besides having a specific results system that
recursively expands any relevant mapping for a
query, retrieving important data from peers.
SeLeNe (Self e-Learning Networks) project (Keenoy
et al. 2004) is based on a GRID service architecture
supported by metadata, which provides facilities for
discovering and sharing e-learning resources.
Edutella system (Nejdl et al. 2002) is characterized
for providing a multiple platform to extend, specify
and implement a metadata infrastructure in RDF for
P2P network, which provides the sharing didactic
resources among institutions.
In the context of ROSA - P2P, Edutella is the one
that deserves more attention since, to the best of our
knowledge, it is the only architecture based on
. Hence, some of its characteristics were
essential to define important issues in ROSA - P2P,
such as routing indices and peers grouping.
Furthermore, the main difference between ROSA -
P2P and the other systems concerns the type of
distributed architecture used to provide
interoperability and data sharing on the Web. While
the others use schema mapping tables, P2P, and
GRID, ROSA - P2P profits from the computational
capacity of P2P architecture based on super-peers,
and a complex ontology based structure to process
and integrate queries results. Nevertheless, ROSA -
P2P presents some features not explored so far in the
other projects, such as a specific strategy for
grouping super-peers based on a subject domain, and
instance integration instead of schemas, since ROSA
does not provide a conceptual schema.
This paper presented the evolution of ROSA system
that has been transformed from local system into a
distributed one, named ROSA - P2P, now able to
provide global answers to user’s queries.
Throughout this paper two aspects have been
carefully emphasized: the P2P environment and data
integration, which specify among other
characteristics: details about this environment,
responsible for an adequate interoperability;
controlled vocabularies to support semantic
conflicts, broadcast and queries rewriting; a query
processing strategy based on queries contents; and
the strategy used to integrate ROSA - P2P LOs.
The system has been validated with intensive
tests presenting results in satisfactory time, taking
into account the number of peers and the domain
knowledge diversity they encompassed (Brito,
2005). As future work, we intend to: continue the
system evaluation work, using a more robust
platform; perform communication protocols
simulation using different network topologies and a
larger number of peers to ensure the real system
stability; and enrich the system with a query
distributed optimized plan, which will provide more
autonomy in query processing.
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