The XGC Approach
Vicente R. Tomás López
, J. Javier Samper
Juan José Martínez.
University Jaume I, Spain,
Robotics Institute. University of Valencia, Spain
Keywords: User Interfaces, Graphics, Intelligent transport Systems.
Abstract: In domains where several and different systems are working jointly, the integration of them via graphic
interfaces is necessary to improve their employ and the user acceptance degree. In the transportation domain
the interfaces are basically based on object control that allows to the road operator to manage the different
traffic elements. The most usual interfaces are proprietary and they use different vocabularies to work with
the same concepts. In this paper traffic ontology is presented. It is used to develop a Generic interface: the
eXtensible Graphic Container-XGC. This user interface allows to create a standard interface able to integrate
different systems. The system presents several good features: 1) traffic ontology is used to develop the object
systems and to provide semantic knowledge; 2) the container is developed in Java which allows to use it in
different platforms; 3) open source approach.
In domains where object control is needed, a
graphic user interface is the most common type of
interface used at the moment. The modern
window-based systems with standardized screens,
buttons, etc. provide a small learning curve and a
high user acceptance. Unfortunately the
development of a user interface is not standardized
and between operating systems (MS-Windows,
Linux etc.) there are big differences in appearance.
So in a heterogeneous computing environment, an
operator still needs to learn different interfaces.
Especially in the transportation domain there
are big differences in supplier provided equipment.
In Traffic Control Centres a real hotchpotch of
operator terminals are used. Usually exits a
terminal per application. This is caused because all
systems are proprietary systems and there is a big
lack of openness. One of the main causes of this
situation is the lack of a requirement for
“functional layers” or “open interfaces” in a
procurement process.
Important issues like maintainability and
extensibility are poorly defined and the real
meaning of such an approach is often noted too
late; a new monolith is added to the infrastructure.
Maintaining and extending such systems is not
only complex, but often very expensive. Most
developments depend on expensive proprietary
libraries or even worse: recurring license fees.
A possible solution could be the definition and
implementation of a fully open and free
infrastructure for the development of control
applications. However such a project would be too
complex and first usable results would take too
long. For this reason a smaller step was undertaken
by us, with as prime objective the definition and
implementation of an open-source “extensible
graphic container” in short XGC. The project
focuses mainly on the presentation layer and partly
on the business layer of a system and provides the
necessary libraries to develop specific dedicated
On the other hand, it is clear that XML has
been recognized as an important technology and
that first steps have been made for the
transportation domain. However XML is only a
basic framework for the definition of other XML
languages. DTD’s and XML-Schemas are a way to
express data elements, their data type and in XML
Schema also has basic functionality to describe
data constraints. Replacing the actual exchange of
data in an XML-based language has certainly
many advantages, but the current developments in
the XML-world show that it is also necessary to
define the meaning or semantics of the exchanged
elements. As far as we could find in our literature
study, there are no serious attempts to define
specific semantic web based ontology for
transportation applications. A “common
vocabulary” based on XML enables seamless
R. Tomás López V., Javier Samper J. and José Martínez. J. (2006).
In Proceedings of WEBIST 2006 - Second International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies - Internet Technology / Web
Interface and Applications, pages 422-427
DOI: 10.5220/0001253204220427
integration of transportation systems and provides
a solid foundation for future extensions.
This paper presents the work that we are
currently developing to create a generic graphic
container for transportation systems. The paper is
organized as follow: Next section exposes the state
of the art of road traffic vocabularies. Section 3
offers a first approach of a common vocabulary
(ontology) for traffic systems. Section 4 gives the
background information how we got here. Section
5 describes the XGC model and its functionality
and finally the conclusions and next steps are
2.1 Existing Vocabularies
From several years ago, the use of mark-up
languages has been established as a need to allow a
reliable data exchange, emphasizing the use of
standards like HTML first and XML afterwards.
But nowadays we know that these architectures
can be inefficient if the objective is more than a
simple data exchange. However, it must be stated
that the use of XML is still one of the most
important tools in the information distribution area
in Internet, since it has been used to define most of
all the new languages that are used for data
exchange in the Web.
