Ioannis Antonellis, Christos Bouras, Vassilis Poulopoulos, Anastasios Zouzias
Research Academic Computer Technology Institute, N. Kazantzaki, University Campus,
GR-26500, Rio Patras, Greece
Computer Engineering and Informatics Department,
University of Patras
GR-26500, Patras, Greece
Keywords: Scalable text classification, scalability, text decomposition, term-by-sentences matrix, web personalization.
Abstract: We explore scalability issues of the text classification problem where using (multi)labeled training
documents we try to build classifiers that assign documents into classes permitting classification in multiple
classes. A new class of classification problems, called ‘scalable’ is introduced that models many problems
from the area of Web mining. The property of scalability is defined as the ability of a classifier to adjust
classification results on a ‘per-user’ basis. Furthermore, we investigate on different ways to interpret
personalization of classification results by analyzing well known text datasets and exploring existent
classifiers. We present solutions for the scalable classification problem based on standard classification
techniques and present an algorithm that relies on the semantic analysis using document decomposition into
its sentences. Experimental results concerning the scalability property and the performance of these
algorithms are provided using the 20newsgroup dataset and a dataset consisting of web news.
Text classification (categorization) is the procedure
of assigning a category label to documents. In
tradition, decision about the label assignment is
based on information gained by using a set of pre-
classified text documents in order to build the
classification function. So far, many different
classification techniques have been proposed by
researchers, e.g. naïve Bayesian method, support
vector machines (SVM), Rocchio classifier
(Rocchio, 1971) (vector space representation),
decision trees, neural networks and many others
(Yang et al., 1999).
However, depending on the selection of specific
parameters of classification procedure, there exist
different variations of the problem. Concerning
training data, we can have labeled data for all
existing categories or only positive and unlabeled
examples. Training documents can also be multi-
labeled, that is some documents may have been
assigned many labels. Correspondingly,
classification of new documents may vary from the
assignment of a simple category label per document
to many different labels as we can permit multi-label
classification. Finally, definition of the categories
may be statically initialized from the set of labels
that training documents define, or we may want to
define new categories ‘on-the-fly’ or even delete
some others.
Text classification procedures can find
applications on many different research areas.
Traditionally, text segmentation and summarization
techniques share a lot with text categorization, as
well as recent advances (Kumatan et al., 2004) in
topic event detection techniques (TDT) indicate that
performance of new event detection (NED) can be
improved by the use of text classification
techniques. Standard text classifiers are also the
kernel of many web-mining techniques that mostly
deal with structured or semi-structured text data. In
this case, classifiers are further enhanced in order to
exploit information about the structure of the
documents and refine results.
In this paper, we introduce a new class of
classification problems, called scalable, that can be
seen as a formal definition of different, existing
classification problems under a unified, general
formalism. However, it addresses new issues in the
classification procedure, such as the definition of
different similarity classes. Such an approach, can
Antonellis I., Bouras C., Poulopoulos V. and Zouzias A. (2006).
In Proceedings of WEBIST 2006 - Second International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies - Internet Technology / Web
Interface and Applications, pages 408-413
DOI: 10.5220/0001240904080413
properly formalize many classification problems that
derive from web mining problems such as page
ranking algorithms, personalization of search results
and many others; for possible applications see
(Antonellis et al. 2005). Although, we can build
trivial solutions for this problem using existing
classification techniques, we study a specific
technique that exploits the semantic information that
derives from the decomposition of training
documents into their sentences. Such a semantic
analysis shares a lot with passage-based retrieval
techniques (Salton et al, 1996), (Hearst et al., 1993)
that further decompose a large text document in
order to identify text segments and text themes so as
to improve accuracy of information retrieval queries.
It is also connected with already proposed phrase-
based document indexing techniques (Hammouda et
al., 2004) as an alternative to single-word analysis
that the simple Vector Space Model provides.
The rest of paper is organized as follows. In
Section 2 the definition of the Scalable
Classification Problem is presented, along with an
intuitive description of possible applications. In
Section 3, we study the 20newsgroup dataset
applying a new text analysis technique so as to
specify logical interpretation of the ‘user-specific’
classification. Subsequently, different solutions for
the problem are described that base upon the
reduction of the problem into multiple standard
binary classification problems. Section 5 describes
our Scalable Classification Algorithm that derives
from spectral decomposition of the training
documents into the vector representation of their
sentences. Experimental evaluation of the algorithm
is given in Section 6, using two different datasets.
