Alina Stasiecka
, Jacek Plodzien
, Ewa Stemposz
Institute of Computer Science, Polish Academy of Sciences, ul. Ordona 21, Warsaw, Poland
Polish-Japanese Institute of Information Technologies, ul. Koszykowa 86, Warsaw, Poland
Keywords: e-learning, metadata categories, SCORM.
Abstract: In our recent research, through collecting and analyzing questionnaires filled out by users of e-learning
resources, we have identified several useful metadata for describing such resources. In this paper we present
our proposal of how to integrate those metadata into the SCORM standard. We propose to define two
completely new categories for quality and reuse potential (reusability), and to put the other metadata into the
categories already existing in the standard. We believe that our proposal, especially its fragment concerning
the quality and reusability of e-learning resources, creates the direction in which SCORM should go in the
near future.
E-learning exemplifies those IT domains that have
become extremely popular in recent years. That is a
reason why the issue of standardization in the e-
learning field is becoming more and more important.
In one of our latest papers (Stasiecka et al., 2006) we
have presented some results of our research on the
problem of metadata in e-learning standards,
especially in the SCORM 2004 standard (ADLNET,
2004). Those results include metadata and their
categories that we identified during a statistical
analysis of the data collected through our special
questionnaire for users of e-learning resources. We
identified several metadata that initially we
categorized as: Basic Specification, Didactics,
Evaluation, Functionality, Usability, Environment,
Formal Requirements, Reusability, and Quality.
Most of those metadata are completely new
compared to SCORM 2004.
In our opinion, the most useful of our metadata
categories are the following: Didactics, Evaluation,
Reusability and Quality. The Didactics and
Evaluation categories concern the conformance of
the structure of an e-learning resource to the model
of effective learning (Allesi & Trollip, 2001) and the
evaluation of the learning process; Reusability and
Quality concern the problems of the reuse potential
and the quality of e-learning resources. We hope that
those categories may be especially helpful for those
who need to decide which learning resource to
use/reuse from several resources on the same/similar
This paper presents the next step in our research.
We incorporate our metadata discussed in (Stasiecka
et al., 2006) into SCORM by extending the standard
with two new categories for reusability and quality,
and by putting the remaining metadata into
appropriate already existing SCORM categories. In
our opinion, both the new and modified elements
may increase the usefulness of e-learning resources
metadata and therefore they may be a useful part of
the SCORM standard. Due to space limit, we
concentrate only on some of the categories.
The paper is organized as follows. In its main
part – Section 2 – we present our proposal of the
new and modified metadata categories in the
standard. Section 3 concludes the paper and outlines
our future research.
Below we present our proposal of incorporating the
metadata identified in our research into the SCORM
standard. We followed the presentation method in
(ADLNET, 2004), but due to space limit we
Stasiecka A., Plodzien J. and Stemposz E. (2006).
In Proceedings of WEBIST 2006 - Second International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies - Society, e-Business and
e-Government / e-Learning, pages 398-402
DOI: 10.5220/0001244403980402
concentrated on the following aspects of the
metadata elements: textual description, multiplicity
requirements, data type, and weight (a new aspect
for some elements).
2.1 Modification to the SCORM
Educational Element
We propose to extend the SCORM Educational
category by introducing the following child
2.1.1 <didactics> Element
The <didactics> element groups elements
representing the conformance of the resource to the
model of effective learning.
Multiplicity Requirements: 0 or 1.
Data Type: The <didactics> element is a parent
element; it contains the following child elements:
<structure> – groups elements representing the
conformance of the resource to the model of
effective learning (based on the order and the
proportions between the didactic components of
level I and level II). Multiplicity Requirements:
0 or 1. Data Type: The <structure> element is a
parent element; it contains the following child
- <modelConfLevel_I> – represents the
conformance to the model of effective
learning – for level I. Multiplicity
Requirements: 0 or 1. Data Type:
Vocabulary. Vocabulary Tokens: The valid
set of tokens is: {very good, good, sufficient,
insufficient, no conformance}.
- <modelConfLevel_II> – represents the
conformance to the model of effective
learning – for level II. Multiplicity
Requirements: 0 or 1. Data Type:
Vocabulary. Vocabulary Tokens: The valid
set of tokens is: {very good, good, sufficient,
insufficient, no conformance}.
- <quality> – represents the quality of the
didactic components. Multiplicity
Requirements: 0 or 1. Data Type:
Vocabulary. Vocabulary Tokens: The valid
set of tokens is: {very good, good, sufficient,
<learningParadigm> – represents the prevailing
learning paradigm used by the authors of the
resource. Multiplicity Requirements: 0 or 1.
Data Type: Vocabulary. Vocabulary Tokens:
The valid set of tokens is: {lecture-based,
problem-based, balanced}.