There are currently vocabularies or languages
that describe concepts and structures of data
related to traffic, but they are only syntactic
descriptions, lacking semantics. Therefore
although there are many works and developments
that use XML mark-up languages (information
diffusion, data exchange, traffic modelling), no
semantic specifications like the ones proposed in
this paper are known.
For example, regarding road information
diffusion by a management centre, there are some
initiatives that make use of mark-up languages for
information diffusion like CARS (Condition
Acquisition and Reporting System) (Hamwi B and
Choudhry O., 2005) in the United States, where
XML and TMDD (Traffic Management Data
Dictionary) are used as well as the project of the
Research and Development Department of the
Hokkaido Development Bureau within the
ITS/Win Research programme where they propose
a language that uses XML technology called
RWML (Road Web Mark-up Language) in order to
manage traffic information. This language consists
of the description of a vocabulary that allows the
information related to roads, weather forecasts,
natural disasters, geographical regions, etc. to be
represented. (Kajiya Y. et al., 2004).
For experiences of mark-up languages for road
information using XML we underline: Traffic Data
Mark-up Language (TDML), where XML Schema
Data is defined and used instead of DTDs, and also
in Europe TPEG (Transport Protocol Experts
Group) with Road Traffic Message Application
ML (Tpeg-rtml v0.4 ).
On the other hand, several specifications. have
been developed about traffic modelling in the
Transportation Research Center of the University
of Florida: TMML (Traffic Model Markup
Language). This markup language facilitates
sharing data among the different software products
for traffic modelling. They propose a specification
that will cover all the data commonly used by a
group of software products that manage
information related to signalled intersections and
roads. The use of TSDD (Traffic Software Data
Dictionary) is good as a reference for the used
vocabulary and labels used for identifying classes
and attributes.
Other researches focus their interest on the
development of specific vocabularies for accidents
like CRML (Crash Records Mark-up Language),
transport and logistics like or travel information
like the one developed by Mitretek where the
Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) has
developed an XML vocabulary for ATIS called
Traveller Information Mark-up Language, based
on the SAE ATIS data dictionary and the groups of
standard messages (J2353 y J2354) defined using
ASN. 1. The final result is a Standard mark-up
language documented by XML Schema.
2.2 Why are Traffic Ontologies
All the above mentioned demonstrates that the
current computer traffic information processing is
quite limited and can be improved from different
points of view. These ideas are precisely the ones
that have been taken as a starting point for this
The representation schema will have the
following aspects:
• It will have to be interpreted by the computer
and be easily exchangeable among applications.
It will have to join the existing information
representation standards in their syntactic aspects
As examples of possible applications based on
the chosen representation schema, the following
can be mentioned:
• An intelligent consultation and search system
of traffic information.
A tool for the visualization of the structured
If a user or an operator of the system needs to
know specific information about the accidents
occurred in a certain road, he will probably wants
to know details about the vehicles involved, types
of roads, etc, and therefore this type of question
will not only involve one knowledge source but
several. That is why the use of ontologies is so
important, thanks to some of their characteristics
like the distribution and the possibility of inferring
non explicit knowledge beforehand.
As a particular case let us take an accident
occurred in a particular toll motorway like “AP-7”.
If we use the terminological specifications of these
types of roads and considering the attributes
(number of toll sections, origin, destination,
alternative roads, name) we could establish some
questions that would immediately be solved by our
inference system:
What number of toll sections are there in all the
A-7 motorway? 4
What is the origin and destination for each one
of these sections? Section 0: La Jonquera-Puzol,
Section 1 Silla-Alicante.
The transportation systems are composed by
common objects such as roads, vehicles, etc. But
the way of this objects are modeled is different
depending on the systems (Van den Berg L., 2002).
Therefore, the development of a generic user
interface must contain a common representation of
these objects.
This approach implies the definition and use a
common ontology around the road traffic domain.
This ontology is composed by several sub domains.
Next, the traffic ontology is presented.