Finally, we summarize our results and address future
Traditional text classification is the task of assigning
a Boolean value to each pair
dc DC〈〉×
, where
is a domain of documents and
{, , }
Cc c=
is a
set of predefined categories. More formally, we have
the following definition (Sebastiani, 2002):
Cc c=
be a set of predefined categories and
a growing set of documents. A standard
text classifier is an approximation function
DCΦ= × →
of the function
DCΦ= × →
describes how documents ought to be classified.
Looking further into the definition, it is easy to
see that most parameters of the problem are static.
Definition of the categories relies only on the initial
set that training, labeled documents specify and
cannot be further expanded or limited. Moreover,
definition of a specific category relies only on
information that training documents provide.
Classification function is specified by the
minimization of an effectiveness measure
(Sebastiani, 2002) that shows how much functions
‘coincide’. In tradition, this measure relies
on the precision and recall, or other effectiveness
measures that combine these values (e.g. micro-
averaging and macro-averaging). It is then obvious
that depending on the measure we choose, resulting
classifiers defer. However, we can argue that
classification procedure still remains static, that is,
given a classifier and a specific document, whenever
we try to apply the classifier to that document,
classification result will remain the same (by
Web mining techniques that capture user-profile
information in order to improve end-user results,
many times come up with text classification
problems. However, characteristics of these text
classification problems involve dynamic changes of
Web users’ behaviour and ‘on-the-fly’ definition of
the category topics.
Consider, for example, the text article of Figure 1
and Web users A and B. A is a journalist that looks
for information about Linux in order to write an
article about open source software in general, while
B is an experienced system administrator looking
instructions on installing OpenBSD 3.6.
It's official: OpenBSD 3.7 has been released. There are oodles of
new features, including tons of new and improved wireless drivers
(covered here previously), new ports for the Sharp Zaurus and SGI,
improvements to OpenSSH, OpenBGPD, OpenNTPD, CARP, PF, a new
OSPF daemon, new functionality for the already-excellent ports &
packages system, and lots more. As always, please support the
project if you can by buying CDs and t-shirts, or grab the goodness
from your local mirror.
Figure 1: Example news article.
A well-trained standard classification system
would then provide the above document to both
users, as it is clearly related to open source software
and to OpenBSD operating system. However, it is
obvious that although user A would need such a
decision, it is useless for user B to come across this
Trying to investigate the cause of user’s B
disappointment, we see that standard text
classification systems lack the ability to provide
‘per-user’ results. However, a user’s knowledge of a
topic should be taken into account while providing
him with the results. It is more possible that a user
who is aware of a category (e.g. user B knows a lot
about Linux) would need less and more precise
results, while non-expert users (such as the
journalist) will be satisfied with a variety of results.
Scalable text classification problem can be seen
as a variant of classical classification where many
similarity classes are introduced and permit
different, multi-label classification results depending
on the similarity class.
Cc c=
a set of growing set of categories and
a growing set of documents. A scalable
text classifier is a function
DCΦ= × →
introduces p different similarity classes.
It follows from Definition 2 that given an initial
test set of k training data (text documents) TrD =
, trd
, …, trd
} already classified into m
specific, training categories from a well-defined
domain TrC = {trc
, trc
, …, trc
}, the scalable text
classifier is a function that not only maps new text
documents to a member of the TrC set using the
training data information but also: (a) defines p
similarity classes and p corresponding similarity
functions that map a document into a specific
category c. Similarity classes can be seen as
different ways to interpret the general meaning
(concept) of a text document. (b) Permits the
classification of each document into different
categories depending on the similarity class that is
used. (c) Permits the definition of new members and
the erasure of existing ones from the categories set.
That means that the initial set TrC could be
transformed into a newly defined set C with or
without all the original members, as well as new
When trying to interpret ‘per-user’ classification
results as a way to provide user with results that
match his expertise-familiarity of a topic, we need to
be full aware of the topics that a document includes.
However, using the simple vector space
representation of the text, the more we can do is treat
each term as a different topic resulting on a Boolean-
like schema. Below, we study a specific
decomposition of text documents that enables us
identify further subtopics of a document. The
document vector is decomposed into the vector
representation of its sentences, revealing further
subtopics. In fact, using the 20newsgroup dataset we
used this decomposition to compute the cosine
similarities of each sentence of a document with the
different category vectors of the dataset. The
corresponding results prove that this technique can
be used in order to construct scalable classifiers.
Scalability of these classifiers can be achieved by
varying the number of sentence vectors that we
demand to be close to the category vector.