<learningTime> – groups elements representing
the expected (by the authors of the resource) time
that the learner needs to work through the
resource. Multiplicity Requirements: 0 or 1.
Data Type: The <learningTime> element is a
parent element; it contains the following child
- <effective> – represents the effective time of
working with the resource (in hours).
Multiplicity Requirements: 0 or 1. Data
Type: Duration.
- <continuous> – represents the time of
working with the resource (in days); the time
may include pauses. Multiplicity
Requirements: 0 or 1. Data Type: Duration.
2.1.2 <evaluation> Element
The <evaluation> element groups elements
representing the evaluation methods of: (1) the
results of the learning process (it concerns the
learner); (2) the usefulness and quality of the
resource itself.
Multiplicity Requirements: 0 or 1.
Data Type: The <evaluation> element is a parent
element; it contains the following child elements:
<selfEvaluation> – groups elements representing
the media supporting the learner’s self-
evaluation. Multiplicity Requirements: 0 or 1.
Data Type: The <selfEvaluation> element is a
parent element; it contains the following child
- <simulation> – represents the kinds of
simulation supporting the learner’s self-
evaluation. Multiplicity Requirements: 0 or
More. Data Type: Vocabulary. Vocabulary
Tokens: The valid set of tokens is: {case
studies, role playing, games, guided
- <drillAndPractice> – represents the kinds of
questions supporting the learner’s self-
evaluation. Multiplicity Requirements: 0 or
More. Data Type: Vocabulary. Vocabulary
Tokens: The valid set of tokens is: {one-
choice questions, multiple-choice questions,
matching, jigsaw puzzles, open questions}.
<problemQuestion> – groups elements
representing the questions for the conceptual
context of group problem-solving. Multiplicity
Requirements: 0 or 1. Data Type: The
<problemQuestion> element is a parent element;
it contains the following child elements:
- <solving> – represents the questions for
testing the ability to solve the problems
discussed in the resource, but in a new
context. Multiplicity Requirements: 0 or 1.
Data Type: Vocabulary. Vocabulary
Tokens: The valid set of tokens is: {good
quantity, sufficient quantity, insufficient
quantity, no questions}.
- <isolating> – represents the questions for
testing the ability to isolate the characteristics
of the beginning situation and of the expected
situation. Multiplicity Requirements: 0 or 1.
Data Type: Vocabulary. Vocabulary
Tokens: The valid set of tokens is: {good
quantity, sufficient quantity, insufficient
quantity, no questions}.
- <evaluating> – represents the questions for
testing the ability to evaluate the solutions
proposed by others. Multiplicity
Requirements: 0 or 1. Data Type:
Vocabulary. Vocabulary Tokens: The valid
set of tokens is: {good quantity, sufficient
quantity, insufficient quantity, no questions}.
- <substantiating> – represents the questions
for testing the ability to substantiate the
solutions of problems. Multiplicity
Requirements: 0 or 1. Data Type:
Vocabulary. Vocabulary Tokens: The valid
set of tokens is: {good quantity, sufficient
quantity, insufficient quantity, no questions}.
<questionsStrategy> – represents the strategy of
choosing questions. Multiplicity Requirements:
0 or More. Data Type: Vocabulary. Vocabulary
Tokens: The valid set of tokens is: {fixed
sequence, random, previous-answers driven,
mixed, no questions}.
<feedback> – groups elements representing the
existence of a feedback mechanism. Multiplicity
Requirements: 0 or 1. Data Type: The
<feedback> element is a parent element; it
contains the following child elements:
- <corrAnswFeedback> – represents the
existence of correct-answer feedback.
Multiplicity Requirements: 0 or 1. Data
Type: Vocabulary. Vocabulary Tokens: The
valid set of tokens is: {yes, no}.
- <auxQuestFeedback> – represents the
existence of auxiliary-questions feedback.
Multiplicity Requirements: 0 or 1. Data
Type: Vocabulary. Vocabulary Tokens: The
valid set of tokens is: {yes, no}.
- <reporting> – represents the existence of
evaluation reporting. Multiplicity
Requirements: 0 or 1. Data Type:
Vocabulary. Vocabulary Tokens: The valid
set of tokens is: {yes, no}.
<questionnaire> – represents the possibility to
evaluate the resource with the help of a
questionnaire (e.g., questions about its quality).
Multiplicity Requirements: 0 or 1. Data Type:
Vocabulary. Vocabulary Tokens: The valid set
of tokens is: {yes, no}.
2.2 New < reusability> Element
The Reusability category provides elements that
describe the reuse potential of the resource, that is,
the possibility to use it to create another e-learning
Data Type: The <reusability> element is a parent
element; it contains the following child elements:
2.2.1 <useContext> Element
The <useContext> element represents the context(s)
in which the resource can be used.
Multiplicity Requirements: 0 or More.
