits from
the concepts of preloading and Precedence lists. As
technology improves, transmission bandwidth will
increase but it has been our experience that the
demands placed on the medium by the viewer’s
expectations will similarly increase, so these
strategies will remain relevant.
Hash, M., 2004. “Preloading and Precedence Lists For
Smooth Playback Of 3D Character Animation On The
Internet”, Quality of Service in Heterogeneous
Wired/Wireless Networks IEEE Qshine.
DeFanti, T., Stevens R., 1999. The Grid: Blueprint for a
New Computing Infrastructure, edited by Ian Foster
and Carl Kesselman, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers,
Inc. 131-155.