We study decomposition of document vectors
into further components. Having the vector space
representation of a document, it is clear that we have
no information on how such a vector has been
constructed, as it can be decomposed in unlimited
ways into a number of components. Therefore we
lose information regarding the subtopics and the
structure of the documents. However, property of
scalability demands to have a picture of the
subtopics that a document includes. As an
alternative, we propose to decompose every
document into the components that represent its
sentences and use this decomposition while making
decision on the classification. We therefore have the
following definition of the document decomposition
into its sentences:
,, ,
dvv v=
the vector
representation of a document
. A document
decomposition into its sentences is a decomposition of
of the form
dss s=+++
, where
is a vector
,, ,
vv v
representing k-th sentence of document
To explore document decomposition into
sentences we used the 20 newsgroup dataset, a
collection of articles of 20 newsgroups. Each
category contains 1000 articles. In order to evaluate
the similarity values between different category
vectors we used the standard cosine metric (Jones et
al. 1987) Using this dataset, we computed for each
category the cosine similarities of the sentence
vectors with the category vector. Figure 3 presents
these results for three different categories. The basic
results can be summarized as:
Categories with general topic (like
alt.atheism or soc.religion.christian) have a dense
uniform allocation of similarities in the range [0-0.1]
and a sparse uniform allocation in the range [0.1 –
Well structured categories seem to be
indicated from a uniform sentence vs. category
similarity chart.
Trying to investigate on an easy way to identify
general categories, non-well structured categories
seem to reside on ‘term to sentence’ matrices that
have a blocked structure. Figure 3 provides a
visualization of the matrix elements of the ‘term to
sentence’ matrix where large values are identified by
intense color. Figures of categories that were
identified as not well structured using the similarity
chart are shown to have a matrix with blocked
structure (e.g. (d) or (e) matrices).
Figure 3: Sentence vs category vectors for different
categories of the 20-newsgroup dataset (first line) with the
corresponding ‘term-to-sentences’ matrix using function
spy of MATLAB (right column) (a)
windows.misc (b) (c) talk.politics.misc.
There are two main alternative approaches to multi-
label classification problem using existing standard
classification techniques. The first is to build a
binary classifier that recognizes each class (resulting
in a classifier per class) (Yang, 1999), (Nigam et al,
2000). The second is to correlate each class –
document pair with a real value score, and use the
resulting scores in order to rank the relevance of a
document with each class. Classes that match some
threshold criterion can then be assigned to the
Below we present modified versions of standard
text classification techniques that permit definition
of many similarity classes and therefore they can be
considered as solutions of the scalable classification
problem. Multi-labeled results are obtained by
following the above-mentioned first technique that is
the construction of many binary classifiers (one for
each category). In addition, each classifier defines a
scalability function that is a function that we can
adjust in order to tune the similarity class.
4.1 Scalable Naïve Bayes
Naïve Bayes classifier treats a document as a vector
of attributes. In order to permit introduction of
different similarity classes we can rank categories
depending on a-posteriori probability. The
scalability function is then the a-posteriori
probability and we define similarity classes that
select the category with a specific rank position. We
define that i-similarity class selects the category that
its a posteriori probability has rank i.
4.2 Scalable Rocchio Classifier
Rocchio is an early text classification method
(Rocchio, 1971). In this method, each document is
represented as a vector, and each feature value in the
vector is computed using classic TD-IDF scheme
(Salton et al, 1983). Different similarity classes can
be easily constructed by ranking categories
according to the cosine similarity (scalability
function) of the document and the categories
vectors. Again, categories are ranked in increasing
order and i-similarity class selects the category that
its vector’s cosine has rank i.
4.3 Scalable k Nearest Neighbors
Given a test document, the kNN algorithm finds the
k nearest neighbors among the training documents,
and uses the categories of the k neighbors to weight
the category candidates. The similarity score of each
neighbor document to the test document is used as
the weight of the categories of the neighbor
document. If several of the k nearest neighbors share
a category, then the per-neighbor weights of that
category are added together, and the resulting
weighted sum is used as the likelihood score of that
category with respect to the test document. By
sorting the scores of candidate categories, a ranked
list can be obtained for the test document. Definition
of the similarity classes can be obtained by using the
ranked list of the categories sorted by the scores, so
as i-similarity class selects the i-th category as the
classification result. The scalability function is the
score value (weighted sum).