The road domain is also divided in several
subdomains. The first describes topological
features of the roads, and the second establishes a
classification for the different types of them.
The topological subdomain is composed of the
following objects:
Roads: They represent a way between an
origin and a destination. It is composed by a set of
segments and links that belongs to the same road.
Itineraries: They represent a way between
an origin and a destination. It is composed by
segments and links that belong to different roads.
Segments: They represent one way road
sections with the same number of lanes (i.e., a two
way road section is represented as two one way
road sections)
Links: They represent the road network
areas where two, or more, adjacent segments are
In figure 1 we can see a partial view of the
hierarchy of classes elaborated for the subdomain
road classification
Figure 1: Partial view of the hierarchy of classes for the
subdomain “Road Classification”.
In this subdomain are identified different roads
taking mainly into the count different criteria as
roads by destination, and localization. By example
we can classify the term “Street” under the criteria
“Localization” with the following meaning: “They
are the routes that are located within of a town,
which means the space that includes buildings and
in whose routes of entrance and exit they are
placed, respectively, the signals of entrance and
exit.” The restrictions on the properties like
“domain Public”, “locatedIn Town” etc. will help
in the automatic classification.
Next subdomain is devoted to the available
equipment along the non urban network. The basic
equipments that had been identified in this
subdomain are:
Data capture stations: These equipments are
in charge of the transmission of road information.
It can be subclassified in
o Traffic data capture station: It
provides data about the traffic
behavior (flow, speed, density)
o Meteorological station: It provides
information about weather
CCTV cameras: provides road images in
real time that can be used to survey traffic status in
concrete places.
Emergency phones: These phones are
directly connected to traffic control centers. They
allow drivers to communicate directly with road
Variable Signals: A Variable Signal is a
signal with the purpose of displaying messages
that may be changed or switched on or off as it will
be required.
The last subdomain presented of this traffic
ontology defines the traffic behavior model. This
subdomain describes the traffic behavior and its
related parameters and it allow to share traffic
information between systems. It is subclassified in
two main groups: traffic parameters and weather
The traffic parameters are:
Volume: the total number of vehicles on a
section or lane during a given time interval (annual,
daily or hourly periods).
Flow rate (intensity): the rate at which
vehicles pass on a section or a lane during a given
time interval smaller than 1 hour (usually 15 m).
Speed: It is a rate of motion expressed as
distance per time unit.
Density: the number of vehicles on a given
length of a section or a lane in a particular instant
Level of service (LOS): It defines the
manoeuvre freedom of drivers in the traffic
streams (Transportation Research Board, 2000). It
is influenced by traffic and weather parameters.
The weather parameters affecting traffic
behavior are:
Visibility: It determines the recommended
security distance between vehicles and the
maximum speed drivers can drive.
Road surface: the state of the surface defines
the road vehicles adhesion
Precipitations: Both, rain and snow have
impacts on visibility and road surface status.
Wind: Strong gusts can modify the
trajectory of vehicles.
The constant increase of the technology and the
need of more advanced systems to manage and
control traffic imply the installation of more and
more systems in the Traffic Control Centres.
Currently, these systems are not integrated. Thus,
the road operator has several interfaces, one for
each system, to work with them.
To solve this problem the Transport Research
Centre of the Dutch Ministry of Transport funded a
research project “Paradigma” (Van den Berg L.
and Klijnhout J., 2001) which main objective was
to define and implement a generic infrastructure
for traffic management applications.
Some recommendations from that project were:
A modern traffic management system
should be developed as a multi-tiered system with
a clear separation between the persistency, the
application and presentation layers.
A loosely coupled asynchronous message
interface is the preferred way of linking layers
together. Such an interface, with the popular name
Postman Pat can be build using the Java Message
The high value of eXtensible Markup
Language (XML) for transportation was
recognized (Tomás, Vicente R. et al., 2003).
Besides the core-functionality in the basic
XML-framework new “dialects” such as Resource
Description Framework (for the semantics of
traffic objects) and Scalable Vector Graphics (for
the visual representation of traffic objects) were
identified as important for the transportation
Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) is a core
technology for a generic user interface, because of
its openness and the availability of a multitude of
tools through different vendors.
