X-TEC model is supported by software engineering
goals, principles and actions (Pressman, 2001),
(Bates, 2000). In particular, the model is appraised
Reusability: How well the model is suited to create,
as well as incorporate, reusable components into its
Testability: Each stage deliverables are evaluated to
specify how well they are suited for use in a testing
Modifiability: The degree to which the educational
software product generated using the model is
evaluated. In particular, it is determined the degree
of object coupling allowed in the model. If the
degree allowed of coupling is unconstrained, then
the method provides poor modifiability.
Conceptual Integrity: Conceptual integrity is a
measure of degree to which the models remain true
to the concept of “objects”.
Access: How accessible is a particular technology
for learners? How flexible is it for a particular target
Cost: What is the cost structure of each technology?
What is the unit cost per student?
Teaching and Learning: What kinds of learning are
needed? What instructional approaches will best
meet these needs? What are the best technologies
supporting this teaching and learning process?
Interactivity and user-friendliness: What kind of
interaction does this technology enable? How easy is
it to be used?
Organization and user-friendliness: What are the
organizational requirements and the barriers to be
removed before this technology can be used
successfully? What changes in organization need to
be made?
Novelty: How new is this technology?
Speed: How quickly can courses be mounted with
this technology? How quickly can materials be
This study is the first step towards creating a model
for the development of educational materials based
on results.
It is our ultimate goal to train a workforce of
talented educational designers, equipped with the
fundamental skills to effectively undertake any
problem in educational systems design.
We will go in depth with the process of creating a
model that allows developers of educational
software to reduce the gap between instructional
design and technical development.
Tacit knowledge, or the knowledge held by people
in their brains, is fed mainly by two streams: training
and experience. We believe it could be an interesting
research to track the training and experience of the
present online developers of educational software in
order to check if their background corresponds to the
necessary profile of the knowledge holder and
manager. Indeed, and besides training and
experience, the profile should also include social and
economics variables.
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