Data Type: CharacterString.
2.2.2 <platform> Element
The <platform> element represents the platforms on
which the resource has been tested.
Multiplicity Requirements: 0 or More.
Data Type: Platform (this data type has to be
2.2.3 <standard> Element
The <standard> element represents the conformance
of the resource to the standards.
Multiplicity Requirements: 0 or More.
Data Type: The <standard> element is a parent
element; it contains the following child elements:
<name> – Multiplicity Requirements: 0 or 1.
Data Type: CharacterString.
<certificate> – Multiplicity Requirements: 0 or
1. Data Type: CharacterString.
<date> – Multiplicity Requirements: 0 or 1.
Data Type: DateTime.
<body> – Multiplicity Requirements: 0 or 1.
Data Type: CharacterString.
2.2.4 <contactInfo> Element
The <contactInfo> element represents the (author,
technical support etc.) contact information necessary
to use/reuse the resource.
Multiplicity Requirements: 0 or 1.
Data Type: Vocabulary.
Vocabulary Tokens: The valid set of tokens is:
{very good, good, sufficient, insufficient}.
2.2.5 <reference> Element
The <reference> element represents the
persons/institutions that recommend the resource.
Multiplicity Requirements: 0 or More.
Data Type: Reference (this data type has to be
2.2.6 <user> Element
The <user> element represents the
persons/institutions that have used or are using the
Multiplicity Requirements: 0 or More.
Data Type: User (this data type has to be defined).
2.2.7 <opinion> Element
The <opinion> element represents opinions about
the resource by its users.
Multiplicity Requirements: 0 or More.
Data Type: Opinion (this data type has to be
2.3 New <quality> Element
The Quality category provides elements that
describe the quality of the resource.
Currently, the weight of each element
influencing the quality of the e-learning resource as
a whole is 1. We plan to perform new statistical
research with a new version of our questionnaire to
establish real values for the weights.
Data Type: The <quality> element is a parent
element; it contains the following child elements:
2.3.1 <basicQuality> Element
The <basicQuality> element represents the quality
of the resource with respect to the following
categories: Basic Specification, Didactics,
Evaluation, Functionality, Usability, Environment,
Formal Requirements, Reusability.
Multiplicity Requirements: 0 or 1.
Weight: 1.
Data Type: Vocabulary.
Vocabulary Tokens: The valid set of tokens is:
{very good, good, sufficient, insufficient}.
2.3.2 <searchSupport> Element
The <searchSupport> element represents the support
to find information about the resource with the help
of the resource’s key words and classification.
Multiplicity Requirements: 0 or 1.
Data Type: Vocabulary.
Vocabulary Tokens: The valid set of tokens is:
{very good, good, sufficient, insufficient}.
2.3.3 <userSatisfaction> Element
The <userSatisfaction> element represents the
quality of the resource with respect to its user
satisfaction aspect.
Multiplicity Requirements: 0 or 1.
Weight: 1.
Data Type: Vocabulary.
Vocabulary Tokens: The valid set of tokens is:
{very good, good, sufficient, insufficient}.
2.3.4 <expertAppraisal> Element
The <expertAppraisal> element represents the expert
appraisal of the resource by independent experts
and/or authorizing bodies.
Multiplicity Requirements: 0 or More.
Weight: 1.
Data Type: ExpertAppraisal (this data type has to
be defined).
2.3.5 <patternConformance> Element
The <patternConformance> element represents the
conformance degree of the resource to the pattern
resource, that is, to the resource whose quality with
respect to didactics, evaluation, functionality,
usability, reusability, user satisfaction and expert
appraisal are considered to be optimal. This element
is a derived one.
Multiplicity Requirements: 0 or 1.
Weight: 1.
Data Type: Vocabulary.
Vocabulary Tokens: The valid set of tokens is:
{very high, high, low, very low}.
In the paper we have presented our proposal of how
to integrate the metadata that we have identified in
our research into the SCORM standard. We propose
to define two completely new categories: Quality
and Reusability, and to put the remaining elements
into the existing standard categories. Because a lot
of the metadata are either new or modified forms of
SCORM metadata, we believe that they could
become a useful part of the standard.
In our current and future work we plan to collect
more data from users of e-learning resources and
perform a statistical analysis on them. The findings
of the analysis should enable us to further develop
our proposal, especially, its part concerning the issue
of the quality of e-learning resources.
ADLNET, 2004. SCORM 2004 standard,
Allesi, S.M. & Trollip, S.R., 2001. Multimedia for
Learning: Methods and Development, Needham
Heights, MA: Allyn and Bacon.
Stasiecka, A., Plodzien, J., & Stemposz, E., 2006. The
Classification of E-Learning Resources Metadata: A
Proposal. In WEBIST’06, International Conference on
Web Information Systems and Technologies.