Besides a multilayer approach, the use of XML
and Java Message System JMS (Hunter J., 2001),
the most important step in the development of the
prototype was adding support for the processing of
vector based graphics in the SVG format.
To enable SVG-support in the prototype an
additional set of functions was added for viewing
and manipulating SVG-documents. All specific
2D graphic support was replaced by SVG-support
and functionality to interact with external systems
was added in the beginning of 2004 the prototype
was converted to its first official release and
named “eXtensible Graphic Container” or XGC.
The architecture of the present version of XGC is
showed in figure 2
Business Logic
Java VM
Application Server
Web ser ver
Figure 2: Architecture of XGC.
The XGC-library only works with Java version
1.4. Two additional libraries are a basic
requirement for XGC to function: The Batik
( and Xalan-J
( libraries from Apache.
To interact with its environment a Java
Enterprise edition J2EE (Kay M., 2004) compliant
application server is needed. The application
server takes care of the message-based interaction
with the “business logic” residing in the
application server. It is the responsibility of the
system developer to define, design and implement
business logic in the application server.
In large scale applications where numerous
maps and objects are used, the basic requirements
are sufficient memory and a fast platform for the
Java Virtual Machine. A Pentium IV, PC-platform
running at 2.5Ghz with a 512Mbyte memory can
be defined as a minimum platform. The present
version is tested on Linux and Windows. No
difficulties are expected for other platforms.
5.1 XGC: How it Works
The architecture shows the two different part of
XGC; the presentation and the interaction with the
“business logic” through a message interface. We
will focus first on the presentation.
To be able to show objects in their environment
XGC can use “road maps” as a background. SVG
is used to create these backgrounds, which can
take the shape of a geographical correct map or a
schematic view of the road network. Thanks to the
support of bitmap formats, the background can
also consist of a single bitmap file or a
combination of a bitmap and vector graphics. The
objects that compose “road maps” are defined in
the topological road ontology described in Section
The visual objects representing the actual
traffic objects, such as emergency phones, variable
message signs etc. are placed as a second layer on
top of the background. These visual objects are
identified in the equipment ontology. They are
defined as re-usable SVG-symbols. As stated for
the background, a bitmap image can also be
declared as a reusable symbol.
The combination of a background map and the
visual objects are declared in a SVG-file using the
standardized XML-format. In principle this
SVG-file can be created with standard
SVG-editors. However, thanks to its XML-origin,
the file can be dynamically created using
Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL) (Kajiya Y.
et al., 2004).
At present the available version supports
dynamic generation of the SVG-content.
For this process, two files need to be provided:
An XML file containing the configuration and an
XSL-file containing the transformation
instructions. For the transformation process an
Apache product, the Xalan-Java2 library is used.
Xalan-Java 2 is an XSLT processor for
transforming XML documents into HTML, text, or
other XML document types. It implements XSLT
Version 1.0 and XML XPath Version 1.0.
To create the XML and XSL-document it is
recommended to use a commercial off-the-shelf
XML-editor. XGC doesn’t and will not include
functionality to create the configuration files.
To visualize the SVG-document a software
library is needed to place each element and
possible attributes in a Document Object Model
Tree and to render it on screen. This functionality
is provided by means of another Apache product,
the Batik library, which provides functions for
loading, rendering and manipulating
SVG-documents. XGC depends heavily on Batik,
meaning all functional additions to Batik will also
be available in XGC. At the moment XGC
includes version 1.5.1 of Batik.
Thanks to Batik’s use of the SVG-standard the
elements of the SVG-Document can be altered
programmatically by adding scripts to the
documents or through its programming interface.
In the case of XGC only the latter is used, dynamic
scripting is not allowed.
However XGC is not a single Screen container;
it runs as a Desktop application containing
multiple internal frames. Each frame can be a
Screen, which means that XGC is able to support
multiple user screens at once. Although XGC is
intended for SVG-based graphic rendering, other
types of frames can be added. At the moment XGC
supports screens for alarm- and plain text logging,
HTML3.2 rendering (for instance for on-line help)
and XML-viewing.