The algorithm we present here requires an initial set
of predefined categories and their corresponding
labeled data. The most useful characteristic of the
proposed classification algorithm is its scalability
feature. A text document can be classified into many
different categories depending on the similarity of
the semantic representation of its sentences with the
categories. Exploiting user’s level of expertise in a
specific area, we can relax or tighten the specific
number of sentences that we demand to match a
similarity threshold, in order to allow classification
of the article in many categories. Formal definition
of the Training Phase (in MATLAB pseudocode) of
the Scalable classification algorithm is shown in
Figure 4:
Algorithm Training Phase (Text of Document d
1. Decompose labeled text documents into their sentences
2. Compute term to sentences matrix of every category using some
indexing method
3. Compute category vectors by combining the columns of the
corresponding term to sentences matrix
4. Estimate categories similarity threshold, by computing the cosines of
the angles between the different category vectors of step 3
5. For each category, estimate sentences similarity threshold by
computing the cosines of the angles between all sentence vectors
with the corresponding category vector
Figure 4: Training Phase of the Scalable Classification
Main characteristics of the classification phase
(Figure 5) include the ability to adjust the number of
sentences k that must match a sentences similarity
threshold in order to classify the corresponding
document to a category and the feedback that the
algorithm implicitly takes in order to re-compute
categories vectors and therefore capture semantic
changes of the meaning of a topic as time (arrival of
new text documents) passes.
Algorithm [category, multicategory]=Classification Phase (Text of
Document d
1. Decompose unlabeled text document into its sentences
2. Compute term to sentences matrix of the document. Let d
= [s
, s
…, s
] be the term-to-sentences matrix of document d
3. Compute document vector by combining the columns of the term to
sentences matrix d
= sum(s
), i = 1, …, n
4. Estimate similarity (cosine) of the document vector with the category
vectors computed at step 3 of Training Phase. If cosine matches a similarity
threshold computed at step 4 of Training Phase classify the document to the
corresponding category. Let c
the category vector and t
the threshold of c
and k the number of the category vectors.
for j=1 to k do
if (t
, c
)) do
category = j;
goto step 7;
end if
End for
5. Estimate similarity (cosines) of each sentence with the category
vectors computed at step 3 of Training Phase
6. If a cosine matches a similarity threshold computed at step 5 of
Training Phase classify the document to the corresponding category
(allowing scalable multi-category document classification). Let c
category vector and ts
the sentence threshold of c
, k be the number of the
category vectors.
7. for i=1 to n do
8. multicategory=[];
for j=1 to k do
if (ts
, c
)) do
multicategory =[ multicategory j];
end if
end for
9. end for
10. category=category+normalize(d
Figure 5: Classification Phase of the Scalable
Classification Algorithm.
In this section we provide experimental evaluation
of the scalability property of the Scalable
classification algorithm we presented. We define
scalability property as the ability of a classifier to
adjust classification results in a ‘per-user’ basis. In
order to measure scalability, we measured the total
number of documents that were returned to the
output of the classifiers for different values of the
scalability function of each classifier. For the
evaluation we used the 20 newsgroup dataset and a
news dataset consisting of five general categories
(business, education, entertainment, health, and
politics) with articles from different well known
news portals. All experiments were conducted using
both the Rainbow tool as well as TMG (Zeimpekis
and Gallopoulos, 2005).
Table 1: Average F-scores for different number of
similarity classes.
Average F
2 0,83
3 0,79
4 0,79
5 0,71
2 0,91
3 0,86
4 0,87
Web news
5 0,79
Evaluation of the accuracy of the algorithm can
be seen on Table 1, where average F-scores are
presented for different numbers of total similarity
classes (p).
We see two main achievements in this paper. Firstly,
scalability issues of text classification problem were
studied resulting in a formal definition of a wide
range of new classification problems. Definition of
different similarity classes introduces a new way to
represent formally the need for ‘per-user’ results that
a large range of applications demand. In addition,
representation of categories using category vectors
permits the use of feedback acquired by newly
classified text documents in order to re-define
categories. Such an approach results in following a
topic’s meaning while time passes and capturing
semantic changes. Besides, a text analysis technique
based on document decomposition into its sentences
was presented and applied into the scalable
classification problem resulting in an efficient
algorithm. To the best of our knowledge, such an
approach is the first text processing technique to
exploit the lack of certainty of a user’s information
need that different applications imply in order to
relax or tighten a similarity threshold and provide
users with a wider or tighter set of answers. As
experimental analysis proved, this technique
provides a powerful tool for the analysis of text
datasets, the identification of abnormalities as well
as provides very accurate results for different
number of similarity classes.
Future work will include further exploration of
the presented text analysis technique and direct use
of it for web mining problems. There is also need for
development of well-specified datasets for the
evaluation of future algorithms on the scalable
classification problem.
Ioannis Antonellis’s work was partially supported by
a Zosima Foundation Scholarship under grant
1039944/ 891/ B0011 /21-04-2003 (joint decision of
Ministry of Education and Ministry of Economics).
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