The configuration of the Desktop is placed in a
single XML-file containing the application
specific elements such as security issues, as well as
the individual Screen elements and their attributes.
Each Screen-element has attributes used to
configure the Screen automatically at start up.
The configuration file is handled and managed
by the applications’ Configuration Handler, which
reads the configuration file at start-up and places
the configuration items in public variables,
accessible to all classes in the application.
Each object can be made dynamic, meaning it
can interact with the environment outside the
platform it is running in. The simplest example is
interaction with the operator. XGC supports
standard “tool tips”, meaning hovering over the
object, a text can be shown. This is the default
behavior included in SVG. On the other hand XGC
contains support for clicking on the object and
triggering object specific behavior.
As already mentioned, for this to happen, the
“semantics” of the object has been identified.
Clicking on the object results in reading the
objects’ semantic attribute, and based on its
contents a context specific pop-up menu is
Each menu item is defined in XGC’s
configuration file and it can contain text as well as
graphic content. Each menu item trigger creates a
command object, containing the identification of
the selected visual object and the requested
This command object is send in serialized form
via the message service to the application server
where the requested behavior is activated
Using this loosely coupled asynchronous
message mechanism in stead of a standard closely
coupled synchronous mechanism has different
A request can take numerous sub-actions
which takes a certain number of times. It is not
desirable to have an operator wait until the system
comes back with a response
Message based interaction improves the
systems’ availability. Even when the application
server is out-of-order, the message stays queued
until the application server has regained service
and is able to handle the request. The reply from
the application server is also send via the message
mechanism. This adds other important advantages
to the ones already mentioned:
It supports the “separation of concerns”
paradigm. The business logic doesn’t concern how
the response will be rendered on screen
By completely separating the layers by
means of a message mechanism, the systems’
scalability is improved substantially. It is really
easy to add another listener to the response topic.
The developing of new systems, or upgrading
others, can present problems if they have to work
jointly and with the same objects but they do not
share information. In these situations the
definitions of commons vocabulary are a good
option to share information and knowledge.
In this paper, the need to have a common
vocabulary in the transportation has been
identified and this road traffic ontology has been
developed to develop traffic systems. This
ontology has been used as a knowledge base to
implement a generic user interface.
The generic interface presented has several
good features: 1) based on a traffic ontology to
develop the object systems and to provide
semantic knowledge; 2) the container is developed
in Java which allows to use it in different
platforms; 3) open source approach.
The system has been tested in a real Dutch
network. (figure 3). The traffic data flows have
been simulated using data files containing real
traffic information.
Currently the system is being used to develop
the user interface of a new traffic system based on
a Multiagent architecture and able to work with
Traffic management plans.
Figure 3: Dutch road network with XGC interface.
We would like to thank to Spanish Ministry of
Science and Technology. This research has been
supported by the CICYT project with reference
TRA2004-06276 (“Development of a system
using a conceptual infrastructure based on
ontologies, to exchange good information between
trucks and external entities “)
Transportation Research Board “Highway Capacity
Manual” 2000.
Tomás, Vicente R. et al. New technologies to work with
traffic management plans. p.
36-39. Traffic Technology
International.. 2003
Hunter J. Java Servlet programming. 2
edition. 2001
Van den Berg L. and Klijnhout J. Paradigma, From Open
Systems Architecture to Open Systems. IX ITS World
Congress Chicago 2001
Kay M. XPath 2.0. Programmers Reference. 2004
Van den Berg L. A basic need for effective traffic
management. A universal operator interface. X ITS
World Congress. Madrid 2002
Hamwi B, Choudhry O. Condition Acquisition and
Reporting System (CARS). ITS Canada Conference.
Kajiya Y, Yamagiwa Y, Kudo Y, Road Web Markup
Language-XML for Road-related Information
Distribution. Transportation Research Board-Annual
Meeting. 2004